Forms With 2 Dimensions (looking Like A Spreadsheet)

Dec 10, 2005


I'm trying to build a personnal budget application.

I need to build a form that looks like a grid.

On the first column, you will see the different budgets elements

On the top line (headers), you should see the different months of the comming year.

I already managed to build the necessary tables (with 2 keys in the table source for the form).

My questions are the following:

1) how can I build a forms that looks like a spreadsheet, proposing me every cells from the start (not only the cells that i have filled before)?

2) how can I make for this form to be dynamic ? This means that, if I add a budget element in the budget elements table, how can I make the form to be adapted automatically, adding a line under the others, for every months?

I have asked severall other forums, no one could answer me.

thanks for your help.


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Query: Photo Dimensions

Jun 21, 2006

Please help!

Does anyone know what command will allow Access to pull Dimensions from Explorer into a Query?

I wish to have a query that will illustrate the exact Dimension of an image file (Jpeg). This will enable me to filter all images which do not meet my internet standard of 100x100 dpi and/or 300x300 dpi.

Your help is much appreciated. :D

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Wrong Form Dimensions

Feb 16, 2006

I have create a form with specific dimensions whowever when I view it it is larger than it should be.

Whats wrong?

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Possible To Enter Data In Three Dimensions?

Sep 30, 2013

I am relatively new to this. I am trying to design a database and need to store data in three dimensions. I have a list of faculty members at our university and need to record data about their salaries and the courses they teach. However, I also need to keep a record for each semester as well. I would like to have the faculty + salaries + courses laid out in a "Fall 2012 Semester" table, for example, and then stack the "Spring 2013" semester table on top of it, etc to make one three-dimensional table.

Otherwise, it appears that I will have to create a separate table for each semester and repeat the list of faculty members.

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Form/Window Resize To Specified Dimensions?

Jul 5, 2006

Hey guys,
I know how to maximize a form when it opens, but I was wondering if there isn't a way to actually shrink down the Access app window to specified dimensions when it opens the form? I'm trying to write a dimension-specific app, so there is no distortion what-so-ever. thanks!

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Forms :: Excel Spreadsheet On A Tab In A Form

Feb 17, 2015

I would like to add a spreadsheet to my form on a tab just like on the asset tracking data base template in access 2010. I can add an unbound object frame but then I can not edit it on the form??

Pic of what I want to do : excel sheet.jpg

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Forms :: Spreadsheet Control In A Form

Aug 24, 2013

I want to have a spreadsheet type control in a form to be use for data entry and also to perform calculation. Is there a way to do that and save the data afterwards?

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Forms :: Spreadsheet Won't Allow To Delete Or Add Names?

Jun 14, 2013

I took over as officer for a club & the previous officer e-mailed me his spreadsheet containing club member names in alphabetical order. I copied & pasted his list of names, 7 pages, into my "OpenOffice" spreadsheet. I then clicked on "Tools" & put "X"s in each box if those members had paid for the 2013 year which was fine. I then converted this form to a PDF & saved it as same.

The problem is that I find there are some old, old members who are no longer active in this club & I would like to "Delete" them but seems that I cannot.

Additionally, I have new members written w/ pen on separate sheets of paper that I would like to add to this spreadsheet, in alphabetical order but don't know how to do that either so I'm left with outdated spreadsheet plus sheets of paper with new club member names.

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Forms :: Add Record Lines To Spreadsheet Form

Apr 25, 2013

I want to create an access spreadsheet form in which the user can add data, which will be - after being processed - added to a database table. The spreadsheet form is for this reason not directly linked to a database table.

In the spreadsheet that I actually have, I manage to copy paste data from an Excel spreadsheet. However, only the first row is pasted. Access doesn't add new record lines for the other rows of my spreadsheet.

How can I make Access add record lines in function of the data on that is pasted? Or if this is not possible, how can I add sufficient additional lines myself?

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Forms :: Output To Existing Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 24, 2013

I guess you've all heard this one before, but I'm relatively new to Access, and was wondering if there was a way to export data from a form to an already existing Excel spreadsheet via a form button. Is this even possible in MS Office 2007, or even at all?

