Group By And Sort Problem

Jan 11, 2006

Hi guys,

i have a table where I can get the record with most recent date (not the most recent record) for each user on that table, so first I made a query to sort by date then I made a query based on the date sorted query to group by user and pick the last value, but the last value is always from the original table not from the query, I made this:

utentes = users

q_date_sorted (q_utentes_mensalidades_ordena_data)
SELECT utentes_mensalidades.*
FROM utentes_mensalidades

Now I wanna pick the last value of Valor field for each user (utente)
SELECT utente_id, Last(valor) AS LastOfvalor
FROM q_utentes_mensalidades_ordena_data
GROUP BY utente_id;

If in the original table is, for user 1:
date ---- value
1-1-6 ---- 100
1-3-6 ---- 200
1-2-6 ---- 300

(dates are in american format)
the result should be 200 (most recent date)
but I am getting 300 (most recent record)

I hope it's clear,


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Sort & Group

Oct 18, 2004

Was hoping someone could help me with a problem I'm having with the sorting & grouping function.

I have a table with clients names and their orders. Now there is 2 steps. First I want to order the report by their name, fine no problem, but then if the customer has more than one order that would be a different customer order number so I want to see those order details on different pages.

This is where it gets tricky see cause I know I can just create an order number footer and set force new page to after section but I have page headers and page footers to think of which aren't displayed on the new page and I don't want a new page inserted everytime, only when the customer has more than one order...

sorry this is a long message and maybe a bit complicated but and help would be great

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Group And Sort Configuration On A Report

Oct 18, 2012

I have a database, in this database I have a "group and sort" set up on a report that I built from the database. The report is sorted by the "shape" field, then the "weight" field. The weight field is where I am having an issue. I have values in this field that range from .01 to 9. whatever..... nothing has ever gone over 9.*.

We now have a item with a 10.* value and when access sorts the report the "10" weight item is listed at the bottom of the 1's not after the 9's. I need to have access treat the 10 as a larger number than 9 not as the end of the 1's. So right now 10 is right before it goes to 2, I need it to be after 9. Is this possible ?

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Reports :: Copy Group And Sort From One Report To Another?

Apr 11, 2013

In Report Design View, is there any way to copy the group, sort and total specifications that are in one report and paste them into another report?

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Reports :: Dynamically Sort Report That Already Has Group By (XP / Access 2003)

Jun 28, 2013

I must use XP/Access 2003 to solve this problem for reasons I won't get into.

I have a report with a Group by on City.

The users need to be able to sort by Coordinator within that OR by Client Name based on a selection they make on the form that opens the report.

-- I have tried to set .OrderBy

-- I have tried to set .RecordSource to different queries with order by hardcoded in them (I only have 2 sort options fortunately)

Is there a way to dynamically change the "Sorting and Grouping" defined in the report? This seems to be the only sorting that the report is responding to.

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Reports :: Sort Report Based On Option Group On Form

Oct 9, 2014

I have created a form with an option group with 4 options (date, line, description and observation). Each of these options are to be a sort order for a report that will open after the user selects an option and clicks a button. I am trying to code the button using a select case so that case 1 opens the report sorted by date, case 2 by line, etc. how to write the code for the sorting.

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Report Sort Different From Query Sort

Mar 3, 2006

i made a report based on a query. when i run the query, my results are sorted by Job Time Ascending, like i want...
when i made my report i chose job id as the main group priority in the wizard..

now in my report it displays the jobs in ID ascending, rather than Job time ascending as my query says..

i dont want to re-do the report it took ages.. how can i fix this?

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Can I Do A Sort Within A Sort On Combo Boxes?

Oct 16, 2006

Hi all,

I have a form in Access 2K that properly displays city, state and zip codes. As I type in each letter of a city's name into the combo box, I get the first city in the sorted list displayed (autofills). That's fine when there is only one zip code for a city, but when I enter "chic" for chicago I still get the first chicago zip code in my table.

It sure would be nice if I could do a "sort within a sort" so that if there were two or more records with the same city name then that whole group would drop down so I could choose one of the other zip codes. If this is doable, kindly point me to an example as I need all the help I can get.

Thanks in advance for any responses.


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Report Sort Is Not The Same As Query Sort...

Jan 9, 2005

I have a query that sorts players batting averages from highest to lowest. When I run the query just by itself it sorts it right however when I open the report based on that query it does not sort in descending order like I asked. What am I missing??

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Reports :: Sum Group Items By Specific Item And Hide Details Of Group Summing

May 29, 2015

Despite Google I can't seem to figure this out.

I have some data in a format similar to:

Name / Style / description / speed / distance
john / driver / careful / 80 / 5500
mary / driver / careful / 70 / 7000
pat / racer / reckless / 100 / 6000
anne / driver / careful / 75 / 1000
peter / racer / reckless / 110 / 6500
don / snail / slow / 60 / 6000

I want my report to total by style, without details and to look like:

driver careful 13500
racer reckless 12500
snail slow 6000

How do you get a report to sum the group items by a specific item and to hide the details of that group summing?

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Reports :: Control Group Expression For Group In Report?

Mar 28, 2013

Is there a way to have an expression in the control source of a text box in a report, that re-starts or is exclusive for every group within the report?

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Forms :: Option Group - Warn User When Neither Of 2 In Option Group Not Ticked?

Jul 25, 2013

I stumbled upon the Option Group function just yesterday and, happy as a clam, I created a group with 2 options in radio button style. I assigned the values to a field called Registration_Type as the 2 options are "Confirmed Registrants" and "Prospective Attendees".

