Deleting Certain Text In A Field.

Aug 31, 2006

i how i can get some help with this one, i have imported a txt file, once input into a table it has the fieldname inserted along with the data so for example record_id is the name of the field and in each column i have "record_id=###" the # respresent unique numbers. but what i am looking at doing is creating a "create table query and using an expressions like... "left([record_id],"=") but this won't work.

All the data in the columns has the same thing all have the field name with a = then the data i really need.

How can i separate?

PLEASE HELP ME!:confused:

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Partially Deleting Text From A Cell

Jun 19, 2007

If I have the following value in a cell:

Joe <100,894> Doe

Is there a function in Access that will clear out the <100,894> leaving me with Joe Doe? To my understanding the Replace function only can replace certain characters. How can I delete everything in between the < > as well?


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Deleting Values In Unbound Text Box

Aug 23, 2006

I have an unbound text box. I put a value, run an append query and append the value to the table. I want to know if I can delete the value in the text box automatically when the append query excutes. I am using a macro to run the append query.


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Deleting Certain Text Between Characters In A Cell

Jan 10, 2005

I have a table of 1216 records. The Title fields contain extra notes which I would like to remove. All of the notes have /'s around them. I would like to remove all of the text between the /'s and all of the /'s themselves.


Should be:

I don't know how to do this, but I can do it in MS Excel or Access--whichever one is easier.

Thanks for help in advance.


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General :: Erasing Text From Textbox Upon Enter Without Deleting Variable Value

Mar 21, 2014

I have a form that has a textbox in it. I enter text into the text box by scanning a bar code. I then use openreport.cmd to pass the variable in the text box to the report I generate. The report then has a button that when clicked references the variable that I passed to it.

Essentially the problem I am having is that when I set the textbox back to blank, it also erases the contents of the new variable created. I want to either delete the value from the textbox upon scanning the bar code each time, or highlight the value in the textbox for it to be deleted upon the first key stroke. I had read about setting focus to the textbox, but I have been unable to get that to work. Here is my current code for what I am doing.

Code in the form:

stPartNum = Me.ScannerTxt
Label = stPartNum
DoCmd.OpenReport "RptLabels", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal, stPartNum

Code in report button:

partnum = Me.OpenArgs

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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Deleting Selects Field

Oct 7, 2005

I have this code that works fine exept for one thing. If I have two names that are the same it deletes them both.
currentdb.execute "insert into charmer91 (last,first) values ('"me.list0 & "','" & me.list0.column(1) & "')"
currentdb.execute "delete table1 (last, first) from table1 where last ='"&list0 &"'"
How can I change the delete statement so it only deletes the selected name I have in list0, ie.. the highlighted one?
Basically Im moving data from one table to another via listboxes.

thanks in advance

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Help Deleting Sort/grouping Field??

Sep 19, 2004

I am trying to remove a "sort and grouping" field from my report. I delete the field from the menu by using the "backspace" key on my key board. I am getting any error, invalid sort field. When I put something into the field, the error goes away. How do I delete a sorting field I do not want??

thanks for your help
newbie and learning

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Deleting Records Based On A Field Content?

Nov 16, 2004

Hi all!

I'm rapidly beginning to get a little confused... I'm trying to mass-delete records based on the content of a field.

I want to run either a query or a button on a form (or anything, for that matter) that will delete any records when there is an X in the N_Disp field.

Any ideas?



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Auto-Sequence Number When Deleting Field Midpoint

Nov 21, 2011

At present I am running Revit Architecture with DBLink to access to edit fields for shelving etc.

What i am doing is fitting out warehouses with 600+ shelving units and they are all numbered.

These numbers are tagged in the drawing.

What I am hoping to do is export the data to access (completed) then amend any changes within access.

Normally, we would put say 600 shelving units on a drawing all tagged 1-600. But then the client may want to delete shelving unit 321.

Leaving the drawing with all shelving units tagged 1-320,322-600.

How would i go about it so access renumbers all data after the deleted field (ie number 321)?

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Form Based On Queries - Deleting Field From Main Table

Mar 28, 2014

In my Access2000 db, I have a table, on which many different queries are based. Many forms are based on those queries. I want to delete some redundant fields from the table. I tried deleting one, but I found I could no longer open any of the associated queries and forms. Is there a simple way to delete table fields so that it doesn't stop me from opening associated queries and forms? (There are hundreds of them, and I have a lot of table fields that I want to delete).

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Deleting All Related Sub Records When Deleting The "main" Record.

Apr 12, 2008

I have two tables.

1. Persons (list of persons)
2. Job history (list of jobs)

each person have their own job history. all these jobs are stored in the job history table. when i delete a person i would like the job history for this person deleted as well. each job stored in the job table have a field with person name, so that it is linked to this person.

how can i do this? vba or simple properties options?

