Execute A Query That Does Not Include Specified Expression

Apr 25, 2014

A new query I am building, after entering an expression, gave the " You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression.." error. The new query is based on and uses expressions from another query. The error message listed the expressions from the query upon which this query was based. Copying in all the fields referenced in the error message did not work.

Here is the SQL code, the offending expression in red:

SELECT [Test Grade Results].[Class Number], [Test Grade Results].StudentNumber, Count([Test Grade Results].[Test Number]) AS [CountOfTest Number], Avg([Test Grade Results].[41Grade]) AS AvgOf41Grade, Sum([Test Grade Results].Wghtd41) AS SumOfWghtd41, [GPA]=Sum([Test Grade Results]![Wghtd41])/[Test Grade Results]![CuumWeightDivisor] AS Expr1FROM [Test Grade Results] INNER JOIN [Test Parameters] ON [Test Grade Results].[Test Number] = [Test Parameters].TestNumberGROUP BY [Test Grade Results].[Class Number], [Test Grade Results].StudentNumber;

Wghtd41 is the expession that is included in the error message.

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Tried To Execute A Query That Does Not Include The Specified Expression 'LastName' As

Apr 18, 2008

This is the SQL from a query for a Payroll report. It was an already existing report, so I'm trying to modify it to meet the business's needs. The problem is that there are multiple entries for WOLabor.Hours for a given day. These entries come from the invoicing program when a mechanic's hours are logged for billable time. So there may be 3 hours here and 1.5 hours there...but all for the same day. Payroll is just concerned with total hours worked...so I'm trying to combine all the hours for a given day into one variable or something and use that. I know this is long, but apparently a lot of fields are involved:


Code: Original - Code SELECT Person.LastName, WOLabor.MechanicNo, WOLabor.WONo, WOLabor.Hours, WOLabor.MechanicName, WOLabor.DateOfLabor, WOLabor.LaborRateType, WOLabor.SaleDept, WOLabor.SaleCode, IIf(WoLabor!laborratetype="R",IIf(wolabor!salecode<"P",[Hours],0)) AS Regular, IIf([regular] Is Null,0,[regular]) AS Reg, IIf(WoLabor!laborratetype="P",[Hours],0) AS [Double], IIf(WoLabor!laborratetype="O",[hours],0) AS Overtime, IIf(wolabor!salecode="R",[Hours],0) AS Holiday, IIf(wolabor!salecode="V",[Hours],0) AS LT, IIf(wolabor!salecode="U",[Hours],0) AS npay, IIf(wolabor!salecode="T",[Hours],0) AS Sick, IIf(wolabor!salecode="P",[Hours],0) AS Meet, IIf(wolabor!salecode="S",[Hours],0) AS vac, IIf([Hours]<=8,[Hours],8) AS PayrollReg, IIf([Hours]>8,[Hours]-8,0) AS PayrollOT, SaleCodes.LaborDescription, WOLabor.Cost, WOLabor.Sell, Person.Branch, Branch.Name, Dept.TitleFROM (((WOLabor INNER JOIN SaleCodes ON (WOLabor.SaleBranch=SaleCodes.Branch) AND (WOLabor.SaleDept=SaleCodes.Dept) AND (WOLabor.SaleCode=SaleCodes.Code)) LEFT JOIN Person ON WOLabor.MechanicNo=Person.Number) INNER JOIN Branch ON SaleCodes.Branch=Branch.Number) INNER JOIN Dept ON (SaleCodes.Dept=Dept.Dept) AND (SaleCodes.Branch=Dept.Branch)WHERE (((WOLabor.DateOfLabor)>=[Start Date] And (WOLabor.DateOfLabor)<DateAdd("d",1,[End Date])) AND ((Person.Branch) Like IIf([Enter the Branch Number or "All" for all:] Like "A*","*",[Enter the Branch Number or "All" for all:])) AND ((WOLabor.Transfer)=False))ORDER BY WOLabor.SaleDept, WOLabor.SaleCode; SELECT Person.LastName, WOLabor.MechanicNo, WOLabor.WONo, WOLabor.Hours, WOLabor.MechanicName, WOLabor.DateOfLabor, WOLabor.LaborRateType, WOLabor.SaleDept, WOLabor.SaleCode, IIf(WoLabor!laborratetype="R",IIf(wolabor!salecode<"P",[Hours],0)) AS Regular, IIf([regular] Is Null,0,[regular]) AS Reg, IIf(WoLabor!laborratetype="P",[Hours],0) AS [Double], IIf(WoLabor!laborratetype="O",[hours],0) AS Overtime, IIf(wolabor!salecode="R",[Hours],0) AS Holiday, IIf(wolabor!salecode="V",[Hours],0) AS LT, IIf(wolabor!salecode="U",[Hours],0) AS npay, IIf(wolabor!salecode="T",[Hours],0) AS Sick, IIf(wolabor!salecode="P",[Hours],0) AS Meet, IIf(wolabor!salecode="S",[Hours],0) AS vac, IIf([Hours]<=8,[Hours],8) AS PayrollReg, IIf([Hours]>8,[Hours]-8,0) AS PayrollOT, SaleCodes.LaborDescription, WOLabor.Cost, WOLabor.Sell, Person.Branch, Branch.Name, Dept.TitleFROM (((WOLabor INNER JOIN SaleCodes ON (WOLabor.SaleBranch=SaleCodes.Branch) AND (WOLabor.SaleDept=SaleCodes.Dept) AND (WOLabor.SaleCode=SaleCodes.Code)) LEFT JOIN Person ON WOLabor.MechanicNo=Person.Number) INNER JOIN Branch ON SaleCodes.Branch=Branch.Number) INNER JOIN Dept ON (SaleCodes.Dept=Dept.Dept) AND (SaleCodes.Branch=Dept.Branch)WHERE (((WOLabor.DateOfLabor)>=[Start Date] And (WOLabor.DateOfLabor)<DateAdd("d",1,[End Date])) AND ((Person.Branch) Like IIf([Enter the Branch Number or "All" for all:] Like "A*","*",[Enter the Branch Number or "All" for all:])) AND ((WOLabor.Transfer)=False))ORDER BY WOLabor.SaleDept, WOLabor.SaleCode;
When I make the following changes to the SELECT section, I get this error:

