I'm from Vietnam and my English is bad. In my database, I have only a table named tblEmployees, which contains these following fields: Employee_ID (data type: text), Name (text), Salary (number) and Allowance (number). I build a form bound to this table. In the footer of this form, I have a textbox control named txtSumSalary that contains the expression: =Sum([Salary]). Everythings is OK. But when I build an another textbox named txtSumAllowance that contains the expression: =Sum([Allowancess]) (I misspelled this field intentionally), the result are error #error in both textbox controls. I don't understand why the textbox txtSumAllowance wrong, the textbox txtSumSalary is wrong too. Help me!!! Thanks a lot!
Im new to asp and access and have been having this problem for serveral weeks.
Every couple of days, all the asp pages on my site that communicate with the database start having 500 internal errors. i turned off the "Show friendly error messages" and one page gave me this specific error:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/admin/submitlogin.asp, line 8
I have tried a million things and have no idea why this is happening. Im not sure what other information i should post in order to see the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,
Private Sub NextApplication_Click() On Error GoTo Err_NextApplication_Click DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exit_NextApplication_Click: Exit Sub
Err_NextApplication_Click: If Err.Number = 2105 Then MsgBox "Cannot navigate to the next record. This is the last record." Else MsgBox Err.Description End If
Resume Exit_NextApplication_Click
End Sub
but even when this error occurs nothing is being properly handled the way i specified - any ideas ?
Does anybody know what this error message refers to?
"Reserved Error (-1517); there is no message for this error."
It just started happening today, and I haven't even made any changes to the database. It occurs when I hit a button I have to run a macro.
the macro does the following: 1) Shows all records 2) Requery 3) ApplyFilter. The Where Condition for the filter is: Right([tblContracts].[JobNum],4)=Right([Forms]![FrmContProc].[txtFindJobNum],4)
The weird thing is that it only occurs if the Form window is taller than 1/2 of my viewable area. If the Form window is 1/2 the viewable area or shorter, it works OK. This was running fine earlier today, but about 4:00 pm (03/31/06) this started happening.
If anybody knows what this error means, or how to get rid of it (I really need to use this window in full-screen) then please let me know.
Okay, I'm kind of stumped here.I have a subform that has a button that sends a user to a "sibling" subform on another tab page, pass some information to ensure they are adding more details to the same records rather than creating two separate record.First time I programmed it, I got an error 3022 (keys cannot have duplicate values). I checked the query of the sibling subform and saw that the ID is from the one side table. I changed it so many table's foreign key is used. Second try, I got an error 3341 (there isn't a matching key in one side table).After some thinking, it also occured to me that I had set the query this way to allow addition of new record which wouldn't be possible if I had the query pulling the many side key, not the one side key.How do I get the subform to accept the ID that is being passed and create a new record using that ID?:confused:
Private Sub Consolidate_Click() Dim temp As Variant Excel.Application.Visible = True temp = Dir(CurrentProject.Path & "Inputs") Do While temp <> vbNullString
[Code] ....
From the second iteration its not picking the error.
Is it enough for error handling to code the on error property for each form? With enough I mean error handling which lets you resume the program.
