Forms Linking, Populating Data From Search

Jan 23, 2006

Hi Experts! I'm having a problem that I hope some of the experts can help me with. I am in the process of designing a database for a health insurance company that does health fairs.

I need to have a data entry form for the nurses to enter the Health Fair results. I created a form for them to search for the Employer group. They type first few letters of the group, click "find group" button and it brings up a subform (frmGroup_sub) with the filtered group. I then have the group number (field PARGRP) hyperlinked to bring up another entry form (frmHF_entry) when clicked. I need the user to be able to find the group, click on the group number, then bring up another form which autopopulates that PARGRP from frmGroups_sub into the new form, frmHF_entry and stores that group number in the table tblHF. Further, they will need to do more than one "employee" for the pargrp. So I was going to make a subform of frmHF_entry where they could enter multiple records for that same PARGRP.

I just confused myself and probably all of you...but the problem I am having is I cannot get PARGRP from frmGroups_sub when clicked to open and auto populate the form frm_HFEntry.

Here is a screen print, maybe it will help explain what I need.

thanks in advance for your help.

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Help With Populating Data In Forms.

Jun 16, 2006

See this image so you know whats going on:

This is a DATASHEET VIEW, not a table.

I have a table that has the part number, the description, and the usage.

I am stumped on trying to get just the 2 fields to populate into this subform (datasheet view), when the part number is selected. I may have several lines of part numbers. How do I go about populating this form? The user will indicate the actual quantity. The quantity changes per order, yet the usage stays the same.

Any suggestions?


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Forms :: Populating A Form With Record Data?

Mar 12, 2015

I have a Form in a datasheet view and i would like to be able to double click on a record (ideally any part of the record but if not, on the name at least) and have it open up a form to that record details.

Picture 1 is the table with the records in.

Picture 2 is the form i want it to open and populate.

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Forms :: Pre-populating A Subform With Parent Data

Jun 2, 2015

I have a parent and sub form in dataset view.

What I would like to do is prepopulate the subform with data from the parent form when I create a new item of data..

When I click the "+" button Field1 on my subform is populated by Field1 on the parent.

I have tried beforeupdate on both the subform properties and the subform.Field1 properties.

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Forms :: Populating Data From A Table With Multiple Fields?

Sep 25, 2013

I am trying to create the form so when the first field (Start Date) has a date selected, it limits the following field (Report Date) to the matching available data, and same with the third field (Production Division) on the previous two.

I also need the form to allow new dates / production division combinations, but not duplicate.

I starting working with a cascade function but got confused and not sure if that is where I should be headed.

I have attached 2 different formats of the same sample data.

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Linking Forms, And Data

Oct 21, 2005

Hi All, I am having a problem with linking my forms, with linking data.
I have: Main, Landscape, A,B,C,D, Q,X,Y,Z (Forms). On Main there are command buttons for Landscape, Q,X,Y,Z I have linked Q,X,Y,Z by the Code field on Main and the Code field on Q,X,Y,Z. The Landscape button will open Landscape with A,B,C,D (forms) Which all need to linked by Code there Code is ID. This is what is not working, the Code and ID is not matching up to these forms. Any Idea. *NOTE each form has a button called the same as the form, that is how the form appears. I have used SQL's for the Q,X,Y,Z forms. but that is not working for the A,B,C,D, forms. HELP!!!! :confused: Thanks

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Forms :: Linking Data Between Multiple Tables / Forms

May 27, 2013

I am a girl guide leader trying to make a faster way to keep track of my unit's completed badge and program work. I have made tables for every area I need (I started with one table but it was too large to change into a form).

In total I have:

- Basic Member table (main information like their name and how many years they have been in, whether they are still in the unit, etc)
- Program area tables
- Interest badge tables

What I want to do is be able to "add/edit" members from the main form, then go to all the sub forms for their program and badge work -- problem is, how to link them!

I am using Access 2007-2010.

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Linking Forms Together - Data Updating

Oct 13, 2005

I have a database for the clients at my work place.

The main table with PK ie FRED001 has main client details (address DOB etc) then i have numerous other tables ' relationship one to many' with their investment details (lots of investments per client), appointment details, pension details, health details etc. The data base works fine in table form all the links master to child work fine but now i need to let the rest of the office loose on the system i am trying to create more user friendly form system with command buttons etc

I have created a form for each table some of which have sub forms in etc on their own they appear to work fine you can view all the records and add a new one

I am having problems linking the numerous forms together and when they are linked together (i also need the child form to auto insert the code from the master form? since it comes out blank at the moment!). At the moment i have the main form with command buttons on it to open up the child forms. this works i can see the current investments already entered on the database but it will not let me add a new investment or a new appointment etc it says that by adding a new invesment under the client code i am breaking the code no duplication rules?? but the child tables are set up with the clientcode allowed to be duplicated ??