You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'LastName' as part of an aggregate function.

Code: Original - Code ... IIf(Sum([Hours])<=8,Sum([Hours]),8) AS PayrollReg, IIf(Sum([Hours])>8,Sum([Hours])-8,0) AS PayrollOT, ... ... IIf(Sum([Hours])<=8,Sum([Hours]),8) AS PayrollReg, IIf(Sum([Hours])>8,Sum([Hours])-8,0) AS PayrollOT, ...
Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Execute A Query That Does Not Include Specified Expression

Aug 21, 2014

I am getting the following error message in strsql:You tried to execute a query thats does not include the specified expression 'ScanDate=20140730 and SCanhour=8' as part of an aggregate function in the following strsql.

Call func1("Z", 8)
Public Sub func1(b As String, a As Integer)
strsql = "SELECT Count(BatchNo) AS CountOfBatchNo, Sum(Envelopes) AS SumOfEnvelopes, Sum(Cases) AS SumOfCases, Sum(Pages) AS SumOfPages, ScanDate, [Type] & Format([Type1],'00') & Format([Type2],'00') AS QueueNo " _
& "FROM jabberwocky " _
& "group By ScanDate, [Type] & Format([Type1],'00') & Format([Type2],'00') " _
& "HAVING ScanDate=" & J & " and Scanhour=" & a & ""
End SUb

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Error: You Tried To Execute A Query That Does Not Include The Specific Expression

Feb 28, 2008

I have a combobox iBrand on a form frmFoodSub with the following query used to get its values (based on the imput of another combobox, iProduct, linked to the field Product in the table Products.) This code was generated by query builder, not myself:

Code:SELECT Products.BrandFROM ProductsWHERE (((Products.Product)=[Me]![frmFoodSub].[form].[iProduct]))GROUP BY Products.BrandORDER BY Products.Product;

And I keep getting this error message when the combobox is in focus on my form:

You tried to execute a query that does not include the specific expression 'Products.Product' as part of the aggregated function.

I have no idea what started this error. It was all working fine and then all of a sudden the error started appearing and I can't remember making any changes to cause it.

