Goto Private Sub

Mar 9, 2005

Hi all

I want to make an on click event to run the code in another private sub on the same page.

I tried goto and call.... but I haven't got the syntax right.

Any ideas how I can do this??



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Modules & VBA :: Run Button In Private Sub

Oct 14, 2013

i want to run btnLast in "Private Sub Form_Open" that way, when i open my form it wont display my first record, rather my last.

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Modules & VBA :: Private Sub - Some Checkboxes Are Locked

May 12, 2015

Okay I have a Private Sub on form PlotF:

Private Sub SetCheck212()
If Me.[Check161] And Me.[Check169] And _
Me.[Check167] And Me.[Check181] And _
Me.[Check261] And Me.[Check189] And _
Me.[Check187] And Me.[Check195] And _
Me.[Check203] And Me.[Check201] Then
Me.Check212 = True

[Code] .....

Some of the checkboxes are locked as I want to force the user to check them on another form (InvoicedF) but I want them to be displayed PlotF as well.

So I want to call the Private Sub from another form. So that the Check212 still automatically checks to true with out PlotF open on the screen.

Is this possible, Do I have to make this private sub a public sub? If so how do I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Arguments - How To Pass From Private Sub To Function

Apr 22, 2014

I have a after update event that will match the written record with any exist record in a table in the field "OrgName". If it doesn't find exact match, will call a function with a "soundex" algorithm to see if there is only a misspelling or another name altogether.

In the afterupdate event, I have a string called strOrg (wich is the name I want to compare).

I have the soundex function in a module, so I can use it for several form generally.

What I want is to pass the strOrg to the soundex function, however I don't know how to declare the variables. however I keep having this error:

"compile error: Argument not optional"

and goes to the line tagged as 1 in the private sub afterupdate

The afterupdate sub is the following:


Private Sub tOrgName_AfterUpdate()
Dim strOrg As String
strOrg = Me.tOrgName.value
If IsNull(DLookup("orgID", "torg", "OrgName = '" & strOrg & "'")) Then
resMsg = MsgBox("This organization name is not in the list. If you want to look for similar names press YES, if you want to register a new organization press NO.", vbYesNoCancel, "Organization not found")

[Code] ....

and the soundex function is declared as

Public Function Soundex(strOrg As String) As String
Dim Result As String, c As String * 1
Dim Location As Integer

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Split Database - Keeping Front End Private

Dec 29, 2011

I want to create a split-database. I want the entries made on the front-end to update into a combined table in the back-end.

Back-end: One table with everyones entry

Front-end: Multiple forms that feed into the back-end.

When person A accesses his front-end form, he can only see his entries.

When person B accesses his front-end form, he can only see his entries.

When manager A wants to look at the back-end, he can see everyones entry in one table.

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Modules & VBA :: Public Variable Passed Back To Private Sub

Sep 26, 2014

I've got a private sub that runs when the form loads. I want it to get the id of the record which has opened this new form.

The public sub populates the variable but it's Empty going back into my private sub. I'm sure its a simple school boy error but it has me stumped!

I want it public as I need to keep that id as new records are added in the form.

Private Sub Form_Load()
'fundingrequest = FundinRequestID
Me.txtFKFReq = FundingRequest
End Sub
Public Sub FRStudentFundingRequestID()
FundingRequest = [Forms]![frmFundingRequest]![txtpk]
End Sub

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Test For Last Record , GoTo First Record, Else GoTo Next Record,

Mar 22, 2006


Hope this is a nice and simple one. I know I have seen various "last record" references in various threads but I couldn't find one in a search.

I have a command button on my form which navigates you to the next record. I use this rather than the navigation buttons as I can set the tab order to go to it after all the fields are filled. This works fine unless the form is on the last record, in which case it throws up an error. To get round this, I want to test that the current record is not the last record.

It is the test in the If statement I need help with. How do I check that the current record is not the last record in my form? I think it will use the dcount but I don't know how.

Private Sub cmd_Next_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmd_Next_Record_Click

If (current record < dcount) then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmd_Next_Record_Click
End Sub

Thanks in advance.


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Goto A Date

Sep 27, 2007

I am a teacher trying to build a db to record lesson details. I want to open a form to goto now() and be able to move back and forwards through dates/lessons. The best I have done so far is to query for >=now(), but this obviously does not allow me to see previous days or lessons. I have tried a macro for goto, but this will only allow me to select a record number not a date. I would imagine this is a common requirement of a database, but the solution is evading me. Just a teacher. I thank in advanoe anyone for their time and help.

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Goto Last Record

Jul 19, 2005

:confused: Have not worked with access for a long time am trying to update an oldie.
Main form has a sub form. With each new service to customer I select next on the sub forms navigation button. 1 customer might have 6 records on his sub form and another might only have 2.

Problem is that when viewing reports of these visits I need to work on the last service record whereas my sub form always opens to the first record and this is the date read in the reports.

I know it isn’t difficult but I have spent hours on it without success
How can I get the databases to open with all sub forms at last entered record?
Can anyone help ?

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Complicated GOTO EOF Problem

Feb 16, 2005

Hi, got a small problem. As part of a database I have to do for a booking system for a conference centre I have a form (frmSummary) that displays the results of a query (qryT101Book), the query itself displays all the bookings for a certain room from today onwards. This form only displays a summary of the information. I have placed a button on the form to call up the main booking form, (frmBooking) which allows the input of all the data for the booking. On ythis second form, frmBooking, I have placed a button to save the record and update the display on frmSummary. The code I have used for this is Forms![frmSummary].Requery and it works okay, the form is updated. However, tomake it easier to confirm the booking has occurred I would liketo have the cursor move to the last record, i.e. the new booking, on the frmSummary once the command button on frmBooking is clicked. If it was a one record per form situation i would use SetFocus but I'm unsure how to go about this one.

Any ideas please?

Thanks, Lol

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Specifying A Date In A GoTo Function

Dec 7, 2004

On loading a form is it possible to Go To a record which is within 10 days of today's date?

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Goto Specific Record In Recordset

Jan 30, 2006

I am trying to go to a specific record in a recordset (on a form).

In the past I as using the typical open the form and use the filter to go to the specific record:

strLinkCriteria = "Where ID = 5"

Docmd.openform "frmName", , strLinkCriteria

This takes me to the correct record, but filters the form down to that one specific record. The users instead would like to go to the specific record, but be able to see all the other records for the form correctly.

Is there anyway to do this?

Thank you,


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Requery Form And Goto Its Current Record

Apr 19, 2006

I'm requerying a form after an update.

I would like to have the form to be set to its current record when being requeried. How can I easily achieve this?
I've seen things about recordsets, I'm working with ADP (based on SQL Server) and don't know or all DAO events will help me.

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Goto Record And Refesh Combo Box Problem

Jun 5, 2006

OK, I have a couple problems.

I've done this before but I lost the code (and I've been away from DB for a while so I'm very rusty)

I have a form with many records, and in the header of the form, I have a combo box based on the PrimaryKey of the form. I want to select the record from the Combo box and have the form jump to that record.

Two, while actively entering new records into the form, I need the combo box to update to include all entries.

(FYI I am working in Access 2000)


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After Save Button .. Goto New Blank Form

Oct 19, 2006

Howdy all,

The other night I was playing around and deleted code from my database, which now seems to have stopped allowing me to continue to a blank form after I add a record....

It used to work, that once I pressed the save button it would then goto the same form but the form would have the same defaults as if id just opened the form.... now im getting #deleted

Is there any code I can put in the save button to get it back to the way it was before?

Cheers Ezy

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General :: Tab Control Goto Subform Record

Aug 2, 2012

I have a tab control with 11 pages (departments). Each page have 3 subforms (country, channel, product). Each page can have multiple countries, channels and products.

Marketing: Country A, Country B and Country C
Country A: Channel A and Channel B
Channel A: Product A, Product B and Product C

So a combination can be:
Marketing in Country A in Channel A with Product A.

I enter several informations (sales, dates, comments etc) on each subform. The subforms are linked (master/child). I store the different primary keys in hidden textboxes.

When I navigate between the pages, the selection resets due to a necessary requery. How can I keep the selection?

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Modules & VBA :: Goto Record Without Filtering Results

Dec 5, 2013

Is there a way to search for a term within a form and goto a record that matches that term assuming there was only one matching result (Unique ID, for example).

But NOT filter the results so that user can still navigate as usual after the search has been carried out.

