Forms With Hidden Access

Aug 16, 2006

hello all ! here is a new challenge.

I have an application in access 2k, where i am hidden access environment using code. Because i am hidding access environment the popup and mode properties are in YES.

i have a form with a combo list, where i can select a report, 1 button to view the report , another button to print the report and another button to close the form.
Once the user has selected the report and pressed the view button the following code runs:
DoCmd.OpenReport "reportname", acViewPreview, acWindowNormal

if the user pressed print the following code runs:
DoCmd.OpenReport "reportname", acNormal

When a user wants to view a report nothing happens. the report is not open.

do any of you have an idea?

i am attaching 2 db. One where you can see the problem with hidding environment (wine_NOcode). The second db without hidding it (wine_code).
the pwd is 1.

thx very much, Max.

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How To Print Hidden Form Using Visible Form Only - MS Access 1 Table And 2 Forms

Nov 24, 2014

I have a Lost/Found property database which we use to keep record of the lost/found property and it is working fine.

As per our organization's policy, we keep the item(s) for up to three months in which if it gets restored to the owner then fair enough otherwise after three months the item(s) can be claimed by the "Finder". But for this very purpose we issue the Finder with a "Claim Receipt" which he/she should bring in when claiming for the item(s) after three months period. Therefore, It's just the right time to upgrade the database to a more professional level.

The database has one table and two forms.

One form (LostFoundForm) is visible to the user in which they enter data, this form has two sections; Item(s) & Finder's details and the second section is about Restoring details.

However the second form (ClaimReceiptForm) is hidden to the users (for manual data entry) and has only one section which is exactly the same as the first form's first section, i.e., Item(s) & Finder's details. This second form takes the data automatically from the first form because the table behind them is same and fields are same (please see attachment). Up to here it's all working fine.

I would like to introduce a Checkbox or a CommandButton in the LostFoundForm which when we click should pull up a msgbox asking "Do you want to print the receipt for this item(s)?" with a Yes/No option. On clicking "No" it should, obviously, settle down but on clicking "Yes" it should print the "corresponding record" from the ClaimReceiptForm.

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Forms :: Form Hidden From View

May 22, 2013

I have an extremely complex database that requires 12 forms to remain open simultaneously. A command macro successfully opens all 12 forms, but 3 of the 12 are hidden from view because the window does not have enough room to display all 12. Even when I use the left / right arrows, these 3 forms are still partially hidden. How can I ensure that none of the tab controls are partially hidden behind other tabs ?

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Option Group Frames, Hidden Controls & More...Access 97

Sep 14, 2004

I'm not entirely new to Access, but I don't have the formal training or experience to accomplish what I'm attempting. And, after hours of research, I haven't been able to find anything that quite works. I know it's do-able, I just can't figure it out. Any help is much appreciated. I'm using Access 97.

In a form (MasterBadgeForm), all fields require completion. However, I want to force the user to complete 2 fields before any of the others are visible.

The 1st 2 required fields are:
- HostLastName: ComboBox (user's last name based on a simple query called HostMasterQuery)
- Visitor_Guest: Bound option group frame with option buttons "Visitor" (option value = 1) and "Guest" (option value = 2).

Note: The logic behind using an option group frame (instead of check boxes, etc.) is to force the user to choose "Visitor" or "Guest", but not both or none.

After both fields ("HostLastName" and "Visitor_Guest") are completed, I want 2 things to happen:

First: Depending on the choice selected in the Visitor_Guest option group frame, I want respective combo boxes to either be visible/available, or not. For example, if the user selects the "Visitor" option button, I want to make visible a combo box named VBadgesCombo (based on a simple query that has pre-defined "Visitor" numbers) and "hide" the combo box named GBadgesCombo. The same concept applies if the user selects the "Guest" option button.

Second: I want all the other required fields to become visible.

I've done a ton of research, but I just can't quite figure it out. Any help is much appreciated.


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Reports :: Possible To Open A Report With Access Main Window Hidden?

Jul 18, 2014

I'm working on a database that produces employee contracts. To make it look as professional as possible I hide the Access main window when the splash screen loads using the ShowWindow function. The various forms to check and enter details all pop up without any problem, but when I get to the last stage where I use a report to produce the contract and then open it in PrintPreview mode, it won't display (unless I show the main window again , which looks very untidy!). Is it actually possible to display a report with the main Access window hidden?

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Forms :: Macro To Open A Form In Hidden Mode

Mar 7, 2013

I have a button using a macro to open a form in Hidden mode. Then I have another button on another form to open this form that was hidden.

When I open the form, the form is virtually blank apart from the form caption name. But when I close this and press the button again the form opens as normal.

I do not understand why?

I was told that once you hide the form and when you open the form again, it should appear normal. Why do I get this blank form??? Only by hitting the button again then the form is normal....

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Forms :: Combo Box - Can Auto Dropdown To A Specific Row From Hidden ID

Apr 23, 2013

I have a combo box that I normally type the start of a Surname and it auto drops down from underlying database ID is now show in col count, only 1st two.

