Error Loading Dll

Oct 31, 2005


I am updating a switchboard from someone elses work.

I get the error on other peoples computers (but not my own) that there is an "error loading DLL" and the I get "The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: The expression you entered has a function name that <database> can't find.

* The expression maay not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function or [Event Procedure].
* There may have been an error evaulating the function, event, or macro"

I am including a before and after of the db as attached. (-new is the new one)

Again the form opens perfectly on my computer for both but not for anyone else. The error thrown is included as well as the jpg


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Forms :: Error While Loading A Webpage With Form

Jun 7, 2014

I try to open a web page with a form in access 2007. During the loading of the page it shows me 2 security error messages.

I tried to change the properties in Activex and especially the Silent property from No to Yes but this is not possible. In the next restart of the form restores the original settings.

When i open the same page with Internet Explorer it doesn't show any error. I have attached the database example to see exactly what happening.

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General :: ADODB Connection - Error In Loading DLL

Jan 16, 2013

I have windows 7 and office 2003 installed.

I have access application which was running fine recently but for some reason everytime I run it now it gives an error on the adodb connection string saying compile error.

Its doing this on every adodb connection I have in my database.

I have tried registering the dao an ado dlls but still the problem persists.

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Forms :: Opening DB With 2003 Form Loading Error

Sep 17, 2013

I have designed a DB in access 2010 and it opens fine on my computer. However, when others I work with (who still have 2003) try to open the database, they get the following error: "An Error Has Occured Trying to Load The Form "Form Name" - Do You Wish to Continue".

When I click Yes, it brings up all of the VBA code in the background, but when i close all of that out, it still doensn't open.I am by no means an access expert.

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Reports :: Invalid Use Of Null Error On Loading Report

Jun 5, 2014

I am developing a database for my company which will produce reports based on data entered on various forms.

When the report opens, I would like its name to dynamically change to include the site, the client and their reference number. Although I know very little VBA, from searching this and other forums I have managed to get this to work on other forms.

On a different form, I have managed this by giving the form the caption "Caption" and then running the following code on load:

Reports("ItemisedQuoteFromQuoteFromViewSalesEnquiryFromSearch").Caption = "Our Quotation Ref: " & [StaffInitials] & "/" & [QuoteEnteredBy] & "/" & [QuotesJobsSalesEnquiryRecordNumber] & " - " & [ClientDetailsName] & " reference " & [JobsClientJobNumber]

Which will give the report a title along the lines of: "Our Quotation Ref: AB/CD/123456 - Client Name reference 987654".

On the report I am struggling with the code is:

Reports("MWUPropertyAssessment").Caption = "Property Assessment for " & [SiteDetailsAddressLine1] & ", " & [ClientDetailsName] & " reference: " & [PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber]

However all this produces is "Property Assessment for , reference". If I try entering just "[SiteDetailsAddressLine1]", "[ClientDetailsName]" or "[PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber]" I receive an Invalid use of Null error message.

If I create text boxes on the report for [SiteDetailsAddressLine1], [ClientDetailsName] and [PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber] they are filled with the correct information so I know that these fields are not blank.

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"error In Loading DLL"

Oct 30, 2007

I upgraded from Office 2003 to Office 2007. I have not been able to get Access 2007 to work right since the upgrade. When I try to use wizards (like combo box, or command button) I get the error "error in loading DLL".

I looked in the forums and found the issue. The solution is to run these commands

Regsvr32.exe "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAODao360.dll"

Regsvr32.exe "C:Program FilesCommon FilessystemadoMsado15.dll"

I did this from my computer's admin account and it fixed the problem if I run Access from the admin account. Howere, I still get the errors in my normal user account. I must have Access running from my user account due to rules where I work.

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Loading Db Tables

Oct 26, 2006

I need help urgently. I am currently receiving files in .txt format through ftp which then reside in the same network folder as my Access Db. All the tables have been designed to read the data in. I'll be receiving these files on a daily basis. My idea is to automate this process. So, I would like to delete the existing data from the tables and then load the new set at a particular time everyday. Again, data comes in a .txt format through ftp. Please let me if this could be done and how. Thank you.

