Displaying The & Sign

Aug 23, 2006

Hi I would like to know if it is possible to display the & sign. I need to beable to use this both in form titles and on command buttons. When ik type it in as a caption it is displayed but as soon as I come out of edit mode I am left with a _ in place of the &

any help would be great. Thanks Paul Evans

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Forms :: Make A Multiple Item Form / Sign In Sign Out

Jan 8, 2015

My teacher instructs me to make a 'multiple item form' in regards to signing in and signing out of a dentist ( my scenario)...The fields i have are : Appointment ID, dentistID, Appointment time, Appointment Date and customerID..i have created have the multiple item form and i am now displayed with the fields.

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Can The % Sign Be Used In An Access Db??

Oct 6, 2005

Can anyone tell me if the % sign can be used, and if it cant is there any other way around this?

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Sign Problem Using Time

Jan 8, 2007

I have the following in a select query

TimeLeft: CDate([FinishingTime]-Time())

If FinishingTime is LESS than Time() I want it to show a negative sign to show that the time has past. How do I do this?

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Small Question About The '&' Sign

Jan 10, 2005

Hey all,

just have a small question...

Normally in a form if you use the '&' in front of a objectname or something like that it will underline the first following letter meaning you can use the 'ALT + letter' combination to use it.

Now I want to use the '&' sign in a label, without having it do anything like that. I just want it to display the sign, anyone have any ideas on how to do this?



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Adding New Columns Of Sign

Oct 14, 2013

I have table with one of the columns with number (amount) that can be positive or negative.

I want to add new column of sign - 'H' for positive or 'S' for negative.

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Problems Getting The Currency Sign To Display Using The Nz

Nov 15, 2006


I have a problem displaying the £ sign in my query. Instead of the query displaying £448.87 it displays 448.87.

You can see from the below image that the value of AllCost is £448.87 and I don't understand why its displaying 448.87 when I run the other query called All Cost 2. The Nz function is used to display £0.00 if the AllCost field is null.


The below image is when I run the "All Cost 2" query



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Change Plus Sign Relationship From One Table To Another

Sep 11, 2012

I have a table that is joined to two tables. When I view it in Access 2010 the plus sign is set to one table. How can I make it view the other relationship?

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Sign In To Access Using Username And Password

Oct 19, 2014

I want to create a user name and password in to access my data base

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Data Entry Question: Sign Reversal

Mar 23, 2005

Is there a way to reverse the sign of a numerical field at data entry time and store the negative results...i.e. a quantity field (shipments) keyed as +100 to be stored as -100? I have tried several input mask solutions but none worked.
Thanks for any help or suggestions from an Access novice.

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General :: Package And Sign ACCDB - Digital Signature

Jan 29, 2014

I have an accdb built using Access 2013 that will run with in 2010 Runtime. I am about ready to distribute the application, and am starting to do some research.

When I attempt to package and sign the db using the feature in Access 2013 it asks for me to "Confirm Certificate".

Before I go buy one I want to 1) try to create on myself and 2) learn about some good places to buy them.

1) I created a "Self-Signed" certificate using IIS, but the certificate doesn't show up on the list of certs when I attempt to package and sign the accdb. Is there a way to use a "Self-Signed" certificate to package my accdb?

2) If purchasing a SSL is the only option. Where is the best place to buy a SSL that I can use to package and sign accdbs from Access 2013?

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Queries :: Button To Display Current Time (Sign In And Out)

Jan 27, 2015

I have created a button to display the current time ( sign in and out).

It works fine with this code Me.field = time$

However i need a code beneath it to run the actual query that will display this time onto the table...

I have attached an image of one of the query, I need it to run.

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Forms :: Add Percentage Sign To A Text Field Without Changing Value

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to add a percentage sign (%) after a number I get from a table, thus the number 1,5 should display 1,5% and NOT 150%.

I am using the Format Property of the text field.

I tried #,##% which converted the value to a percentage (1,5 became 150%) Then I tried #,##"%" and #,##\% Access ignored both and changed the value in the property field to #,##% Using the Format function is not an option because it is a bound field which should be editable.

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Visual Sign To Show User Details Have Or Havent Been Entered

Nov 23, 2006

hi.. i have one table with fields 1-8

2 forms are used to fill in the details for each record using the primary key on each form.




is there a way that on FORM1, i can indicate to my user whether or not any details have been entered into FORM2

maybe a colour system.. eg

if table.pickup and table.dropoff and table.vehicle are empty
form indicator on FORM1 is red (to show that none of the details on FORM2 have been entered)

else if table.pickup or table.dropoff or table.vehicle are not empty
form indicator on FORM1 is green (to show that atleast one of the fields on FORM2 has been entered)

it doesnt have to be a colour scheme, it can be wording.. eg

Form2 Empty, or Form2 Completed...

just some kind of sign to my user..

anyone ever tried or used something like this before?

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Tables :: Pound Sign For Specific Items In Notes Field

Jul 11, 2013

I'm having an issue with pound signs in my table for specific items. I've create a DB that when you click a command button it opens a form and in the form it has a notes field. In the notes field once where i had data is now pound signs.

The DB is setup so when you click another command button to close out, it saves the record. It works 98% of the time but the i'm concern about the other 2% of the time.

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Forms :: Passing A Value From A Query To A Form - Eliminate Negative Sign

Mar 13, 2014

I get a negative value when i run the below expression.

The expression picks the month from the field txtmonth in form "frmYearToMonth" and search's the crosstab query "ctbYearToMonth" for the corresponding value in txtMonth.


