Ok this might be a really stupid question, but in the quest to always make my life a little bit easier thought i would ask !
I have been asked to find the relationship between a number of tables and queries, so that this company can find out which tables and fields in tables are no longer really used, in other words how many queries and which ones is table A used in if you understand what I mean !
doing it manually means checking every query (and there are a lot !!) and seeing which table they use.. what I want to know is what is the quickest way to to this? can I do it from the table end? in others find out how many queries Table A is used in ? or do I have to go through each query individually? if this is the case my thoughts were just on copying and pasting the sql view from every query into a a word or txt doc and then doing a search /find for each table name? but if anyone has a more efficient idea on how to do this if u cld let me know !! :confused:
I am trying to find company matches between 2 tables. The issue I have is that the spellings on table A differs from table B.Some of the differences are minimal like "St. Annes" and "St Annes". And some really big "St. Annes" and "Annes, ST London".
I am trying to create a query and in the expression builder to find the max value from 3 different fields in 3 other queries.So each of the fields are called "TopSpeed" and the 3 queries are called "Test", "Training" & "Race".So in my new query I would like to return the MAX speed value from the 3 combined "TopSpeed" fields.Something like
I have a database with two tables, one for the amount that was estimated in each cost section, and one for the actual amount billed for each cost section. The tables have the same number of fields, all with the same names. They can be linked together with event ID. Each table has over 100 fields and I would like to find the difference between what was estimated and what the actual was for each event. I would also like to see which cost section has the most and least variance. I am trying to do this without going through each cost and putting [tEst].[CostName]-[tActual].[CostName].
I have a report with 2 access tables (1 Master table and another a daily feed table)
The Master table keeps a log of all incoming records. (once append it to this table, should not show in future reporting)
The Daily feed information within the last 48 hours. (uploaded from an excel report into access temporary table)
When the daily feed table gets completed, I append the records and updated them into the Master to avoid duplication.
When I upload the daily feed table and I match it against the Master table to find duplicates, how can I delete the duplicates from the Daily Feed table?
This is my code to find duplicates:
SELECT CMPreport.ID, CMPreport.MbrName, tblMaster.ID FROM CMPreport LEFT JOIN tblMaster ON CMPreport.ID = tblMaster.ID WHERE (((tblMaster.ID) Is Not Null));
I have been working on a simple data base for some time now (beginner level) and am still trying to improve it. I would like to do something but before that I would like to have your opinion to know if it is even possible?I have a query QryMainReport:
Start Date/Time End Date/Time Employee
At the moment this is what the format of my report looks like (I removed other unnecessary fields):
StartTime----------EndTime---------------Employee 12/06/2014 01:00--12/06/2014 03:00------John Smith 12/06/2014 04:00--12/06/2014 06:00------Jane Doe 13/06/2014 02:00--13/06/2014 05:00------John Smith 13/06/2014 08:00--13/06/2014 08:00------Jane Doe
I would like to do as a report. (Dates would always be from Sunday to Saturday). I am not sure it is possible to do that. I suppose first it would mean:I would have to do a query to separate the times from the dates?I would have to find a way for Access to find the unique dates and unique names?Does it mean I have to use cross tab queries?
How would one go about comparing 2 tables and finding those records that are not common to both tables? For instance, I have a table that I suspect some records have been accidently deleted by the user. I would like to compare that table to an older version of the table, and list only those records that exist only in the older version of the table. Thanks.
i want to find out all the tables that contain a particular field. eg.employee_ID exists in employee table and other tables, how i can find out what are the other tables? can i run a search query to do this?
This may have already been addressed, but I can't even think of how to word it to do a good search.
I have one table, tblInvoices. I've done a query to search for "Micro*" in my [supplier] field, along with [Item].
I then need to pull from the same tblInvoices, any other records that contain the same [Item] as one that was queried in qryMicro.
I've tried to make a relationship between tblInvoices and qryMicro with [Item] but am getting too many records. I don't want to view records from qryMicro as I'm going to do a Union query to merge the two queries. I've tried Field: Item Criteria tblInvoices.Item = qryMicro.Item w/o a relationship between the two but it's no better.
The database I'm working on is used for personnel budget projections. Because some employees are hired mid-year, I need to be able to use various dates in my projection calculations.
I have 3 different tables - one with the employee start date, the other with the fiscal year start date, and the last with the start date of certain special pay tables. In order for my projections to work correctly, I'll need to return in a query the minimum of these 3 dates. I know how to do a minimum value in a single field within a table, but don't know how to select a minimum from multiple values in multiple tables. Is this possible.:rolleyes:
Essentially I want to find out which of the entries in my master table have matching entries in my other tables, and list the ones that do.
So if I have an entry in the master table for “productA”, and there are also matching entries for “productA” in tables “SupplierC” and “SupplierD”. I want to perform a query that will output a list showing “SupplierC” and “SupplierD” (I have A & B tables but if there isn’t an entry in them for “ProductA” I don’t want them on the list.)