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Finished Loading

May 9, 2005

i have a form, in which two of the controls on the form, are unbound image controls, which display linked images. Now i have a button, which when both images have been displayed successfully, i would like to set the enabled property of this button to true.

How can i detect, that an image has ended up linking and is now fully displayed ?

Thank You

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Problem With .mdb Loading

Apr 18, 2008

Hi, im using a .mdb Database in Access 2003 and i got it stored on my network server.

Now i have this problem:

If i start the Database on one specific computer, the main menu (the first page that pops up at loading) is not showing correctly

Other Forms are accessible through the manager-list

Meaning, that background and picture in background are showing correctly, but none of my buttons are there.

All i get is one single small click-button and a "1" next to it....

Button not having effect at all..

So my questions :

a) why is this problem only showing on ONE and only one computer? On other computers the database is just doing fine.
b) what IS the nature of the problem
c) how to fix it?

Many thanx for a quick reply..

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Is There A Way That Could Implement A Loading Bar

Jun 27, 2014

I have a Splash Screen type deal that loads after the user logs in I wanted to know if there was a way that I could add a Loading Bar that would say different things like Are you having a nice day?

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Form Keeps Loading/refreshing

Apr 11, 2006

Hi all,

I encountered some weird symptons with my Access forms. I am using the form to display images(done by setting the OnCurrent and After Update property).

When my PC is just powered on, and i try to load say form "ENGLISH". Form "ENGLISH" will appear, but the focus will switch in between form ENGLISH and the MS ACCESS program window. This action will onli settle down after abt 10 secs.

When the ENGLISH form is loaded, i will attempt to switch from one record to another, but the same thing occurs again. IT will load/refresh for abt 10seconds, with the focus toggling btwn ENGLISH FORM n MS Access.. IN addition, it opens a second copy of FORM "ENGLISH" in the background as can be seen on my taskbar. When i close my 1st form ENGLISH and i attempt to close the 2nd FORM tat is appearing on the taskbar, there will be an error msg, English : MSACCESS.EXE-Application Error, Instruction at....(refer to the attached jpeg file for detailed error location)

Y is it tat this weird behaviour onli applies to the forms tat are used to display images but not those normal forms tat contains of purely text?

The entire behaviour will be eliminated after i close MS access, and reload the DB abt twice.....

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Loading A Form From List Box

Apr 14, 2006

Hello All

I have a list box that displays the names of customers who are allowed to hire DVDs.

I would like to highlight a customer and show all the relevant customer data on a separate form, not have the list box on the same form that displays the customer's data.


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Ribbon Bar Not Loading Correctly

Nov 13, 2007


I am trying to get a blank ribbon to be in place when a user opens my application. I have an Adp linked to SQL Server. If I create a table in SQL Server named ribbons and have the app read the data in that table in the AutoExec macro (this runs the code that reads the data) then assign the new ribbon to Application.LoadCustomUI RS("RibbonName").Value, RS("RibbonXml").Value it works and the blank ribbon is displayed. The problem is that this is no use because if the adp is not connected to the database on startup it causes an error as no connection has been established.

Instead I have put exactly the same xml file into a module but this does not have the same affect even though I call the same Application.LoadCustomUI method. I havent really done anything different except change how the xml is found. The problem with this method is it just pops the new ribbon into the list of available ribbons so then the user would have to choose the ribbon, shut down and restart, that is no use.

Has anybody got any idea what can be done about this? I will post the code below.

Thank you for any advice on what can be done.


