Forgot Simple Thing

Aug 11, 2005

gosh, I can't believe I forgot simple thing. when I'm opening a form in Access it automatically goes to new/blank form, I'm try to make it go to first record instead and can't remember how I didin't before.

Thx for help

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Simple But I Forgot

Oct 26, 2006

In My Querry If I Want To Round The Answer Of An Expression To The Nearst Whole Number....example 3.97362352 What Do I Do

The Expression Is As Followed

What We Use In Next Year: [bulbs Per Month]*12

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More Than 4 Tables? Gd Thing Or Bad Thing?

Mar 9, 2008

Hi, im currently under going a Driving school project database. I have the following tables, Client, Instructor, Lesson and Lesson Type. However i feel like i want to go into more depth, e.g. make tables like recording sections of theory and practical tests, etc.

Currently my database with 4 tables is in 3rd normal form.. but say if i had 10 tables linking via relationship in query, what normal form is this? Is this gd practice or bad practice? :confused::confused:

This has been going through my head lately and im wanting to get take alot into consideration for my project. This might be absurd question to say in the forum but hope anyone can help me and explanation for me.:o

Thanks and much appreciated! :)

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Forgot Password

Jan 23, 2004

Okay, no laughing and shaking of heads out there!

I'm creating a database for my church. I created it on my home computer, FTP'd it to a server, and then downloaded it to my church computer.

It was about 3 weeks between the first FTP and the FTP to the church due to loading of Access etc....

Now that I have it downloaded, I cannot remember the password that I set up originally for the db admin account! (or others)

I know this security feature is designed to lock down a database to unauthorized users, so it's not intended to be easy to get around...but how do I get around it?

I'm just a lowly programmer, trying to help out the church and I really don't want to recreate the whole thing! I've tried every password I can think of that I may have used with all combinations of upper-lower cases, but I can't come up with it.

If anyone can help, please let me know.

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Forgot Password Access Request

Jul 13, 2007


I was wondering is it possible to have a link that somehow will email a password to a user if that user forgets their password.

More a less something that looks like this as seen in many programs.

Forgot Password? (http://#)

Searched but didnt find anything but didnt know.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Handle User Forgot Password

Apr 16, 2015

code for the "Forgot Password?" button on a login screen? I want an email notification sent to me if someone has forgotten their password, and/or automatically reset their password to a default value based on their user name.

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Is There Any Thing Missing In This ERD?

Nov 13, 2007

I make that ERD :-

is there any suggest to add or remove fields or tables ?

I attached the file.

and thanks.

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Crazy Thing

Aug 30, 2005

I've been ask to think of some solution to this problem but i'm no way near of it. I have a txt file (ascii) with aprox. 1845000 lines.

The code is something like this:

"++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Date:02-12-2004Time: 11:06:24

Job Number:2542
Job Name:al

User Name:msescudeiro


Original Filename:C-0884_Vers_E.TIF

recycled paper
Used Area:0
Plotted Area:0

Used Area:4977
Plotted Area:4977

Used Area:0
Plotted Area:0

Used Area:0
Plotted Area:0

Operation Count

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I need to have a table like this:

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Only A Little Thing But Its Getting On My Nerves

Mar 25, 2005

I have a very simple (it has to be) database which holds names, address’s and telephone numbers (I told you). What I want to do is this when I come to the Town field, a drop down list is displayed with a few local town names (Peterborough, Huntingdon etc) and the respective STC code (01733, 01480 etc). When I select Peterborough in the town box the STC code 01733 is placed in the STD field automatically. I have two tables, one with the address’s (including Town and STC) field and the second one with two fields Town and STC. How do I get the two tables or forms to work together. Any help would be appreciated, many thanks.

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The Most Weird Thing Just Happened ... Please Help... Thanks!

Feb 7, 2006

have a table call 'ClinicTimeTable' there is a column call 'ClinicDate', another column called 'DrID', different row could have same 'ClinicDate' and 'DrID', so I wanna to count how many Drs in a particular day, I have following code, but it acts so werid, it onlys work for some dates! say if I put 02/02/2006 then I can get the number of DrID by observing 'count', however, if I put 01/02/2006 like below, count is 0! but there is some records with 02/02/2006 (I open the table directly in Access), how can this happening? how can it only partly works? it will make more sense if it don't work at all.

Dataset ds = new Dataset();
query = "SELECT DISTINCT DrID FROM ClinicTimeTable WHERE ClinicDate = #01/02/2006#" ;
OleDbDataAdapter myAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter( query, oleDbConnection1 );
myAdapter.Fill ( ds );
int count = dds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

any helps will be so appreciated! I am going mad at this problem!

by the way, i just tested that if any day in Jan 2006 is fine, say if i search 23/02/2006 or 22/02/2006 is fine... can't imagine why...

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Deleting PM's - How's A Thing Like This Work?

Jul 1, 2006

Moderators - please help. Apparently there's a 70 message limit on saved Private Messages (PM's). I've long since exceeded the limit, but can't find a mechanism in this forum to delete unwanted PM's Where am I going wrong here?