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Forms :: Naming File Exporting To Spreadsheet

May 10, 2014

I am exporting a single record to a spreadsheet. The code I have works fine. The problem is I want to have the spreadsheet contain the information that is in one of the forms textboxes, in this case a dogs name.

I have created a query to get the dogs name which works but I dont know how to get that query to run and then be put in the file name.

The code that I have is below

Private Sub btn_ExportDog_Click()
Dim strday As String 'The date
Dim sDest As String 'Where the file will be copied to
Dim sSource As String 'The name of the file to be copied
Dim strDogName As String 'The name of the dog that is geting exported
Dim strBackUp As String
strBackUp = "c:GPandDetectionDogTrainingLogBackUp"


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Forms :: Export Data Displayed To Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 2, 2014

I have a filter on a form using a combobox.I want to export the data displayed to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have used the Exportwithformatting Macro but it seems to export everything.

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Create New Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2005

I am trying to use the following code to export a table into a new spreadsheet that does not exist yet:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, tbl_temp, "C:Spreadsheets" & rst!clientid & ".xls", True

but it won't work because the spreadsheet doesn't exist. How can I make Access create the spreadsheet?

Thanks in advance!


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Transfer Spreadsheet

Jul 27, 2007

I have a database scheduled to run nightly. In this database I have a macro that runs a macro. I want one of the arguments to export "T_Update_Log" from the database to an excel file as part of it's nightly macro. When I use "Transfer Spreadsheet" in my macro, it creates a new worksheet in my excel file each night (for example: T_Update_Log1, T_Update_Log2, etc) Instead, I want it to overwrite existing one.

I have also tried "Export" command, but that throws a prompt asking if I want to overwrite the existing excel file. I cannot have any message prompts during my nightly task or else it will stop the whole process. Setting the Warnings to No does not stop this particular message prompt.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

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Import Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 20, 2005

Hello - just joined today. I hope to be of some help to other users, but am kind of a newbie.

I have an excel ss that I regularly receive which needs to go into my access DB. I set up a macro with transferspreadsheet and that works, except for one problem. I have one field which is designed as text but has data that looks like numbers as well as data that looks like text. When I run the macro, the number-like data doesn't import as text (23602012345 imports as 2.3602e+010). FYI the field in access is already defined as text. Each time I import a ss, I am appending to the existing data in the table

I have tried formatting the excel column as text with no luck. If I remove the data that truly is text in that column (ABC1287567) and leave just the 236* data, and then format the excel column as text, it seems to work fine. It just doesn't like the mixing of the least it seems to me.

Any ideas to avoid manual manipulation of my excel ss before running the macro would be very helpful.

Thanks much in advance!

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Importing An Excel Spreadsheet

Nov 29, 2005

Hello Peeps,

I'm trying to import an excel spreadsheet into an access table. The excell spreadsheet was created using the access table( by using the 'analyze using excel' feature)

The problem is that I cannot import the updated excell spreadsheet. I get the error message.." An error occured while trying to import the file..the file was not imported"

Does someone have any clues as to how to fix this

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Importing Spreadsheet Data

Sep 5, 2005

i have to import sales figures from a branch to head office. the import facility in ms access 2.0 only allow for 1 table although the data that needs to be imported needs to be done into two tables. how would i be able to do that appending the data to a query already setup to bring in the data. it is just to import the data from the spreadsheet to the two different tables.

thanks melanie

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View Spreadsheet Via Form

Jan 31, 2006

Hello all,

Thanks for your kind responses.

I have another question and hope you can help with.

On my form which gets informaiton from a query, I have among other fields an Account field. I have a query, Details, that provides details on the account field, the fields of the query include Account, invoices #s, invoice amounts e.t.c.

I would like to create a button on the form that would
1) take the account # showing on the current form and run the details query based on that account #
2) display the results of the query in a spreadsheet.

Thanks again for your kind help.