First method (which works but is no good for distributing the app)

Autoexec calls the following
Public Function LoadRibbons()
Dim RS As Recordset
Set RS = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("SELECT Ribbons.RibbonName, Ribbons.RibbonXML FROM RIBBONS")
If Not RS.BOF Then
Application.LoadCustomUI RS("RibbonName").Value, RS("RibbonXml").Value
End If
Set RS = Nothing
End Function

but using the following and calling it in autoexec just puts the ribbon in the list and doesnt use it

Function CreateRibbon()
Dim xml As String
xml = _
"<customUI xmlns="""">" & vbCrLf & _
" <ribbon startFromScratch=""true"">" & vbCrLf & _
" <officeMenu>" & vbCrLf & _
" <button idMso=""FileCompactAndRepairDatabase"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" <button idMso=""FileOpenDatabase"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" <button idMso=""FileNewDatabase"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" <splitButton idMso=""FileSaveAsMenuAccess"" visible=""false""/>" & vbCrLf & _
" </officeMenu>" & vbCrLf & _
" </ribbon>" & vbCrLf & _
Application.LoadCustomUI "BlankRibbon", xml
End Function

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Loading Un Unloading Subforms

Mar 9, 2008


what is the best way to load or unload subforms? currently, i have the subforms within my form and code will change it visible and invisible but it would be better i think if they could be loaded or unloaded as i iahve existing code in the forms that all needs to be written.
( i originally had the subforms as separate forms that opened as a single form ).

can you load / unload subforms on a form as normal forms?



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Loading Data From Txt Files

Jan 24, 2005

I am looking for a way to automate the clearing of tables and re-loading of data from txt files. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Tab Control (loading Data)

Jun 16, 2005

If I have a tab control in a form, with a form on each tab, will the data from all the tab's forms have to be loaded when I open the 'host' (don't know what to call it) form?
I can't tell if the load time is increased, as there isn't much data there yet, so it's pretty much instant anyway...

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Form Not Loading Properly

Aug 8, 2006

I am running a form on top of a query with around 1500 records in it. The query mostly uses tables that are joined with referential integrity.

The form has buttons and conditional formatting.

It was fine until today, when suddenly the form has stopped loading properly. It looks all fragmented on the screen and I have to scroll down and scroll back up again for it to look right.

I have searched everywhere to find out what is causing this and how it can be fixed, but no luck yet. Can you help?


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Loading Subforms Using Strings

Aug 23, 2006

hi... I have a form containing 120 subforms...

the form will be loaded depending on the user...
i name my subforms in sequence that is: loadA1, loadA2, loadA3,....

to load a form I just use the code: me.loadA3.sourceobject = "FormName"

and then I make a counter to keep track of which forms are loaded and which one to load next.. as they load in sequence..

the question is if its possible to write the above code in a string type or other way to make the code shorter...

For example my code is as follows: If ACount = 0 Then
Me.LoadA1.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 1 Then
Me.LoadA2.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 2 Then
Me.LoadA3.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 3 Then
Me.LoadA4.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 4 Then
Me.LoadA5.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 5 Then
Me.LoadA6.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 6 Then
Me.LoadA7.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 7 Then
Me.LoadA8.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 8 Then
Me.LoadA9.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 9 Then
Me.LoadA10.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 10 Then
Me.LoadA11.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 11 Then
Me.LoadA12.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 12 Then
Me.LoadA13.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 13 Then
Me.LoadA14.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 14 Then
Me.LoadA15.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 15 Then
Me.LoadA16.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 16 Then
Me.LoadA17.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 17 Then
Me.LoadA18.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 18 Then
Me.LoadA19.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
ElseIf ACount = 19 Then
Me.LoadA20.SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"
End If

If ACount < 19 Then
ACount = ACount + 1
ElseIf ACount < 0 Then
ACount = 0
ACount = 20
End If

anyway to make it something like:

"me.loadA" & Acount & ".SourceObject = "TEMPCableName"


Thanks in advance
help is much appreciated

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Picture Loading Problem......

Dec 30, 2004

I have a player information form where a player picture is stored. When I first wrote the program I was able to upload a picture no problem from my computer, I had a crash and now when I try to load a picture it takes three times as long and all that shows in the picture window is the picture name. Did I lose a setting or a program during the crash? Hope this makes enough sense.

