E-mail Address To Word In String

Jan 24, 2005

I would like to be able to pull a list of e-mail addresses from a query and put them in one field separated by a semicolon and space so that it could be sent to word and easily cut and pasted into whatever e-mail program someone has. I know very little VBA--can someone help me?


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Queries :: Mail Merge Some Of The Items Into Word To Be Used On Address Labels

Jun 27, 2014

So I have the following query which works perfectly (and will be use to create a report) but when the query runs to create the report I also want it to mail merge some of the items into word to be used on address labels.

SELECT Dunmow.Date, Dunmow.Undeliverable, Dunmow.Duplicate, Dunmow.[OTM with XXXXXX], Dunmow.[Landlords Salutation], Dunmow.[LL Address 1], Dunmow.[LL Address 2], Dunmow.[LL Address 3], Dunmow.[LL Address 4], Dunmow.[LL Address 5], Dunmow.[LL Postcode], Dunmow.[Letter 1], Dunmow.[Letter 2], Dunmow.[Letter 3], Dunmow.[Letter 4], Dunmow.[Letter 5], Dunmow.[Letter 6], Dunmow.[Letter 7], Dunmow.[Letter 8]
FROM Dunmow
WHERE (((Dunmow.Date)=DateAdd("d",-7,Date())) AND ((Dunmow.Undeliverable)=False) AND ((Dunmow.Duplicate)=False) AND ((Dunmow.[OTM with XXXXXX])=False) AND ((Dunmow.[Letter 1])=False));

So thats my query, What I want it to do is to take the following

[Landlords Salutation]
[LL Address 1]
[LL Address 2]
[LL Address 3]
[LL Address 4]
[LL Address 5]
[LL Postcode]

and use it for a merge item to create the labels required.

I have a standard word document/label document I wish to paste this into.

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Make E-mail Address From Name

Oct 21, 2005

Hello all,

I have a field called "Name", which for example is: "Johnny Briggs".

I want to be able to show the exected e-mail address, which would be: "johnny.briggs".

So, all I need to do, is take out the space, and replace it with a full stop.
Should be easy - but I can't figure it out!

I don't really need to store the address - so doing it in my query is preferable.

Thanks in advance!

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Finding An @ In An E-mail Address.

Feb 22, 2006

having a prob with the above. not sure what is the best way to find out what comes after the @ in an e-mail address.

For example, if i was to have the following e-mail address@


is there an expression to use to shrink the above so that i can only see the "myemail.com"?

thanks for your help.

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Forms :: New Postal Address Fields And Mail Merge?

Jul 2, 2014

I do have another problem with my "Membership Monster" After designing the base with only registential Addess information in the data entry Form. I had to include fields for a separate postal address. This only applies to maybe 10 of 400 entries is there a simple clever way I can copy this data over to the new postal detail fields from the Residential detail feilds ? I thought it may be possible to set thee residential fields as source data. But I am unsure if it is then possible to enter different data over the top if the postal address is different.

I also then need to be able to mail merge the postal details of current members so as print out address labels for the magazine.

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Creating Mail Merge From Preferred Mailing Address

Nov 5, 2012

I'm a very new user of Access. I am creating a contacts database (3000+ contacts), with up to 6 addresses per contact, though most will only have around three. I'd like to find the best way to select the preferred mailing address (using a combo box??) in order to be able to regularly creating mailing labels (and letter mail merges).

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Access To Word To E-mail

Nov 14, 2007

I have an Access 2007 Database, containing Dues records for a Membership type application. Each Month I produce a Newsletter vis Publisher 2007, which ends up in PDF format. e-mail Address information is in Outlook 2007, snail mail adress info is in Access.

I want to be able to send an e-mail (Merge ??) to all those who have e-mail, with the Newsletter as an attachment, and with the Dues data in the body of individual e-mails (Merge ??). As the data resides in a number of applications, can someone point me in the direction I should take to achieve this.


