Help: Attaching Several Products To One Customer

Aug 17, 2007

Hi, I'm not even sure how to describe my problem in the proper terms in order to look it up in any faq or tutorial.

I have one table, customers. Their name, number, etc.
Another table, products: Name, id, department, etc.
And the final table being orders. Customer bought product when, etc.

However, I'm only able to attach one product to each customer per order. I need to be able to attach any number of products, and I don't know how to go about doing that.

Also, when I create a form for entering all the data to these tables, the information doesn't stick. I create a form using the order table, enter the order and customer information, and have the products as a subform. The information will stick for each table, but they won't connect to each other.
If that makes any sense...

Any pointers would be great thanks, I don't even know where to start.

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Top 5 Products Per Customer

Jan 22, 2008

Hi There,
I have created this query and i want to return the top 5 suppliers per LOB. It is returning something but it is not the top 5. I want to limit only to return the top 5. Pls. help and thanks. See attached file.

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Limiting Products Shown To Specific Customer

Nov 21, 2005


I'm experimenting with the database attached (Access 2003) and on the Order Deatails subform I would like to be able to view only the products for the related CustomerID!

Any pointers on how to do this - very much appreciated :D !



(PS Some non-essential db components have been deleted in order to decrease size for upload)

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General :: Create Check On A Field (customer ID) Of Customer Table In MS Access?

Sep 7, 2012

create a check on a feild(customer id) of customer table in MS Access , as "Customer ID is of 8 characters, the first 4 are alphabets and the last 4 are digits"

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Add Customer Name Into Table Each Time Unique Customer Added To SaleTable

Dec 11, 2013

I have a Table Sales - that lists customer and order information

Most of the customers are new - is there a way to populate Customer Name Table with a new entry each time a new customer is input into the Sales Tale

(Without having to add the custome to Customer Name Table - then going to Sales Order)
Failing that - is there a way to use a list box that points to Customer Name Table (and if it doesn't find the one you want, will allow you toadd a new record) In the SAME form as you use to add to Sales Table.

Date (textbox linking to form.Sales) Customer Name (List Box linking to form.CustomerName + adding the info to form.Sale)

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Combining Customer And Customer Contact Tables

Dec 24, 2011

I have a DB set up with a debtors table (Customers) and a Customer Contacts table, I was thinking of combining these two tables into one.Most of the Debtors are companies, but a few are actual people. With the current setup, i need to have both a debtor and a customer in two different tables, but with exactly the same data.

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Attaching PDF File

Oct 11, 2005

I'm creating a simple db on shared network drive and I need to upload or attach documents into it. Mainly PDF but may need to add .doc or .xls. I cannot use hyperlink since I cannot store the files where they are easily accessed due to security issues. So my only recourse was to create a secured db. Size is not an issue due to limited use. How do I do this?


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Attaching Files

May 23, 2006

This might be impossible, but I was wondering if there was a way to attach files to records on a form. I work for a marketing company and I have built a contact management database and I need to attach files such as letters and emails to records on a form. I also would like a list of files attached to that record to display also. I don't know if this makes sense or if it is possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Attaching Documents

Jun 7, 2007

Please advise how to attach documents within a database. I have Office XP (2002).

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Attaching Pictures To Records

Aug 14, 2005

I've built a database to attach pictures of people to their records. In the table it's designed as an "OLE Object". When you goto the form you can click on the box, tell it to insert object, find the file, and the picture can be displayed to the record.

I've since learned that this process inflates the database and with the recent update changes from Microsoft (removing Photo Editor) I'm trying to learn to create databases to insert pictures having the same result but won't inflat the database.

I've learned of a view method to insert pictures that are a little more complicated to create using coding. My problem with this method is you would have to type in the file location manually to get the picture to attach. I'm working in a location that needs this process to be simpler then that. I need to find a way to browse for that picture instead of having to type in the file location manually.


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Attaching Subforms To Buttons

Nov 9, 2004


Probably an easy one, but I'm stuck!

I'm dealing with quite a complex database and trying to make use of many subforms to minimize data entry and errors. I only want certain subforms to be visible through the use of a button, since for many records, the subform will not be needed. Upon clicking the button, I would like the subform to appear and related fields to be populated. I am already aware of how to attach buttons to open a form, however, I need the related field (child field) of the subform to be populated upon opening the form and this does not seem possible merely through opening a form by way of a button.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm currently at a a standstill.

