Height Of Window For Form?

Jun 5, 2006


Is there anyone can help me?

how to create a form that automatically can make the form longer when user click a button?

thank you..

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Make Popup Form (Dialog)'s Height As Same As Window/Montior/Screen Height

May 7, 2008


When the user click the button, then it will give out a popup form to the screen, but I want to make the popup form's height as same as the screen/window/monitor's height, because the popup form's height is larger than the screen's height, and every user's monitor's height is different. So, I have to make it flexiable change of the height of the popup form.
How can I check the screen/window height by VBA function?
In Excel, it has Application.Height to check. In MS Access Form, I cannot find one for doing that.

Please let me know if you have one.

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Form Height

Oct 26, 2004

I've many items to be put on a form. However, I can't expand the height of the form. The max height I can get is 55.873cm. Could anyone please teach me to expand it?

Many thanks.

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Forms :: Set Pop Up Form To Be Height X Always

Apr 18, 2014

I have a pop up form that likes to change it's height after I enter design view among other things. I've searched the webs, but can't find out strictly how to set my pop up form to be height X and ALWAYS be height X no matter what.

The best answer I've found so far: [URL] ....

But as soon as I went back into the form in Design View the changes were lost.

Is there some VBA code I can use to resize the form every time it's opened?

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Forms :: Fixing Height Of Pop-up Form

Mar 10, 2015

Since many years I "fight" with pop-up forms, as in endless view I cannot figure out HOW to fix the height.

Some forms keep a height which was set by the System and it is suitable others have the full height of the Screen and I cannot find any Setting which can influence them.

How to define or to fix the height.

It only works when I set the border to "changeable", but not when I want to fix a height by Setting the border to "Dialog" ....

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Modules & VBA :: Set Height Of All Form Headers

Dec 16, 2013

I have built a database and I want to set the height of the form header on all forms using a module.

I am uncertain how to write the VBA to accomplish this task.

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Help: Pass Argument From Child Window To Parent Window?

Feb 15, 2005


I have a parent window which upon clicking on a button will pop-up a child window containing a listbox. The listbox recordsource is a subset of the parent window. I want the user to select a record from the listbox which will load the selected record onto the parent window.

How does one pass argument back from child window to parent window?

From parent window to child window, I used
docmd.openform ,,,,,,[argument] and me.openargs in the child window

thanks in advance.

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Move Form To Top Window

May 25, 2005

I have a pop up form that appears (with a beep) when a condition occurs. I would like that form to appear on top of all other window applications.

Access is an active application but the pop up form is hidden if other applications are in use.

Is there a way to have the pop up window appear on top?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Keeping Form Window On Top

Apr 5, 2006

How do I keep a form window always on top? Thanks..

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Forms :: Set Where In The Window A New Form Will Appear

Apr 2, 2014

I have a pop-up form that is coded through VBA to open on certain button clicks. I would like this form to always open in the top-left corner of the window. For the life of me, I can't find anyway to specific in access where the form should open when called...

Is there a way to specify this? Or does access simply determine that itself? (arbitrarily it seems...)

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Applications Width And Height

Jan 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to set the application's width and height? I have an access application and I want to resize the applicatoins' with and height, NOT the forms!
is this possible?


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Subform Height Problem

Oct 10, 2006

Hi everyone, have a problem which is probably very easy to fix but i cannot for the life of me figure out why it is happening. I'm hoping someone with more experience than me knows what this is and how to sort it. I have a form with controls at the top then a subform and then a series of buttons below the subform. I have recently added another control above the subform and moved the subform down, but this has caused the subform to appear partially covering the buttons appearing below it. Seems simple....shrink the subform. It doesn't work. In the design view the subform only has a height of 5cm but in the front end it seems to grow with the form as that increases in size. can grow has been set to no on the subform and the details section. Nothing i do seems to stop the subform from making it's own mind up about it's height!!!

Thanks in advance for any help


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Continuos Forms Height

Dec 5, 2006

I have a form which is set to display continuous forms - just like a table but a bit nicer to look at! is it possible to make the forms height vary depending on how many records there are?

thanks in advance!

