Form Containing 2 Subforms

Aug 10, 2006

Hi all, I have a form wich contains 2 subforms, these subforms are runned by a query wich selects data between a range of dates, the problem is when i open the form it will ask me the range of dates twice, once for one subform and then again for the other, as the range of dates are the same for both subforms is there a way to open the form typing only once the range of dates?

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How To Link Subforms To Other Subforms On An Unbound Form

Feb 4, 2006

I forum could someone tell me:

I have an unbound form on that form I want to put three sub forms one on a products table the other on a course start dates table and the link table that joins the other two together. all three are related to each other with Pk/FK links.

When I try to link them it says you cannot link items on an unbound form.

regards in advance

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Form With TreeView And Subforms

Feb 4, 2005

Hello all.

I'm really new at VB.
But I'm learning. I'm also learning to work around access too.
What I'm trying to do is have a Form with a TreeViewCtl that acts as a menu for other forms.
I'd like to have the TreeViewCtl open those forms in a subform so there is always just one form open at all times.
This way my "clients" don't get lost in the forms. Believe me, they get lost easily...

I already posted a question like this here:
But I'm not sure if this is a VB question (TreeViewCtl) or a Forums question...
A sample of what I'm trying to do is available at the link.
My TreeViewCtl works fine, but the forms open in seperate forms.
Sorry for the dbl-post.

Does anyone have any ideas?
I've been searching google for 2 weeks without any answers.

Thx for your time.

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Using Sum On Two Subforms For Main Form

Apr 12, 2005


i have a stock control db. when new stock is ordered it updates 'units on orders' field, then when goods are recieved the subform field is updated and this automatically updates the 'units on hand field'.

i then have another subform for stock going in and out, i would like to be able to have the units on hand field as above (which is the main form) automatically updated like is when using the the goods recieved sub form??

not sure if i explained it properly but i can send the structure if that helps?

many thanks

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Set Focus On A Form With 4 Subforms

Jun 10, 2005

My main form has four command buttons that when clicked will make visible one of four subforms.

I can switch freely about the subforms by clicking on each of the buttons. However, when I place the cursor in a subform(and thus give it Focus), and then attempt to select another button to open another subform, I get the dreaded "can't hide a control that has the focus" error message.

What type of code should I use and where exactly should I be putting it?

I've tried setting focus to another subform in the OnClick event of my buttons, but that doesn't seem to be working.

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Form And Two Subforms Calculations

Feb 5, 2006

I have a problem with main form and two subforms in it. Both subforms are in "continuos" mode, and each of them has field in footer, where it calculates total sum for all field that are in it.

Then there is main sum below both subforms (all this is in detail section of form) and it calculates total for both sums of each subform.

Whenever i fill values in first subform and in second subform, i have results everywhere, but if i fill values in first subform but leave second subform empty, the "main sum" below both subforms is empty also....

The control source for main sum field is "=Forms!frmMainForm!frmSubform1!Text1 + Forms!frmMainForm!frmSubform2!Text2" where Text1 is "total sum" in first subform and Text2 is "total sum" in second subform...

I set default value = 0 for all fields in both subforms, but it won't help....still shows empty fields in that subform, which isn't filled....Actually when i open form for the first time, it shows "0" values in all empty fields and then immediately clears them and shows empty fields...

Any ideas how i could solve it?


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How To Set Tab-order In Form With Subforms?

Sep 8, 2006

I've developed a big main form with subforms on. All'n all there are lots of controls on all these forms. (4 subforms in the "main" form).

As I've added controls now and then, they are not added in order from top left to bottom right.

Anyone know if I can set taborder even for the subforms?

Cause now, the tab-order is bad.

Thanks for any help ;)

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Forms :: Getting A Form With 2 Subforms?

Apr 11, 2013

I need a form with 2 subforms. the main form is for an indidual. the first subform is a list of characteristics. the second subform is sort of a calendar function, produced for date scheduled, results, next meeting date.

I have tried the form wizard, but it produces a jumble of the mixed fields. Can I create a subform or 2 before I create the main form, and then link them somehow?