I intend to use the results to populate the values of a combo box in future so I require the list to be in a single column, rather than across many columns. Does anyone know if this is possible?
My master table is called “OurProductsTable” and the four supplier tables are called “SupplierA”, “SupplierB”, “SupplierC”, and “SupplierD”.
Each Table has a primary key called “ProductID” and I have linked them together on the relationships screen.
I’m not sure if this is the proper method but I also made another field in each of the supplier tables called “CompanyName” and set the default value as the name of each supplier, so if the entry for supplierC matches the master table entry I can return the “CompanyName” value of “SupplierC”.
Here’s what I thought the code should kind of look like but I don’t know how to apply it properly in a query:
hi i have a database to manage utility bill payment , it consist of - Bills : - billID - Benificiary Name -Cost Center - Bills Transaction : -TransID -bILLid -BillDate -BillAmount -Payment Transactions : -PayTranID -bILLid -PayAmount -PayDate -BankRef
i made a union query from Bills Transaction and Payment Transactions to calculate bills balances which is : billid,sum(Bills Transaction.BillAmount)-sum(Payment Transactions.PayAmount) all is working well , but the problem is i cannot find any relation between billtransaction and billpayment ( per bill ) , cause i wish to payment details for each single bill transaction the normal case is : bills issued as monthly basis but may fully or partially pay as the following cases : - each bill transaction may fully pay one time - in some cases : each bill transaction may fully pay but in multi settle - multi bill transaction (per BILLID) may fully pay one time IN CONCLUSION : each bill transaction should be stteled fully within one or two or maximum 3 months , say bill balance for each bILLID shall be zero. how i could find a relation between this two transaction ( bills and payment ) to preview payment information for each single bill transaction exapmle : billID : 39 BILL Transaction BillPayment BillsBalance Bill Date - Amount PayDate- Amount jan08 - 1000 1-1-2008 1000 0 feb08 -1200 5-2-2008 800 400 15-2-2008 400 0 mar08 1900 1900 apr08 1100 30-04-2008 3000 0 may08 1200 05-05-2008 900 300 jun08 1300 30-06-2008 1600 0
I have 3 tables, with the same field in each of the three tables. I need to find numbers (within those fields) that are similar in all 3 tables. If a number appears in all 3 tables, then all the data for that number need to be pulled from each table and placed in one row, all corresponding to that one number.
I can get this to work for 2 tables, using a query, but not three.
I was using Access 2010 and just updated to 2013. My first use of a 2010 accdb file gave me this error "Could not find installable ISAM".My OP is Windows 7 Pro 64
I have two tables of titles (DVDs and CDs). Each table has a price associated with each title in an adjacent column. I would like to match the titles between them and compare prices. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. EDS
Hi well as the title says i have a database with a LOT of tables, and i need to find the tables that contain a certain heading, eg reference 6, is there an easy way of doing this?
I have several tables which have an indexed, no dup field. When inputting a entry that is not in the referenced table, how can I be taken directly to the input form for that field.
I have a main form that has fields from different tables. This is a research study, so each form enters data into different tables. Well, each record is a person's data. Instead of scrolling through each record, I need an option on the main form that allows me to search for a specific person and have their data populate into the form.So far I am able to make a combo box that pulls up the record from one table. Well, HOW do i do it from ALL the tables!?? Do I have to make a query?
Employees submit information into a form which translates the information into a table. The table has been in use for years. By accident some employees were writing to an archived table while others were writing the the active table. This resulted in a field called "WorkID" being duplicated across the two tables.
Bottom line I am trying to write a query finding duplicates across tables but basing the duplicate only on certain columns.
We are a non-profit that does blind mailings for our membership drive. The company who we buy names and addresses from sends us a delimited file that has these fields as the headings
Once they send out the mailings, people then send in back a remit slip with a contribution that gets scanned through a program that creates a file that gives us these titles
I need to find a way to merge the tables and combine the fields that have the same ID # , and then have it create a csv file that reads like this (see below) for only the files of the people that responded so that I can import it into our membership software.
I am importing the updated Employee Roster information from Excel to a table called "Weekly Roster Check" (contains new info). I have a table called "Current Chit Board" that has an Employee Roster that I update every week (contains old info). I want a query to find employees who are promoted and their title has changed. then I want to run an update query to update these results to the Current Chit Board table.
Every method I try, returns either no information or information that is not what I want.
Hi am a forensics student taking a course in Database management and we use microsoft access 2003. I opened an assignment already started in 03 format, I am now running access 2007 and I need to make modifications to a previous query but I can't find the query table. how do I view my pre made queries on the 2007 version?
I would like to find the largest value for each row in a query. I have a query with several fields, each field has an expression that produces an integer.
Max and DMax seem to pertain to the values in a single field; I need to evaluate values from multiple fields in a single row.
I keep seeing 'range' mentioned but I have yet to see any examples of evaluating a series of data like 'col1;col2;col3' or anything remotely similar.