Dave C

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Controlling Height Of Section In VBA

Mar 27, 2008

My report has the Section's Footer.
Each time the section runs, it will take up a different amount of space.
I have already run all the code, to move all the different controls to the top (and be invisible) when they are not needed.
So to the best of my knowledge, I have no controls sitting in the lower part of the section.
The last thing I run is:
Code: Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300
s123 is the name of the Footer SEctions. The idea is that it gets progressively smaller.
This is all running in:
Code:Private Sub S123_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

All the other things work.
Here is a sample of it all..
Code:If Me.txt2 = 0 Then Me.a2.Visible = False Me.b2.Visible = False Me.a2.Top = 0 Me.b2.Top = 0 Me.box.Height = Me.box.Height - 300 Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300End IfIf Me.txt2 <> 0 Then Me.a2.Visible = True Me.b2.Visible = TrueEnd IfIf Me.txt3 = 0 Then Me.a3.Visible = False Me.b3.Visible = False Me.a3.Top = 0 Me.b3.Top = 0 Me.box.Height = Me.box.Height - 300 Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300End If

This runs through 8 different numbers.
as I said, all the other things operate properly. They get hidden and move.

Any thoughts?


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Main Access Window/form

Dec 12, 2005

I need to have Access open with a form that does not take up the entire screen and I don't want to see the Access stuff behind it. How can I make just the start up form appear when I open the db?

Thanks for any help...

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Moving Form To Top Right Of Access Window

Feb 15, 2006

I have a form which I want to move OnLoad to the top-right of the Access window. Something like this:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Move Right:=150, Top:=150
End Sub

But there isn't a Right:=, only Left:=. So maybe I could find out the width of the Access window? Is this possible?

Thanks for any advice.

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How To Disable Form Window While The Second One Is Being Opened?

May 17, 2006

Hi all, I have a main form which contains buttons to control all other window. I'd like to prevent user to work on two forms at the same time. Can anyone advise me how to disable the main window while the second window is opened?


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Form/Window Resize To Specified Dimensions?

Jul 5, 2006

Hey guys,
I know how to maximize a form when it opens, but I was wondering if there isn't a way to actually shrink down the Access app window to specified dimensions when it opens the form? I'm trying to write a dimension-specific app, so there is no distortion what-so-ever. thanks!

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Autofill A Form Window From A Table?

Sep 25, 2006

Hi all,Sorry if this has been asked before, but I've used the Search function and can't find exactly what I'm trying to achieve.The Current SetupI have a database that I'm now trying to expand upon by adding extra features. One of these features I'd like to add is the ability to, firstly, know how many records in the entire datasheet have not been officially closed (i.e. have their 'rmaclosed' column empty), and, secondly, to have a list autogenerated that shows all of these records and allows the user to double click an item from the list and have that record open.Now, to make life easier, I should point out that I already have a successfully working search function in my database. Clicking a button from the switchboard opens up a form that allows the user to enter full or partial text into a box, then, at the click of another button, the main window of the form will automatically fill out with a list of all those records which match the entered text. The user can then double click anything from this generated list and the appropriate record will be opened.Working on the assumption that the code for what I want to achieve would be near-identical to this search function code, I have replicated both the form and code, and am now trying to adapt it; it is this adaption I'm having trouble with.The Current SituationTake a look at the attached image. That is how my form looks to the user when opened.Now what I really, really want to achieve is for that central window to be automatically filled out with the listed column headings of any record stored in the table maindata that has a Null value in the column rmaclosed when the form is opened. However, I don't see any option for 'OnLoad', so I'm willing to compromise and just have the user click a button.You'll see the button there for 'List RMAs'. When clicked, that should populate the main window with the records that have not had their 'rmaclosed' column filled out. The code behind the button - which is where I'm having the problem - is as follows:Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As StringDim dbNm As DatabaseDim qryDef As QueryDefSet dbNm = CurrentDb()strSQL = "SELECT maindata.ID, maindata.rmanumber, maindata.company, maindata.rmalogged, maindata.initials " & _"FROM maindata"strWhere = "WHERE"strOrder = "ORDER BY maindata.ID;"'THIS IS THE BIT I'M HAVING TROUBLE WITHIf IsNull(maindata.rmaclosed) ThenstrWhere = strWhere & " (maindata.rmaclosed) Like '*" & maindata.rmaclosed & "*' AND"End IfstrWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)Me.lstCustInfo.RowSource = strSQL & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrderEnd SubThis code has been adapted from that which - successfully - runs my filtered search engine. The problem is that my search engine runs a query based on text entered onto the search form by the user, whilst the form I'm trying to write should simply list every record in the main table, filtered according to the state of the 'rmaclosed' column.As I said in the opening paragraph, although it's not essential it would be really nice to have a counter somewhere on the form that would show the total numebr of records in the filtered list.