- Roy

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Modules & VBA :: Moving Rich Text From Access Memo Field To A Word Text Box

Jul 24, 2015

We need to move rich text from an Access memo field to a Word text box. So far the best Ive been able to come up with is in the code below. In this code pprs!What is a record set field of a table memo field that is bound to a text box enabled for rich text. The rich text seems to be stored as html as so I can get word to convert it by enclosing it in html tags.

Dim What As Word.Shape
Set What = doc.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal , doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin, 225, 534, 0)
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "G:Temp.html"
Open sPath For Output As 1
Print #1, "<HTML>" & pprs!What & " </HTML>"
Close #1
What.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertFile (sPath)

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Reports :: Splitting Single Field Into Multiple Text Boxes Or Multiline Text Box

Jun 4, 2013

I have a single field in a table called "Client Contact", where users enter a semicolon between the name, address, and city state & zip. My reason for this was so we could copy client info with a single copy and paste (like from an email). But, on the final report, it needs to have these three parts split up into different lines, or even different textboxes. I can't find a way to do that.

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Forms :: Change Text Color On A Form If Text In Field Contain Certain Word

Jul 12, 2013

I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..

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DLookup To Display Date In Text Box On A Tab Control Where Criteria Is Text Field

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to pull a date from a table into a text box on a form tab control using DLookup and I just can't figure out what is wrong with my DLookup expression:

=DLookUp("DateOrdered","tDateOrdered","PrNumber=" & [PrNumber]) ----- (DateOrdered is short date, PrNumber is text, db is split Access 2013)

Whats missing in this expression? I've tried every criteria variant I could find but to no avail.

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Sorting Text Field Containing Both Text And Numbers Sequentially?

Mar 26, 2014

We have a database that we use to track the tablets in our organization, a combination of Apple, Android, and Windows.

We label them with a hostname depending on their branding. Example below.:




In the database we use the field name HOSTNAME for these entries. When sorting the field, due to it being a text field, we get the traditional sort of



We would like to have them show up as


What is the best way to tackle this?

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Apending Text Into A Table Field That Already Contains Text

Jun 11, 2007

I am wondering if there is a way to automate the pasting function of text from one field into several others in a table without losing the data that is already in the field.

As an example: in 20 fields I have "I love potatoes" and I want to paste the text string, "And I love tomatoes too" in every field without overwriting the original text.



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Queries :: Return Yes Or No If Other Text Field Contains Particular Text

Feb 18, 2015

Produce a query that returns a yes or no (Y or N) field if other text field contains particular text (with wildcard on either side).

Idea is to have a column for each preset word.

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Get Text Info From Webpage Into Text Field

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to get information from webpage. [URL] ....

I am using the code:
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate ""
While ie.Busy

Me.txtlat = ie.Document.getElementById("xxxxxxx")....

Here is the info I can't get from the page. Can't find the id or element that hold the information, latitude, longitude ... that is listed in the website.

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Delete Some Text From A Field With Other Text

Oct 8, 2014

I am trying to delete some text from a text field. There are almost 8000 records and almost all of them are like this.


I want to delete everything after the dot and including the dot, to end up with "johnsmith-2". How do I do that? I think I can do it in a query, but don't remember how.

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Convert Text Field To Number Field But Keep Leading Zeros

Oct 3, 2006

I need to convert my text data to a number but when I convert using the VALUE function or use "format cells" to the numbers category, I loose the leading zeros. I need to keep them for sorting purposes.

What formula do I use?

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Tables :: Input Data From A Field To Another Field With Different Text Type

Nov 3, 2012

From a table I want a text field which has a path to a file to be copied automatically into a another field of the same table with a hyperlink text type...

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General :: Highlighting Particular Text From Nearby Field To Adjacent Field

Nov 4, 2013

I am having a database in access and i want to highlight particular text from nearby column to the next column. For example,


The first column text it should take as query and then it should only search the adjacent cell and highlight that. While searching in the internet i came across a code also, But i dont know whether i can use that code or not.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Search]
@searchTerm nvarchar(100),
@style nvarchar(100) = 'font-weight:bold; background-color:yellow',
@maxLen INT = 100


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Forms :: Validating Text Field On Form Against Another Field In Same Record?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a form where I would like to validate (restrict) choices in subsequent fields.


Combobox choices are Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Space

In the form I have 4 fields = Material1, Material2, Material3, Material4. (all in same record on my table)

Basically I need the validation to not allow duplicates across the 4 fields.

something like....

[Material1] <> [Material2] or [Material3]or [Material4]

I am not sure of the proper syntax for the validation field in the Form Properties. Or if I am even putting it in the right place.

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Queries :: Changing A Text Field Into A Number Field Using A Query

Jul 31, 2014

I currently import data into a table and it it has a text field which looks like this: 12,345.67 GBP...I need to use a query to make this a number field so that I can sum it's contents. I've managed to remove the 'GBP' part but can't seem to get rid of the comma?

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