Form Layout Requirement

Nov 7, 2006

ok, i have a few design requirements and am unsure as the best way to approach the situation..

here is the basic layout of my tables..

i will basically need a form with the following layout

you enter the date at the top of the form.. and then all the records you enter will use that value as the job date..

also.. the customer name and number will need to be entered in this form.. and the customer id will have to be registered to the job in the job table..

can anyone suggest where i should start with regards to creating a subform.. a query.. etc??

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Sub-Form Layout

Aug 12, 2006


I created a sub-form using the wizard; however, I can't get it to view as Calumnar even when I move its text boxes about and change their order. When I run it, it always show as a datasheet!

Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.


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Form Layout/Syles

Sep 7, 2006

Ive been using the form wizard, with columnar but I find it squishes up some of the words, and doesnt use the whole screen width, is there a way I can change this? and is there anywhere that you can download more styles?

Any thoughts would be awesome.
Cheers Ezy

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Possible Sum Requirement

Aug 14, 2006

I am sure this is very simple, but I'm not sure what it is that I'm looking for. As always I've spent time searching, but I don't really know what I'm searching for at the moment.

What it is I'm looking to do is to have a list of all the clients in the database, and then have the total number of hours charged next to them. While I could easily making a report listing all of the hours they have been charged for, and have a total of them at the bottom, I'm unsure of how to achieve this without a list.

I am assuming that there is a way to do this in a query. I looked into using a SUM function, but this seemed to be different from what I want. I am not looking for somebody to tell me what to do, but just to say what it is I'm looking for, I might even need to do it on the report.

Thanks for any pointers :)

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Requirement For Access V 1.0 Or 2.0

Jan 24, 2007

Hi, I am trying to open an access database written in the early 90's in Access V 1 or 2.

Please can anyone supply / sell me a copy of access as I need to open this urgently ?

Can I buy it from a website as I am not the best when it comes to computers ?

Many thanks


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Combo Box Requirement

May 5, 2005

I have 2 cascading combo boxes on Form1. After I select one things out of dropdown0 and then select another thing out of dropdown2, I click on a button that opens another form - Form2- depending on values selected from both of those comobo boxes. That works good. What happens is when I come back to Form1 and select something out of dropdown0, but nothing out of dropdown2, it lets me proceed to opening Form2 and it keeps the value from dropdown2 from previous time.
What I need is to make Selection out of the second drop down mandatory. Right now I have a little msgbox in the After-Update event on dropdown0, but that's not enough.
Any ideas how I can make it so it doesn't let you proceed to Form2 if dropwdown2 is null?

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Email Record From A Form In Customized Layout

Sep 13, 2006

when a record is open in my form, i want a button that says.. send email confirmation..

this will then transfer particular fields to an email template and send the email

how can i begin to understand how to make this work

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Hiding Subform Layout In Main Form

Nov 28, 2013

How to hide the layout of subform in main form?

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General Query Form Database Layout Technique

May 24, 2006

ok, someone please clarify this for me..

i know about normalisation and data redundancy..

therefore i will lay out my database like so..

job id
job date
job time

job id
driver id

driver id
driver name
driver phone

job id
payment id


this is all fine..

in the most straightforward situation, you create a form based on a table...

now if i create a query with fields from all the tables.. eg..

job date, job time, driver name, price

if i create a form in the basic way, you cannot add fields from several tables (in the direct sense i mean, forgettin the use of subforms.. etc)

if i create a form based on the query, will this allow me to add as many fields, and most importantly from as many tables, as i wish.. choosing only the relevant ones for that particular form..

will everthing automatically link with the job id if my user fills in this form..

if this is the case then i can see my self making one large query.. with all the relevant job details, and then using a tabbed form to separate them.. is this a common practice.. is this the correct way to go about things?

