Evaluating Multiple Frames To Set Label Back Color

Jun 19, 2014

'Pacer frame set to proper background
If Me.FrmPacer.Value = 1 Then
Me.LblPacer.BackColor = vbGreen
ElseIf Me.FrmPacer.Value = 2 Then
Me.LblPacer.BackColor = vbYellow
ElseIf Me.FrmPacer.Value = 3 Then
Me.LblPacer.BackColor = vbRed


I have multiple frames on one subform that when selected sets a unassociated labels back color. Then when cancelled by undo code the back color stays on the color that it was changed to on afterupdate event from the frame with option controls. I would like to loop thru but could not come up with the proper method if it is even possible.the above code works after refreshed, but just wondering if there is a shorter or more efficient method.

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Modules & VBA :: Back Color On A Label

Jun 30, 2014

on one of my forms I want the option to change the backcolor of a label and no matter what I try it wont work right.

Me.ColorlvlOne.BackColor = vbBlack

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Changing The Color Of A Label

Dec 21, 2004

I want to change the color of a label based on whether a checkbox is checked or not. Here is the code that I have right now that is not working.

If Not IsNull(MMS) Then
Label16.BackColor = 65535
End If

Can anyone help me out on this one?


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Checkbox Changing Label Color

May 30, 2006

How can I indicate with a color change in the label, that a checkbox is checked? I've got it working ...sort of. but when the change occurs it's happening gobally - I want the label to color to apply only to the record I'm viewing. If the check box is checked then the color should be red, otherwise black.

My code is as follows:
Active_Admission.Value = -1 Then

Label1177.ForeColor = vbRed

ElseIf Active_Admission.Value = 0 Then

Labe1177.ForeColor = vbBlack

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Also, the condition only works with -1 and 0 - I've read in other places that the condition is 1 and 0. HELP!


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Forms :: Checkbox Label Color Change

Apr 21, 2013

I have several forms that each has a dozen or more checkboxes, true/false. I want to be able to change the background color of the label of each checkbox depending on if the checkbox is true or false. I have used the following code which works great:

If Me.A = True Then
Me.lblA.BackColor = vbYellow
Me.lblA.BackStyle = 1
Me.lblA.ForeColor = vbRed
Me.lblA.BackColor = vbWhite
Me.lblA.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If

Me.A refers to T/F checkbox A and Me.lblA refers to its label. This is repeated for each of the checkbox controls. If the control is [B], then its label is lblB. I have used this in the form OnCurrent event and the checkbox control OnUpdate event. I was wondering if I could use the tag property to this, saving me writing countless lines of code and having the OnCurrent event of each of the forms so long and cumbersome. And I do know that I can use conditional formatting to do this, but I would prefer not to use that method. Is there any way to do this using the tag property and not so many lines of code?

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Forms :: Label Border Color Incorrect

Jan 9, 2014

Using Access 2010. I have a form on which I've placed a simple label. I try to set the label border color to black but it shows grey. I can set the border color to #000000 and it's grey. I set it to #000001 and it shows black as expected.

I'm thinking it has something to do with the themes, but shouldn't an exact color code show as expected? As a new member (<10 posts) I can't post an actual link, but here's the text of the location: [URL] ....

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Changing Font Color Of Just Part Of A Label

Sep 11, 2015

Is it possible to use two color fonts on one label? I want to bring attention to the user that by clicking a certain button they can perform a search by "Name" and by clicking on the other button, they can perform a search by "Appointment".

I have a switchboard type form with some buttons. The two buttons in question are labeled, "Search for Appts by Name" and "Search for Appts by Appointment". I want to keep the "Search for" section of the button in black font, but change the "by Appointment" and "by Name" to red font.

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Tab Control Back Color

Apr 5, 2005

Quick question here I hope.

I've got a little box covering up a drop down arrow on a combo control that resides on a tab control. The problem is that, since the Back Color property isn't available for a tab control, I have no idea what color it is...which is what the color of my box object (rectangle technically) needs to be so as to blend in. It looks a little garrish with it standing out there...

Any ideas what the default color of the tab page background is? Using Access 2003.



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Tab Control Back Color

May 5, 2005

Hi all,

Using Access 2003, WinXP SP2.

I have a form with the standard light grey background. I insert a tab control, and the default back color is white. I set the BackStyle to Transparent, and it still displays as white.

Am I missing something here, I want the back color of the tab control to be the same as my form.

Now, what's really odd, is in this project it creates tab controls as white, but if I open an old project of mine, it creates tab controls with the same light grey back ground of the form.

Any help?

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Changing The Back Color

Jul 21, 2006

I have a CONTINUOUS form that shows all my records. I want it to change the back color of a field when it is a certain value. so far i get it to change back color when the very first record in the list is a certain value, but then it will change the back color for every value and not just one value.

can i fix this?