Ontherwise I have to code (or call a procedure) for each coded event which i wouldn't prefer
For instance now I'm putting error handling in each event but would consider it more efficient if it can be placed once in each form Private Sub cmdReport_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdReport_Click
Not sure how to work in the '* ROLL *' into this SQL statement. The query statement works fine ... I have tried different quotation methods ( Not Like " & " ' * ROLL * & ' " & " ) AND .... )
sql = "SELECT DISTINCTROW Sum(CDbl([Scrap Factor])) AS SumOFScrap FROM [RT: Signpro1: Costs] LEFT JOIN [DT: InventoryExtend] ON [RT: Signpro1: Costs].[Part Number] = [DT: InventoryExtend].[Part#] GROUP BY [DT: InventoryExtend].CategoryID, [DT: InventoryExtend].Description, [forms]![signpro sign estima parameters]![combo14] HAVING ((([DT: InventoryExtend].CategoryID)=30) AND (([DT: InventoryExtend].Description) Not Like '* ROLL *') AND (([forms]![signpro sign estima parameters]![combo14])=1));"
hi guys i was wondering if you can help me this is my code: i have a main form with this code, this form contains a subform linked by the All_PricingID
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblAll_Pricing") 'main table ' adding data to the table rst.AddNew ' Main table rst!All_PricingID = Me.txtPricingID 'Main table pk rst!MainContract_ID = Me.cmbMainContract 'combo box in parent form rst!ItemNumber = Me.txtItem 'Main form text rst.Update
'sub Table Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPricing") 'sub table For varItem = 0 To Me.lstsubContracts.ListCount - 1 'this is a list in the main form '--- loop through all the items in the list box and create a new row in the subform for each subcontract in the listbox lstSubcontracts. rst2.AddNew rst2!ID = Me.All_PricingID 'sub table foreign key rst2!SubContractID = Me.lstsubContracts.Column(0, varItem) 'sub table rst2.Update Next varItem '--- close the tables rst.Close rst2.Close Set rst = Nothing Set rst2 = Nothing
the subform appears correctly with the rows i wanted added but i need the user to be able to edit a column in the subform for the rows just created (my form is on datasheet view). but everytime i move to cursor into the subform, i can't even scroll up and down.
i keep getting an error that says :
The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. (Error 3022)
but when i check my tables tblAll_Pricing and tblPricing , everything is inserted correctly according to my recorset above, do you know why this is happening? and why i am not able to edit my subform. my subform allowsedits and additions.
I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:
My code is:
On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click
' Declare variables Dim db As DAO.Database Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim varItem As Variant Dim strCriteria As String Dim strSQL As String
[Code] .....
The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:
Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri Masonry NSW');'
Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help. I'm not sure of the best way to describe the problemb but will try anyway. I have noticed that when using my database, every so often after a period of use the toolbars start to have problems i.e. when you select edit no drop down appears but if you roll over where it should be some options start to appear. Also the use of the copy, cut, paste etc buttons become unusable. However, if I close all forms, queries etc and reopen a starting form, the problem is gone again for another period of time. I run off Access 2000 and wonder if this is a problem with this version or something else. I would be very thankful if someone could shed some light on this problem i.e. explain it better to me and offer some advice on fixing the problem if possible.
Thanks hope I explained in a way that is just about understandable.
Wend im trying to open my database this error message shows up.
"Microsoft office has detected curruption in this file. To try to repair the curruption, first make a backup copy of this file. Them, on the tool menu, point to database utilities and click compact and repair database. If you arecurrently trying to repair this curruption then you will need to recreate this file or restore it from a previous backup"
I am getting a Microsoft Access Error when I try to open a database on a network drive. The error message says "The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Databases'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly." I also got a message that "Windows was unable to save all the data" for the database. This database worked fine Monday morning, but after lunch everyone who uses the database received these messages and the database would not open (myself included, and I am the owner of the database). I compacted and repaired the database late Friday afternoon. The size of the database is only 6.91 MB (I read in another post that a database cannot be more than 2 GB). Do you know why this would have happened and what I can do to prevent it from happening again?
Hi I have made an application in Access 2002 on my computer using in Regional and Language Settings/Language for non-Unicode Programs "Romanian". Now, I need to run my application as a front-end on other computers where the language is "english" but my application is refusing to work. I receive the same error for all my buttons, combo boxes, on "something" action: "the expression on <<action>> you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: a problem occurred while was communicating with the ole server or activeX control". I work to activeX and references but all seems to be ok. If I change the language back on to 'Romanian", the application work fine. What can I do to make it work on other computers with other language?
If I hit Debug and then Play, the script will continue its process till the end just fine. But I have to continue hitting it everytime it starts a new loop. So, I have been babysitting this script until the loop is complete.
Questions are: 1. Where do I find MaxLocksPerFile registry? 2. What does this error message mean?