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Forms :: Form With Two Subforms

Oct 24, 2014

I want to create a form with two subforms. I create a form with one subform without problems but i would like to know how i can link the two subforms, so when i select a row in first subform display records in second subform.

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Forms :: Possible To Have 3 Subforms In A Form?

Oct 3, 2013

is it possible to have 3 subforms in a form?if so how would i go about this i have created the form and the 3 subforms however it only allows me to link one into the form.

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Summary From Subforms On Main Form

Feb 17, 2006

Hi everyone

I use Access 2003 and have created a form with several subforms which I've placed onto a number of tabs. I'd like to have some of the most recently entered data from the subforms displayed on the main form.

For instance - if one of the subforms details the repairs to my car, in terms of date, items repaired, name of the mechanic and the cost, I'd like the most recent date of repair to be displayed on the main form. I know that I can see it be clicking the "Car Repairs" tab then scrolling down the information, but I'd like to have it displayed for easy viewing. I'm not sure if I'd need to have some VBA to do this or if it can be achieved by, for instance, creating a query to populate the appropriate textbox on the main form.

Thanks for your time and patience!


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Cloning Records From A Form With Subforms

Apr 3, 2006


Can someone help me with this... I've got a main form with 6 subforms. The main form is associated with the "one-side" table. Each subform is associated with its own "many-side" table. What I would like to do is be able to click a button on the main form to make a copy of the record and all associated records in the "many-side" tables, but obviously with the new records having a different primary key. What is the best way to go about doing this?


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Accessing Subforms From Main Form

Jul 25, 2006

I have two subforms. They are in nice neat grids as access setup for me. Both of these forms should have similar data, based on a upc. What I need to do is turn the text of an entire row to red when there is no matching upc in the other subform. The two problems I cannot figure out is as follows.

1. How can I access the forecolor property of a text box in a subform from the main form?

2. How do I access only one row of data, in the default grid?

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

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Forms :: Take Data From A Form With Many Subforms

Dec 6, 2013

I need to take data from a form with many sub-forms. The letter has to be in word to allow for edits. Its an appointment letter, however is has a table with 1-100 lines.I need to be able to add the name, address, date of appointment and table with however many lines are needed for that client.I can get the table to work by itself or the name, address and date of appointment but not both.

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Last Modified Date On A Form With Subforms

May 3, 2013

I have a form with 4 subforms on it and I am trying to find a way to capture the last modified date for the record regardless of what form or subform they touched

Is this possible?

Right now I have a macro on before update of Now() on the form and all of the subforms but that is only showing when that form was last modified which is not exactly what I am trying to achieve.

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Multiple Tables, One Form With 3 Subforms Problems

Dec 16, 2007

Hi Guys & Gals, I have an Access 2007 database that I am fighting with. I have a friend who needs a data entry database. So far I have created 4 tables: Cases, Customers, Data1, Data2.
Cases_tbl has following fields:ID(autonumber), Customers_ID(number), Data1_ID(number), Data2_ID(number).

The Customers, Data1 and Data2 Tables are all similiar, they all have the ID(autonumber) Field followed be fields that need data inputed.

I would like to have the Cases table as the master table that is linked to the other 3 tables, so when I delete a customer, there case, and all of there data is deleted with it.

I have one form with 3 subforms. Each subform is used for inputing data into the customer, data1, and data2 tables. However, I cannot for the life of me link all these tables together. I have tried all different relationships and have search the web high and low and I cannot find an answer anywhere. So if somebody could help I would be much appreciative.

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Executing A Subforms Procedures From The Parent Form

Dec 19, 2005

is there a way i can call a sub forms procedure from the main parent form.

in other words i have a button command i want to execute

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Confused: Main Form, Subforms And New Records

Feb 23, 2006

Hi All,

I’m hoping someone can help a very confused newbie :confused:

While I have knowledge in using MSAccess I can honestly say I am well and truly stuck. I have searched the forum, but cannot find anything to help me out … if there is anything I am sorry for re-posting. While there may be helpful responses, they mostly involve code, which I do not know.

