sorry if this q has already been asked, but i couldnt find what im looking for after searching..
i have a main form. there is a combo box that is that is bound to tblSupplierDetails. this combox displays the records stored in tblSupplierDetails fine. now beside this combobox i have a hyperlink that opens a subform called 'subfrmAddNewSuppliers'. this subform works correctly - ie. when details are entered here, they are stored in tblSupplierDetails
my prob is that if the user adds new supplier details via the subform, these details do not appear in the combo box for the user to select when they are returned to the main form.. they appear if the form is restarted
Ive inserted the statesment Me.ComboBoxName.Requery (with ComboBoxName ammended) into the event procedure for After Update for the combobox.
however, with this the new details which are added via the subform are replacing the previously added record - so theres only ever one record in tblSupplierDetails.. can someone pls help me with this?
my database is essentially a questionnaire of around 200 questions. I'm trying to add a 'light' version to it.
I've added a 'include in light verion' tick-box to all the questions and a 'light analysis' tick box on the registration page.
The questions are all genertated via queries pulling out the appropriate ones as required. What I'm tying to do is add to these queries so that if the 'perfomr light analysis' tick box is ticked only those questions that have been indicated as light are included, and if it's not all teh questions are included.
I have been spending all my today to fill a combobox dynamically, but have not been able yet.
I have a combobox and a pass-through query in access, which is working fine and fill the details into the combobox via data source. Now what I am planning to do is to update the combobox source as soon as value in a text box changes.
here is the code I am using, but it is not working:
Dim rs As Recordset Dim qDef As QueryDef Set qDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("get_data") qDef.SQL = "SELECT Initial + ' (' + Name + ')' uws FROM EM.dbo.UW" _ & " WHERE lob = '" & addSingleQuotation(Me.CMB_LOB.Value) & "'"
Me.cmbUM.RowSource = qDef.SQL Me.cmbUM.Requery
I also used Recordset, but did not work:
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("get_data") Me.cmbUM.RowSource = rs!uws
I have a form, very basic.. it contains more or less an inventory frontend in which users input computer equipment that we carry in our state dept.
To make this very brief, in my form at the end I have an "Additonal Information" textbox in which users can add additional notes, comments, etc.
As textboxes are constrained to 255 characters, I chose to show an additional textbox directly below the Additional Information textbox, with a control source set to =Len([Additional_Information]) to show users how many characters they have typed.
What I'd like to do though, is make this value dynamically update while the Additional Information textbox is still in focus... so far, all I can get it to do is update once a user has tabbed away from the additional information textbox.
I have to use MS Access as front end with ODBC connection to Oracle 9i
The application(forms) should be able to update, delete ,insert records into oracle tables(backend).
i have a main form,which has some unique id's and other info about the ids and the subform shows several matching id's for that unique id in main form. the user who uses this application should be able to 1) search for the unique id in the main form such that the subform displays all its matches 2) they should be able to select anyone match and say approve(there can only be one match), then that particular record should be updated in the table.IF I USE A CHECK BOX AND IF THEY CLICK ON ONE RECORD AS MATCH,HOW DO I TAKE THAT RECORD SAY THE ID , NAME ADDRESS AND ALL DETAILS AND UPDATE THE TABLE??? similarly when they select some other record i should give option of deleting other irrelevant matches in the backend table.
the main form and the subform uses the same table as source.updates are to another table, i should also have to put entry into audit table about which record was deleted and which one inserted..
How should i do this?? i am new to MS access .VBA, any help would be highly appreciated!
I have a single form which becomes either readonly or editable or addnew using a circular toggle switch. The toggle switch is activated by a command button and the caption of the command button is used as the display of the mode.
The SetAddModeBt is a separate command button that initiates the add mode. The problem is that various form or field properties when defined on the fly are not stored and they get lost when you open the form again. Look at the code below:
Code: Sub tglEditBt_Click() '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Circular toggle button to change display mode of the form ' ReadOnly - Edit - Add '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' On Error GoTo NotFound Dim ForName As String Dim strSQL As String Dim FMode As String
[Code] ....
Here the first two cases fail when executing the last statement saying it is not supported.
