Friggin Combobox Unbound Form

Dec 14, 2005

I would like to have a form with a combo box open and then when a company is clicked on i would like for my report to open showng all those listings. I have the query and the report and the form but how do i get them to all work together they are not playing nice.

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Unbound ComboBox Help

Jun 9, 2006

This is a stupid problem, but I just can't seem to figure it out (some days I am smarter than others).

I have a form with three unbound comboboxs that are synchornized so that what you select in the first combobox changes your options in the 2nd and 3rd boxs. My problem is that I want to record the selections made in the unbound comboboxes in the table attached to the form, but cannot seem to make it work. Help!! :confused:

I am using Access 2000.


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Forms :: Prevent Cut Functionality Within Unbound Combobox

Jun 28, 2015

I am trying to prevent any foolish behavior from taking place upon a form. I have textboxes and comboboxes that users need to input data into or make selections within.

I came up with a method to prevent Paste as follows:

Private Sub ComboBox_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Call PurgeClipBoard()
End Sub


However if I remove the MsgBox logic then the Cut is not prevented.

Note you need to include the Declares for those api functions if you use them.

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Forms :: Requery Unbound Combobox On Mainform

Jul 30, 2014

I have a form "Clientfrm" with a field, "ClientID".

I have another form, "HomePage", with an unbound combobox with rowsource "ClientID" from Clientfrm. Along with that, I have an Open Form button that pops up "Clientfrm" to display existing data if an existing ClientID is typed.

SITUATION: A nonexistant ClientID is typed into "HomePage", a blank "Clientfrm" pops up with the field "ClientID" blank on the Clientfrm. Once filled out and closed, I am back to the "Homepage" to enter another "ClientID". However, the combobox does not display the new "ClientID" until the "Homepage" is closed and reopened. How do I fix this?

I tried the Me.ClientID.Requery on the On change event of the combobox of the "Homepage", but that is not working. What should I do? SHould I instead put that code in on change event in the "ClientID" field in the "Clientfrm?"

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Forms :: VBA In Unbound ComboBox To Bring Up Record?

Dec 2, 2013

I have a form with subforms, where the main form's source is a table called tblCharts. Within this table there is a field called ID that is autonumbered.

So I created a combo box that's row source is a query that selects the ID field from table charts and two other descriptive fields to make navigation easier. Limit List is set to yes.

The problem comes up with code that I've used multiple times, but not with an autonumber. The code typicallly looks like this when I'm searching on a text field.

Sub cboPatientSelection_AfterUpdate ()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
If Not IsNull(Me.cboPatientSelection) Then
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False

[Code] ....

This worked at first but then 3070 runtime error came up, the form started messing up. So I made this code

Sub cboPatientSelection_AfterUpdate ()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
If Not IsNull(Me.cboPatientSelection) Then
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False


This code worked at first, so I decided to make a copy of my form called Copy Of frmCharts. After this the code stopped working on the initial frmCharts but now works on the copy.

I also received other errors besides 2070. I know what error 3070 is but I can't figure out why it's not working on this form. I closed and opened the form a few times and it happened to start working. Very frustrating when I'm trying to make the system reliable for others to use

The code only seems to do this when I enter design view then switch back to form view.

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Not Holding Information From ComboBox?

Jul 15, 2014

In a Form I have a ComboBox set with a Control Source and Row Source.

I have several Unbound Text Boxes set to autopopulate based on the ComboBox selection.

I have two related (I think) issues:

One: Every time I open the form the Text Boxes are blank until I select an option from the Combo Box.

Two: If I make a selection in one record then move to another record, the information from the original record is still showing.

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Forms :: Unbound Combobox - Sorting List Of Files

May 19, 2014

I have a BackUp and Restrore from BackUp procedure in my my database.

I can backup to a spreadsheet and the spreadsheets are renamed to include the date of the backup.

When I restore from the backup an unbound combo is populated

Code : Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder("c:GPandDetectionDogTrainingLogBackUp")

This all works, the only issue being, is that I want the most recent backup to be at the top of the list, at the the moment its at the bottom.

is there a way of implementing a sort order, bearing in mind that its an unbound combobox.

