Finding Digits In Text And Link Them With Value Of Another Table?

Jan 5, 2014

I have a table where there is information stored about certain workorders.. like location, description, etc.

The thing is that location is descripted as "03-LZ-.." where the 03 part stands for the departement. I have another table with all the numbers and departements and now I'm looking for a way to link the two. So I have to find a way to look at the first to digits of the "location" in my workorder table and link that number with the table where numbers and departements are stored.

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Code To Link Text File As Table

Jan 29, 2008

I'm trying to figure out how to link a text file to my database with VBA. I know how to do this for other types of data sources, using the DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink command, but need guidance using this with TXT files.



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Error Link Between Table And Text File

Feb 14, 2014

I have a small problem with the following command:


sTabNam = "TmpTab"
sFilNam = "C:Data.Txt"
DoCmd.TransferText TransferType:=acLinkDelim, TableName:=sTmpTab, FileName:=sFilNam, HasFieldNames:=True

The file C:Data.Txt contains 5 columns, separated by a semicolon with the first line containing the names of the columns. The concern is that when the linked table is created, I get a single column with all fields concatenated value. the following style :

Col1;Col2;Col3; : Column name
Val1;Val2;Val3; : Row value

What does do to have columns separated with the corresponding values?

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Limit Text Box To Digits

Jul 14, 2005

how can i limit an unbounded textbox so only digits from 0-9 will be entered

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How Can I Limit Number Of Digits Entered In The Text Box? Please Help!

Dec 14, 2005

Hi guys,

I have a text box, which requires a 8-digit number entry. I have wrote the code to check that the length is 8 and if it isn't a label will turn visible next to the field telling the user entry must be 8 digits.

This works for when i enter a number less than 8-digits but when i input a number with more digits as it does not fit into the text box it turns it to a scientific format value and when the code runs it shows the length is actually 8! And therefore the entry is valid!

I.e. when i input 123456789 the text box shows 1.23E+08 which is 8 charecters!

I dont want any error messages to pop up as i handle them by code and use labels to show the error message next to the problem field and i would like to keep this consistent. Is there any way i can do this by a function or a property in the table or form?

I appreciate any help/advice


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Queries :: Link Table To Represent Data - Format Text As Date

Nov 15, 2013

I have a link table that has a field that represents dates - but they are actually just text. It's a long story but the source is not going to change - so I have to try and deal with it. I need it to behave as a date - and am hoping to do this in a query. The data looks like this:


I have tried various things but it does not seem to totally do the trick - if I sort on it it still does not sort as one would expect from an actual date field. How do I do this?

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Text Box Only Finding Records With Exact Text

Sep 9, 2014

I have a text box on my main form, that filters records on a subform, where its record source is a query.The text box works okay for filtering, however it is not doing something that I would like it to.Say we have these records

TM Steels

If I was to type in STEELS, then only the top record would be displayed, likewise, if I typed in Steels, only the bottom would be displayed.What I would like, is if you were to type steels, for example, both of the records would be displayed.In the criteria of the field this is based on, in the query, I have:

Like "*" & [Forms]![MainWindow].[NameTxt] & "*"

As I say, this works for bringing in results that EXACTLY match the text entered in the text box.

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9 Digits ID - Form / Table Not Displaying Zero

Sep 15, 2015

I have a 9 digit ID that is inputted on a form and stored in a table but the 0 keeps getting dropped.

I am using an input mask similar to another db but it is not working for this one

mask I am using is 000000000;0;_

So for ID's that start with 0 (EX:012345678) would display and stored as 12345678 instead...

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Define Number Of Digits In Table Fields

Jul 14, 2005

I'm just to work with Fox Pro, and I am therefore puzzled with how to define the exact number of digits in a field in a table in Access. If I need 9 digits + 2 decimals in a number filed, how do I define that in design view?

Also, I need to know how to export a table into a text file, with a format without any spaces, and each record is divided with a new line. This an old IBM text format file.

Thanks, Torsan

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Queries :: Table Of Expenses - Too Many Digits After Decimal

Jul 27, 2013

I have a query that is pulling from a single table of expenses the sum of expenses for each quarter. I am using only three fields: the quarter, expense type and amount paid. I am using - Qtr: DatePart("q",[PostDate]) - to obtain the quarters, grouping by quarter and then by expense type. However, the record returned for the 4th quarter shows this result: "3.0026" It should not have four digits after the decimal.