Hello guru's, I've searched the complete forum for the answer but I just can't find it. I've got a main form with 2 comboboxes on it. The first one filters the second one. What I need now is the 2nd combobox to filter the SubForm. I've tried to add a subform with the wizard but then it shows the complete table instead of only the ones selected in the second combobox.
I've got 3 tables: 1 for classes, 1 for students and 1 for the attendance. The 1st combobox selects the class, the second one selects the student. The 3rd table is used to enter absences (date, time, teacher etc) and it should appear in the subform when the student is selected.
Can anyone please give me a little advice? Thanks heaps in advanced! Sebastian.
I tried looking through the threads to find something that is relevant to my situation.
I am having trouble with a form where i need to select a name in one combobox and a month in another and then upon which a subreport displays the records for that name and month on a subreport which can then be added extra records or old records edited.
Does anyone know how to do this or can maybe just give me some code or point of reference to do this. I have tried but all attempts return no results.
I have a combobox that displays information about a current record on a form (much like a subform would show all information related to a certain record). So for example, there is a user and the combobox would list all the users applications. Now, when the record is changed (via the navigation buttons) I want the combobox to requery, but I don't know where the query should go. I tried putting the requery under the primary key's afterupdate method, but no go.
Can anyone think of a solution? Do you understand my problem?
Hi well baisically the title explains the dilemma... I have a combobox in which the user selects an item and this updates the subform depending on the selection. However when i make a selection i get the following error:
Rumtime error '2101':
The setting you entered isnt valid for this property.
I understand what its telling me, however i cant seemed to find within the code where i have gone wrong, so heres the code:
Private Sub Combo4_AfterUpdate() UpdateSubform
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSubform() Dim strSQL As String Dim varWhere As Variant
varWhere = Null
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Sub_qry_CostCentre"
If (Me.Combo4 > 0) Then varWhere = " WHERE (CostCentre = " & Me.Combo4 & " )" ' MsgBox (strSQL & varWhere)
I have a mainform in access with a subform (continous form mode). The subform's source is a query that has a criteria parameter that gets the values from a combobox in mainform.(list of projects) Combobox name= cmbProject
It works fine for some records (old records), so when I migrate new data into the table the comboxbox display the new data but when I select the record to be dispayed on the subform, the record or data is not in the subform, so the record is in blank.
I have a basic form linked with a subform inside of it. The main form has a list of customers in a combobox and the subform lists all the things they have ordered from us. This all works perfectly fine, I can add data to the list of things ordered and it's ok.
I decided instead of using a whole extra form to add customers I'd just have a not in list event and allow users to add customers through there, bit more intuitive and cut down on forms.
It works to certain extent except one small problem, if I add a customer I have to close and reopen the form to be able to add/remove data from them in the subform. If I leave the form open and try to enter in data in the subform immediately it just shows whatever customer I had last on the combobox and adds it to the last customer as well.
It works perfectly fine if I reopen it so I thought it was some kind of query or update snafu but all the VBA code examples I found don't seem to do anything. Not exactly sure where to go from here.
PHP Code:
Private Sub cboDept_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer) Dim oRS As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer, sMsg As String Dim oRSClone As DAO.Recordset Response = acDataErrContinue If MsgBox("Add dept?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Set oRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDepartments", dbOpenDynaset)
Right now I have a subform with a combobox that pulls it's data from a table. I want the user to either select an existing item or type in a new item and have a macro create the new table row. What I have right now works in the sense that it prompts the user if they want to creat a new item and the new item is created (and I can see it in the combobox list), but I'm still getting an error saying that the item does not exist in the table forcing the user to manually select the newly created list item they just typed in.
Code: Private Sub MaterialCostCode_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer) Dim rst As DAO.Recordset 'Update value list with user input. On Error GoTo ErrHandler Dim bytUpdate As Byte
[Code] ....
It appears that the new item doesn't always show up automatically and requires the form to be refreshed, so now I need to figure out how to get it to consistently appear right away without a refresh.
I am designing a nomination form (web database so no vba macros can be used).
The form has 3 combo boxes: cboStaffName, cboLevel, cboNominee.
The form is bound to the tblSubmit table where the submissions are populated.
I used a select statement:SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List; to populate the combo box for the Staff Name selection.