I need to have each child table in a new form really since there is far too much information for it to all be on sub forms within the main table.

I have tried to also put the forms on tabs but i get the same result.

basically i need to be able to open up the main form at client X then using command buttons or page tabs move to both view their existing investments and add any new investments. Im sure it is something very simple that i have done wrong but i have been trying to solve this for ages now and its getting me more and more wound up ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

I have also tried inserting under tabs a small subform list for each table/formie policy number, surname etc to fill in new policies and the name with a command button to the form ( which should then have the details in?!?!) since i figured if these details were filled in then when i went to the form they should be there but tthat doesn't work either

thanks for any help or suggestions


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Populating Table After Search On Another

Jan 8, 2008

Hi, Im trying to, upon the click of a forms button, search the records in one table for all records matching a certain number. I then want to update another table with all these records...but am stuck in the coding. This is what i have so far...

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblAllInfo", dbOpenDynaset)

With rs
Do Until .EOF
If .Fields(1).Value Is 1 Then

event_num = .Fields(1).Value
Sport = .Fields(2).Value
team = .Fields(3).Value
Date = .Fields(4).Value
Time = .Fields(5).Value


Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblCurrentEvent", dbOpenDynaset)
rs![Event_No] = event_num
rs![Sport] = sport
rs![Team_Player] = team
rs![Date] = Date
rs![Time] = Time
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmInfo" 'whose record source is tblCurrentEvent

But I really need to be updating the latter table within the loop but dont know how to do that without resetting the loop pointer?? Or would it be better to create a form for tblAllInfo. Any help would be appreciated! Tania smile

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Forms :: Make A Button To Search Range Of Columns In Data Table With Data Type Yes / No

Apr 15, 2013

what I want to do is make a button to search range of columns in data table with data type Yes/no and display the results if the value is yes

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Search And Data Entry Forms

May 23, 2006

Hi all
I reread this and it was way to long. What I want to do is use a combo box to list values from a table field, when an option is selected, the rest of the fields update. Not sure what I have to do to achieve this. Any advise would be welcome.

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Linking Form To Search Or Create New Record

Mar 16, 2005

I have uploaded an example of my database

As you can see there are two tables and two forms.
What i want is for a user to view or enter data for a record on the first form.
And then when they are done they click the button to open up form2.
What i want to happen is for the company name/id from the record in form1 to be searched for when form2 opens and to display only the data for that record when opened. If no data exists for that record in form2/table2 then for it too create a record for that company when form2 is opened from form1

hope this makes sense and you can help

Please note this is just an example so if there is wrong naming conventions and such please ignore if there is as i just wanted to display quickly what i want to acheive

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Forms :: Data Entry - Pop Up Search Form Disappeared

Aug 29, 2013

I am around 2 months working with access. I created an application/dataentry form and it was working very well. suddenly today, I got an error which says. Run-time Error 5 "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument. together with that or may be independent, a pop up search form just disappeared. I put a msgbox in form load of pop up form and the msgbox appears but the pop up form just disappeared.

I was about to give the application to use and thats when all these happened ...

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Forms :: Search And Filter Data Between Two Date Fields

Jul 29, 2013

I have a form in access where i need to select a record between two different dates. For example i have a "valid_from" and "valid_to" field. I have an unbound text box with short date format and calendar control inserted for users to select a date. This is named "drpdate".

I have a bunch of other filters also in the same form. Now my issue is that i have not been able to figure out how to put in a SQL statement which would give me the data which is between the "Valid_from" and "valid_to" fields based on the date selected in the unbound text box.

If the selected date does not meet the criteria, then it needs to be give the results from another table (which i have already done).

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Forms :: Only Show Data On Form From Combo Box Search?

Jan 28, 2015

I have created a combo box which lists companys, when i click on a certain company it brings all records for that company but underneath the last record it shows all the other records on the form.

How do i get it to only show the records for that company only.

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Forms :: Search Form Did Not Return All Data Records For That Particular Result Set

Jun 3, 2013

All using access 2010. Here's the situation. I built a searchform according to datapigtechnologies video. Used a query with criterias on fields i want to search on the form: ex.