Results for the other three quarters in the same query return correctly with two digits after the decimal point. The query below was suggested to me in order to make the sum returned have only two digits after the decimal:

AmtPaid: Sum((SELECT FORMAT(PymntAMOUNT, 2) FROM tbl_expenses))

The result of this was a curious information box that said: "At most one record can be returned by this subquery." The query returned nothing. I have checked the formatting in both the table and the query itself and the format is "Standard" for both. So, I can't figure out what is producing this 4 digit problem, and why it is only in one record while all the others have two digits after the decimal.

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Finding Records Based On Text Inputs

Sep 13, 2005


I am trying to set up a user friendly front end to my database. I would like to have a form which allows the user to enter information into text boxes and then press a button which finds the relevant record(s).

I would like to use it to pin point an employee's record based on at least one piece of information, but possibly combined with up to four more by entering into these boxes. For example personnel number, surname, first name etc.

Is this possible and how do I go about setting it up?

I am aware of the filter function and queries but I can't seem to get either to operate in the way I have envisaged. They don't appear to offer the most user friendly solution, at least not in the format I have tried.

Apologies, but I am still getting to grips with access to be honest.

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Check Box And Text Box Link

May 10, 2014

is there a way that once a checkbox is ticked (returns TRUE) can it populate the time, date and current user at the same time. ive got separate fields for this, however, nothing i have tried actually returns any result!

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Queries :: Finding Distinct Records In Table A That Are In Table B

Dec 19, 2013

tbl_A has column "ID" with duplicates. tbl_B has column "ID" with distinct values.i want to find all the distinct IDs in tbl_A that are present in tbl_B.I've tried the following with no luck:

FROM tbl_A LEFT JOIN tbl_B ON tbl_A.ID = tbl_B.ID
WHERE tbl_A.ID IN tbl_B.ID;

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Link A Text Box To The Last Modified Date

Aug 9, 2006


Does anybody know if I can link a text box on a form so that it reads the last modified date of a text or excel file on my hard drive ?

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How Do I Link Email Text To An Access Database?

Feb 3, 2006

I'm creating a contacts database in Access. My emails are saved on Novel's GroupWise (web-based, not a client application). My database is on my hard drive and contains the usual: name, address, preferences, etc.

Is there some way to link the actual text of a customer's email to the entry in my database that deals with that customer (for example, field 1= name, field 2= phone number, field 3= actual text of email)? If the web source is a problem, would there be a way to do it if I imported the emails to Outlook or Outlook express?

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Build A Link To Another Program? (modify A Text File)

May 6, 2007

I have a database that I plan to use to help us manage an old "Remedy" system....
There is a field for "Ticket number"
I want to be able to click a button and have this ticket open in Remedy.

Remedy DOES have a link system. When I creat a link it creates a file like this:


The contents of the file are simple:

Name = NTRS-Trouble
Type = 0
Server = samson
Join = 0
Ticket = NTRS422904

The name of the file seems to be irrelevent.
How can I programatically get the button to re-write the ticketnumber into that file, in that spot (after the letters "NTRS") and then have it open the link? I figure I can keep 1 file in the working directory and just re-write that same file over and over again... I just don't know enough about VB or macros to figure it out.

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General :: Combo / Text Box Link Causes Access To Crash

Oct 30, 2013

I've got a bit of a problem with linking a text box to a ComboBox. I have an employee name in a field [EmployeeName] that sits in the Header of a Form. (This is so I can show multiple records for that employee without having their name repeated at each one). I also have the name of contact [ContactName] that sits in the Detail area of the form.Both names come from their own tables that have all their contact numbers and e-mail addresses in columns I have linked the name to text boxes [ContactPhone] & [EmployeePhone] with their relevant phone numbers in within the Detail area of the form.

The ContactPhone that has the ContactName within the Details part of the form works well with no problems by putting =[ContactName].Column(1) in the Control Source

However when I put =[EmployeeName].Column(1) in the relevant Control Source (and / or EmployeeEMail in a second text box), once I have saved the form in Design view and returned to Form view, Access crashes and shuts down!If I remove the wording from the control source Access doesn't crash.