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Forms :: Label For A Text Box To Read B&W Or Color For Database Of Photographs

Jun 19, 2013

I would like the label for a text box to read "B&W or Color" for a database of photographs.

Access will not accept the ampersand. Since this is just a label, I thought I could get away with using this symbol.

Is there a way to get the label to accept the ampersand?

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Change The Back Color Of An Active Field

Jan 11, 2005

Is there a way to change the back color of an active field in a form? Meaning, when I tab through my form and the field I tab to becomes active, the field turns white. This poses a problem because my form back color is black and my field text is white. When the field is active, I can't see the value in the field due to the back color defaulting to white. Does this make sense? Is there a way to change it?

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Reports :: Alternate Back Color Not Printing Correctly

Sep 25, 2013

This is re-statement for clarity of earlier thread deleted.

In Access 2010 I have a Report with a Detail Section that shows a record and a Sub-report that shows the many records of a one-to-many relationship.

The Report Detail Section Property Sheet specifies a Back Color and a different Alternate Back Color.

Report View alternates the Detail Section background colors correctly.

Print View and Printing DO NOT correctly alternate the background colors. Back color and Alternate Back Color appear in irregular sequences.

how to fix it?

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Forms :: Button Back Color Change When Pressed

May 10, 2013

Is it possible that once the command button "Send Cost Request" in red is pressed it will change to green?

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Forms :: Change Image Back Color On Click

Apr 30, 2014

I have images in my form, say, Image1 and Image2 . The default background color for all of them are white. If the user click image1, the background color has to be red. If the user click image2, the background has to change to red and the image1 retains its default color ( White ).

I have six images to loop through these. Image1 to image6.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting - Change Back Color Of Fields

Aug 1, 2013

I have a form in datasheet with the fields "Date In" and "Date out" among other.

I want to be able to Change the backcolour of the "Date In" to red, yellow, or green depending on the length of time elapsed between current date and date in. This works fine on the conditional formatting, but now I only want to apply this formatting IF the "Date Out" is empty.

Access 2007.

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Forms :: Hex Number Conversion - Assign Back Color To A Control

Aug 9, 2014

I'm using Access 2010

What I want to be able to do is to assign a back colour to a control from VBA. There are many colours and what I thought would be an easy process was to choose a suitable colour to be assigned using the colour picker for a control, note the hex number then in my vba code would be

if... then me.mycontrol.backcolor=&HF0AD34

This compiles OK, but produces a completely different colour - I'm expecting an orange colour but getting blue and in another example a pale blue is coming out a brown.

Research indicates adding an ampersand to the end changes the value from integer to long but if I type

if... then me.mycontrol.backcolor=&HF0AD34&

The second ampersand disappears. In the immediate window


All produce the same value of 15772980, which if I copy back to the control backcolour property produces the blue colour and not the required orange - which if i debug.print me.mycontrol.backcolor give me 3452400 - the correct number for orange.

The problem seems to be converting the hex number to a long.

Also how to modify the properties window to show the decimal value rather than the hex value, but can't see anywhere to do this.

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Forms :: Conditionally Change Back Color Based On Value Of A Control

Mar 15, 2014

How do I conditionally change the Back Color and Alternate Back Color based on the value of notes.FollowUpDate? I have a continuous form using the following code:

Private Sub b_all_past_Click()
Me.resultsFrame.SourceObject = "FollowUp_bystaff"
Me.resultsFrame.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * From notes WHERE (((Notes.FollowUpDate) < Date()+1) And ((Notes.followup_person_id) = GetCurrentUserId()))ORDER BY notes.priority,(notes.FollowUpDate) DESC;" '
End Sub

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Changing Color On Multiple Text Boxes

Jan 18, 2005

I have about 25 text boxes on my form that use the dcount or count functions to obtain a number. (Text boxes are labeled 'Text1' through 'Text25')
When the value of the textbox is 0, I would like to have the color of the text box turn red.

Is there a way I can do this using a for loop? Or a with statement?

Checking each one individually just seems like poor programming.
Any thoughts? Ideas?
Thank you.

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Multiple Back-ends

Oct 16, 2006

For the company I am doing my thesis, I developed a tool in MS Access for monitoring sales data, customers, employee data etc…
The tool is working with a front-end database, installed locally on every PC and a Back-end on the company’s server ( Located at city Genk)
The tool is working smooth on the location in Genk.
But then the problem occurs when this tool had to be used on an other company location, 100km from the server (Antwerp); the waiting and loading times are very long, even for the smallest data.

Obvious this is because the companies network from one location to another is too slow. But because of financial reasons I’m looking for a software solution.