Best wishes - Bob

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Eliminating Several Queries That Do The Same Thing?

Jan 3, 2007

I have many queries that all do the same thing. The problem is that they're connected to specific controls on a form, so I have to make a new query everytime I make a new form to perform the same task as the others. This would be eliminated if there was a way to use the criteria the same way you would in code, like Me!controlname. Is there anyway possible to make these queries more universal so that they can be used by many forms?

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Strange Focus Thing

May 6, 2005

I have a form, with some controls, a subform and some command buttons. In the OnKeyDown Event of the subform, i put the following:

If Me.NewRecord And Keycode = 9 Then
End If

However, as soon as i hit the tab key when i am in the new record of the continuous sub form, rather than it moves to cmdAddSong, the focus is set to the control after it (cmdDeleteSong). Similarly, if i try to set the focus, to the cmdDeleteSong, after i hit the tab key, the focus will move to a next control (cmdAddAlbums).

Any ideas why does the focus does not go to the control i specified in the Me.Parent.Control, but it goes to Me.Parent.Control + 1 ?

Thank You

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Fun Little Weird Date Thing

Feb 11, 2005

This is a lot like my last post, but not exactly...

I have a table with some really strange fields. They all have 4-8 digits, and those digits stand for the date--but not for simple mmddyy. This is much more complicated than that. Each 4 or 2-digit number set stands for something different.


is a sample of the numbers in the fields. Here is the way the website says to define them:

NOTE: The seventh and eighth columns of each document describe the initial and most recent coverage dates using the SICI standard, which defines standard month codes for seasonal and quarterly issues. (A full list of the month codes used for seasonal and quarterly issues appears below.) Dates may appear as a year (1989), a year and month (197601), or a year, month, and day (19331229). Sometimes the format for initial and most recent coverage dates may differ due to changes in publication frequency over the history of the journal. For example, coverage may start with an annual issue (1898) but finish with a monthly issue (199912) or coverage may start with a monthly issue (193002) but finish with a supplemental issue containing no corresponding month (1972).

Month Codes Used in JSTOR Delimited Lists

01=January02=February03=March04=April05=May06=June07=July08=August09=September10=October11=November12=December20=Winter (when it appears at the beginning of a year)21=Spring22=Summer23=Fall24=Winter (when it appears at the end of a year)25=Early Spring26=Late Spring27=Early Fall28=Late Fall29=Early Summer30=Late Summer31=1st quarter32=2nd quarter33=3rd quarter34=4th quarterSo, if it's a 6 digit number, that's going to be 4 for the year, and 2 for one of the codes above.

If it's an 8 digit number, it's going to be 4 for the year, 2 for the month, and 2 for the day.

If it's a 4 digit number, it's just 4 for the year.

There are 665 of these, and I'll need to update them each time I download a new version of the file. So.... can anyone help me? If I could get the numbers into separate cells (at least temporarily), I could do a find and replace and add my final results back together in one cell when it's finished. I would want something that would put the first 4 digits into a cell, then the first 2 digits of what's left into a cell, and then the last two digits of what's left into another cell. I don't mind running 3 different queries.


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Weird Thing In Access 2002

Apr 14, 2008

I've been using Access 2002 since approx 2003 now. I won't upgrade as I've used 2007 and don't like the new interface.

I'm competent with it and regularly build locally used databases or databases for websites.

About 2 months ago my copy starting pissing me off. Everytime I click on any of the "create" links, it plays an alert sound. Anytime I click on an already created query/table/report etc it plays an alert sound. The only other time it happens is if I click on the button in the toolbar in windows to open a previously minimised window.

There seems to be no option to turn this off or on anywhere, so I'm completely stumped. It's not critical but it's bloody annoying. Anyone else had this and figure it out or anyone simply know how to stop it doing it?

I could obviously turn the speakers off but I like to listen to music whilst I work, and shouldn't have to either!

Thanks in advance

PS - My "Provide feedback with sounds" option is set to OFF

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Help With A Semi-pivot,crosstab Type Thing

Aug 24, 2006

Hey all, I've been banging my head all day trying to find a method and have nothing. Perhaps someone could guide me towards the right path... Here's a generic simplification of what I have:

ID# - Friend
1 - Fred
1 - George
2 - Fred
3 - Bill
3 - Ray
3 - Scott

Here's what I'm hoping to end up with:

ID# - Friends
1 - Fred, George
2 - Fred
3 - Bill, Ray, Scott

or even this would get me there:

ID# - Friend1 - Friend2 - Friend3
1 - Fred - George
2 - Fred
3 - Bill - Ray - Scott

I'm dealing with thousands of id#'s and thousands of possible friend's names.

Any help out there? If I need to explain myself better, just ask and i'll write some more...

thanx for any help you can offer...


P.S. I'm only a lite-weight in programming. I've been trying with a thousand different query methods so far using temporary tables and anything else I could possibly imagine...