I have a Main Form (frmPreApprovedTravel) and numerous Subforms (sfrmFlightRail, sfrmHotel, etc). I have designed my Main Form with tabs and each tab contains staff details, flight, hotel, taxi, etc information.

My problem is that when I go to the next record in my Main Form I want the Subforms (all of them) to go to the next record as well. I know this is possible but having tried to figure it out myself for the last 2 hours, but know I’m still missing something!

I would appreciate any help and thank you in advance for the help and taking the time to read my problem.

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Queries :: Requery Tab Subforms From Main Form

Jun 17, 2013

I have a problem in requery function i cant requery a subform from main form.

I have a table say table1 and a tab control say tab1 and in this tab control i have four pages on each there is a subform.

I want to refresh one of these sub-forms field.

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Forms :: Open A Subforms In Main Form

Sep 6, 2014

I have a main form with a combo which lists all forms in my database. There is also a button which open all the forms depending on this which I will choose from my combo.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm Me.cmbforms
End Sub

Is there any way to open the forms in a subform in my main form?

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Main Form Got Locked When Added 2 Subforms

Aug 2, 2012

My main form was working fine (I could key in data) until I added two subforms. Now the main form will not accept data, but the two sub forms do accept data. I have searched properties of all forms and queries, and I cannot find any suspects.

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Forms :: Link 2 Subforms (1 To Many Relation) Within One Navigation Form?

Sep 2, 2013

Let's say :

1 navigation form called Nav_Main

2 subforms :

1 called master_form ( PK = id_master) (table : master_table)
1 called details_form (with id_master in it) (tables : details_table)

the relationship is still established

I want to switch from master_form to details_form and retrieve only records corresponding to the last id_master where I was in master_form

(do I absolutely need to recreate a parameter query of details_table ?) What is (are) the simple way(s) to do it ?

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Forms :: Linking Two Unrelated Subforms To Main Form

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to link two unrelated sub forms to a main form so I am able to query data all at once and make a report that displays all this data at once. I do not know if this is possible. I will tell you to the best of my ability about what I have going on.

My main form is a shift report. The primary key is a auto number ID. The rest of the fields are date, name, shift, vehicle. etc.

The first sub form is area attendance. Field are as follows auto number ID (primary key), report ID(which comes from the main form, linked), the area, and the area attendance.

The second sub form is the event log. Fields are as follows auto number ID (primary key), report ID(which comes from the main form, linked), time in, and events.

My relationship now is simply primary key from the shift report (the autonumber) going to the first and second subforms report ID's.

Problem is I can not query two distinct subforms like this (I realized).

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Forms :: Cursor Moving On Multi Subforms In A Form?

Mar 6, 2015

Issue with Cursor moving on multi Subforms in a form.

I have 2 sub-forms in a main form as per screenshot. So Cursor moving from main form to 1st subform working well. After can't move the cursor from 1st subform to 2nd subform with tabbing or entering. Still there in 1st Subform in the last entered filed after tabbing or entering. I've checked on tab orders also they shown correct but it is can't move to 2nd subform.

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Modules & VBA :: Cascading 3 Combo Boxes On 1 Form And 2 Subforms?

Dec 5, 2013

I have three nested forms that is Form3 is withing Form2 that is within Form1 (in reality = 1 Form and 2 subforms cascaded).

I want to select a value from Combo1, that will further brings the values in Form2, and then further filter the values in Form3. If the three combos were on the same form, I wouldn't have an issue. But since each combo is in every cascading form/subform, I dont know how to pass the filterning further to the other two combos.

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Refreshing A Form From A Second Form (not Subforms)

Mar 5, 2005

i need to be able to refresh the data on a form, when i click a button in a second form.

the onclick events runs some sql that alters the data that form a is based on, then closes form b. The changes are not reflected on form a until the form is reopened or i use a button on the form a to refresh.

is there anyway to achieve this? surely there must be an easier way than closing a form and reopening?


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