Surname Name ID
jones/k kelly 33333
smith/m max 12345
smith/m monty 98765
white/t tom 55555

smith/m will short list to the two above, I can mouse click or arrow down to the 2nd one Press enter & its knowa the corresponding ID (= surname.Column(2)) and goes to the correct record.

What I am trying to do, is from another part of my program, eg an incoming email with the corresponding Surname, Name & ID Automatically go to this main booking form, auto enter surname "smith/m" - which is fine, the list shortens but It goes to the first matching on the list, ie max.

Is there a way to get it to go to monty using the ID 98765 which is unique.

Perhaps an odd request but actually nice to book each time through this same main form, I actually also want it to do the same from incoming phone calls, It can get the unique ID ok but can see a way for the combo box to jump to the correct & only row from underlying register.

Bit worried about trying to change the underlying select statement that the combo seems to be based on, perhaps this is the way forward but not sure how to do this & don;t want to risk messing the most important & already functioning well normal entry style.

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Forms :: Populate Hidden Text Field Of A Form From Datasheet

May 17, 2013

I have a form with a button that pops up a datasheet with a number of records. I need the dbl click event to populate a hidden text field with the id of the item that was double clicked.

Ive found the double click even and can get the double click to close the window, but i need to populate the text field as well.

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Forms :: How To Make Hidden Fields Permanently Appear When Another Field Is Changed

Jan 14, 2015

i have a form that shows payments (checks) that have been issued. sometimes those checks need to be voided and i want 2 fields (Updated By and Updated Date) to pop up when the payment distribution field is changed to a void status.

payment distribution: "I" for issued and "V" for void

i've gotten the On Change Event to work with VBA when the payment distribution changes from "I" to "V" and the 2 new fields pop up but if i exit the form and go back in to look at that record, the fields are gone. Is there a way to make the fields permanently if the payment is "V" on the form?

this is what i have so far for the On Change Event:

If [payment distribution] = "V" Then
me.cmbo_UpdatedBy = True
me.txt_UpdatedDate = True
me.cmbo_UpdatedBy = False
me.txt_UpdatedDate = False
End If
End Sub

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General :: Hidden Access Shell / Runtime And Print Preview Custom Ribbon

Dec 17, 2013

I have created an application. It has a split front end and back end. I plan to distribute the runtime version. I have used code throughout that "hides" the microsoft access shell for popup (modal) windows. In every form & report I have a function to show or hide the access window. Everything works great until I get to my reports. I open reports in print preview. I created a custom table (USysRibbons) and added a Reports print preview ribbon & xml. I assigned that ribbon to my report(s), and I assigned it in options as the default ribbon. If I test the ribbon (by working in the database using "shift" open) I see my ribbon. But, in when I open app without shift or or if I emulate runtime, I can't get the ribbon.

I have multiple popups forms, several non popup forms and a couple of reports.I just want to keep all the access background stuff hidden - except for needing the ability to print.

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Forms :: Adding Value Of Combobox To Hidden Column When User Enters A New Record

Aug 14, 2013

I'm very new to access so I'm not sure about the correct way to go about this. I have a table with a 'category' column, a form which hides the category column, and a combobox to filter the category, let's say R, C, and F.

What I want accomplish is to have the value of the comobox applied to the hidden 'category' column when a user enters a new record into the form.

Is there I way I can get an instance to the record as it's being entered and modify the data using VB? Or would I have to write a sort of pop() function and have it run afterInsert and then modify it that way? Can I even alter the table using VB like this?

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Hidden Fields?

Mar 3, 2006

Hi guys

firstly, i have been searching the forum for previous posts on this issue - I was hoping someone else has asked this question before... no luck tho

if someone can point me the right direction that would be great(im guessing it will have to be done through VB) - I wanted to know if it is possible to have a "hidden" field in my primary form, which would be set to autonumber, so that when the user fills in and submits this first form, the hidden autonumber can be passed to subsequent forms.

anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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Hidden Form

Mar 7, 2007

Hi there..

By mistake i cjeck the hidden property of a form. Now this form is no more visible.
How can i get tht form back to visible state.


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Hidden Table

Jan 25, 2005

how can a hidden table ,obvious table ??

:p :p :p :p :p

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Very Hidden For Excel

Jul 18, 2005

I need some ideas here.
I export my tables to workbook sheets in excel using transferspreadsheet.The different sheets in my workbook are later imported to the corresponding access tables using transferspreadsheet.

1)I want to know how to totally hide my sheets in the workbook so that the users don't tamper with them after export using transferspreadsheet.

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Hidden Queries

Oct 8, 2005

Hello friends,
i have a database with some hidden queries and I want to know how to view these hidden queries.can someone tell me how it works?

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Hidden Queries

Oct 30, 2006

There are queries in my database that are not displayed in the query window of Access.

They are listed in the MSysObjects tables but I need to update the query and I cannot get to it.

I have show hidden objects checked in the options (MSys... tables are displayed but not these queries).

Why is this happening and how can I change it?

Thanks in advance

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Hidden Boxes

Apr 22, 2008

Is there any way to keep a combo box hidden until the combo box above it has been selected.
Basically I have the user choose a week number from combo box 1 and want to keep combo box 2 with a different list hidden until combo box 1 has been selected.
Sorry if this sounds mixed up but its the best way i can describe the problem

Thanks in advance

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Display Hidden Query?