This is the select statement to populate the job level combobox:
SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));
The select statement to populate the combobox for the nominee combobox:
SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Level)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboLevel]));
The problem is that the staff_name in the first combobox is still found in the nominee combobox which should not be because a staff cannot nominate self. There is a field in the Staff_List called YesNo that should be activated for each staff that is selected so that the select statement on the nominee combobox can be updated accordingly to remove items with the field "Active"
How to get the checkbox selected for each corresponding staff.
I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.
Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate() If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query" Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable" Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable" Else If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query" Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable" Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable" End If End If End Sub
But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?
How would I modify multiple comboboxes in subforms at the same time. For example.. In main form ComboboxA user selects 1992, Combobox1 in subform1 is also changed to 1992, as well as Combobox2 in subform 2.
I have 2 comboboxes, the first one is called "activity", whereby I have 3 options to choose from, and the second is called "level".
When I click an "activity", for example Drawings, I want the "level" combobox to list a unique set of options for that category. and if I click on a different "activity" for example Planning, I want the "level" combobox to show a completely different set of options.
If anyone can give me any help on how to do this then I would be very grateful!!
I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'
Private Sub cmdQuote_Click() 'Creates quote date and prints quote Me.QuoteDate = Now() Me.cbAgentID.Requery DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID End Sub
When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.
This may be a really straightforward one but I cannot seem to find a solution.
I need to run a select query, (for a mailout) then mark the records that have been selected in the query on the main database table with a mailshot code.
Any ideas on how best to achieve this?
I was thinking of making the select query maketable (because I have to export a txt file of email addresses for a mailing list), then add a mailshot code field, then append this extra field to the main table.
The trouble is that I am not sure how to use the query to add this extra field to the maketable & once this has been done, how do I append the values to the original table when the mailshot code field does not exist, can it be dynamically created?
I have a subform called "Earthwork". I also have a query called earthwork200 and I need to dynamically transfer data from the earthwork to the query based on a certain column.
for example, the earthwork column i am using to transfer data to the query is "Desc" (the name of the column). How do i get data to dynamically goto the query as I click on a new item under the "desc" column?
I have built queries based on tables. The field names are the technical field names of an application. For example pernr is actually Personnel Number etc.
My queries are set up as follows:
Field = pernr Table = etc
I would like to rename pernr to Personnel Number so that the column heading in the datasheet view is Personnel Number.
I know I can do this manually for each query by using the following as the field: Personnel Number: pernr
Is there any way of getting this be done dynamically using a lookup table etc. I have lots of queries and I don't want to manually change them all. Furthermore, if I wanted to rename Personnel Number to Personnel No. then I could do it in the mapping table rather than in all the queries.
I don't know if anyone can help me with this one at all.
I have a query that contains all the possible data that my users will wish to get data from but I want them to have the option to show/hide particular columns to make the query ad-hoc.
I have some code that copies my query to another of a unique name during the course of their Access session so they end up with a query with the name 'ABC' for example that they can run.
If this query ABC has columns A,B,C,D which are all defaulted to be shown and the user decides they are not interested in columns B and C is there Access code that is equivilent to this pseudo-code?
Hello Guys, I have proj name m1.mdb which has forms and reports.I have 2 forms form1 ,form2.In form2 I have button that creates new database named m2_date.mdb and creates report and form1 by using property DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", sFilename, acForm, "form1", "form1", StructureOnly, StoreLogin,now this form1 has to be seen first when any user doubleclicks m2_user.mdb,so my question is, is there any way i can setup startup form properties dynamically ,without using startup form manually from tool properties of toolbar. hope to get answer.. thanks vsap
I have a database that has a field [country] that stores the numerical id of the country from a table of countries. The student table also has a field called [mother tongue] and it seems to me that this is duplication.
I created a simple query based on a link table that tells me the country and its associated mother tongue.
SELECT [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue].Country, [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue].MotherTongueLinkNo, [-----LMotherTongue].Language FROM [-----LMotherTongue] RIGHT JOIN [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue] ON [-----LMotherTongue].[Reference no] = [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue].MotherTongueLinkNo;
It seems to me to be an overhead to store in the student table the mother tongue id.
How can I create a text lable that dynamically shows the mothertongue as i move over records?
that way the user can see the students mother tongue but I only store the country table and link table to mother tongue. as opposed to a mother tongue entry against all students.