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Open A Form In A Small Window

Dec 7, 2006

Hello I have a database that opens in maximized form.
I also have another form that opens when a button is clicked.

What I want is for the second form to open small and not maximized like the main form.

Can this be done?


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Open 2nd Form In Minimized Window

Apr 12, 2005

Hi all,

I have a main form which is open in a maximized window (which i want to leave as it is), i have a command button which opens a form, now i want the form to open up as the size of a box i have created in the form, without altering the size of the first form. Also is it possible to move the 2nd form to the bottom left hand corner of my screem.

This is code i have so far does minimize window to what i want it to but also restores first form, which i want t leave maximized:
Code: Me.InsideHeight = Me.Box15.HeightMe.InsideWidth = Me.Box15.WidthDoCmd.Restore
Thanks in advance for any help,

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How Do I Delete A Form In The Project Window?

Sep 29, 2007


I have a form named in the project window that does not exist. It used to exist when I was doing alot of data entry, but now that that is finished, I deleted the form and do not need it.

However, it is showing in the Project list.

How do I delete it?

Thankyou for your time

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Caption Height In Datasheet View

Apr 28, 2006

I have a caption named original investment.

I want it to be displayed as


at the column head not as

original investment

how do I do this?


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How Do I Set Control Height To 0 So That There Won't Be Any Space Between Printed Lin

Sep 21, 2004

How do I make the blank line disappear after the control is no longer visible? I tried to set the Height property to 0 in the OnPrint Event but I got an error message 2191, you can’t set height property after printing has started.

Thank you,


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Reports :: Changing Row Height For All Fields In A Row

Jun 11, 2013

I have an existing report with a number of fields arranged horizontally in a tabular fashion in the detail section. The first field is an identifying line of text and the remaining fields are numerical calculations. The report is basically a simple profitability estimate report for a number of different products.

Behind the fields of data is another text box that is blank, which stretches across all the horizontal fields, and which changes background color using conditional formatting. When printing, this colors the whole row according to that criteria (it changes color based on the relative profitability of each product in the report).

The problem I'm having is that the first line of identifying text can sometimes overflow.

I've set the Can Grow property to Yes for this and all other controls in the Detail section. But the result is sometimes some funny-looking formatting. The identifier (like "Product XYZ with a really long description") will word-wrap, but every other field in that row maintains their own height. In particular, this makes the coloring of the conditionally formatted row look off, because it provides only one line's worth of color, even though the product description has wrapped to two lines.

How I can resize all the controls in the Detail section based on the height of the tallest control, and keep the whole thing dynamic?

Things I've tried: I've tried putting some VBA in either the OnFormat or the OnPrint events that iterates through the controls in the section and resets their heights. In the "OnFormat" event, nothing happens (no errors and no apparent changes in the appearance of the report). In the "OnPrint" event, I get an error that says the height property cannot be changed during a print or print preview.

The VBA I tried using was as follows:

Dim ctlIt As Control
Dim lngMaxHeight As Long
For Each ctlIt In Me.Controls
If ctlIt.ControlType = acTextBox Then

[Code] ....

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Open Form On Close Of RelationShip Window

Aug 12, 2005

i open my relationship window from a form and i after hide its visibility using the code below.
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRelationships
Forms![frmRelations].Visible = False
I need to open the hidden form after clicking on the close(x) button of the relationship window.
Are there any ideas please.

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