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Queries :: Export Data With Formatting And Layout Using Form

Jun 24, 2013

Export Query Data with Formatting and Layout Using A Button On Form Before Or After DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet

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Forms :: Contents Disappear In Form Or Layout View

Jul 17, 2013

I seem to be having an issue with a split form I've been working on. I created this split form on Monday and it was working just fine but today, I have added a couple minor text boxes. Since then, I can view the form contents in Design View but when I switch to "Form View" or "Layout View", it's all gone minus the logo in the top left corner and the title for the split form.

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General :: Hiding Subform Layout In Main Form?

Nov 28, 2013

How to hide the layout of subform in Main form?

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How To Judge Final Layout In Design And Form View

Nov 2, 2014

How can I see what they will finally look like while I am formatting them? All the views on offer (form/layout/design) are all displays within the the context of the access programing screens, with other windows and menus and ribbons etc. I want to see how it will look full screen. I know I can change a lot of options, change to the form as a default to open with, resave, reopen and then reverse it all but that's not really any good for doing every time you make a minor change.

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Requirement Of Outer Join As Default

Nov 2, 2005

Hello All,

Beginner level question!

I am working on a schema that might need outer joins for some of the queries and thereby reports I will need to produce. So, I wanted to get an idea from the pros about the following strategy:

How about leaving all the joins in the Relationships to begin with as Inner Join and change them to Outer Join as required (for a given Query. I believe this is possible)? What are the pros and cons of this approach.

Thank you

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Forms :: Check Box In A Form Which Shows Data From A Table In Tabular Layout

May 12, 2013

I have made an unbound check box, named "myckeck" in a form which shows data from a table in tabular layout.

1- When I check one check box, all check boxes are checked. How can I solve that? I mean I want to check or clear check boxes independently.

2- I made a text box, named "jobdate" to sow todays date automatically upon checking a check box.

Private sub mycheck_afterupdate()
jobdate = date

But this is not working and checking a check box does not make anything to happen.

3- Then I made this expression in the default value of "jobdate" properties:

iif( mycheck = true, date(), null)

This not working either.

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Forms :: Added Extra Tab - Form Showing Blank In Design And Layout View

Mar 30, 2013

My form was working fine but when I added an extra tab it started showing as completely blank in design view. When I deleted the tab I had added I still was left with the same problem!

I've attached an image of the form properties. I want to use the form to enter data so it needs to show even if there are no records.

I had read that it could be if there is no data but typing data in the tables hasn't worked either.

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Modules & VBA :: Requirement To Break Bulk Emails Into Smaller Groups For Transmission

Mar 10, 2014

I have put together a VBA sub to run Outlook.Application to send a report to selected email addresses. A Table's records contain an email addresses as well as category for grouping purposes.

I use a "Create Table Query" to extract the selected email addresses from the table into a temporary table called "ETransferAddress" then "Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ETransferAddress")" then concatenate the email addresses separated with commas.

This works fine for small groups, but the service provider blocks them if the number of email addresses go into the hundreds.

What I need is to break the email addresses into sub groups and then create a series of emails all with the same Report, Subject and Content.

One way might be to create a series of loops to create a number of smaller tables but to string that lot together to achieve it is beyond me at present.

Here is my code to date"

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Create a table with selected addresses

[Code] .....

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General :: Auto Fill All Requirement Check Boxes Based On What Is Stored In Client Info Table

Jul 1, 2013

I have a table called Client Info which stores the clients name and their requirements (Gas safe etc). And I have a table "Job List" where i select from a drop down menu the clients and it auto fills all the requirement check boxes based on what is stored in the Client Info table. However I can't get the code to work.