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General :: Unbound TextBox Using ComboBox As Part Of DSum Criteria

Jan 2, 2015

I'm using a very simple unbound textbox on a very simple form, with the following Expression to find me data in a query and sum the last 30 days, based on a combo-box on my form...

Only thing is, it's showing me only the data from the last 30 days...regardless of the value in the combo.

=DSum("Credit","qryIncVsExp","TransDate>=#" & Date()-30 & "#" And "AccountID_FK="""&[cboaccount].[column](1)&"")

I'm sure it's something to do with the number of "'s I have, but I'm probably more than likely ever so wrong.

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Form - Selecting Label OnClick Does Not Recognize Changed Form Field?

Feb 5, 2015

Access 2007
Unbound Form

I have a onclick tied to a label (for decoration purposes) that when clicked it launches VBA that essentially updates a form. All that part works except it will not recognize any changed value of the field I was last in?

Just to try to explain best as I can what happens.

- Form gets opened
- I change field (quantity field)
- I click the Label
- It reverts to pre-existing value.

if I click off of the text field first then do the onclick - it recognizes just fine.

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UnBound Form

May 25, 2005

I didnt write here alot of time,

so my english became less.

here is my question

I have an unbound form
In the form there are 40 textboxes.

There names are like this:

When I open the form I wrote code like this:

For I = 1 to 40

If …. Then
IF I WROTE “A” & i
End if



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Unbound Form

Mar 16, 2006

Hello Learned Friends,

I have an unbound form with start date and end date text boxes. The code behind the form allows a combination of dates to produce a report, but only one named report. I would like, with your help, to give the user a choice of reports to preview and/or print. Thank you in advance for divulging your knowledge.

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Unbound Form

Sep 21, 2004

I am trying to save data from an unbound form to a table based on "" posted by sbaxter.

The Code looks like this:
Code:Private Sub cmd_ip_save_Click()'Error Handling On Error GoTo cmd_ip_save_Click_Err' Declare Variables Dim DAOdb As database Dim DAOrs As DAO.Recordset' Update Database Set DAOdb = CurrentDb t = "M_Paint" Set DAOrs = db.OpenRecordset(t) With DAOrs .AddNew .Fields("Catalogue_Code") = Me.txb_ip_cataloguecode .Fields("Base_Metal") = Me.cmb_ip_basemetal .Fields("Paint_Type") = Me.cmb_ip_painttype .Fields("Color_Family") = Me.cmb_ip_colorfamily .Fields("Metallic") = Me.cbx_ip_metallic .Fields("Surface_Quality") = Me.cmb_ip_surfacequality .Fields("Number_of_Coats") = Me.txb_ip_numberofcoats .Fields("Supplier") = Me.txb_ip_supplier .Fields("Product_Name") = Me.txb_ip_productname .Fields("Color_Name") = Me.txb_ip_colorname .Fields("Color_Number") = Me.txb_ip_colornumber .Fields("Top_Coat") = Me.txb_ip_topcoat .Fields("Pre_Finish_I") = Me.txb_ip_prefinish1 .Fields("Pre_Finish_II") = Me.txb_ip_prefinish2 .Fields("Finish_Comments") = Me.txb_ip_finishcomments .Fields("Size") = Me.txb_ip_size .Fields("Number_of_Samples") = Me.txb_ip_numberofsamples .Fields("Compilation") = Me.cbx_ip_compilation .Fields("Location") = Me.txb_ip_location .Fields("Date_Received") = Me.txb_ip_datereceived .Update End With' Message box MsgBox Me.txb_ip_cataloguecode & " Added" DAOrs.Close DAOdb.Close' Exitcmd_ip_save_Click_Exit: Exit Sub ' Error notificationcmd_ip_save_Click_Err: MsgBox "An unexpected error hass occurred." _ & vbCrLf & "Procedure: cmd_ip_save_Click" _ & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _ & vbCrLf & "Error Description:" & Err.Description _ , vbCritical, "Error" Resume cmd_ip_save_Click_ExitEnd Sub

I am getting an error "Runtime Error '424' Object required" at this line:
Set DAOrs = db.OpenRecordset(t)

When I hover my mouse over "DAOrs" it flags a messages saying "DAOrs = Nothing".

What does that mean? Can anyone help??