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Forms :: Command Button - GoTo Next Record

Jan 15, 2014

I have created Command buttons on forms with VBA code. Records GoTo previous and GoTo Next Record so both of working is good. But Next Record command is force to a new record. If suppose when we clicking on last record. It is go to new record without any message. So No need to force a new record with Next Record Command. Only just move to next record if there is no records show a message. Below mentioned both VBA codes so there is any changes on GoTo Next Record Code?

VBA Code:
Go To Previous Record : DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Go To Next Record : DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

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Modules & VBA :: Pass Variable To GOTO Statement

Jul 3, 2013

Is there a way to pass a variable to the GOTO statement?

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Forms :: Goto Record With First Letter Of Key Pressed

Jun 20, 2013

I'm looking for a simple routine, preferably in the On Key Down or or On Key Press event of a form to quickly navigate to a record based on the key pressed.

I have a form with names in a table layout (continuous form).If the user is on the name field, I'd like it to navigate to the first record that contains first letter of the key pressed. So if a user presses "K", the form will go to the first record that starts with a K.Yes, the names in the form are alphabetical, but in a list with over 100 names, this could speed things up just a bit and save a lot of scrolling and looking.I was thinking of using KeyCode and I already have an event to navigate by the arrow keys so I'm considering building on that.

If KeyCode = 40 Then ' Down arrow
DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, Me.Name, acNext
ElseIf KeyCode = 38 Then ' Up arrow
DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, Me.Name, acPrevious
End If

I am thinking to use a Select Case and add the key codes for all the letters.

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Goto Previous EDITED Record On Continious Form

Sep 29, 2005

Hi All,

I have a continious form where each record can be edited. After editing a record the form does a and a me.requery (is important). After this it jumps back to the first record (seems logical), but how can I write a code that he goes back to the 'previous edited record'.


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Forms :: Goto Record For Editing When Click In Subform

Jul 12, 2014

I have a form and subform. The subform is connected to the form and display all BandID's associated with that record. What i want is the ability to click on a record in the subform so that it automatically set's that record in the form for editing.

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Queries :: If 0 From Subtract In Query Then Goto To Previous Record

Oct 5, 2014

I want substract from 9/20/2014 totreg40 - reg = ovt but when reg=0 the remainder subtract from 9/19/2014 (previous record) totreg40 - reg = ovt, etc. The sum of reg = 40.

2309/15/2014 5.5 0 46.75
2319/16/2014 8 0 46.75
2329/17/2014 8 0 46.75
2349/18/2014 7.75 0 46.75
2979/19/2014 8 0 46.75
2359/19/2014 8 0 46.75
2339/20/2014 1.5 0 46.75

I want the result like this:

2309/15/2014 5.5 0 46.75
2319/16/2014 8 0 46.75
2329/17/2014 8 0 46.75
2349/18/2014 7.75 0 46.75
2979/19/2014 8 0 46.75
2359/19/2014 2.75 5.25 46.75
2339/20/2014 0 1.5 46.75

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Modules & VBA :: Afterupdate To Find And Goto Duplicate Values

Apr 10, 2015

Someone fills in a new patient into the database, and the 'chipsoftnummer' which is the number in another database. That number is unique, so i want to have it where if someone fills in a number that already exists in the database the afterupdate event will open that record in the form.Here's the code i put in the input textbox update field:

private Sub chipsoftnummer_AfterUpdate()
Dim NewCHIP As Integer
Dim stLinkCriteria As Integer
Dim custNo As Integer


It doesn't work, simple things like hello world do work so VBA is enabled.

I've attached the corresponding part of the database (took out all non-relevant fields and tabs) .

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Forms :: Appending Data In Table - Goto Last Record

Jun 17, 2015

After appending data in a table, I open a particular form. I want to display only the last record. I've added the code (DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast) to the On Load and On Open properties without success (opens first record).

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Forms :: Using Combo Box Selection To Open Form And Goto Record

Jan 14, 2014

I have a combo box called Combo9 in form NavigationF, the combo box displays the results of FollowUpQ Query. What I would like to do is when the user selects a row from the combobox is closes NavigationF and opens ContactHistoryF and goes to the record selected in the combo box. I have made sure that the combobox contains CustomerID which is the primary key for my table.

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