I have designed the database i wanted but now i want to link the fields from a access form to a pre designed template i designed in both microsoft word and pdf. When a user types the information in and clicks preview the information typed in access field will match the field in the template any ideas or software programs that do this.
Issue: We have software that maps some of our "custom" grades that we use locally to the state-specified grades when we submit. Ex: Grades PA and PP map to report to the state as PK. The data stays in our software as PA and PP however as it is needed that way.
I'm trying to run queries comparing our data with what is at the state to head off mismatches and want to find a way to NOT have these grades show a false mismatch. The field for flagging as mismatch is for example GX = iif ([schoolgrade] not like [stategrade], "GRD", null) I tried doing a compound iif statement in my comparison query field but got stalled there as there are 6 or 7 grades that map, one with 3 that maps to one state grade.
What would be the best way to alleviate these? I know I can do a change query, but I'm assuming that can only be done one at a time, and I would have to import the data. Doing find and replace is too manual, and the data is updated daily so I would want something automated. At this point I'm thinking of creating a bunch of change queries and automating the running of them but that seems like the long way to do it...
I am setting up a database for a training centre, part of this includes registration The academic year I am working with runs over 36 weeks with 24 teaching weeks, 2 x 3 week holidays, 2 x 1 week reading weeks and the final 2 weeks for exams.
I aim to set the system up so that when a user opens the application, I get the username from windows, the day and time then open the correct register. That bit should be fine.
As I have 36 weeks I want to some how map the week numbers to the dates at the start of the term and also the holidays. There are 2 reasons for this, the first being so that when the user logs in the register only shows the current week instead of needing to search along all 24 or 36 entries, the other reason is so that when checking the whole register the holidays are not shown.
Does anybody have any suggestions or pointers as to how I can do this?
I have built a Database links to multiple back end databases. The whole database is completed, and I have to share it across the company, so I have placed the Database and all of the Back End databases on a "public" shared drive. I have the "public" drive stored as my Q drive. So when I link to the back end databases, the path it stores is Q:DatabasesDatabase.accdb
However, the problem is that not everyone will have the "public" drive mapped to Q. It's possible they could have it mapped to P or A or whatever. So if someone has their "public" drive mapped to P, this database will not work (since Q:DatabasesDatabase.accdb would not exist for them - it's really P:DatabasesDatabase.accdb).
Is there a way around this? So that instead of it mapping to the relative letter (Q or P), can it just refer to "public"?
I need to make my form prompt me for an account number and have the fields in the form populate with any data that the tables contain for that account number.
If there is no account number in the table like that, I need it to make a new record.
So I read through about 50 posts trying to find one that resembled mine, but unfortunately I couldn't.
What I am trying to accomplish is this:
I would like to set up a database for reservations of meeting rooms at my place of employment. My experience with Access is very limited, and I find myself getting stuck. What is making things difficult for me is the fact that I would like to set up the interface so that people with absolutely no Access background could still use it. This means I am using the calendar tool for people to input the date of their reservation and giving them a command button to submit. That part works just fine, however, I am having difficulty in making a query that works through a form so that people can use the same calendar set up to inquire what reservations have already been made. I also am having a hard time with figuring out how to limit people from double booking rooms (i.e. i don't know how to limit just the time, and not the date or room). I would appreciate any advice on how to get this project started, so that I can move further along and be back on here to ask more questions when I get stuck again. Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi! I just found this forum and is exactly what i was looking for!:D
Anyway, i am a new access developer and i am currently starting to get around. I have a question. I been working on this database for a few weeks and when i created any subforms, fields or buttons some sort of wizard would pop-up and and walk me through setting all the properties and so on. For some reason thats not happening any longer. It just creates the field or button and thats it. So i have to right click, properties and so on but the wizard thing(or whatever is called) was easier. The harder stuff that i dont know how to do was easy. Does anyone know what i am talking about?
New to Access programing and need help please. I have a main form that requires the input of a building #, this takes the primary key spot for all records. On the main form is a monitors field which calls up a form titled Resource Monitors and allows me to input primary and mutiple alternates information. My questions is, how do I get the Resource Monitors form to automatically look at what record (building) is currently open in the main form and automatically adjust the Resource Monitors (building) field to match. I have created a 1-to-1 releationship between the building field in both forms, and created a subdatasheet in Resource Monitors that correlates the entries from both forms. What is my next logical step to make this work?
I'd like to display several rows of data (records) on a Form. Each row has 4 fields. One of the fields (field name is Description) could contain up to 150 characters. So I would like to be able to display the first 40 characters of that field and have a "scroll bar" for that field so the user can scroll thru the remaining Description for that row (record) .
Hi all. I am fairly new to access and am trying to do something that shouldn't be that hard. I have a simple form with one text box and a command button on it. I have the command button set to run an update query.
My problem is that when I enter data and press the button, I don't know how to get the entered data into the query?
I know this is simple to do, but since I am new to access, I can't figure it out. Does anyone have a simple example or step by step details that they can share with me?
I am a newbie to Access or any database for that matter. So please be gentle. I'm in the process of writing an automotive invoicing database and have gotten stuck early in the game. On my form I have Qty1 - Mat1 - and Amt1 fields placed from my database. In Amt1 I would like to typein an amount and have it multiplied by 15% (.015). I fiddled with the "On Enter" in the Amt1 property box but got nowhere. Can someone help???
Hello. I have a mdb access file. When I open it, I can see lots of tables. How on earth do I open a form? Do I need another file, if so, what extension should I look for on my computer?? I really dont want to create a new form, since a person who did it has told me that its all have been already done. I just need to open the form and enter the data in. Thanks for any help!!!:)
Here goes my problem, and how I am attempting to solve it, but I am open to advice.
