At work I can enter +15 in a date field and it automatically sets the date 15 days after todays date. Our companies computer is operating on a ERP system. I would like to do that in an Access database I'm designing for a friend. Any hints.
I have a form where the user enters a date into a field (box 1). Next they select a time frame in days from a drop down (box 2). What I want is for Access to take the date entered from box 1 add the number of days selected from box 2 and place the new (later) date into box 3. From there I can run simple queries. It's for a small data base to track the recall of pacemaker patients.
I enter their appointmet (today) date 1st box and then select whether they should return in 30, 90, or 180 days for a follow up 2nd box. When I choose the interval I want a 3rd box to automatically show their next appointment due date.
I am obviously not an Access expert and I think this should be simple. But 3 cups of coffee and 2 handfuls of my own hair have taken me further from a solution. THANK YOU for looking!!
What's the formula we can use to calculate days between no of days between date job is open and today's date in a query. I am using formulat below formula but the DATE_OPEN and Today (todays date) pops us as enter parameter value. I dont want those enter parameter windows pops us. The date job is open is in a linked table and linked table is getting the information from BPCS software. The date in Liinked is in format YYYYMMDD.
Total Days: DateDiff("d",[Date_Open],[Today])
The SQL Details are below. AUNPRDF_AAA802 is a linked table and information gets updated on 12 am everyday
SELECT DateDiff("d",[Date_Open],[Today]) AS [Total Days], AUNPRDF_AAA802.AAAGE AS Age, AUNPRDF_AAA802.AAORD AS [Job Number], AUNPRDF_AAA802.AAWKSP AS Workshop, AUNPRDF_AAA802.AASWKT AS WorkType, AUNPRDF_AAA802.AANAME AS [Customer Name], AUNPRDF_AAA802.AANME AS [Service Admin], AUNPRDF_AAA802.AASDE1 AS Complaint,
This is my query: Forfall: Date()+([svarfrist].[svarfrist])
The case is to use this day' date and add the number in the table "svarfrist". The point is that the user are able to change the nomber of pluss days from time to time. This qery running, but it only give bad number of days...
HI, this should be relatively simple, but for some reason I cannot figure it out.
I have a field titled "DEADLINE" - a user inputs a date in this field (the datatype for this filed id date/time)
What I want to do is, on the form create a text box which takes the deadline date - todays date to give me the number of days to the deadline date. Once the dealine date has passed I then want to turn the counter to Red to show it is overdue. If there is no dealine then I want the field to say something like "No Deadline Set"
I have a form where a start date is inputted (Inputfrm , StartDate) and a form where the end date of the process is recorded (Inspectionfrm , EndDate) and these both record in the table InputTbl as StartDate and EndDate respectively.
I have created a union query which shows a list of all the dates where there is work recorded (WorkingDatesQry and the column of list of unique dates is "WorkingDate"), and as we run a highly varied schedule depending on time of the year and order numbers I cannot just use a query which says Monday-Friday or Tuesday - Saturday.What I am trying to do is to find the number of days between StartDate and EndDate where there is a date recorded in the WorkingDates query.
We use access to enter our service tickets in at work.What we have are three date fields.
Call Date Start Date End Date
We are 24/7 operation.Currently all 3 just autopopulate with the current date.What i would like to do is ADD a CHECKBOX next to each Date Field.And make it work like this.
1. let them autopopulate as they are currently 2. if you end the call AFTER MIDNIGHT (the next day). CHECKING the box would automatically populate yesterdays date in each of the fields that has the check box CHECKED
I am trying to add a certain number of days onto a date field to create a due date within a Table but can't work out how to do it. I know that to add days on I can use the function DateAdd but the only way I can see how to do this is to create and update query to run and add the date on. Is there anyway that I can set the field to automatically update the due date dependent on the priority of the record e.g. immediate (1 day) standard (3 days) and request (28 Days)?
I am trying to track vegetables that I will be planting in my garden. I will plant some vegetables. I have a StartDate and HarvestDate and Estimated HarvestDate Fields. I also have a field named GrowDays. This field states how long it takes for each vegetable to mature i.e. 75 days or 58 days or 42 days etc. etc. What I want to do in a query is to automatically add the number of days from the GrowDays field to the StartDate and come up with the Estimated Harvest Date. If I plant a Tomato on April 13th and it takes 75 days to mature then I want the EstimatedHarvestDate field to reflect 6/27/2013 which is the StartDate + 75days. I am trying to figure out how to do this when the GrowDays field changes numbers. I can use this "Estimated HarvestDate: DateAdd("d",+75,[GrowDays])" except this only works if the GrowDays Field is 75. I need to be able to accomplish this no matter what the GrowDay field says.
I have a query and I need the records to display 3 working days before the 15 working day deadline.
I used the following in the criteria box below the received date field and it doesn't pull the correct number of workdays, it's pulling calendar days instead.
I have a query and I need the records to display 3 working days before the 15 working day deadline.
I used the following in the criteria box below the received date field and it doesn't pull the correct number of workdays, it's pulling calendar days instead.
I would like to add to the initial startup of my application a form with a password command that if you do not enter the correct password in 30 days it will terminate this application? Is that possible? Thanks matt
I have a date/time field on a form. I have a calculation that adds number of days to Date() and enters the answer in the field. Example:Date()+30. If the answer comes on a week end, can I get the date entered to be the next occuring week day? Thanks
Looking to create two command buttons or two keystrokes sets in an Access 2007 form that will allow me to place a current date and time in any allowable field where the Cursor is presently placed. Similar to what was in Access 2000, ctl: (for the current date) and ctl shift : (for the current time).
I am trying to do some simple table operations. I have a field (Date) containing dates, and an empty field called Day.
I want to extract the day number from the Date field, and write it to the Day field.
I didn't get very far until I ran into trouble when setting my recordset. I get the error "Too few parameters, expected 1". Clicking "Debug", will highlight the code line "Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sqlString, dbOpenDynaset)".
So far, my code looks as follows:
Code: Private Sub Command16_Click() Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim sqlString As String Dim dataDay As Byte 'Open connection to current Access database Set db = CurrentDb()
I am not very familiar with the various types of recordset settings. I just want to be able to read data from the Date field, and write data to the Day field.
I need to work out a couple of calculations, the number of days between an engineer starting and finishing a project, the number of days between the project being put on the database in the first place and being completed by an engineer and finally, the difference between these. These maybe simple, but I have no idea tbh (still new to access).
I have a form with the date it was added onto the database, and the engineer fills in the date started and date finished as it happens.
These run off of 2 tables BookingIntbl and TechnicalServicestbl
[BookingIntbl].[Date], [TechnicalServicestbl].[Date Started] and [TechnicalServicestbl].[Date Finished]
I have then got the fields, 'Days with Engineer', 'Days in Repair Centre' and 'Day Difference' for the answers to be displayed.
In a database, I have the following date fields that I use to track projects that start and stop.
Is there a way I can use a query to calculate the total days the project was worked on? For example if I enter 1/1/06 in START1, 1/10/06 in STOP1, 2/1/06 in START2 and 2/15/06 in STOP2, 3/1/06 in START3 and 3/30/06 in STOP3, I need to calculate the total days. I need it to work regardless if there are 3 start/stops, 2 or just one start/stop.
I imported an large Excel file with a date column consisting of 3 different date formats and need help on a query to extract the number of days. Examples of the date on that column: