Generating Scores Based On Number Of Tick Boxes?

May 3, 2012

I am wondering if it is possible to calculate scores automatically based on the number of tick boxes the users have selected? If yes, how do I go about doing this feature?

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Tick Boxes

Apr 23, 2008

I currently have a form which contains a column of tick boxes, when a box is ticked the database automatically enters the date and the name of the person logged on. It all works fine except that if i tick say row 1 then the date/name appears as it should, but at the same time random (or so it seems) boxes have ticks appear, although there is no data added to the names/date fields, just the ticks appearing .
Not sure why !!!

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Searching Yes/No Tick Boxes

Jun 21, 2006

Hi everyone

Is it possible to create a query that prompts the user to enter the search criteria (i can do that bit) to search whether a yes/no tick box has been ticked or not. What does the user enter into the criteria box to find this?? I have tried entering null, not null, true, false, yes and no but none of them seem to work. Is this because the criteria you enter is taken as a text string and therefore will not find a tick/no tick??

Youngest Data Manager in England ;)

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Can You Have Coloured Tick-boxes?

Nov 8, 2006


Does anyone know if it's possible to colour a tick-box: e.g. the border, the background or the font-colour? I'm trying to put a red tick-box on my form (to differentiate one vital one from several others), but I can't seem to find a way. I have changed the border to red (255) and tried various options like flat, sunken etc. but it only seems to work with shadowed - and to be honest that looks terrible.

I've fudged it a bit by putting a coloured box on the form and overlaying the tick-box, but I would have thought there was a better way.


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Unchecking The Tick Boxes In The Table

Jul 29, 2005


was wondering if i could get some assistance to hopefully a simple query.

In one of my tables i have about 1000 records with the data type yes/no and the problem is I have reliased that I need to have as a default value a yes (or a tick in my form) but i dont want to go down each record filling in a tick. Is there any easier way to do this

You will have to bear with me I am pretty new to access.

I manage to set up a default value of yes but this will only work on new records entered, but the issue i have is I require it to be on my records which are already there.

Any help will be really appreciated.



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Dates And Tick Boxes In A Form

Jun 2, 2006


I hope this is the right place to be posting this...

I've set up a database about unemployed people and it has a field called "Start Date of Employment", where a date is manually entered by the user.

Further down, there are two tick boxes - one called "13 weeks", and one called "26 weeks".

Now, what I'd like to happen, is that the database looks at the "Start Date of Employment", and then if 13 weeks have passed, it puts a tick in the 13 weeks box. Then when 26 weeks have passed, it puts a tick in that box also.

I'm assuming that this is possible, but I have no idea how.

Can anybody help?



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General :: How To Print Number Of Boxes Based On A Value

Sep 5, 2012

I wish to produce a delivery note which needs to print an empty box for manually ticking.

I need a box for each item quantity i.e 5 items on the job print 5 boxes. 20 items print 20 boxes.

I have been able to use very crude code if there is only a few items, using if qty =1 then / 1/ else if qty = 2 then / 1/ / 2 / etc etc ...

That works and prints the / 1 / 2 / which is ok but there must be a simpler way as it the job has more that it would be much better and far more useful for other reports to print a box or item.

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Maximum Of 20 Combo Boxes Will Appear Based On Assigned Number

Oct 14, 2014

I am trying to create a training matrix in which i need a form that if I put or assign maximum of 20 attendees then 20 comboxes will appear in form.for example, i enter in textbox1 6 or 15 depends but max is 20 then if hit enter comboxes will appear but quantity will based on value that i enter in textbox1.

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Forms :: Stop Generating Message Boxes On Form Close?

Mar 6, 2013

I have some code (see below) that checks if the start date text box is blank or greater than the end date, and if so, generates a message box and sets the focus back to the start date textbox. There are command buttons on the form that open queries based on the date fields. This all works fine.

However, if the user changes his mind and closes the form without filling in the date field, the message box "Please enter a start date" pops up repeatedly. How do I specify that a text box is required UNLESS the user is closing the form?

Private Sub txt_startdate_LostFocus()
If ((IsNull(txt_startdate) Or (txt_startdate) = " ")) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a start date.", vbOKOnly


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Generating Invoice Number

Jan 15, 2007

I have a small .mdb for invoicing. Till now I had to put invoice number, which had two parts, manually for the first part, for example 001 or 002 and automatically for the second part as Date part. So I had, for example 2006 or 2007. The complete number was, for example 001/2006 etc.

The problem was New Year. Now, all previous invoices from 2006 have 2007 extension and the first parts are not starting form 001 but they continue.

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Generating A Service Number Using VBA

Aug 18, 2005

I'm trying to make a database where a Date and a Service Number is entered into a form.

I have 2 buttons, one to automatically enter the Current Date and the second to automatically enter the Service Number.

The service number is incrimented by 1 each time and reset for every day.


Date Service Number
January 1, 2005 1
January 1, 2005 2
January 1, 2005 3
January 2, 2005 1
January 2, 2005 2
January 5, 2005 1
January 5, 2005 2

I already have the button that enters the Current Date. However, I am having trouble with the second button.

How can I code the button so that it searches the table for the Current Date and finds the record with the greatest service number for that date? After this is done, I want to create code that will automatically enter the next service number into the Service Number Textbox on the form.

eg. Using the Example Table Above
The date January 5, 2005 is entered into the Date Text Box and the Search Next Service Number button is pressed. The number '3' should show up in the Service Number Textbox

Sorry if its hard to understand, but thanks anyways.

I just realized that I placed this in the wrong forum, Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Generating An Auto-number In A Report?

Feb 8, 2008

First off, can it be done? I'm using Microsoft Access 2007, I'm wanting to generate an auto-number on the report. Basically I have an OrderTable, a PartTable, and a PackingListTable. I have a report that shows all orders ready to be shipped. But I need the shipping report to have a packing list number. I want this number to be auto-generated, and I was hoping I could do this when the report is opened. Right now the report is generated through a query of orders that are ready to be shipped. Yet I can't figure out how to put an auto-generated packing number on the report.

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Seeking Much Help With Generating A Card Number From Another Field

Jan 14, 2008

Hi guys,

I need some help here and any would be muchly apprieciated.

I am building a database for a theme park fast pass system where a customer can book themselves a place on a ride at three session times a day.

Now my problem is, that I need to generate a card number. 5555 1946 as the first 8 digits (this always stays the same) and then the last 8 digits is the customer ID number, which is in the same table. So there are 16 digits in total.

Let me give you an example:

A new customer registers and are assigned a customer ID of 1000 0001. Therefore the Card Number for that customer must be 5555 1946 1000 0001.

I have used auto number for customer ID so when a new customer signs up, there ID is 1 more that highest already in te database.

Simple question really...but how is this done?

A million marks for someone who breaks it! Hehe


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General :: Create A New Record / Also Generating A New Auto Number

Dec 3, 2014

When I create a new record I am also generating a new Auto Number. This is so I have a sure fire way of returning the records that I want to return. I have read where it is a known issue that when using the Compact and Repair it can reset the Auto Number to a lower number and generate a duplicate Auto Number. That is the problem that I have at this time. I have tried using the Allen code but it doesn't seem to worked on linked tables. I use linked tables because I have multiple users who can access this system at any given point in to have the Auto Number field select a number that is unique

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Forms :: DMax Criteria - Generating Sequential Number

Oct 11, 2013

I'm using the following code to generate a sequential number"

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.txtReceivedDate = Now()
'assign an EmailID when form loads
Dim CurMax As Long
Dim NewMax As Long
'poll the current EmailIDs for the largest number from current year and add 1

[Code] ....

Until recently, I didn't have any criteria on the DMax and it worked perfectly. It's now been decided that the EmailID should reset back to 1 when the calendar year changes.*

*EmailID is not my primary key - There is a separate autonumber field used as the primary key.

The table I'm using the DMax on has a field named ReceivedDate which stores a Now() when a record is created. The form I'm working in has a textbox named txtReceivedDate that is set to Now() when the form loads as can be seen in the code above.

What I'm trying to use as my criteria in the DMax is to match the Year() of ReceivedDate in tblEmails to the Year() of txtReceivedDate on the form.

For 2013, the current max (CurMax) EmailID is 21. If I set my computers date back to 2012 (where the CurMax is 3) the txtEmailID is still being populated with 22, even though txtReceivedDate shows a 2012 date.

I've tried a handful of permutations of the criteria string:

Year([ReceivedDate]) & " = " & Year(Forms!frmNewEmail!txtReceivedDate)
Year([ReceivedDate]) & "=" & Year(Forms!frmNewEmail!txtReceivedDate)
Year([ReceivedDate]) = Year(Forms!frmNewEmail!txtReceivedDate)

I've tried a few others long the way that I don't even remember, but there's probably little value in listing all the ways that don't work.

I've got a syntax issue within the criteria since it's the first time I've tried to use one and it contains a couple moving parts.

Once I get this sorted out a follow on question is about dealing with the users changing the txtReceivedDate to a different year. As of now, I have the same code (everything except "Me.txtReceivedDate = Now()") also present in txtReceivedDate_LostFocus(), but I'm not sure that's the best place for it.

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07 Help! Generating A Report Based On Dropdowns

Mar 13, 2008

created a form with several Drop downs, S/N, Location, Manufacturer, Model, Model Number, and Owner.

All the drop downs are based off of forms, i queried the main inventory to have this info and a couple peaces of information. applied the relationships.

If i try to make a macro filtering the conditions, if i leave any of the fields blank nothing comes up in the search.

is there a VB code that i can use that wont include "null" fields or will this not work with 6 different filters applied all in one macro.

furthermore after the search i want the ability to print the search results using a report design.

is this possible?

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Generating Reports Based On Dynamic Query

Mar 2, 2005

Hello All,

How can I create reports in Access based on dynamic queries? I did a lot of search on this but couldn't find anything reasonable.

Any help to get me started will be extremely appreciated.


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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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Baseball Scores

Aug 22, 2006

Hello All,

Trying to make a softball database. Have the tables as:

Anyays, having problems with making a games win/lose querry. In my tblGame I have the following


What I am trying to do is write a querry that will give me the win lose record of all the teams.

Problem is I can get the total for Home and totals for away, but not both at the same time.

What I am looking for is something like:

Team wins loses
Cleveland 15 1
New York 10 6
Altanta 5 10
Chicago 6 9


I am an experienced in access but limited on SQL.

Any help?


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How To Average Scores

Mar 9, 2008

First of all I consider myself to have Intermediate knowledge of Access. I am comfortable building tables, queries, reports, macros, etc. but get a little lost when needing to manually code something in a query.

I need to create a database to document quality reviews of certain reports the plant creates. Typically each report gets reviewed by 2 to 6 people and each section is scored. So lets say the database table has the following fields


I need a query that will average each of the Section Scores and Total Score so I can build a monthly report showing the report and the average grade for each section and the average total grade.

Any suggestions on how to do this is appreciated.


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Forms :: Auto Generate File Number Based On Number Of Records In Year

Jan 21, 2014

I have a form [IUDATA]

I have a add record button.

I have a date field [DATEIN]

I have a text field [DRPNO]

If the [DPRNO] field is empty, I would like the user to have the [DPRNO] field be automatically populated after the user enters a date.

I'd like the format of [DPRNO] to be "dpr YY-XXX"

YY is the year of the [DATEIN] field and
XXX is number of records in that year.

So for example, if it was the 4th record with a 2013 date the [DPRNO] would be dpr 13-004.

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Self Generating Query String Based On Query Results?

Jan 3, 2008

Here's my problem. I need to generate a report that says how much of each individual product was produced and as well as the total produced for a specified category in a time period. Something like the following:

05 Catagory A: 02 Product AA, 01 Product AB, 02 Product AC
10 Category B: 07 Product BA, 03 Product BB
04 Category C: 01 Product CA, 01 Product CB, 01 Product CC, 01 Product CD


I currently have a query that queries a database and pulls out all products that were produced in a specified period and the categories they belong to and dump them into a local access table. Now what I need to do is search through the query results and count up how many of each product were produced (02 AA, 01 AB, etc...) and the totals for each category. The number of categories is pretty limited (6), but there are hundreds of product codes, so I need a way to do this without having to type in each induvidual product code as the requirement by which the query searches. Also, the product codes that get returned are different every day.

I was thinking something along the lines of take the product code of the first row and check for any others in the results that match and write that into another table. Then move onto row 2 and use its product code as a search parameter and search through the query results for any matches. Then continue that until the end of the query results. Can I do that? Is there a better way to achieve what I need?

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Reports :: Generating Multiple Reports Based On 1 Query

May 2, 2014

I have a queries that do all the calculations and dumps the output to Query X for all different types of customers. At the moment I am required to generate a report for each of the customers and send it to them, manually.

End Goal:Initiate a Macro (at a given time at a given frequency) that would run a process to generate different reports for all different types of customers using a standard report template. I am also trying to avoid having to create a report for each customer (as the customer base grows, the report count will grow) so looking at something that would look into Query X and generate # of reports depending on number of customers.

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Creating Database For Test Scores

Jun 16, 2015

I am looking to create a database that collects data from past tests, predict probable future score, and compare to goal score. Currently I am studying for the Bar Exam and want to track (in all 7 subjects):

-my current scores for practice exams
-prediction of what my score will be on exam day
-comparison of actual and goal score
-comparison of predictive and goal score
-all of the above, separated by different types of Tests for each subject

Below is an example of the type of data :

Ex: Civil Procedure--06/15/15-Kaplan questions-> 6/10 (60% practice score)-> (predict gain 1 point 70%)-> (actual exam goal 20/28=71%)
Civil Procedure --06/15/15--past MBE questions->7/10 (70% practice score)->(predict gain 1 point 80%)-> (actual exam goal 20/28=71%)

Also from this data I want to generate graphs

Would this be possible in Access? Should I use excel instead?

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Student Scores Display In Multiple Columns?

May 9, 2015

how can I display the scores of a student in horizontal?

I have two tables, one with students information and another for students' score.When I query may table using this


SELECT Student.StudentName, WrittenScores.Score
FROM Student INNER JOIN WrittenScores ON Student.[ID] = WrittenScores.[StudentID];

It resulted to this

All I want to do is something like this

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Queries :: TOP N Subquery (Scores) For Each Member In Race League

Jan 5, 2014

I have a race league, I want to select the top 10 point scores for each member.

I have read the Allen Browne article (and many others) and tried many variations on his code but cannot get this working.

I face two issues
- The ORDER by clause has no effect, points are not sorted with largest first
- Access being unable to differentiate between scores with the same value and returning additional records. I have added an "Event" field to make the record unique, but this does not seem to work.

Query code is

SELECT qLeague.Member, qLeague.Event, qLeague.Points
FROM qLeague
WHERE qLeague.Points IN
(SELECT TOP 10 Points
FROM qLeague AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.Points= qLeague.Points
ORDER BY Dupe.Member, Dupe.Points DESC
ORDER BY qLeague.Member ASC, qLeague.Points;

This returns more than 10 results per member:

Member Event Points
Alex Peters SDMC North Weald Sprint 3
Alex Peters HCAAC Debden May 3
Alex Peters GB/Harrow TAMS NW Sprint 4
Alex Peters HCAAC Debden Sprint 5
Alex Peters Llys y Fran Hillclimb 6

etc ....

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