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Word Mail Merge

Jul 8, 2005

I wonder if there is a way to link two tables or queries to a word doc for mail merge. I have an investigative memo and many findings associated with it. They all in Access for record keeping. Now I want to merge the main memo with all findings into a word document. The trick part is that the memo is also different so I cannot have a uniformed letter pre-defined in word. The content of memo is coming from Access too. I don't know if there is a way to do it or simply have two independent mail merges and combine two words doc in one (how?, hate to copy and paste).

Suggestions are appreciated.

Good day and night.

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Mail Merge With Access & Word

Aug 17, 2007

I want to use an Access Table for a mail merge but when i try to use the merge option I get a pop up asking for a password. I put in my administrator password for the database and it tells me I dont have acess to the database. It has something to do with the passwords i put on the database.

Anyone have any ideas to what I need to do to get this to work?

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Mail Merge From Access To Word?

Feb 18, 2015

I am preparing a Word document for a mail shot, and need to import data from my access file. I am trying to build a formula that will take a field from the Access file and, if it is true, print some data.

So far, I have =IF(Schedule 2014=40,full page). Schedule 2014 is a column in the query I am using in this mail merge, 40 is an amount of money in that column and full page is the text that should appear in the Word document. The result I am getting is!Syntax Error, 2014 .

The remainder of the information I am merging is working well. I am asking for the 40 to appear in the relevant recipient's letter which is fine, but I want it to print full page before it (or half page for 30, or quarter page for 20)

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String Manipulation: Cleaning Up Address Labels

Dec 28, 2007

PROBLEM: String Manipulation

"Cleaning up Mom's Christmas address labels"

I need guidance on the best string manipulation functions (Instr, Left, Right) to cleanup my mother's Christmas address list of 300+ names.

I have successfully imported the text file into Excel and exported to Access; fieldnames: FULLNAME, ADDRESS, CITYSTATEZIP

I have found instructions on how to breakout FULLNAME field into FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME.

But within the FULLNAME field are many combinations of titles (Mr., Mr. & Mrs., Dr., HON.) with inconsistent periods applied.

Which one of string manipulation functions:


would be best for extracting these various titles from this name field?

I understand the concepts behind the above functions, but not enough experience using them to understand the tedious syntax or which string manipulation function would be best for extracting the varying title entries to a separate created field called TITLES.

So far, I have deduced this will be a multi-step process. But asking for guidance:

1.) Which string function is best suited for this?
2.) Example of the function syntax for an update query?
2.) Suggested order to administer update queries?...

to extract misc titles from the FULLNAME field.

I am a novice-casual Access user.

Thanks, Greg

(If someone would copyright these steps into a book called "Cleaning Up Mom's Christmas Address List"... I am sure they could retire from sales on Amazon. :-)

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Mail Merge To Word 2003 Issues

Oct 11, 2005

I have produced a A2k db for distribution to others. Part of the db is a function that links to some word docs via hyperlinks. The word docs have been set up as mail merge docs to a table in the db.

When used in Office 2000 this function is faultless but when installed on a computer running Office 2003 they sometimes get a problem when they open the doc in that the mail merge toolbar is greyed out. It seems as if the doc can't find the db. Has anyone else experienced this problem and know of any fix that can be applied.

I have searched the MS Knowledge base and this forum to no avail, although the MS KB did have references to similar problems (not a direct comparison of the problem) that required a service pack download to fix.

Before I tell someone to download a service pack I need to eliminate any other problem that may be causing it.

Thanks :confused:

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Can I Mail Merge Word 97 With Access 2003?

Aug 22, 2006

I am wanting to do away with access 97 on a few computers here at work but we cant afford to buy everyone office 2003. Before I buy us access 2003 for a computer I need to know if word 97 will do a mail merge with access 2003. Or could I just buy Office 2003 package for the few computers and it will work that way for a bit more money. I think there would be a compatability issue...