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Forms :: Link Excel Worksheet To Value In Text Box On A Form

Jul 20, 2015

I have an access 2010 database that looks after all the engine data for a fleet of engines. Each engine has a unique serial number and that serial number is displayed in a test box on a form using a search function.

Each engine serial number has a corresponding excel worksheet where the engine data is displayed as a graph.

Is there anyway that I can have a control button on the form that will allow me to display the excel spreadsheet corresponding to the engine serial number displayed in the text box?

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Finding Info In Another Table

May 11, 2005

Please note that I am self taught (90% of what I have learnt has been off these boards!). I did make this form with info I found on this forum.
I am having problems with a log in box for a database, the line of code is -
If Me.txtpassword.Value = DLookup("password", "customers", "[customerID] =" & Me.EbayName.Value) Then
This code is in a Form; "password" is the value in the table of "customers"; [customerID] is the primary key value I wish to remember; Me.EbayName.Value I assume is the value in the table that access is looking for.

Questions -
A) It is not looking up the value for [customerID] - what have I done wrong?

B) In the line of Me.EbayName.Value what does the 'Me.' part tell Access to do? I assume it's a pointer to it's own form? What part of the line do I need to change to make it point to another form (or table)?

C) When this is finished how do I get the program to remember the 'customerID' while the customer is fillling out other forms?


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Finding Records Within One Table - Msg Box

Feb 17, 2005

I have patients and their details all listed in onetable.
I want a message box to come up if a patient also has a family memeber somewhere else in this table. To do this i need to
match surname and mother's christian name.
Ani ideas?

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Finding Table In Form?

Sep 22, 2011

is there an easy way to find out in wich form a specific table is used.

I have an access application and i need to find out if every table definded is used in the application and in wich form.

I can open each form, see wich tables are used and make a list. But i have a lot of forms and there is the possibility to miss one.

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Finding Predecessors Within A Table

Mar 11, 2015

I have a table of contracts. These contracts are renewed every year, and therefore many contracts have a version from the previous year, but some are new and have no predecessor. I want to write a query which lists all contracts on the table, together with a reference to any preceding contract with the same customer, or a null if there is none. For example, if the table fields are contract number, customer and year, and the table looks like this:

Contract Customer Year
271 Smith 2013
816 Brown 2013
101 Jones 2013
227 Smith 2012
564 Brown 2012

I want a query which returns:

Contract Customer Year Previously
271 Smith 2013 227
816 Brown 2013 564
101 Jones 2013 null
227 Smith 2012 null
564 Brown 2012 null

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Forms :: Way To Show Link On Text Box And Just Double Click On It To Open Pdf

Sep 15, 2013

I have a text box on my form which I use to attach hyperlinks to pdf's, this works great but after inserting a hyperlink nothing is displayed in the text box to show it has been linked unlike using attachment, the only way I know if that a hyperlink is placed is to right click and go to hyperlink and then open, is there a way to show the link on the text box and just double click on it to open the pdf. I am trying this as the size of the database will far exceed the 2gb that access allows if I just use attachments , even if I split the database (over 10000 pdfs )

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Tables :: Finding Closest Value In A Table?

Oct 13, 2012

I am working on a DB for maintenance of medical records for use by medical mission groups in Central America. As a child's information is entered into the DB, I want to be able to display his growth progress percentile numerically instead of graphically as found on a standard weight vs height growth chart. The graph are nonlinear so I just can't use an expression.

I have the data for percentiles based on weight and height but I need to be able to find the CLOSEST value on this table to the child's observed values of height and weight.

How do I find the value on a table which is closest to a specified number?

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Queries :: Finding Names That Appear More Than Once In A Table?

Jul 29, 2013

I have a table with associate names and rankings for each month. I need some way to find out which associates appear in 2 consecutive months with a certain rating. I have a query that will allow you to key in which month you want to look at, but I can't figure out how to write the query to return results only for those associates that appear twice in the months chosen. For example:

John Doe was rated 1.5 in May and 3 in June.
Jane Doe was rated a 1.5 in May and 1.5 in June.

I want a query that will allow me to put in May and June as the criteria as well as < 2 for the rating and only return those that show in both months...

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Finding Last Record In A Table / Form

Jul 18, 2012

Product Name
Start Weight
End Weight

Product 1

Product 2

Product 3

Product 4

Product 5

Product 6

Product 7

Product 1

Product 2

Product 3

Product 4

Product 5

Product 6

Product 7

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