When I use the built in 'Find and Replace' utility in a subform (datasheet view), it does the replace on multile rows but when I try and navigate to another record on the main form I keep getting an error mesage 'Operation Not Supported in Transactions' and have to close the form and all the previous 'find and Replace' I did have been undone and rolled back to their previous state :confused:
Any ideas how I can the 'Find and Replace' to work on teh subform?
I have placed a txtbox on my form and via a cmdbutton a can copy data to another text box. Is there a way I can replace data? Will appreciate any help.
But Iwant to be able to use a set of data to be used in the Replace Statement, so I create a table to add each string I would like to have replaced by "nothing", and trying to make the replace query to look there in order to find what to replace.I also created a table where I will list the systems that I dont want in the select, so I removed the "ACTIVE DIRECTORY" and replaced by the colum that have the list of system I dont want listed.This is the result:
The thin is that this keeps asking me to enter the parameter value for "PREFIXOS_E_SUFIXOS!Valor" and for "SISTEMAS_EXCLUIDOS!Sistema"
I have a report that filters members by their type. On the form there is a field that shows the member's class they are assigned to, but currently it shows the class ID and I want it to show the actual class name. How do I make the report show the actual name instead of the class ID?
I have a form with a navigational control which loads in the unbound area a form according to the navigational btn, this form has a list of records in datasheet view, when clicking on a specific records it opens a form with the specific record selected, I would, once double clicked on the record, the form to open within the same unbound window.
To be more precise, from the attachment, when the frmMain is open and the user double clicks on the IATACode the navigation target under the Tab Airport closes the form "frmQueryAirport" and opens "frmAirport", once the user closes the window with the appropriate Exit Btn, the "frmQueryAirport" reopens.
I have a seating chart with 33 tables. Under each table there is a number that represents seats taken. I want to do a query that changes the number when it is a certain value. For example, when the value is null I want it to say "Empty", when the value is 10 I want it to say "Full" and when the value is over 10 I want it to say "Over". If the value is 1-9 I want to leave it as is.I know how to accomplish one at a time but not all three together. I've been useing:
Here goes my problem, and how I am attempting to solve it, but I am open to advice.
I have a table that contains all of the bird species in the US; (fields: common name, scientific name, species ID) I want to be able to update another table, (birds to chase) with particular bird species that I have not yet seen, (fields: species ID, common name, scientific name) and link that to a sub form that links to another table (chase birds locations) which shows geographic location data as to where I might be able to see new/unseen birds; (fields: species ID, date, other geographic data).
My problem is this. I created a form for the unseen birds table that allows me to only select a bird using a combo box of birds from the larger table of US birds. I want to select a bird using the common name in this box, and have it automatically populate the scientific name and the species ID into the birds to chase table. I link this tables to the location table using species ID.
A workaround that I have used is to close the form, run two update queries that populate the proper fields for scientific name and species ID and to re-open the forms. Although this works, when I return to the form it does not return me to the proper record, so that I can enter data into the sub-form.
Obviously this is a workaround and will work for me in the short run, but I want to learn how to do it properly within Access 2003.
I'm not a programmer and hence do not have access to the .NET tools or Visual Basic. Any hints for me out there?
I have a DLOOKUP which is used to auto populate a field on my Income Commitment Form based on a field on my Expenditure Commitment Form.It works perfectly when you enter a new commitment.Currently you enter a new Expenditure Commitment, save it but don't close it, then from the Expenditure Commitment Form there is is a button to enter a related Income Commitment. You save the Income commitment then close it, then close the expenditure form and you are on the Client screen with both these forms now showing as subforms, both have record selectors.
My issue is, that sometimes the Expenditure Subjective can change, so from the client form you use the record selector to open the Expenditure Commitment and select the correct Subjective, you then save it and close it. You should then click on the Income Record selector which opens the income commitment, but when you re-click on the Combo42 button, it doesn't reselect the Income subjective and I think it is because the Expenditure Commitment which is what it is looking up isn't open. My issue is how do I get the DLOOKUP to work and refer to the Commitment Form if it is a new commitment, or the Subform if I have gone back in through the record selector.Here is the code I have.
Private Sub Combo42_AfterUpdate() If (Me.Combo42 = 1) Then Me.IncomeSubjective = DLookup("[Subjective]", "tblIncomeSubjective", "[ExpSubjective]='" & Forms![frmCommitments]![cmbSubjective] & "'") Me.OtherIncomeConfirmed.Enabled = False Me.OtherConfirmedBy.Enabled = False
I have a subform that has the Expense Code from the Expense Codes Table and I want to look up the Description (yes I know its not correctly spelled in the formula but it is in the table)
This populated the text box with the name from the gp details where the gp number was the same as the gp number on the form.
