Db Importing

May 12, 2005

A common tip on this forum to reduce a db FE is to create a new db and import in from the original. Easy. Now I have done this and on navigating through the new db have no trouble when new. I then put in the start up form and close it. On start up again I get the following message. "Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost". When trying to view any VBA coding the same message appears.
All tips or directions to other treads welcome.


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May 11, 2006

I imported a database designed several years ago into Access 2003, but all that I got was the tables. Is there a way to get the reports, queries, forms, etc? Thank for all the help.

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Importing Xml

Feb 14, 2008

I have an xml from the powers that be in IT: can post it here if anyone wants, but it's quite big. Tried to import it into Access 2003, no joy. Than I realised that it it's almost certainly attribute-centric.


And so I need to create a template to make it look normal. although they give an example on the microsoft page, it's bespoke to the xml they create from Northwind and i'm struggling to write a template from scratch.

The xml appears to have tables embedded and all sorts, it's not just a flat file structure....

can that be reversed out with a template?

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Importing Xml To .mdb - Help!

Nov 27, 2004

Hi, I want to automatically import an .xml file into a table that i have in my .mdb. Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?
If you could point me in the right direction that would also be great.

Thanx in advance...

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Apr 3, 2006

I am trying to import into a table a very large text file that has information dumped into it every morning from a daily import.

I am building a database that is also using the same information but on a stand alone database and was curious to know if there is a way to link the txt file to a table so every morning that the new info is imported it will just automatically dump into the table.

I have filling this is not since it is a txt file and I will need to just setup a custom menu button that when pressed does the import into the table, but I was hoping it would be as simple as a link.

Thanks ahead of time.

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Jun 9, 2007

I am importing from a spreadsheet. The column is formated as text.
In the design view of the Access table for the associated field it is showing text.

When it encounters a record that is all numbers and no letters it imports it as an exponent

i.e. 32986698 is imported as 3.29867e+007

What can I do to correct this?


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Aug 3, 2005

When importing excel spreadsheets to access, I am getting the message subscript it out of range. What do I need to do in order for the spreadsheet to be imported?

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Importing Csv Files

May 25, 2005


I am having much trouble importing csv file into access 2003

My freewebs site have a registration form
The forms are then downloaded into my pc as csv files

According to freewebs, the csv file is access friendly and can be imported into access

so I tried for about a million time and still no luck

where did i go wrong?

this is what i did

help !


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Importing Photos

Jun 10, 2005

Have can I apply individual photo's to members records.
One photo for the one person in each record.


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Importing With Validation

Jun 15, 2005

Hi all,

My boss and I were trying to import some data from a .txt file there is a deliberate mistake and we were trying to get a input mask/validation rule to stop that particular record



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Can't See All Forms When Importing To DB

Aug 30, 2005

I'm having trouble with a DB that I've been using for four years in a multi-user environment. (Windows XP; Access 2000; Novell Network) Started with one user as she got a new WinXP PC (had Win2K - not totally convinced that she didn't have the problem before the new PC); she wasn't able to do a keyword search - it would bring up every record, but other users were fine. Then, it started to do it on my PC as well (WinXP - even though I had my XP for a year longer), but other users are still fine. My code still looks fine, and apparently works for others.
So, thinking there may be some corruption going on, I decided to create a new DB and import in tables, queries, forms, reports, and modules. Only three of 20 forms show up as options to import and only a portion of the reports show up. All the tables and queries appear. When I go back to the "faulty" database, the forms are there and do work from my "menu form".
Then, I tried compacting the "faulty" database, but I don't get the message in the lower left saying it is compacting; the hourglass comes up, then the DB opens - the size stays the same. So, I don't think it is compacting.

Any ideas ????

Thanks - and I do appreciate this forum - has saved me alot of time over the years.

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Importing Table

Jan 17, 2006

I have a linked csv table into access, and have a make table query which runs off this. When i first build and run the query it runs fine, but when i run it again I get the following problem "numeric field overflow" I have checked all the data types, they match fine.....

The thing that i cannot understand is when I rebuild the query from scratch, it works fine for the first couple of times, then stops.

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Importing *.csv Into Access97

Feb 27, 2006

Hi! I've got a problem with a csv file from our MRP system. It always contains spaces BEFORE the data in the fields and I need to ignore them when I group the data. The crosstab report works absolutely fine but I don't get the right output because of those darned spaces!!:mad:


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Importing Data

Jun 6, 2006

I'm using a combo box control for searching employees. Which the empID is the unique key, the form is scrolling each record, do not want it to do that. When i click on an ID, it only changes ID's but not the information thats tied to that ID. How can I fix that? any valuable information is well appreciated. Thank you

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Importing Error

Oct 24, 2006

Hello all,

I'm fairly new at access and have been stumped at this problem.

I download a csv file from the internet and what i wanted to do is just imported straight to a table from access. Some how the csv file contain some excel function that looks like the follwoing - i.e. =T("SOME TEXT"). Access can't import the file and i'm unsure of how i can do it. Does anyone have an idea of how i can do an import? Thank you.