Like [frm]![frmMyform]![MyField]

It worked fine i thought until i ran the same query outside the form without the criteria field. I filtered the query for the same result and the one used on the search form did not return all data records for that particular result set. Ex. on the searchform; I select the fields I wanted to filter then ran the query. I come up with only 9 records when it should be 18 I get with running the exact same query without the criteria and manually filter the results.

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Populating Data From One Form Into Another

Jan 16, 2006

Hello out there,

I am looking for some really smart people to help me with a problem.

I have a library forms database full of names of tapes and CDs, like a library. I also have an order form database. I would like to toggle between the library and order form pulling information from the library directly into the order form. I need help

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Populating Data With Asp And Access

Nov 13, 2004

Hello all.

Does anyone know of a way to populate an access database with data, specifically 1000 entries(These entries would consist of 2 fields one of which is text and other is numbers.) to a database table?

Thank you.

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Populating Multiple Tables With Data

Nov 8, 2004

I haven't used access for a long time so I am very rusty.

I have a few tables but I'll just use two for an example:

Table A
Ticket No
Part No
Defect Code
WorkCenter No
Clock No
(Ticket No is Primary Key)

Table B
Clock No
(Clock No is Primary Key)

Is there a way for me to create a form, that when Clock No is entered it will be placed in both tables?

Thanks in advance.

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General :: Populating Data Between Tables

Aug 1, 2012

I have an Access 2007 database with two tables (I will call them table 1 and table 2)

Both tables contain the same two fields. (I will call the FirstName and LastName)

Table 1 has an associated Form where the user enters the two names. When the value in either one of the two fields in Table 1 change I want the corresponding field in Table 2 to automatically update with the same value that were entered in Table 1. Basically I want Table 2 to automatically replicate the same data in Table 1. So if I type the text "John" into the FirstName field in Table 1 then the FirstName field in Table 2 will automatically update with the text "John"

I am new to access and am struggling with the automatic updating.

If the automatic part is too hard then I will be happy to attach the update action to a command button.

I have uploaded my database file with the two tables for reference. I want to get the fields (for all records) in table 2 to replicate table 1 so that when table 1 updates table 2 values changes to show the same text.

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Populating Fields With Data From Another Table?

Mar 15, 2015

I am trying to populate fields from one table into another field in a linked table. Specifically, I have a giving table and a persons table. I have the giving table have the persons primary ID field in the giving table. I cannot seem to automatically link them if I am adding a "gift" record. The gift is a dollar amount given by that person. I have a unique primary key for each financial contribution which is supposed to be tied to a person's primary key and last name in my "person" table. Am I missing something in this design?

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Populating Form Controls With Old Data

Jan 10, 2013

I have a form with several controls. Among them are 3 in particular:

Vendor Price - Unit cost with no tax
Unit Price - Vendor Price w/tax
Old Price

What I am trying to accomplish is a way to track what previous costs were by having the Old Cost control populate with the Unit Price controls value when there is a change to either VP or UP either due to new cost or new tax rates.I found a bit of code online but was not able to get it to work for me...probably because I haven't a clue of how to structure it for my needs.

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Populating Table With Data From Report?

Aug 18, 2011

I am generating a report from my database that I would like to turn into an invoice. My report generates perfectly, but I need to add an invoice number when I print the report and I need to take the data Customer ID, Invoice Total, and a maybe other data from the report and populate the Invoice Record table. I have VB code that is generating my Invoice No, creating a new record in the Invoice Record table and populating the Invoice Record Table with the Invoice number. I want to add this Invoice No to my report at time of printing, and populate the Invoice Record Table with the fields from the report as stated above.

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Calculated Form Data Not Populating Table

Aug 11, 2005

Hi all ... been awhile since I have had to create a database so I have gotten a little rusty. :eek:
I have a form where some of the fields I have formulated to calculate an amount. Example... =[GrossAmt]*[FeePercent] This is calculating into the form correctly but not writing to my table for that field. What am I doing wrong or missing here?

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Populating Combobox With Sorted Table Data

Jul 10, 2006

I have a client table with a field called location. On a reports form that I have, I want to make a combobox for all of the locations, so it could show all the clients from a particular location and also it would reduce the errors due to someone spelling a place name wrong. I could set the source to the location field in the table, but that would show them all in the order they come out and there would be duplicates.

Any help would be cool. Cheers

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Listbox Populating Data To Form - Help Needed!

Apr 26, 2006

Here's a page that shows almost what I am trying to do, but my question is how do I make selecting an item in my listbox pupulate date in multiple field on my form?

For instance, I want to click on a line in a textbox and have the fields "City" "State" and "Zip" all changed on my form, not just "City"

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