This worked fine but now i need to create something similar however instead of using a number to link them (GPNumber) the field is text this time, the above code does not work. Do i have to add anything else so it recognizes it to be a text field and not numeric??
I have a form called frm002_PAF_MonitoringMAIN and on this form I have a subform called frm002_PAF_Monitoring. The subform has a button to another form for contact details called Contact_Details. The Contact_Details form opens with the details of the person who I have selected on frm002_PAF_Monitoring. There are some fields on frm002_PAF_Monitoring that I would like to be populated on Contact_Details when opened, like FirstName and LastName. How can I do it?I have tried on afterupdate event on Contact_Details below but those don't work:
I have a report based on a parameter query. One of the parameters is TM Name. This parameter value is selected from a list box. The table on which the query is based also has TM Name as a look-up from a list. So ofcourse the ID is showing in the TM Name field on the report...not the actual name.
I am attempting to use a Dlookup to show the actual name than I will hide the field with the ID. Here's what I have as the control source:
It is pulling in the value of the first row in the "Name" column of the "TM_Names" table. Doesn't seem to be looking at the value in the TM field on the reports.
My gut feeling is the report needs to be "saved" or "refreshed". I have tried a few macros to do this but I get errors.
I have a small table, that only contains one record (and should only ever contain one record, which simply gets edited to suit once in a while).The table is called OtherRates, and the fields are as follows:
I am trying to use DLookup to return a value from the relevant field in this table, however the field to look in is a variable.The code (below) that I have tried returns an error and highlights the DLookup line,.
I have a field on a form that is the results of a dlookup to a table.field. I want the value to be updated when I execute a button that is running a macro. How do I do this automatically, and not have to hit the refresh button?
I am trying to create a form with multiple combo boxes where users can select fields from my main database and click a button to generate a report based on their selections. I think I am supposed to create a generic report with perhaps 4 fields where I would link the four combo boxes to. The issue is I cant seem to get the selection of the combo box to change the field that the report should pull from the database. I think I am supposed to use dlookup in the reports control source for each field, but I cant seem to get it to work.
I would like to create another field in the query using DLookup to return the value of the BrithMon.
BrithMonthID=DLookUp("MonID","tblListMons","BirthM on = Mon")
This works good if used with an unbound text box on a form, but when entered into a query expressions, an error is returned: cannot find the name 'BirthMon'
Can I used DLookUp in a Query expression to refer to another Query created field?
I am new to Access (using Access 2012) and All I am trying to achieve is to autofill the field [Frequency] from Table FullList based on the value of [Frequency] from Table Courses using a DLookup code used to update the FullList form. The code is not updating anything! It is frustrating! Frequency is a number (integer) and while Course is a text. The figures of my Access database are below.
I have 3 table table; Invoice table, Product table and Sale_product table. Sale product table records all sale from the product table
Invoice table has these fields ID TOTAL CASH_TENDERED CHANGE
Product table has
I did main form from Invoice table and sub form from Sale_product table. I want to use DLOOKUP function to load the name and price, quantity and calculate subtotal automatically from the product table based on the product code entered. i have being trying hard and i keep on getting "Name? error"
My intentions are to get my combo box to display data into a field in my form, when it is changed/selection is made. So far my form has the following:
Combobox: CBOCharacters Field: CharacterGender
Both of these are in the same table; tbl_Characters. The data type for CBOCharacters is a number and its called CharacterID in the table.
So far I have created this piece of code:
Private Sub CBOCharacters_AfterUpdate() Me.CharacterGender = DLookup("CharacterGender", "qry_StillNeeded", "[CharacterID]= " & Me.CBOCharacters) End Sub
When I run this event procedure i get an error:
Runtime error '2471'
The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error '[CharacterID]'
I have a textbox on a report that I wish to populate based on the value that is in another textbox/field on the report, and I thought DLookup was the way to go - however, I cannot seem to get it to work.
I have a table (ComplaintsResponses) that has two fields, both text
[ShortDescription] [ResponseText]
The text from [ShortDescription] is saved in a field on another table that contains all the other relevant information that is used in the report, and whilst this short description is mostly fine, I have one report where I need the data from the larger [ResponseText] field.