Find All The Emails

Jun 27, 2007

I have created a DB with many tables and I want to find a way where I can retrieve all the emails from every table (each one has a column with emails). Does anyone know what to do? If a record doesn't have an email address do I have to type N/A or just leave it blank?

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Sending Emails From Access

May 4, 2006


I have created a database system to book appointments between tutors and students in a school.

In the form, I want tutors to be able to send appointment details to students via email. I have created tables consisting of these details, however I don't know how to set it up for emails to be sent.

I am finding this very difficult especially with the visual basic codes. :confused:

Please help!


ssslick x:)

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Send Multiple Emails

Jun 23, 2006


I am creating a recruitment db for 6 members of staff, I have created a form (add new vacancy). Within the form is a various drop down boxes where you can select each employee and drop down box to pick which company want a vacancy filling. What I wanted to do is when a new vacancy is put on the system, and the administration team select save record is it possible to email the employee to let them know a new vacancy has been added, and also email another administration department to send the employee a suitable candidate list with the information provided on the form.
Or am I asking far to much from access.
The two fields that are most important is who the vacancy belongs and which company want the vacancy.
The db is available if you require a look to have a better insight.
Thanks for all your help.

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Mass Emails From Access

May 13, 2007

I recently posted a question in the REPORTS section asking if it was possible to generate a report that contains only the email addresses of my contacts to generate and send a mass email. There were no responses to that makes me ask - Is there anyway in Access to generate mass emails using only the email address field in a table or query?

I am aware of other programs you can buy to do that - but was hoping to stay within Access.

Thanks for any help!

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Lotus Notes Emails

Aug 24, 2005

Hi guys, here is my problem.

I am sending emails when the user press a button, but the problem is:

1 - How to check is LNotes is open
2- How to know if the user needs to enter the password.

With the following code an email is sent ONLY if notes is open AND the psw is not required.

Public Sub Sendmailf(Task As String)

Dim nSession As Object
Dim CurrentUser As String
Dim DataBaseName As String
Dim nDatabase As Object
Dim nMailDoc As Object
Dim nSendTo(60) As String 'array for 60 e-mail address
Dim EmbeddedObj As Object

Set nSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
CurrentUser = nSession.username
DataBaseName = Left$(CurrentUser, 1) & Right$(CurrentUser, _
(Len(CurrentUser) - InStr(1, CurrentUser, " "))) & ".nsf"
Set nDatabase = nSession.GETDATABASE("", DataBaseName)
Call nDatabase.OPENMAIL
Set nMailDoc = nDatabase.CREATEDOCUMENT
With nMailDoc

nSendTo(0) = vemail
.Form = "Memo"
.Body = Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
"Status: " & Me.status & Chr(13) & _
"Creation Date: " & Me.Open_dt & Chr(13) & _
"Effective Date: " & Me.effective_dt & Chr(13) & _
"Completion Date: " & Me.completion_dt & Chr(13) & _
"Requester: " & vreq & Chr(13) & _
"Actioned By: " & Me.Assignee & Chr(13) & _
"Description: " & Chr(13) & Me.description & Chr(13) & _
Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
"Validation Signature: ................................." & vreq

.sendto = nSendTo
.Subject = "Task: " & Task_Num & " is Ready to be Validated"
.Importance = "0"
.SEND (False)
End With

Set nDatabase = Nothing
Set nMailDoc = Nothing
Set nSession = Nothing
Set EmbeddedObj = Nothing
End Sub

thx for your help

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Combo Box Emails From Form

Sep 5, 2006

I apologize ahead of time if this has been asked before but I can't seem to find it anywhere.I need to create an email using email addresses from an access table. I used the sendobject syntax in vba to test the process.DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "copy2nd", acFormatXLS, Me.cboMngEml, , , "Entitlement Review Report", , FalseHere are my questions:Is there a better way to do this?If I chose to do it with the sendobject method, am I limitted to 255 chars for the body of the email?Can I use a draft email I created in Outlook? If so, how would I do it?I am using Office 2003 SP2 in WinXP SP2. If you need more information, please let me know.Thank you.

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Sending Emails From Access

May 30, 2005

I have sent up a system were i email a table from access using the .sendobject function.

This all works fine. The problem i have is i need to attacted to emails to the same email. Any idea's how this can be achieved.


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SQL To Capture Mispelt Emails

Aug 10, 2007


I need to find out which emails in our database have our domain emails mispelt incorrectly.

For example, our domain email should be but it may be mispelt How can I run an SQL that return the

FirstName, LastName Email from the Extract080907 table with mispelt email domain names?

Is this possible?

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Sending Emails Without Interruptions

Mar 9, 2015

I am using a form to send an email but part way in the process a message box pops up with 2 buttons labeled: Allow and Deny with some other information. I am forced to select allow in order for the send process to be completed.