Private Sub Client_Click()
[job_list].[Gas_Safe].Value = [client_info].[Gas_Safe].Value
End Sub

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"FOLLOW UP" Requirement

Feb 8, 2007

Hi There,

I have built a fairly basic DB to record incoming sales enquiries to our business. When we contact some of those enquiries later we are often asked to call back in 2 months time or 3 months time etc. There is a form within the DB were we can enter the outcome of conversations with the people making the enquiry.
What I want to know is there anything that I can do in Access that in 2 or 3 months time will remind me to call these people?????
The only date within the DB is the date of the incoming enquiry and the date when the brochure is sent to the enquiry.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Best Regards
Keith :rolleyes:

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Datasheet Layout Changes

Oct 26, 2005

I have subforms that are datasheet view, if the user rearranges the coloumns, or resizes etc , I would like to save what they have done so it is as they left it next time they open up the screen.

This works fine with an mdb (all my forms are set to close acsaveNo).

However in an mde this doesn't work.

Can I get this to happen in and mde.

(A button that saves a layout change would be fine for my purpose)



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Changing Layout

Mar 16, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I'm pulling my hair off with this situation. I have an excel file that was given to us by the payroll department of our company, but my manager doesn't like the layout in which was given to us. I've attached a sample of the file, the file has two sheets the first one is how the original file looks like and the second sheet "final look" is how my manager want the file to look.The original file is pretty big, it's for 33 different employees and it contains 93,500 rows. I think it will take forever to do this manually, any ideas would be really appreciated.



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Relationships Layout

Mar 1, 2007

I had a couple of forms go corrupt in one of my databases this morning, which has around 50 or so tables in it. I repaired the database by creating a new db then importing all the db objects from the original and the 2 corrupted forms from yesterday's backup.

However, the relationships table is now a disorganized mess. Is there some way to import the layout of the relationships table from the original db or am I stuck with manually re-arranging?

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Report Layout

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all,

How should I do if I want to display my records in Report by 3col x 5row instead of 1col x 15row.

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Database Layout

Jan 13, 2005

I have an issue with a database layout and I am not sure which is the best way to proceed.

The problem is in an invoice part of a db . When a service is delivered, say 2 hours of a technicians time, it has to be assigned to a particular tech. No problem when there is only one tech however there could be two or more techs who have helped to supply this particular service and the time ( and income) needs to be divided up between them. However the invoice can only show one item the ie total time taken to deliver the service ( quite likely to be a fixed cost for a particular service ).

Possibilties I have considered are: to have a number of fields in the invoice detail table , one for each tech, however I would have to assume a maximum number of possible techs per job and also there would be a lot of redundant fields and trying to analyse how many hours each has worked would be painful.

Each tech could be assigned a code ( single number or letter ) and these could be stored in a single field . The code would then have to be manipulated to work out how many techs worked on each item and how much each had worked. Again this is rather messy.

I think the ideal would be for each tech to have their own table where each time an service was invoiced which they helped delivered the appropiate percentage is assigned but I cant quite see how to do this.

Any ideas or examples gratefully recieved

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Table Layout

Apr 11, 2007

17099Good Morning

I was wondering if someone can please assist/advice. I am currently a bit stuck and feeling like I am walking into a dead end the whole time.
I am currently creating a DB with the purpose of Capturing Potential Candidates provide them with an ID. Fill in their basic details Name Surname, submit to a report, which I will then export, email to them, they will fill in the outstanding information requested, send it back and will import it back into the DB with my various queries to run searches on candidates for placements.

My only problem is that I have quite a lot of fields...

So I Decided to Create 4 Tables
In each table I am using the same ID for a person so should be a 1 to 1 Relationship.

1 General Information
2 Info Relating to Skill
3 Work History
4 Qualifications.

I have all of these separate tables due to the fact that with all the records in one i exceed my 255 table fields allowed

But then if I decide to create a query so I can run some of the details i get errors because there are to many fields. Even if i run one on the other. My last one will still have to many fields.
Basically I am hoping someone can just assist in what would be the best way for me to lay out my tables. And what would be the best to link these tables.
Is it better to have all the records horizontally, or as a one to many with duplicates.

Please find attached a copy of the tables. I would really appreciate any advice

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Checkboxes Layout

Jun 18, 2005

Is there a way of putting the checkbox to the right of the text other than dragging it over?

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