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Sending Email Via Outlookobject In VB, Weired Thing

Mar 23, 2005

i wanted to be able to send an email with attachement for this i created an outlook object and i filled in all the parameters and it creates the message successfully with the attachement and everything, but when i press send instead of sending the email to the recpient it puts it in the sent items without sending it, unless i opened my outlook and looked into the sent emails box then it sends it, i dont know if i can do something in order for the email to be sent automatically because i dont know if the problem is the code or it s a sort of security thing for outlook
if anyone has an idea.......................

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Simple Question For A Simple DB

Dec 29, 2006

Ok I am right now making a simple Vendor/Product database to create a line sheet for some sales folks. I have 3 tables: Vendors, Products, and an associate entity Vendors_Products to relate the two. I have a form currently that draws the Vendor Name (primary key) from the Vendor table and the Product Name from the associate entity. This allows me to create new vendors and select current product types from a drop down box. The problem is that the drop down box is too long and it is tiresome when 1 vendor has 10 product types.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? I thought it would be better to have option buttons and display all available products. Then you could just click all of the option buttons that apply to that Vendor and it would create the this possible?

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A Simple One For You All

Nov 22, 2005

I have looked at some of the threads here and it is clear that many of you are working on a much higher level than me and with a high degree of familiarity with the programme.
I am hoping that someone here is able to give me some advice as I don't find the MS help files digestible.
The task I have is to join 2 databases and produce a table from which I can run a mailmerge.
I have managed to join the 2 databases and I used a customer ID as a common link. (my apologies if the terminology is incorrect)
I now have all the data I require in one table.
THE PROBLEMs I have multiple entries for some of my customers and would like to reduce this to single entries (which is understandable). Please tell me how to do this if you can, and keep it as simple as you can please.

In anticipation I thank you very much.


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Simple One But Not For Me!

Jan 14, 2006

Hi there,

I'm making a report detailing competitors final finishing positions in a competition.

The columns are (1) Place, (2) Name and (3) Points

I have the data for their names and the points they have scored, but how do I make the table enter the record number (starting at 1) in the first field???

Thanks in advance


1 John Smith 199
2 Ian Jones 90

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This Should Be Relatively Simple?

Feb 16, 2006

Not sure what the issue is here but i am trying to append a Job number from a main database into two connected databases.
The number is a sequential number i have created and the primary key.
It is an autonumber field(obviously). The format is J0000 and the numbers start from J0001

I am using two different append queries to append them into the external databases tables.
However (and here i think lies the problem) the fields i am inserting them into are text fields with the same format J0000.
When i view the numbers in these tables, they are displayed as J1 or J9. The 0's are missing.
Any ideas.

Thank you in advance

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This Is Probably Really Simple!

Feb 21, 2006

Hey guys, I'm just wondering how I could limit a field to using from 2 - 20 letters. If I placed the letter "a", I'd get an error saying how at least 2 letters must be there, and a maximum of 20. How would I do this?

Lastly, how can I make it so when I enter data into a form, I can click a button which adds it all into the table?
When I do it normally, it's automatically transferred into the table as I type it into the form.

This is incredibly simple I know, but I am a n00b at Access. ^_^

Thanks guys.

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Should Be Simple.....

May 18, 2005

OK, I have a strange problem... This doesn't seem to work..... It did... then I made some changes.... Can someone clue me in on what I am doing wrong? A query, simply summing some values in fields... no biggy...... BUT...
The field
TotalHours: ([SundayHours]+[MondayHours]+[TuesdayHours]+[WednesdayHours]+[ThursdayHours]+[FridayHours]+[SaturdayHours])

So why isn't this working?
Can I use a simple VBA statement to sum these fields?


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Simple Qns

Nov 24, 2005

hi all, this is my problem:

i got a table like this

ID time in time out working hours
the working hours is [timeput]-[timein]

how to i create a query so that all the ID 1' s working hours will be summed up ?

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This Should Be Simple

May 15, 2006

:confused: simple query
Critera : <Date()-30 should show records from the last 30 days ???

and : "status"="active" should show records from the last 30 days that are active ????

or am i totally off the mark here ?
vey new to this be gentle :eek:


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Probably Something Simple

Oct 18, 2006

I am trying to create an IN query (ACCESS) which will firstly show the customers table (specific details) then the orders details should be in the IN query, I formulated this but it won't work:

SELECT s.CustomerID, Address, City, PostalCode
FROM Customers s
s.OrderID IN
(SELECT s.OrderID FROM Orders p
WHERE s.OrderDate = '1996')
s.OrderID IN
(SELECT s.OrderID FROM Orders p
WHERE s.OrderDate = '1997');

Here is the one I did to show the customers and orders who made orders in 1996 and 97:

SELECT Customers.CustomerID AS Customers_CustomerID, Orders.CustomerID AS Orders_CustomerID, Customers.Address, Customers.City, Customers.PostalCode, Orders.OrderID, Orders.OrderDate
FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
WHERE (((Orders.OrderDate) Between #1/1/1996# And #12/31/1997#));

it is probably something simple I am missing here! Sorry to keep asking :(

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