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Increment A Value In An Unbound Form

Feb 3, 2005

Hi Everyone,

I will do my best to try and explain what I am trying to accomplish.

I have a form that has two fields [NumbX] and [NumbY]
They way they display on my form is [Numbx] of [NumbY]. These two field show which transaction of the total number of transactions. So basically if someone comes in to do a transaction, they could be doing just one ([NumbX =1] and [NumbY] =1). If they are doing 3 transactions the fields would be [NumbX]=1 and [NumbY]=3. As they complete subsequent transactions [NumbX] increased incrementally, until X =Y.

Every transaction ends with a Print Form opening and the user confirming the printing of the transaction. In the print form I have coded it to clear the main form once X= Y otherwise retain some of the information input in some of the fields for the subsequent transactions. Right now, I have it set up that the user inputs [NumbX] manually. What I would like to do is have that automatically increase by 1 when the print form closes. This should continue until [NumbX]=[NumbY].

The fields are unbound and used solely for driving other activity (opening other forms) so autonumber is not an option.

Any suggestions??


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Unbound Text Box On Form

Aug 30, 2005

I am trying to troubleshoot a form and I am at wits end with it. :eek: I hope someone can help me.

There is a form whose record source is based on a query. When it opens it loads all the records. At the bottom of the form, there is an unbound text box that is used as a filter. The person is suppose to be able to type something in there and then once the cmd button is pressed it filters bases on the value of that text box. That appears to work fine.

The problem is, when the form loads, the unbound text box is locked. It does not allow anyone to type in it.

I checked form properties and also the text box property and it is not locked. I have added code on the getFocus, OnLoad, OnUpdate..ect, to make the properties of that text box unlock it self. I have had no success with that.

I did notice that after the form loads and I hit Design view and then change back to Form view, the text box is unlocked and allows typing. :confused:

Why then does it allow editing, but not on initial load. Any help would be wonderful. If further explanation is necessary, please ask.

Thank you

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Clear Unbound Form

Jan 29, 2006

Hello all,

Need your help again.

I have an unbound form with text boxes and 1 check box.

I created a module named Reset;

Private Sub Reset()

[Sales].Value = ""
[Corporate].Value = ""
[EndDate].Value = ""

End Sub

1) I linked this module to a macro so that on clicking a button, the macro runs the module and closes it, but it's not working.
in my macro, I have open module: Reset
I also have clode module= Object: Module, Name: Reset
But this is not working

2) Also, how do I clear the check box?

Thanks again for the help.

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Unbound Form Problem

Oct 15, 2006

I am using an unbound form for data entry to prevent errors getting into the table i.e. if with a form bound to the table, the user exits the form having only entered one field, a record is created with that field completed only.
I use code to write the record to the table but unless the form is closed and reopened any subsequent records are not added to the table. I am probably going about this in completely the wrong way and any advice would be appreciated. Below is the code that I use.


Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSave_Click

'Validate Data before Save
If IsNull(Me.txtRegNo) Or Me.txtRegNo = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Registration Number is Required", vbInformation, "SAVE ERROR")

Exit Sub
End If

'Save DATA
Dim SQL As String

SQL = "INSERT INTO tblVehicle(RegistrationNo,VehicleMake,EngineMake,S eats,ChassisNo,DateRegistered,
PurchaseMileage,PurchaseDate,LicenceRenewalDate,Te stDue)" &
"VALUES('" & [txtRegNo].Value & "','" & [txtVehicleMake].Value & "','" & [txtEngineMake].Value & "','" & [txtSeats].Value & "','" &[txtChassisNo].Value & "','" & [txtDateRegistered].Value & "','" & [txtPurchaseMileage].Value & "','" & [txtPurchaseDate].Value & "','" & [txtLicRenDate].Value & "','" & [txtTestDue].Value & "')" '"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

DoCmd.RunSQL (SQL)

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'Reset Form
Me.txtRegNo = ""
Me.txtPurchaseMileage = ""
Me.txtVehicleMake = ""
Me.txtEngineMake = ""
Me.txtChassisNo = ""
Me.txtDateRegistered = ""
Me.txtPurchaseDate = ""
Me.txtSeats = ""
Me.txtLicRenDate = ""
Me.txtTestDue = ""

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmVehicle"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSave_Click

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Recall - Unbound Form

Dec 5, 2004

I've been looking at Sbaxters example unbound form. I want the form to be unbound, but I also need the form to show the autonumber straight away when they create a new record, but the data they enter into the text boxes only gets written to the DB tables when they hit the Save button. Is this possible?