I have a table that contains all of the bird species in the US; (fields: common name, scientific name, species ID) I want to be able to update another table, (birds to chase) with particular bird species that I have not yet seen, (fields: species ID, common name, scientific name) and link that to a sub form that links to another table (chase birds locations) which shows geographic location data as to where I might be able to see new/unseen birds; (fields: species ID, date, other geographic data).
My problem is this. I created a form for the unseen birds table that allows me to only select a bird using a combo box of birds from the larger table of US birds. I want to select a bird using the common name in this box, and have it automatically populate the scientific name and the species ID into the birds to chase table. I link this tables to the location table using species ID.
A workaround that I have used is to close the form, run two update queries that populate the proper fields for scientific name and species ID and to re-open the forms. Although this works, when I return to the form it does not return me to the proper record, so that I can enter data into the sub-form.
Obviously this is a workaround and will work for me in the short run, but I want to learn how to do it properly within Access 2003.
I'm not a programmer and hence do not have access to the .NET tools or Visual Basic. Any hints for me out there?
Okay I've looked around but haven't found an answer to this, if there is one in the forum please forgive me. I've created a database to help track employee passwords for differnt system I placed and Audit Trail on the form (the example from Microsoft) however it updates only the form and not the table and I need it to do both. Please Help!
Hi! I'm a newbie and have very very basic understanding of Access...I'm running a small group of about 19 members that is expected to grow within the next two months to 11 more members...
I haven't been able to find a freeware club/membership database so having the fun of creating my own.
I used the "membership database" that microsoft offers and I figure out (very easily) how to do the page breaks, but I tried to add an option on the top of the form to goto page 3 and have access take my viewer to "page 3" of the form...
I've looked at the coding for page 1 and 2 that is already in place for the form where member info is enter, but it's just over my head and hoping someone can help me figure out how to build an event that when someone clicks on page 3, it will take the viewer to the "third page" of the form for additional information I hope to add.
Here's the situation. I have a Database in Excel (~3000 rows & 7 Columns)
The first Column has numbers like this (3-10-34 or 223-7-45) the other columns have names, addresses and other stuff.
What I'm trying to do is to eliminate the use of huge binders. I want to have a Blank screen with only one input box where I can type a number and retrieve a specific row from my Database. Time saving.
Now, when I'm searching, I usually only have the first numbers before the dash (such as the 3 or the 223) not the other numbers. So I cannot input 3-10-34 for instance. I can only put 3...:confused:
I've already imported it to Access and it works fine but have no idea how to do what I just described!
sorry if this question is answered somewhere else i did check through the forum a bit first
anyway to the question
is there a way in access 2003 so when i change a value in one table it creates a new record in another table
i have a table called tickets and one called fixes, when i change a value in a record in the tickets table i want a new record in the fixes table to be created for me
I am not sure if i am supposed to post in this section......
Using Access 2003.
I am very new to Access and have started off very well building my first project..
My help is that i would like a macro button to delete a record once you have put in to the database if that is possible also i would like a save button if that is possible...
I have put a Tab Contol on and want to change the backgound but i can't see on the properties box to change this. Is there a piece of code that allow me to do so...
I am still very new to Access 2003 and have started off very well..
Just a few help please:
Help 1. I need a macro button that will allow me to delete a record from the database via a form.
Help 2. I need a macro button to save the database if that is possible via a form.
Help 3. I have a Tab Control on my form and i want to change the background of the Tab Control but can't find it on the properties is there a piece of code i can put in to VB which will do this for me or is there another way.
hello guys i m very new to access and i need some help! if i had a form that contains a field like salary and i need to add all the salaries from all the records into one total salary how can i do it? plz take into consideration that i m totally new and dumb:p in access thank you
Alright here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have A, and B. Then I have 6 different tables that relate to the six different things B could be and contain all sorts of other information.
What I want is to make a form that lets you type in A, and B. Then the correct table/form for the respective B will pop in to the subform area. Then as soon as you select or type in a new A and B, the subform will change, or stay the same if the B has not changed, but a new record will have started.
"A" is just an ID... something like AA001, AA002, etc. "B" is the stage each ID is at... like beginning, middle, end, etc.
Sorry if it is a bit confusing, I am willing to explain any details that could help. I consider myself a somewhat advanced Access user, but this just stumps me for some reason.
Im looking to create a frontend and backend for a Dojo (Martial arts center). Basically, it will log in people(record their training time, by day not hour) either by Number or name. Secondly, I want to be able to have all these fields seen by the admin: Dojo Number Date Joined Last Name First Name Male/Female Address City Zip Home Phone Work Phone E-mail Birthday Occupation Adult/teen/child Rank Active/ Inactive status Martial Art Exp. Staff Y/N ASNJ Dues Info USAF Dues Info USAF Membership Number Misc. Notes
So the backend/ admin would be able to update this field and keep records up to date.
There would be around 800 entries/people, and only one admin accessing the db at any time. The frontend would be used to log in..
Can some kind soul help with pointing me in the right direction to a problem below?
In my database (property database), I have some old properties which are now sold. There are relationships between property, rent received, billing, lessees, etc. I want to be able to keep the details of the 'sold' properties.(i.e., who owned it, what they paid in the past, when they paid etc. in case I need it, but don't want it shown any longer on the main working database). I want to be able to delete the properties that are sold from the main table. Any ideas how I go about this? Hope I've explained myself ok.
I have recently created a database which exports a daily report in Excel. The problem I am having is that the reports are sent out in Excel 95 which cannot be opened by Blackberry. We used to create this report from an excel database and send it out but it went out in excel 97 format which was readable. As a complete "Access" novice I am at a loss on how to cure this problem short of copying the excel 95 report which we create automatically and cutting and pasting into excel 97. Over to the experts.