Is there a way to prevent this popup so that the process completes smoothly without interruptions?

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Importing Emails From Outlook

Jun 24, 2015

I would like to import emails from outlook and I would need to select the fields which are required. It is importing some standard fields and the fields i would require is not part of that. ( For instance "Categories" field which is present in outlook)...

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Linking PDF Files To Emails?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a client that has several users that need to send out multiple reports that are stored on a shared server drive. These PDF's are logged into a SQL database and the location of where they are stored each day and kept for several years. Is there a way to select several of these reports and attach them to an email that they can send off easily using Access 2010 or 2007?

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I'm Lost! How Can I Pull Data From Emails?

May 5, 2005

I'm working in Access 97 (though I can use Access2000) and Outlook2000 and am trying to write a process that will go into a specified folder in a user's outlook and pull in the data from the emails there. The data will be in a standard csv format - but my biggest problem is trying to figure out how to systematically go into the folder, import the data from the email, and then move to the next email in the folder...

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Individual Emails And Attachments From Form

Jul 10, 2005

I'm sure this is here somewhere but I just can't find it.

I have a form where a selection of suppliers are selected, I then want to email each supplier a report attachment - headed up with their particular details - for them to complete and return.

I can use the SendObject to send one email with all reports attached, how do I split it up? Can I split it up?

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Help With Copying Emails And Strange Text

Oct 30, 2006

hi i am trying to copy emails from a ms access document for work. (there are about 6000 of them) when i go into the data base...under the emails column i see ALL this


its just lines of that!
if i cant copy all the emails this way, i will have to do 1 at a time with a program and it will take me literally 10 hours

please help
i dont wanna get fired lol

how can i copy the emails. In the program, the emails are all normal (you but in the access document, its like that


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ACCESS 2007 Save Emails

Dec 22, 2007


I am building a databse that registers all communication between a company and a customer. here is my question.
If customer A sends an email to the company how can I store that email in my database. I dont want to copy and paste the contents of the email to a memo field.
Is there a way to automate this?

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Email Multiple Emails From A Table

Oct 1, 2006

Can someone help me try and figure out how I can get my code to not just pull the first email based on a dlookup from a table...

I am looking to enter information in a form and have outlook populated with to specific email addresses based on a groupid in the table. Right now this code works fine but only returns 1 email address not all with the same GroupID.

Private Sub Command27_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command27_Click

Dim stWhere As String '-- Criteria for DLookup
Dim varTo As Variant '-- Address for SendObject
Dim stText As String '-- E-mail text
Dim RecDate As Variant '-- Rec date for e-mail text
Dim stSubject As String '-- Subject line of e-mail
Dim stWho As String '-- Reference to tblUsers
Dim stEvalEmp As String '-- Person who assigned ticket
Dim stDelBidPrice As String '-- Delivery Bid Price
Dim stOverBidPrice As String '-- Override Bid Price
Dim stOverMeanPrice As String '-- Override Mean Price
Dim stOverOfferPrice As String '-- Override Offer Price

'-- Combo of names to assign price change to
stWho = Me.GroupID
stWhere = "ClientServices_tbl.GroupID = " & "'" & stWho & "'"

'-- Looks up email address from ClientServices_tbl
varTo = DLookup("[ClientEMAIL]", "ClientServices_tbl", stWhere)

RecDate = Me.Date

stSubject = ":: Price Change Request :: " & RecDate

stCusip = Me.CUSIP
stDelBidPrice = Me.DeliveredBidPrice
stOverBidPrice = Me.OverrideBidPrice
stOverOfferPrice = Me.OverrideOfferPrice
stOverMeanPrice = Me.OverrideMeanPrice

'-- Evaluators employee who assigns ticket
stEvalEmp = Me.EvalEmpId.Column(1)

stText = "A price change has been requested by Evaluators Department." & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
"This price change has been requested by by: " & stEvalEmp & Chr$(13) & _
Chr$(13) & _
"Price Change Details:" & Chr$(13) & _
"Received Date: " & RecDate & Chr$(13) & _
"CUSIP: " & stCusip & Chr$(13) & _
"Delivered Bid Price: " & stDelBidPrice & Chr$(13) & _
"Override Bid Price: " & stOverBidPrice & Chr$(13) & _
"Override Offer Price: " & stOverOfferPrice & Chr$(13) & _
"Override Mean Price: " & stOverMeanPrice & Chr$(13) & _
"This is an automated message. Please do not respond to this e-mail."

'Write the e-mail content for sending to assignee
DoCmd.SendObject , , acFormatTXT, varTo, , , stSubject, stText, -1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command27_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

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SQL To Compare EMails In MS ACCESS 2000

Aug 8, 2007

I have an excel spreadsheet that I imported into a a table called LBCItyProfiles.
I have Another excel spreatsheet that contains our portal users info, I imported it into a table called Export.