Jan 17, 2008

i accidentally change a property of a query to hidden, i don't know how to make the query displayed again.

what should do?

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Close A Hidden Form

Jul 17, 2005

Hi, all. I am sorry if i do something wrong but it is my first time here.
I have an application with a login form. Once you press the login button the login form is hidden (visible=False) to be able to pass the userid to another form. In order to close the application the user needs to press a button in the swithcboard but that is not possible because the hidden form.

Question: How can i close the hidden form to be able to close the application?

Thx in advance.

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Hidden Page-headings

Oct 13, 2005


Was wondering whether its possible to control the appearance of pages...
I have a main form on which I have about 7 pages. When the main form is in the FORM-view, the headings of the pages are 'hidden'. One has to scroll up in order to see them.
As certain users of the database will be using Access viewer and thus only see this main form, it would be convenient if I could make sure that when the MAIN form is on, the headings are not hidden. So, it's a layout problem.
Any tips on this?
Thanx Stacey

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Windows Taskbar Hidden By Pop-up

Oct 15, 2006

I have searched the forums but all I can find is code to hide the windows taskbar, when actually I want the opposite.

I have a form which I have set the following properties:

Pop-up = Yes
Modal = No
Control Box = Yes (Only while designing, will change)
Max/Min = None

I have also placed code in the On Load event namely "DoCmd.Maximize"

When the form loads, it maximises as I would like but it also covers the windows taskbar, which is something I don't think my users would like at all!!! Any idea how to get it to still maximise ( as this hides the db windows) but not hide the taskbar?

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Compile Of Hidden Files Error

Aug 1, 2006

When trying to open an Access database on the server, an error message appears - "Compile of hidden files error", followed then by a run-time error. There is no problem accessing the the server and opening the database from another PC? Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this. Backups to CD have started failing at the same time.

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Hidden Menus On Startup - How To Unhide

Jul 23, 2007


I have hidden most of the menu bars for my database (from the tools.. startup.. menu) and I dont have a backup of my latest database (yes, I know, stupid.) The only menus I have are File, Edit, Insert, Records, Window and Help. The database window is also not displayed.

How do I get them back..? My database is set to load a form on startup, all data is accessed via a set of forms linked from the first. I cant access the tables, design view, anything. I feel like such a muppet...


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Nightmare Query - ? Hidden Problem

Sep 19, 2005

I have created a monster I think and I am not sure how or why.
I needed a query to tie together data from a range of tables and so it has about 20 constituent queries, each of which involves some calculation.
The query isn't so horrendous
SELECT tblApplications.lngApp, qryExpWkHomeHelp.WkHomeHelp, qryExpWkPrescrip.WkPrescrip, qryExpWkHosp.WkHosp, qryExpWkRent.WkRent, qryExpWkSup.WkSup, qryExpWkInt.WkInt, qryExpWkLife.WkLife, qryExpWkCouncil.WkCouncil, qryExpWkCar.WkCar, qryExpWkCar1.WkCar1, qryExpWkHp.WkHp, qryExpWkDep.WkDep, qryExpWkCont.WkCont, qryExpWkProp.WkProp, qryExpWkOther.WkOther, qryExpWkTel.WkTel, qryExpWkTv.WkTv, qryExpWkWater.WkWater, tblApplications.lngAppCon, tblApplications.bAppEleg, tblApplications.dtmAppGcSub
FROM qryExpWkWater RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkTv RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkTel RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkOther RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkProp RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkInt RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkLife RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkCouncil RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkHp RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkDep RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkCont RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkCar1 RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkCar RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkSup RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkRent RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkPrescrip RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkHosp RIGHT JOIN (qryExpWkHomeHelp RIGHT JOIN tblApplications ON qryExpWkHomeHelp.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkHosp.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkPrescrip.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkRent.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkSup.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkCar.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkCar1.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkCont.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkDep.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkHp.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkCouncil.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkLife.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkInt.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkProp.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkOther.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkTel.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkTv.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp) ON qryExpWkWater.lngExpApp = tblApplications.lngApp
WHERE (((tblApplications.bAppEleg)=Yes) AND ((tblApplications.dtmAppGcSub) Is Null));

Well maybe it is pretty horrific!
However it is taking nearly two minutes to load on a fast PC (3.4GHz Pentium 4 with 1Gb RAM) so put it on a basic desktop and it will die.
I did wonder about fragmenting it into four queries and then putting one query at the top of the nest but reckon that's another layer and all the calculations need to be done.
Basically the sub queries are calculating a weekly value based upon input and periodicity of payments - i.e. if quarterly then it divides the payment by 13.
Any thoughts on how I could speed it up?
Thanks in anticipation

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Hidden Database / Toolbar Menus

Oct 27, 2006

Whilst trying to tidy up my database in the Start-Up menu, I checked the boxes that hid all toolbars and menus, so now when I open the database, all I get is the opening Main form I created.

Does anyone know how to correct this please, I need to continue working on the database and it is driving me nuts............

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