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Queries :: Execute Query That Doesn't Include Specified Expression As Aggregated Function

Mar 21, 2013

I am receiving this error when i try to run a query:

"You tried to execute a query that doesn't include specified expression as an aggregated function"

There are two images attached which show the SQL view, the error and the design view.

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Execute Expression In Query If Not Null

Jun 28, 2006

Can anyone help...

I am writing a query in which, amongst other things, I also want to perform a dateadd calculation.

I have the following

expr:dateadd("d", [lastduration], [lastlandingslot])

This fails to run as the expression is too complicated, I suspect this is because a lot of the records will not have a [lastduration] and its therefore null.
I have ran the code below sucessfully.
expr:dateadd("d", 1,[lastlandingslot])

How can I get this to execute only if the [lastduration] is not null??

Tried to search but network is really slow

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Execute Query

Jul 3, 2007

I'v defined an update query as a string in my VBA code.
Then I execute the update query with : CurrentProject.Connection.Execute

however, I want the query out of the code and into the query folder where the other query's are.

How can I execute the query from within the VBA code when I do this ?

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Execute A Query From ASP

Dec 12, 2004

Can I execute a query I have stored in my Access database by using ASP from a webpage?

Been at the for 3 hours.

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How To Execute Query From C Drive ?

Sep 27, 2005

Can I keep my queries in the C drive and execute it against tables that are in the LAN network drive ? Right now the queries are also in the netowrk drive. So each time when I refresh the data into C drive, I have to import the queries too.

Is it possible to keep the queries in the C drive and execute against data in the netowrk ? Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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Execute Two Statments In Query

Mar 11, 2008

Is there a way to execute two statements in one query in access? I tried the following but received the following: "Characters found at the end of the SQL statment".

Here is what I have in my qryUpdateRecords file:

"UPDATE dbo_CE, tblCE_Details SET tblCE_Details.LIC_NUMBER = [dbo_CE].[LICENSE_NUM], tblCE_Details.Credit_Hours = [dbo_CE].[CREDIT_HOURS], tblCE_Details.Course_Sponsor = [dbo_CE].[COURSE_SPONSOR], tblCE_Details.Course_Name = [dbo_CE].[COURSE_NAME], tblCE_Details.Auth_Code = [dbo_CE].[AUTH_CODE], tblCE_Details.Category = [dbo_CE].[CATEGORY], tblCE_Details.Course_Date = [dbo_CE].[COURSE_DATE], tblCE_Details.ImportDate = Now() WHERE ([dbo_CE].EXPORT_TIMESTAMP IS NULL ) ; UPDATE dbo_CE SET([dbo_CE].EXPORT_TIMESTAMP = NOW() WHERE ([dbo_CE].EXPORT_TIMESTAMP IS NULL);"


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Can I Execute A Query And Capture Result?

Oct 21, 2005

I have a stored query in my db. The query gets the recordcount of all the items in a table.

In my VBA, rather than code a new db conection, set a recordset etc, I want to execute the query using DoCmd

DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

The above line displays the results of the query.

What I really want is to run the query and store the recordCount in a variable - without displaying the results.

Can this be done?

Thanks all

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Query Taking Forever To Execute!

Oct 9, 2006

SELECT FCST.REF_DT AS [Date Forecasted], ACTUAL.REF_DT AS [Date Shipped], FCST.QT AS [Qt Forecasted], ACTUAL.QT AS [Qt Shipped], FCST.PART_NR, FCST.REGION, FCST.TYPE, IIf(FCST.QT=0,'',formatpercent((ACTUAL.QT-FCST.QT)/FCST.QT,2)) AS MPE





i am querying two tables TBL_FCST_WKLY which has 29500 records and TBL_ACTUAL_WKLY which has 798222 records.
When i run this query it sites there forever. Is it because i dint optimize my query or is it because the number of records is too much for access? can someone help plz.


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How Do I Re-execute The Query A Subform Is Based On?

May 26, 2006

Because my tables were already large I split them up by environment to speed up data maintenence and retrieval. Thus I have table names which contain the environment as part of the table name (ex: tbl_TEST_MyTable, tbl_PROD_MyTable). Once the user sets the environment they want to use (by clicking on an option button) I update the form's recordsource to the appropriate table. My form has 5 subforms within it.