An idea is to create a Back-end server for each location, for all local data and one general back-end server for unique data ( for instance: there has to be a unique calculation number for each calculation made in the entire company).
I think this will decrease waiting times for some data, but not all…

Or does anyone have an other idea?

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Multiple Back-ends

Oct 16, 2006

For the company I am doing my thesis, I developed a tool in MS Access for monitoring sales data, customers, employee data etc…
The tool is working with a front-end database, installed locally on every PC and a Back-end on the company’s server ( Located at city Genk)
The tool is working smooth on the location in Genk.
But then the problem occurs when this tool had to be used on an other company location, 100km from the server (Antwerp); the waiting and loading times are very long, even for the smallest data.

Obvious this is because the companies network from one location to another is too slow. But because of financial reasons I’m looking for a software solution.

An idea is to create a Back-end server for each location, for all local data and one general back-end server for unique data ( for instance: there has to be a unique calculation number for each calculation made in the entire company).
I think this will decrease waiting times for some data, but not all…

Or does anyone have an other idea?

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Back On This One Again... Updating Multiple Records

Aug 21, 2006


I am tryin now (having cured my first troubles lol) to update multiple fields at once in my db from an asp web page. Code involved is

Code:DIM idid = request.querystring("id") strDSNPath = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};pwd=password; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("....dbusers.mdb") strSQL_insert = "UPDATE * FROM CustRecords SET " & _"Cust_Name ='" & strName & "', " & _"Cust_LastName ='" & strLastName & "', " & _"Cust_Status ='" & strStatus & "', " & _"Cust_Orient ='" & strOrient & "', " & _"Cust_Address ='" & strAddress & "', " & _"Cust_City ='" & strCity & "', " & _"Cust_Country ='" & strCountry & "', " & _"Cust_PostCode ='" & strPostCode & "', " & _"email ='" & strEmail & "', " & _"Cust_PartName ='" & strPartName & "', " & _"Cust_PartOrient ='" & strPartOrient & "', " & _"Cust_Descrip ='" & strCustDescrip & "', " & _"Cust_Goal ='" & strGoal & "', " & _"Cust_Username ='" & strUsername & "', " & _"Cust_Password ='" & strPassword & "', " & _"Cust_Question ='" & strQuestion & "', " & _"Cust_Answer ='" & strAnswer & "', " & _"Cust_Type ='" & strLastName & "', " & _"Cust_IP ='" & strUserIP & "', " & _" WHERE id="&id Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Conn.Open strDSNPathConn.Execute strSQL_insert Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing

Long winded I know but usually works and I am getting the following error

Code:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement. /sitesec/first_time1.asp, line 179

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Need Help Evaluating My Database...

Mar 9, 2005

I am trying to create an Access 2003 database that contains several types of demographic information about the employees in my organization (40+ employees). I have created a database framework, but I feel as if I am not doing things as efficiently as I could be. I was wondering if anybody could look at my database and let me know if they notice anything in my tables or fields that could be better/fixed. I would appreciate it so much.

I have attached the database in a .zip file to this post (it wouldn't allow me to attach it as an .mdb file, so I zipped it).

Thanks so much. Feel free to reply via this thread or email me with any comments/help you can give me. Thanks so much again!


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Forms :: DLookup With Multiple Criteria With Label Caption Or Combo Box Column

Aug 14, 2015

I want to result as dlookup function in access 2007, when I use dlookup like this

=DLookUp("GPFDed","[SalaryAll]","[EMPID]='" & ![Cmb_EMPID] & "' And [SalMonth]='" & "Jan" & "' And [Salyear]='" & [me]![Label17].[Caption] & "'")

it gives #Name?

What is the problem and how can i change the label caption to Combo box column 2 value...

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There May Have Been An Error Evaluating The Function

Nov 27, 2006


Hello I keep getting the error after I copied a form
and saved under a different Name
A problem occured while Microsoft Access was communicating with OLE Server
or ActiveX control.

There may have been an error evaluating the function , event or Macro

Strangely, I keep getting this error when loading
and clicking on a control in the ORIGINAL form
while the copy seems to work without errors.

I have deleted some tex box controls from the first
form and added a few new ones in the copy.

I have tried a copy of the database by deleting the
New form, but still get the same error.

I have run DEBUG on both form codes and
everything seems fine.

I have checked the refrences and find none missing.

Is there any way to resolve this issue. Or am I doing
something fundamentally wrong by copying
and modifying the form ?

I have attached the file with the two forms

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Evaluating Command Line

May 30, 2007

Guys, any idea how to evaluate the command line options used when an Access application is started from a command line.
For example I use the following command line: C:..MyDatabase.mdb /parameters:110001110
Then, in VB, I evaluate the string "110001110" and do the further job.
Is there any property or function to return the command line option string?

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