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Formatting Problems When Mail Merging Into Word

Sep 6, 2004

I have created a database of information which contains fields with Yes/No tick boxes. No problems there. When mail merging into Word the ticks are not formatted correctly. All I get instead are random symbols. All the other data merges successfully.

Can anyone help as I need to see ticks in the merged document?

Here's hoping

Gaz T

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Some Advide - Access To Word Mail Merge

Nov 24, 2006

I have done several mail merges where you open Microsoft Word, select your data (inthis case a query from access) and them use mail merge to create the documents.

However, i need to do it the other way. I have a project in access where the user will be in access and need to do a mail merge to word, so i want the data to be sent from access to word while they are still in access, if that makes sense.

If there are any good turorials that ppl know about or what i could be looking for in order to achieve this then i would be very grateful to all who reply!!


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Individual Records Exported To Word Mail Merge?

May 12, 2005

Hi I wonder if anyone can help? I have looked through prevous posts and cant find any answers that fit what I need to do. For reference I am using Access 97 and Word 97.

I want to be able to have a client record open in a form and click a button and for that particular record to merge with a preformatted word doc. I have created a query that gives me all the fields I need (as they are over multiple tables) and I can successfully combine this into a mail merge. But it currently takes *all* the records and I want it to only do the current one. I also want user to be able to click a button somewhere on the form that automates this process for him. Is this possible?

I have investigated transfertext and filled in what I think I should have but it seems to do nothing. It creates another (unopenable) file in the same folder as the word doc and does nothing else. But I am using the 'export word for windows merge' in the tranfertext action?

If I can only crack this I will be happy! Many thanks in advance for any help


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Microsoft Word Mail Merge - On Database Switchboard

Mar 9, 2008

I've got a mail merge letter in word using a booking system which I've built in Access, and I want to be able to access the mail merge letter (or the letter template) through that switchboard. Is this through running a certain macro, and if so, can anybody tell me what it is?

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge In MS Word (using Data From MS Access)

Mar 9, 2014

I often create contract using mail merge. I have an access file that I want to use as data source for word file. But it does not automatically.

Please see the attached file !

If there are 1 customer and 1 property, I do not need to do anything. Conversely, if there are many customers and many properties, I take time to manipulate.

Firstly, I open the word file. I have to copy and paste paragraphs that I want. Highlight of the original paragraphs is blue.

Secondly, I click 'Insert Word Field' -> select 'Next Record'.

In short, I want to use VBA in access file to automatically perform the steps that I have outlined.

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Connection String From Word

Apr 20, 2006

I am using the following code in a Word macro. It seems to fall over on the 'ObjConn.Open strConn' line with the message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.

All I am needing is to access a MDB and pull out a couple of fields.

Code: Dim ObjConn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As Recordset Dim strConn As String Dim PNo As String PNo = Application.ActiveDocument.Name PNo = Left(PNo, Len(PNo) - 4) strConn = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _ "D:ProjectTimesheets.mdb;" ObjConn.Open strConn rs.Open "SELECT * FROM tblProjects WHERE ProjSerialNo = " & PNo, ObjConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText MsgBox rs.Fields("ProjTitle")

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Mail Once Again - Opening 'new' Mail-window And Export Mail Adress

Jun 23, 2006

Hi, this is probably a very easy question for you “Access-gods” out there.

I’ve made a database (MS Access 2000) with all my clients. I collect a lot of contact info, including e-mail.

I want to make a function which opens a new mail window (Outlook 2003) and automatically puts in the e-mail from my form (In the send-to field of outlook).

Is this possible? And how?

(BTW: I’m a newbie with VBA)

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General :: Mail Merge Word File (using Data From Access File)

Mar 11, 2014

I often create contract using mail merge. I have an access file that I want to use as data source for word file. But it does not automatically.

Please download the attached file !

If there are 1 customer and 1 property, I do not need to do anything. Conversely, if there are many customers and many properties, I take time to manipulate.