When opening a certain Access database a user is recieving this error: Function isn't available in expressions in query expression '(((PRODUCTION.DATECREATE)=Date())'.
This only happens on a specific computer. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Office, Access, I've even tried just installing Office 97. I also went through and reinstalled all the ActiveX controls that have to do with the date (MSCAL.ocx gives us trouble sometimes).
I'm not that familiar with the programming for the database, it was done quite some time before I got here, but I know enough to understand what is happening. I think the problem lies with the Date() function (this still happens as admin on her machine so it isn't a permissions error) but I have no idea how to fix it.
I remember reading something not long ago about a similar issue that had to do with differing versions of library files for VBA. I was going to try and replace the library file containing that function on her machine with one from mine, until I found that it apparently isn't stored in a file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm at my wits' end with this thing.
I have a small dabase shared by 4 users on the network. when someone opens the db, then someone else opens it there is no problem. when user 1 has a report open and user 2 tries to update a record, user 2 gets the following error
You do not have exlcusive access to the database at this time. If you proceed to make changes you may not be able to save them later
I have split the database into 2 seperate Db's one is the tables only the other is the objects.
I am new to the use of access. I have defined the database in the dsn and named that 'abexp', now when i go to access open the database and then create a module and try to establish a connection to the abexp, it gives me an error - database has been placed in a state by an unknown user that prevents it from being opened or locked. Can someone tell me what am i doing that is incorrect over here. i am trying to get convert from sql server to access.
Is there any resource that gives a definitive run down on all the errors that can exist within access; their causes and solutions. For example; the enter parameter msg box that appears when it doesn't recognise field value.
Does anyone out there have any ideas on how I can get a full list of the error codes and their descriptions for microsoft access?
I've set up a simple table with two fields, one for the error code and the other for the description. I've written a short bit of code (see below) to build the table for me, but it only generates 88 codes with the highest being 746.
Now I know that there are error codes up in the 3000 area because I'm trapping a few of them.
What I'm looking for is a list of the error code so I may write an extended list in my error trapping routines.
Code as follows:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim My_RecordSet As DAO.Recordset, My_DataBase As DAO.Database Dim My_Error As Long Dim My_Description As String
I keep getting the error Syntax Error in INSERT into statement. I don't know why
This is the sql statement:
Dim intRequest As Integer Dim intRequest2 As Integer Dim strSQL As String Dim intInvoiceNumber As Integer Dim strInvoiceDate As String Dim strName As String Dim intBalanceDue As Double repeats:
If Paid.Value = -1 Then intRequest = MsgBox("Now that you have checked this as been paid, do you wish to finalize this and become irreversable? (If you want further help about this click the Cancel button)", vbInformation + vbYesNoCancel) If vbNo = intRequest Then cancellation: Paid.Value = 0 Call MsgBox("Request cancelled.", vbInformation) Exit Sub ElseIf vbYes = intRequest Then ' Perform action here Invoice_Number.Enabled = True Invoice_Number.SetFocus intInvoiceNumber = Val(Invoice_Number.Text) Invoice_Date.SetFocus Invoice_Number.Enabled = False strInvoiceDate = Invoice_Date.Text Bill_To_Name.SetFocus strName = Bill_To_Name.Text strSQL = "INSERT INTO Paid-Address (Invoice-Number, Invoice-Date, Name, Balance-Due) VALUES ('" & Val(intInvoiceNumber) & "','" & strInvoiceDate & "','" & strName & "','32')" Invoice_Number.Enabled = False MsgBox (strSQL) DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL Else intRequest2 = MsgBox("You have checked this invoice to be paid but if you don't finalize it, it be assumed an error or the cheque has bounced. If you finalize it in the other hand this invoice will be permenantly deleted from this record and entered into the paid summary instead. Do you wish to return back to the request message or do permenant cancellation?", vbInformation + vbYesNo) If intRequest2 = vbYes Then GoTo repeats GoTo cancellation End If End If