Even with the split loading the form was taking a long time because some of the queries the subforms are based on are joining tables so that they can be linked (parent/child) to the form. I created indexes to speed up the data access which helped a little but it was still running too slow. So, I attempted to change the subform's queries to only join the necessary data by re-creating the queries each time the user changes the form's current record.

For example, what I had originally was taking too long:

SELECT DISTINCT tb.*, pt.CollId, pt.ProgName, pt.QueryNo
FROM tbl_TEST_SysTables AS tb INNER JOIN tbl_TEST_Plan_Table AS pt
ON tb.Name = pt.TName
ORDER BY tb.Name;

and the parent/child link fields are CollId, ProgName, and QueryNo.

This is the change I made:

SELECT DISTINCT tb.*, pt.CollId, pt.ProgName, pt.QueryNo
FROM tbl_TEST_SysTables AS tb INNER JOIN tbl_TEST_Plan_Table AS pt
ON tb.Name = pt.TName
AND pt.ProgName = 'PROGRAM1
AND pt.QueryNo = 123
ORDER BY tb.Name;

where the pt fields are changed dynamically each time the user navigates to the next record in the form. This resulted in much faster access time; however I discovered that the form was always displaying the query that existed before the form was opened. I have not been able to figure out how to get the subforms to display the latest created query.

While debugging I discovered that the form's OnCurrent event was being executed 3 times before the form is opened. I don't know what I'm doing that's causing this.

I also discovered that the subform events are executed before the form's events, so I think that's why the latest query isn't being used. I attempted to requery the subform in the form's OnCurrent and OnOpen event, but to no avail.

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Execute Query On List Box Change

Mar 21, 2014

I have a list box (1L) in a form (1F) that list member IDs from a table. Then I have a query (1Q) that use (1L) member ID to get data from a table another related table. When I change the 1L and run the query 1Q the results is correct. So I added a new list box (2L) in form 1F that show the results of the query. When I open the form 1F the 2L is populated correctly by the query. Here is my problem. I need to have list 2L update when I change 1L. Here is what I did. I created an On Change event for 1L that has a code Me.2L.Requery, but nothing happens.

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Queries :: UNION Query Will Not Execute Properly

Apr 1, 2015

UNION Query will not execute properly. Remove "WHERE" statement query runs.The WHERE statement is used to locate all duplicate records, based on serial number, in a table. Also, it excludes certain data contained in two of the four tables. There are four separate queries for four separate tables. They all work until incorporated into a UNION QUERY.

Question, is there another way to structure the "WHERE" statement for this UNION Query and achieve the same results?

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Forms :: Load Before Execute Make Table Query?

Mar 21, 2014

I have a form which I want to load before it starts up a vba function. How can I do that? Right now I use form_load(), but the problem is that, it loads the msgbox before loading form.

rivate Sub Form_Load()
Dim sFolderSpec As String, sCSVSource As String, dFileDate As Date
sCSVSource = "MDM_Syndicator.csv"


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Queries :: Join Results Of Unmatched Query With Matched Query To Include Null

Mar 24, 2013

I am trying to do the good 'ol sales report (query) to include customers with no sales.

I have a customers table, account number table, sales table & sales (line) detail table. (all linked in that order)

If I run a query to show customers (in the customer table) with account numbers, that works

An unmatched query to show customer without an account number works (but of course the unmatched account number field isn't shown).

How can I get the two two be shown together with the "unmatched" having a null or 0 for their account number?

I am guessing in principle, the resulting solution can be modified to show customers without sales alongside those with sales?

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Include Row Number In Query Output

Oct 26, 2007

along with data in each row, i want to include the record number in the ouput of a query. is it possible?

once i run the query and view the ouput, i can see the standard access database record counter at the bottom or if i select a row, i can see the row number at the bottom.

how can i include that counter in each row of output from the query?

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Queries :: Yes / No Query To Include Some Or All Results?

Jul 4, 2013

I'm having a mental block on this one.

I have a table with a yes/no field. It's linked to a form with a yes/no box, but the outcome I want is that if the form box is unchecked, the query returns all the "yes" records - which is trivial; however I want to return ALL the records if the form box is checked.