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No Validation On Importing

Nov 20, 2006

hi all
i have an excel sheet in comma delimited form. the fields in access have input masks set, but when imported into access the masks are ignored - does anyone know a way around this. Also is there anyway to get access to tell me what records its rejected when it comes accross one that breaks a validation rule

Thank in advance

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Importing From Exel

Feb 24, 2007

Hi All

I import data from exel 2000 into access 2000 how can I remove duplicate and unwanted data (ie Blank rows)

I recieve my daily work via an e-mailed exel spreadsheat which is then transposed before being exported to access.

I have allowed for upto 12 customers per day in my transpose macro.

The problems
1. If I get routed 5 customers I am left with 7 blank rows when I import into access.
2. If a customer is for example is not home and I am routed the same customer at a latter day, when I call up their info in my WIP form I normally get the first date the customer was routed this records the WIP at the wrong date therefore upsetting searches by date.

How can I remove the blank rows.
How can I sort and remove earlier routed customers leaving the last date.


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Importing From Excel

Mar 6, 2007

Guys I don't know if any of you have done this. I need to import a formatted excel file into an access table, I know that I need to write a vba code to do it, can someone please give me a tip or an example. The excel file is a formatted form, it's not based on columns & rows!!!! Please Please assist.

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Importing Data

Jul 16, 2007

Someone recently answered my query with regards to uploading data to an access table.

The first coloumn is an auto incremented number.

Will there be any problems with importing data - when one field is auto increment?

Obviously I wont be uploading values for this column - can that be done?

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Trouble Importing- Pls Help

Sep 6, 2007

Access 2002.

Hey guys-
I have a software program that I am exporting data out of into excel (it's SQL based). From Excel, I then am importing into Access into an existing table previously created from a similar file (same columns, just different record sets). I am running into problems when importing files...

If I import into a new table, and have Access create the table based off of the Excel file- it works fine. If I try to import more records into this same table, it tells me it failed to import and that an error occured (no error's table created, no error number given). If I delete the original records in the table, and re-import the SAME RECORDS that were originally imported to create the table- it doesn't work. It will only import my files if it creates a brand new table for each import, every time.

Can Access not import into an existing table? It should- but I dont get what's going on here. I have tried DBF, HTML, txt files- all the same results. I really don't want to have to create a new table each time- as now my Queries will have to be updated everytime I create a new table. Can you please help?

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Help With Importing Data

Nov 14, 2007


Another question on this database I'm working on.

I have my database pretty much ready to go, but they would like to import data from another access database into this one.

The problem I'm seeing is, I've been working so hard to normalize my database with the proper relationships etc.

The database I'm importing from, the data there are all stored in huge tables.

so for example in my database I have our main table, that holds all like data. Then my other tables for specfic data that then relate to the main table ID.

The other database has everything in 1 table.

I've created a query and got what I needed from the other database, but not sure how to import it into my main table, and have it so the 'specific' data goes into the right table, and so the Main_ID field points to the correct record in my main table.

I don't think I explained that very well.

Here is how my structure is in the new database



now the old database, everything is in 1 table and I'm not sure how to break it down so after I import the table CCE/Main_ID is the same as the Main_ID in my main table.

I'm still not sure if I explained that very well....

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Importing From One Databse Into Another

Apr 11, 2008


I need to import the data from one database into another everytime a form opens, I have some code which works:

Function GrabAccessTable()
DoCmd.TransferDatabase transfertype:=acImport, _
databasetype:="Microsoft Access", _
databasename:="\triggerwwwroot$AW@RDAW@RDOnline.mdb", _
objecttype:=acTable, Source:="Main", _
destination:="Table", structureonly:=False
End Function

The problem is that it won't surrently write it into an existing table, I want it to write into a table called Table (stupid choice of name I know....) but instead it creates a new table calle Table1.



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Importing From Excel

Oct 12, 2004


I have a table that I would like to update with information from a spreadsheet. The table are all of the property records for the county I live in. The table has a unique data field for every record called a "PIN" (Property Indentifier Number). It is in this format: 12-3456-78-90. Because the PIN's were hand entered, sometimes there is a space between the dashes and the numbers, but each PIN is different for every record.

The data from the spreadsheet I want to import has updated sale information for the property records in my table. I want to associate the PIN's in the spreadsheet to the PIN's in my table and only import the new owners name, sale date, and sale price from the spreadsheet to the table.

How would I do this import? It is probably straight forward, but I am a newbie with Access.

I am concerned that because the PIN from the Speadsheet was typed differently from the one table, the import won't work. The numbers are the same, there are just spaces between some of the numbers and dashes.


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Importing Records

Nov 22, 2004

Need help. I need to add records from one Access DB (on the floppy disc) table to the another Access DB table. Same table name, same columns number and names. Just import records to add to the existing records. I am not a programmer, please explain as easy as possible. Respect and thanks.

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Importing Xls In Access

Dec 29, 2004

I'm trying to import xls files in access, but it always gives a failure notice: .xls contains no object. What does this mean? Please help me - urgent!
please e-mail me (karolien.hellemans@leuven.be)

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Importing .csv File

May 5, 2005

Hi all,
I am trying to upload a .csv file in a table using the tRansfertext method in vba. I have atext field having alphanumeric values. The upload is excluding the some values and generating a new error table. How do I get rid of this error.

Do I have to use a specification name. I have new .csv file to be uploaded every week, How do I work on the spec file ?

Any answers please..


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