Firstly, I open the word file. I have to copy and paste paragraphs that I want. Highlight of the original paragraphs is blue.

Secondly, I click 'Insert Word Field' -> select 'Next Record'.

In short, I wish to use VBA in access file to automatically perform the steps that I have outlined.

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General :: How To Use Automation To Run Word 2010 Mail Merge From Access 2010

Nov 26, 2013

I have a MS Access 2010 application when the User opens form CONTACTS Form

â—¦User finds single record to be used CONTACTID is identifier to be used for selection
â—¦User clicks button to open form frm_MAIL_MERGE
â—¦Frm_MAIL_MERGE has a drop down combo box that reads the folder location where the application resides and displays all .DOTM files (that is all template files) and one more combo box which contains the CONTACTID.
â—¦User selects single .dotm file for merge
â—¦Frm_MAIL_MERGE has either drop down to select CONTACTID or UNBOUND data field for user to type in CONTACTID number
â—¦User enters CONTACTID to be used for the mail merge
â—¦User selects SUBMIT
â—¦Application merges selected .dotm file with the information in table CONTACTS for the selected CONTACTID
â—¦Merged document is saved on the user Desktop as xxx.docx

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General :: Replace Input Email Address With Mailto Address

Sep 17, 2012

I have a form where the user puts in a email address, eg test @ myserver.net

So the link opens a new mail it has to be prefixed by mailto:

How can I automatically replace the address the user enters with the format mailto:test@myserver.net

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Query How To Show A Temp Address Over A Perm Address

Jun 19, 2007

Hope you can help!

I have an access table which lists a customers address, however, if the customer has a temporary address it will also list that on a separate line -

CustID Address Type
1234 5 The Street P
1234 12 The Street T
2345 13 The Road P
3456 12 The Avenue P

Where P = Permanent and T = Temporary

I want to set up a query to show the permanent address where there is only one address, but where the customer has a temporary address also, I want to list the temporary one instead.


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General :: Bulk Mail Send With Different Mail Body Contents

Apr 26, 2013

I have a ms access table with two fields...tablename is ..."Addresses"..

Field1:= Employee_mail_id
Field2:= Leave_balance

What I need to do is that,I need to send individual mail (in Bulk) two each employee intimating their leave balances.
Is it possible to do it in vb .I want it to assign the codes in a button.

Below iss the code.

Dim r As Recordset
Dim email As String
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from Addresses")
Do While Not r.EOF
email = email & r(2) & ";"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, Null, Null, email, Null, Null, "Test subject", "Message body of the test letter", False, Null

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Email Address, Web Address, Hyperlinks, Etc..

Aug 9, 2006

I have a form bound to a table which stores contact info for a person. I have two controls that are email_address and website_address. I set them both as hyperlinks.
So now when the user clicks on the email_address Outlook opens a new message with an email_address in the To field. (I had to use a function found on this forum to replace the "htttp" with "mailto" on AfterUpdate event in order for this to work properly.) However, now trying to add some other features to my DB I ran into problems listed below. I wonder if I should have rather left that control as Text instead of Hyperlink, and use the DoCmd.SendObject on doubleclick event instead of using the above solution.
How people usually store email addresses and enable emailing on click?

The problems I ran into:
1) My main form is in popup mode and therefore right click on the hyperlink does not give an option to edit the hyperlink
2) I copied a function from this forum which gathers a list of emails and sends one message to the emaillist. However, my email list instead of generating as:
email1@a.com; email2@b.com
it generates as:
email1@a.com#mailto:email1@a.com#; email2@b.com#email2@b.com#

I guess I could extract the email using vba (not sure how), but I still don't know how to solve issue number 1. So maybe it is better to siwtch the field to plain text and forget the hyperlinks?


PS. What procedure on double click would open a default browser, since I also have to deal with web addresses and thought of turning them into text controls?

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