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Reading Data From Spreadsheet

Nov 23, 2004

I have a linked spreadsheet. Access is not pulling certain records from the field DOD. The code I used is as followsSELECT final.[SSN P ], final.TXPD, final.[TC-530], final.[TC-150], final.[ DOD ], final.[ DOB ], final.[SSN S ], final.[TC-421], final.[TC-420], final.[TC-424], final.[TC-540], final.[LFRZ-RFRZ], final.[TC-590], final.[TC-591], final.[TC-594], final.[TC-599], final.[TC-290], final.[TC-291], final.[TC-300], final.[TC-301], final.[TC-976], final.[TC-977]
FROM final
WHERE (((final.[TC-530])="TC-530")) OR (((final.[TC-150])="TC-150")) OR (((final.[ DOD ])="dead")) OR (((final.[ DOB ])>1929 And (final.[ DOB ])<1986)) OR (((final.[SSN S ]) Is Not Null)) OR (((final.[TC-421])="TC-421")) OR (((final.[TC-420])="TC-420")) OR (((final.[TC-424])="TC-424")) OR (((final.[TC-540])="TC-540")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-AL")) OR (((final.[TC-590])="TC-590")) OR (((final.[TC-591])="TC-591")) OR (((final.[TC-594])="TC-594")) OR (((final.[TC-599])="TC-599")) OR (((final.[TC-290])="TC-290")) OR (((final.[TC-291])="TC-291")) OR (((final.[TC-300])="TC-300")) OR (((final.[TC-301])="TC-301")) OR (((final.[TC-976])="TC-976")) OR (((final.[TC-977])="TC-977")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-ALR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-L")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LBR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LBRK")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LRF")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LRKF")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LW")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-O")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-OLR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-V")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-VL")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-VW")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-W"));

For some reason the DOB and DOD fields are not being recognized. Please help.

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Import Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 13, 2008

Anyone out there have any ideas on how to Import an Excel File (SPECIFIC worksheet) to an Access Database

I am looking to do this at the click of a button or when the database opens...

What I really want to do is......
Is there a way to import this into an already existing table.
Delete the existing records and import the new records from the Excel Spreadsheet?


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Import Spreadsheet Into Access

Feb 7, 2007

WE are starting at the very basics. We used the db Wizard to set up a db for us. Now we are trying to import the data as a csv file. We keep getting an error Field 'Field6' doesn't exist in destination table 'Contacts'. We have looked at both the excel file and the table in Access and we cannot figure out what is holding us up. Please be patient, we are learning by the seat of our pants

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Importing A Spreadsheet Using A Dialog Box

Jun 23, 2007

I know that this is possible.

I need to import a spreadsheet via a button, I don't know the name of the sheet nor the location. I need to have the open dialog box appear. I tried the import code which will not work without a name and location.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "GoldenViewIn", " ", True, ""


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Last Update To Linked Spreadsheet

Nov 30, 2011

I export data from a system to an excel spreadsheet, which is linked to my database. When I run reports in Access, is there any way to identify when the linked table was last updated? This would be useful to users if I could add a text box that shows "Data current as of" some date.

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Only Importing Specific Spreadsheet - VBA

Sep 8, 2011

I have some code that imports an excel spreadsheet into access and creates a table. I recently received a new spreadsheet that has many sheets. I only need the data from one specific sheet, resources. How can I make adjustments to the code below so that only the data on the resources sheet is imported into a new table?

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
"GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long

[Code] ....

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Transfer Spreadsheet Command Access 97

Jul 19, 2005

This problem seems crazy to me.......

If I create a macro with a single entry consisting of Transferspreadsheet from a single Access table to Excel it exports perfectly. When I call Transferspreadsheet from VBA code it moves some of the data and puts them into seemingly random Excel spreadsheet columns why is this?

This issue first came about when we had to export a table with more than 65,000 records in and so I export using a table name "Sheet1" , "Sheet2" as needed but surely the table name that it comes from makes no odds?

Any help appreciated!



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Exporting A Querty To An Excell Spreadsheet

Dec 7, 2005

G'afternoon to all, I was wondering if someone can help me code a Command button named "Export to Excell" on form frmEdit. I need to export a query named qryTagnumber onto an excell spread sheet, Also if it isn't that hard and if it can be done, I would like to change the rev of the file name everytime I hit the button. Can this be done? Please see attached database. The Modules had to be removed for confidentiality of my company. These don't have to be used to run the program. They are just used for String functions. I look forward to your responses. Thanks...


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