Also, on my forms I always have a record count (on the On_Current event) of the form. When they use the next button this changes to show 1 of 100 for example. If the form is unbound how do I get this to display how many records are in the DB or how many records have been found during a search.

Cheers in advance,


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Continuous Form With Unbound Check Box?

Jul 7, 2005

hi guys, i have a continuous form with a check box and a button on each record's row.

now if i dont bind the check box to a control source when you tick it, it gets ticked for each record, i am using the tick box to pass a state to the button ( uses an if statement ) so that it will done different things if it is ticked when the button is pressed.

can anyone help me to get this to work without having to bind the check box to a control source?

best regards

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Unbound Data Entry Form

Aug 14, 2005

Is anyone there who can show me a db sample of unbound data entry form. I want to control the builtin auto save of Access, because sometimes I don't want to save the data of my form..


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Adding Records To An Unbound Form

Sep 2, 2005

Hello, here is my problem:
I have a form to add records to my table. I cant bound it, because the controls are tick boxes, and they need to be "converted" into text to add them to my table.
I have a save button, so I can execute an insert statement with all the data I want to add to the table.
The problem is, once I have saved the record, I want to clear the form to add a new record, and I cannot use a docmd.gotorecord acnext as it is an unbound form.
Is there any way to clean a form without going control by control?

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Button That Displays A Form In Unbound Box

Sep 7, 2006


I've checked out some nice solutions on this forums but i'ts not really what I want and I've tried to modify them but without success.

Can anyone create a sample or let me know how to do this the easiest way preferably with no scripts (or small ones)


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Tabular Form With Unbound Control

Nov 23, 2006


Is it possible to have an unbound image control on a tabular form displaying a different image for each record ?

Actually i have tried putting some code on the onCurrent event, but it is displaying the same image in all records, depending on which record is current.

This is the code which i tried using:

Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Current
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCountry) And Not IsNull(Me.txtCatalogueNumber) Then
Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStamps" & Me.txtCountry & Me.txtCatalogueNumber & ".jpg"
ElseIf IsNull(Me.txtCountry) Or IsNull(Me.txtCatalogueNumber) Then
Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStampsNotAvailable. jpg"
End If
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 2220 Then
Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStampsNotAvailable. jpg"
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error #" & Err.Number
End If
End Sub

Actually, the above code works fine for Single Form, but not on tabular form.

Thank you for any advice.

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Unbound Combo Box Search On Form

Sep 15, 2004

It wont populate the pertinent fields.. where have I gone wrong. DB attached.

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Can You Populate A Unbound Continious Form

Feb 18, 2005

Can you populate a unbound continuous form. If yes how do I do it


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Another Unbound Form Question (VBAunbound)

Mar 21, 2005

ok, I've copied/changed some code and get "data type mismatch in criteria expression". Obviously, I don't quite understand what I'm doing. Access 2003.

Code: Private Sub Command13_Click()On Error GoTo Err_Command13_Click Dim DAOdb As DAO.DatabaseDim DAOrs As DAO.RecordsetDim s As String Set DAOdb = CurrentDb()s = "Select * from tblECOs where tblECOs.ECO = '" & ECO & "';"Set DAOrs = DAOdb.OpenRecordset(s)With DAOrs.Edit.Fields("status") = "CANCELED".Fields("date") = Me.txtDate.UpdateEnd WithDAOrs.CloseDAOdb.Close Exit_Command13_Click:Exit SubErr_Command13_Click:MsgBox Err.DescriptionResume Exit_Command13_Click End Sub

Thank you.

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Updating Unbound Field On Form

Nov 4, 2005

I have a form with a bound combo box. There is an unbound text box for display purposes only that is supposed to reflect the third column of the combo box for the current record.

I set it's default value at [cmbPartyType].[Column](2) .

It works for the first record. but when I scroll through the records, the box keeps the value that was appropriate for the first record. how can I get it to look at that combo box on every form? Even if I am not update records, just looking at them?

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