I need to see which Emails Do Not Exist in Our Export database but exists in the LBCItyProfiles.

Both Databases have fields called EMail. I need to return the FIrstName, LastName and Emails of users that do not Exist in our Export database. I should not return Emails that are in the portal but not in the LBCityProfiles because maybe thats why my earlier SQL was not working:

SELECT LBCityProfiles.Email
FROM [LBCityProfiles] LEFT JOIN [Export] on [LBCityProfiles].Email = [Export].Email
WHERE [Export].Email IS NULL

This SQL returned Emails that Existed in the Export database but not in LBCityProfiles database, I do not want it to do that. I just need to see how many LBCity ids did not make it to the portal.

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Modules & VBA :: Concatenating Emails Into A String Via SQL

Sep 3, 2013

There are so many threads on here for emailing a PDF version of a report. I've put together a nearly complete bit of VBA that will do what I want - except for one thing.

Basically I have a personnel table with an email field. I Also have a field that details if a person is available or not ("Home" means they are available)

I need to create a string that is comprised of all the email addresses of the personnel who are "Home". In another thread I read that this can be done using a SQL statement.

So this is the VBA that I have so far - I commented the SQL for now because I don't quite know how to use it here.

Also, I have created the string, called "emailsList"

Private Sub Email_Button_Click()
'SELECT Personnel_Table.Email FROM Personnel_Table WHERE (((Personnel_Table.Status)="Home"));
Dim emailsList As String
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "AWACT_Report", acFormatPDF, emailsList, , , "Training Update", "Attached is the newest Training Report.", True
End Sub

Do I need to do a loop that concatenates?

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General :: Managing Contact Emails

Sep 11, 2012

I work for a firm who have a few thousand clients and we are wanting to go through a process of checking with them that the data we send them is going to the email address they would like it to go to. However in some cases we don't currently hold an address so we are contacting them by phone to get the addresses over the next few weeks.

The way I've chosen to do this is to use the excellent link between Access and Outlook to send an email to the address we have on file (or have gotten) with a very light form they can optionally fill in to update the email address if desired.All seems well in testing this with 2 exceptions:

1) I have 2 email boxes in outlook, my "personal" one and a group mailbox. I'd like the emails access sends to come from the group mailbox but cannot see an option to control this.

2) We're likely to send the emails out in tranches - is there a way to have a single table the drives the email process but some how have it know that we have sent the emails out for certain clients such that when I send a second tranche, it doesn't re-send to clients that have already been contacted?

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General :: Storing Emails In Database

Mar 7, 2013

I have a need to store client emails in a database. In an ideal world the user would drag and drop the email over the attachment field and it would be attached. I've not been able to find any drag and drop features in Access 2013 so i am guessing this may not be possible?

It is possible to simply attach the email using the attachment field but i find this method slow as the user has to save the email to the drive and then attach it to the attachment field using the dialogue box.

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General :: Outlook Emails Fail To Be Sent

Sep 17, 2013

I have an Access database update process that is run from the Win7 scheduler. I have attempted to instantiate or reference Outlook and send an email indicating the status of the process.

Outlook fails for some reason, but it works fine interactively regardless of whether Outlook is running or not.

I am now thinking of trying SendObject instead.

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General :: How To Use SendObject To Send Emails

Aug 5, 2012

Where can I get a document that explains how to use SendObject to send emails from Access?

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General :: Creating Emails Through Word?

Jul 23, 2012

is there a way to create an email through word and say your current balance is £1000.

i thought that as this is an office app then it must be possible. could it be something like

=DLookUp("c:UsersChrysalisDesktopDatabase.accd b[LoyaltyPoints]","tblClientDetails","EmailAddress= " & Mail Recipient)

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Saving Copy Of Emails To Access Possible?

Dec 7, 2011

I need a way of saving a copy of an email in Access. I am using Outlook for an email client. I have heard I can create a command or procedure in Outlook that will open a window (combo box?) with case numbers linked to an existing Access database. By selecting the case number a copy of the opened email will be created that can later be accessed (no pun intended) through Access. Is this possible?

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Storing Outlook Emails In Access

Jul 30, 2014

I'm wondering if there is anyway I could drag and drop an email from outlook into a field in access? we are currently taking the email and converting it to PDF, then adding it to an attachment field with the appropriate record it corresponds to.

I'd like to be able to simply have access and outlook open, and drag the email from my inbox right into access and store it in access, is this possible?

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Using Access To Move Outlook Emails?

Sep 28, 2011

I've created a table that is linked to a folder named New within MS Outlook. I've created a form that will read the emails within the table, and manipulate the data into another table. After the manipulated data is inserted into the other table, I'd like to move the email from the New folder in Outlook to another folder named Pending within Outlook.

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