[Great. That part works well. When I look at the table, a 1 or a 2 is in that field so it's great to know how to control accidental ticking of radio buttons (previous 450 records or so didn't have this option group functionality so one might easily tick one of the buttons. So one part of controlling option group I know I can handle via the table itself for now.]

The challenge is how to ensure the user always ticks one or the other ... I went back to the main table and tested the 'required entry' option for the Registration_Type field but forcing an action like this is not ideal in my mind. The usual error message vagueness for the average user is no good and I don't want to limit the user so much.

Is there a way to simply have a popup come up warning that neither radio button was ticked? Perhaps something linked to the form - i.e., maybe "after update"?? I only learned about attaching code to before and after update on controls a couple of days ago, so not sure if this would be best approach.

Just something to let the user know that nothing has been ticked in the option group as that controls in which of 2 reports the data will show up in so any record not ticked might mean a registrant being left out, which would be rather disastrous <g>.

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Sort By A Value

Aug 8, 2005

I was just wondering if it was possible to run a query by a specific value first, then the remainder of the following values in ascending order.

For example, the data would appear in the table as


What I would like to do is have all the Taylors at the top, followed by Bloggs,Jones then Taylor

I have looked at the OrderBy function, but believe that you can only sort Ascending and Descending

Checked search, cant find anything

Many Thanks


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Mar 25, 2007


I try to do something but I don't know how.
I have 1 table with 3 rows (title, year, genre) and 1 Form.
Is it possible to create combobox or something with 3 criterium, when I selected
criterium to re-sort columns in Forms (by title, by year, by genre)?

thank you

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Sort Asc / Dec

Jan 13, 2006

Continuous form:
The standard menu / toolbar commands sort ASC and DEC work just fine.
However, if I define a button with the VBCode
"DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSortAscending", I get an alarm message pop-up
saying "the command or action "SortAscending" isn't available now".
I made sure that the standard menu items "Sort asc / dec" are not grayed out(disabled) at the time I click the button in runtime. The mouse cursor points to the desired sort criteria field.

Any advice?

Regards from Belgium (pretty cold here)

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How To Sort By IP Address

Aug 29, 2005

I am completely stumped on this one. I have a database where we track IP Addresses and I just want to sort by IP...should be simple, I'd think.

With these 5 IP's, I'd want them in this order:

But it sorts in this order:

Is there anything I can do to fix this? I want it to see each number as a whole, for example "10" instead of "1" and "0"

Much thanks.

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Sort Order

Oct 10, 2005

How do you change a file's sort order from ascii to international?

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Sort Table

Dec 22, 2005

Hello all...
I have a table which includes month, day & date. I want to sort this table by day, and then by month & then by year... does anyone know how to do this?

Thank you...:)

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Help Newbie Sort Out His DB

Jan 16, 2006

Hello all

Been looking at this forum for a few weeks and think it's great!!

Now for my first post :rolleyes:

We have a DB at work (attached) and it was put together by a consultant would you believe. Anyway I have been given the task to fix this. It now work i.e. it records what I want. The only problem is that it's written with more macros than i've ever seen.

I want some advice on the DB to make it function better. It is used to record how long a member of staff spend on a piece of work, apologies for the interface.

1. The user must first input a date , start date and end date into a table. Now the start date will always be a Monday and the end date a Sunday. Is there anyway to automate that process? i.e if a user goes in on a Monday the prevous weeks date is there but if the user went in before it would not , get the idea.

Anyway, please rip it to shreads and give me some advice


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Auto Sort Anyone

Jan 25, 2006

I have a table already set up in a Subform of a main form

The Table has values like

I want to have the subforms table to automatically re-sort ascending by Time, how would I go about doing this so the user doesn't have to click the field then sort ascending button...?:confused:

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Hello, Sort Anoob Here

Oct 17, 2006

hello ladies and gents!
I've been kind of lurking around.
I love this site! thanks for having me :)

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Sort Negative First

Jan 15, 2007

When i sort values, for some reason the negatives are at the top, followed by the highest positive values. Anyway to turn this off?
Tried google and searching these forums.

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MDB To TXT Looses Sort

Dec 9, 2007

Hi all.
I imported a text file into a new table.
I sorted the table on one field, then exported table to another text file.
But, the sort did not export. The new text file has the same sort as the original.
What am I doing wrong?

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Sort Date

Dec 13, 2007

Hey all, I looked throught a couple of threads for sorting, but could not find exactly what I need.

Basically, I have a list of dates:


and when I try and sort these dates from earliest to latest, it only reads the number and not the month, like:


How would I make it sort by date and month?


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Sort By Month

Jun 21, 2005

Hello, I have the following query which gives me a count by day.

However, it sorts by day instead of day/month.
For example:

02/02/05 and so on...

Can I sort so it will show me all of January, then all of Febuary etc?



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Sort By First 2 Digits Only

Jan 19, 2006

Open the database – then open the Report: rep_Billing

I have a query that is doing some sort and count functions. The column [TYPE] is sorted then counted. Instead of sorting by the full name can the query sort based off of the first 2 characters?

On the report the first company is: AMERICAN POSTCARDS

First it separates the colors, which is good.
Then separates the [TYPE] then counts the total amount that color was that type.
However I do not want the full type to be separated out, I want it based on the first 2 characters so that the “N-“ will all stay together as a group.

Final count should say: AMERICAN POSTCARDS
RED N- 14

I know I can get this info from the report, but it has to be done at the query level because it is going to be exported into another system at that point. Thanks.

Let me know if I need to make this clearer. Thank you all.


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