The value is correct but there is a negative sign before the value how do i eliminate the negative sign.

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Batch File To Automatically Digitally Sign Access Database

Jun 24, 2013

As I am having difficulty keeping my database at work digitally signed due to other users using the database; I was curious if I could create a batch file to automatically run at night to sign the database, so that it can automatically update in the AM, without being prompted questions. Or something of this sort?

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Reports :: Currency Symbol - Print Dollar Sign In Front Of Amount

Jan 16, 2014

I have several reports where the currency was always reported in dollars so for the fields in question I had a format of $#,###.00 which printed the dollar sign in front of the amount.

As the system has now become more sophisticated I need to print out a currency symbol depending upon the client. I have a currency table that links into the client so my query 'behind' the report holds the right symbol but how do I get it ito the report. I Know I can define a second field that will hold the symbol but to me this is a clumsy way of doing it. Is there anyway I can put the symbol in the control source for the data or into the format of the field or some other way?

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Removing Hash Sign In HyperLink Address (On Click) Command Button

Apr 14, 2012

I have a command button on a Web Mutli-Record form that is using a "= [Report_URL]" value within the Hyperlink Address property. This all seems to work other than the fact that when the link popups up it has a "#" on either side that basically makes it an invalid address. How do I get rid of the # signs to get the web address popup in the URL when a user clicks on the Command Button that is associated to the row the record is on.

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Displaying One To Many To Many

Feb 21, 2007


I have been struggling with this problem for a while and I'm so deep into it I can't look at it clearly anymore. I hope someone can give me some advice.

I'm trying to set up an orders database, but instead of one "product" I have a service with many specifications. One service part can have many kinds of inspections, which in turn have many inspection criteria.

That part seems okay to me, I guess. There's a one to many relationship between services and inspections, and a one to many between inspections and criteria. The problem is displaying that in a form in a way that's not confusing to the users - I can't put all that info in one line, and I can't put subforms in continuous forms, the best I can come up with is to have separate subforms that display the inspection types when the part number is selected and the inspection criteria when the types are selected. The users I tested it on are totally confused about it. What's the best way to go about displaying it?

I secretly just want it to look like this!

PartNumber Service Criteria Price
1001 Gauging (for) Length $100000!
(for) Diameter
Sorting (for) Rust
2222 Sorting (for) Rust $10

Maybe that's just as confusing. A fresh perspective would help.

This forum has been such a wonderful resource to me and I've learned a lot. I feel kind of embarrassed posting because I know my questions are access-ignorant, but I'm really having trouble figuring this one out on my own. Thanks for any ideas.

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Displaying A .PDF File

Mar 27, 2007

I am having a proble displaying a .pdf file on a command button action.

Here is the part of my code that calls up the file:

Dim StrProg As String
Dim StrFile As String

StrProg = "C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 7.0Reader.exe"
StrFile = "C:Program FilesPolaris Medical Chart Ver3.3example.pdf"

Shell StrProg & StrFile, vbNormalFocus

Exit Sub

I get a file not found error. Any thoughts??


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Displaying Percentages

Jan 13, 2008

This is probably simple but it's something I haven't had to do before.

I have a main table.
I have a filter query based on this table.
I have a report, based on the query, which displays the total number of records in the query.
In the same report, I would like to display this total as a number (already done, obviously) and also as a percentage of the total number of records in the main table.

How would I go about this?

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Displaying Data

Sep 3, 2006

Can't figure this one out. I am trying to get my query to show me which company's have not sent a supplier any money during a certain period.

However if I have the following data

abc company
1/10/02 £5
1/12/02 £10

an i search for any company who has not sent any money between 2/10/2 and 1/11/02 abc company does not show up because there is no data between these dates. If I had a record 2/11/02 £0 it shows up. So what criteria or query can I use to show this up?

many thanks

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Displaying QBF In A Form

Jun 9, 2007


I'm using Access 2000.

After a very very very long time i've manged to crack my first QBF! When I click the command button to run the macro and display the results, the results are coming up in a table format.

Is there any way to have the results of the QBF displayed on the same form?

For example, if I have a table that contains my different products and their categories - in this example 50 different types of "toy trucks", 75 "toy cars" and 100 "toy trains" - and I then perform a QBF on the criteria of product type, in this example "toy cars" - I would want the first "toy car" record to show on the form in their relevant fields, and be able to scroll through 74 records before coming to an end.

This way I could easily place all my products in one table, then select which products I'd like to view in the form and scroll through them.

Any help would be greatfully appreciated as I haven't been able to find anything online.

Thank you in advance.

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Displaying All Of The Same Value From Both Tables?

Aug 22, 2007

Hi, sorry if this has been covered before, I am a new guy around here.

I have two tables in a select query, both with a code field and a monetary value field. The codes are linked. This query is to show the variances in the values of each table as they are meant to have identical codes and values. However, each table has a small handful of codes that are not in the other, but all the query outputs is the variances for codes that are in "both" tables. I realise you can do one way relationships so that you can display all from one table and only those matching from another. However I need the query to show "all" the codes from both tables, and the value difference.

Any advice on going about this? Would be much appreciated! Thanks. :)

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0 Or Rejects Not Displaying

Jan 10, 2008

My query tallys the no of reject by plant and displays in a report, and this works great, but now it's a new year, only 3 plants have rejects (which is really a good thing), I need a 0 to display for the other 2 plants but don't know if this can be done, any ideas?

Plant (5 possible) group by;
Expression: Counts # of Rejects
by DateReceived 1/1/08 to 12/31/08

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