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Include Field Value From Another Query In Report

Aug 5, 2013

I have a report that is based off a query that has several hundred lines with values that I sum up. I also have another query that has manual adjustments. I would like to add the total adjustments for a particular customer to the end of the report and use it to calculate the final value.

for example:
1 20
2 10
3 07
Total for customer 37
Total manual adj 13
Total after adj 50

I dont want to include it in the original query because i dont have a value for every line of the query.

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Query Results Include Number List

Jun 9, 2004

Hi all. Firts time here.

Got a access database containg sports data. Need to display number list with query result exampl.

Name BA
John Doe .299
Jane Doe .230

Desired Result

1 John Doe .299
2. Jane Doe .230
Need help. Thanks

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Modules & VBA :: Include Query In Body Of Email

Jan 30, 2014

I have a query table in Access 2007 with requests pending an individuals review and approval. I would like to create an automatic email each day to that individual which includes the actual query table impeded as part of the body of the email (not as an attachment).

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Queries :: Include A Field Not Related Into A Query

Jul 10, 2015

How can I include a field from a table in to a query - that has no relationship?

For example...

The 'Despatch' field is in a seperate table called 'Product', because we despatch multiple products for any ONE order at different times, so it needs to be against the Product and not the full job itself.However, when I include the 'Product' table into the query and insert the 'Despatch' field into my query, and run it comes up with an error...

"The SQL Statement could not be executed because it contains ambiguouse outer joins. To force one of the joins to be performed first, create a seperate query that performs the first join and then iclude that query in your SQL statement". Here's the current SQL statement

SELECT [Materials Requested].[Job No], [Materials/Orders].Total, Jobs.[Project Name], Product.Despatch
FROM Product, Orders INNER JOIN (((Customer RIGHT JOIN Jobs ON Customer.[Customer ID] = Jobs.[Customer ID]) INNER JOIN [Materials Requested] ON Jobs.[Job No] = [Materials Requested].[Job No]) INNER JOIN [Materials/Orders] ON [Materials Requested].[Materials Requested ID] = [Materials/Orders].[Materials Requested ID]) ON Orders.[Orders ID] = [Materials/Orders].[Orders ID];

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SELECT Query To Not Include Record If Already Exists In Another Table

Aug 25, 2015

I have 2 tables:

Query_Rates (Actually this is the result of a query):


So what I want is a list of all the records from the Query_Rates table where the absolute differences between the sold rates between Query_Rates & [Sent till date] (matching the unit # and the dates) is greater than 1 and the record shouldn't be displayed if it is already present in the [Sent till date] table. But if you notice the first record which has unit A is already mentioned in the "Sent till date" table and shouldn't be repeated again in the query result.

The desired out put should be:



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Queries :: Make Query Include All Records Even If No Data Found

Jul 10, 2014

I am setting up a database to hold staff details, and would like a query to show each member of staff's total hours and FTE.

Staff name etc is in tblStaff
Staff shift details are in tblShifts linked via staffID

tblShifts will contain details of the shift worked on each day of the week, but the majority of our staff work a standard shift - e.g 8-4, 9-5. Therefore what I wanted to do was in tblStaff set a field named shiftPattern to 1 2 3 or 4. 1 indicating a custom shift, and any other number indicating a set shift defined in a separate table.

The problem I have is that my query only returns people who have details in tblShifts - regardless of their shiftPattern value. If I enter a blank record in tblShifts it will do the above as intended.

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Help Needed Please: Date Parameter In Query - Leaving Blank To Include All Records??

Aug 9, 2007


Bit of an Access beginner and am trying to sort something out for work - not sure why they've asked me!

I've created a query to search on a couple of items using drop down boxes on a search form I created. This bit of it works fine, I used this site http://www.fontstuff.com/access/acctut08.htm and copied what he had done. This is fine.

I now want to add a date search to the same query. I know I can use Between [..] AND [..] but if I leave the boxes blank it finds no records. I'd like it to search and include all.
Ideally I want to include 2 extra text boxes on my form that I can put a to and from date in (or not put a date in and it find everything).

Hope that makes sense, please can someone do me an idiots guide?

Many thanks

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