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Generating And Loading Report

Jun 27, 2005

Hi every body. I wonder how i can generate and load a report when a button is clicked on access 2000 form. I be happy if some one show me an example.Thanks

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Forms :: Form Is Not Loading

May 21, 2013

We have access DB on a server accessed by 3 workstations. When we open the shortcut it opens a form. Few days ago we started getting this error: can't find project or library..Then this code opens in Microsoft Visual Basic

Function CheckCommandLine()
If Command <> "" Then
changeTableLinks Command
End If


Link to the database is like this:"C:Program FilesOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE" serverdbsci.mdb /cmd serverdbsci_data.mdb....We don't get this error on Access 2007.

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Closing Pop Up Forms After Loading Report

Apr 24, 2006

Hi All.

I have look through the forum but can not find a solution to my problem.

I have a popup form set to "popup" and "modal" "frmJobBookOut" which passes data to a query "qryJobBookOut". In the query there is a field called "job_no" and I have set the criteria to reference the "frmJobBookOut" ** [forms]![frmJobBookout]![job_no] ** and a report "rptInvoice" based on the query "qryJobBookOuit". This all works fine.

The report loads with the popup "frmJobBookout" form still displayed. I know that the popup form is still displayed because I have the setting "modal" and until I click on the close button it will remain on screen.

Is there a way I can close the popup "frmJobBookOut" form after the report has loaded.

I have tried many ways but not the right way.

Many thanks if you can help.

Kind regards

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Loading Multiple CSVs In Row Format

Nov 24, 2007

I'm just getting familiar with Access and have been unable to solve the following problem and am hoping someone here could help. I have a lot (10,000s) of csv formatted files that I would like to import into a database. Each csv file corresponds to a new record in a table but the fields are arranged row-wise.

My problem is two fold. One, the fields are arranged in rows and not columns so when I try to use the "Get External Data -> Import" option to import a single file the columns and not the rows are read as fields. Two, even if they could be imported properly I have thousands of files I need to import so I would also need to automate the process, perhaps with a VB program.

Below is a sample of the csv file format: (the real files have over forty fields, and note the units column may sometimes be blank)

name,Meta Particle,

Is there an option in Access to import many identically formatted csv files and transpose them in the process? I would appreciate any ideas on how to load them into a table.


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Dynamically Loading Query Results

Sep 25, 2005

Hi All,
I am new to Access and looking for some help.

I have a query, which reads the combo box value and loads the result in Text box. It works fine when I load the Form.
Now here is the problem… If I select another values from combo box the query result remains the same (in text box). How do I make it work dynamically?
So when I select new value in combo box, the resulting query gets updated in textbox.


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Any Way To Speed Up Form Picture Loading?

Jun 22, 2006

Hi all,

I've a form with an image on each page which is linked (not embedded) to filenames from another table. When moving through the forms the time it takes to import the picture is relatively slow, is there any method or hack I could use to speed this up?

The code I'm using at the moment:

Private Sub Form_Current()

Dim Picture As String

On Error GoTo PictureError

Picture = Me.Clipping_UNC & Me.Clipping_File_Name
Forms!REPORT_Coverage_Clippings![Image].Picture = Picture


If Err.Number = 2220 Then

Forms!REPORT_Coverage_Clippings![Image].Picture = "m:setupimage.jpg"


End If

End Sub

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Forms :: Loading Form At Specified Record?

Jan 21, 2015

I have a report that summarizes the record content that is contained within a form (one report line per form record). If the user wishes to view a specific record on the form, he clicks on the report control that contains a numeric value that identifies the record on the form. I can get that to work with the following code:

DoCmd.OpenForm "AdmissionForm", acNormal, , "[Admission Number] = " & Me.Text0

where Admission Number is a control on the form and Text0 is the control on the report containing the admission number requested i.e. if the report control Text0 = 10, the form would open with the current record in which admission number = 10.

Problem is though, the form opens as "filtered" with only the one requested record (i.e. record number 1 of 1). What I would like is the unfiltered form to be opened with the requested Admission Number as the current record. I have tried DoCmd.GoToRecord but can't get it to work.

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