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Attaching Files In Access 2000

Sep 26, 2006


Is it possible to attach files (word, excel, emails etc) to records in Access?

I want to build a simple contact database that will enable me to add a word document to John Smith, for example



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Attaching Files To Access Database

Mar 21, 2005

hello, im actually trying do design a database with attached
word files, ie the persons information and his attached cvs
i never done that before and im confused, should i attach all the cvs(words documents) to the database ie can i create a field which is a word document or i should put all the cvs in a folder outside the DB and put a link to them in the table taking into consideration that it s gonna be a big database, and if so can the user attach a file to the database using a button ie in the forms
thanks in advance

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Attaching Files Of Different Types To Table Field Thru VBA

Apr 23, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have a PO table. Each PO has 3 documents of multiple types (one may be Word, other may be Excel, Acrobat). When I display the PO, the attachments should be shown as Icons, which when double-clicked, will open in its own Application.

I have a pop-up screen where I enter new PO details. In this screen, I have Attach/Detach buttons for each of the Documents.

My Requirement:
When I press 'ATTACH' of Doc1, the File Selection screen should be displayed from where the user will select the file to be attached. This file should be updated into the table field "doc1".

When I press 'DETACH' of Doc1, the file in table field "doc1" must be cleared.

How can I achieve this???:mad:

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Attaching Hyperlink File To An Email Through Code

Dec 4, 2006

A have a table with many records and each record has a hyperlink to a document. Based on some criteria i want to attach the hyperlink file to an email. Don't want to have to do this manually. Is there anyway i can write code to go and get the hyperlink file and then attach the physical file into the email? This could result in 1 file being attached, 13 files being attached, 0 files etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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General :: Button Attaching Documents To Forms

Jul 18, 2012

I'm trying to use this API in my database to be able to attach documents to my forms. [URL] .....

Do I have to put this into its own Module? I'm not familiar with how the code is defining Types and declaring Global variables.

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Attaching Dates To Drop Down Check Boxes

Feb 10, 2014

I want to be able to attach a date field to a dropdown check box. For example, say I have a client who we submit multiple deliverables to on different dates. I want to be able to check the deliverables submittted and add the date for that deliverable (each deliverable has a different date). image which is how the drop down is currently set up.

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Modules & VBA :: Attaching Word Document To Attachment Field For Every New Record

Jan 12, 2015

I'm trying to work out how to attach a word doc to the attachment field of a table when I add a new Record. The following code work's fine if I add it to the On Load Event on the Form, but the doc is attach'd to the first record. When I add the code to the Add New Record button, I get the error msg: "File already part of the Multi-Valued Field" and nothing in the attachment field.

Private Sub Add_Record_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
On Error GoTo Err_AddImage
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsParent As DAO.Recordset2
Dim rsChild As DAO.Recordset2


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Attaching WP, Excel, Adobe Files To An Access Database Form Using A Control Key

Oct 18, 2006

Is it possible to attach a WP, Excel, or Adobe file to a form, possibly by using a control key? How?

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Mark All Products From Subform

Dec 2, 2005

I have a form orders with a subform orderdetails where we can order more than one product. When the order is finished you save it with a save button where it will also automathically mark the products ordered as not available.
Now, this code works, the problem is that it only marks one product. how do you make it mark all the products that where ordered (in orderdetails - the subform)? :

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'set values here!
Dim stAvai As String
Dim strSetProd As String

stAvai = "= " & Me.OrderDSubform.Form!ProductIdctrl.Value & " "
strSetProd = "UPDATE Products " & _
"SET Products.[Avail]= True " & _
"WHERE Products.[ProductId]" & stAvai & " ;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSetProd

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Date Query For When Products Are Available

Apr 19, 2006

I am trying to automate a process where we have 1000's units available on a date eg 01/01/06 - 05/01/06 this is produced in a reprot via a prehistoric system we use.
The report shows the start date and the duration the unit is in use. per each order
I then use excel to populate when the unit is in use. With all of 2006 date's along the top and use an if statement to populate when the unit is in use. Then i sum all like for like units together.
Is there an easy way of doing this in access?

where i am failing is populating when an individual unit is available with out using excel. excell is on the vege of falling over now due to the volume so am desperate for alternatives

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Grouping Products In A Report - Please Help

Dec 8, 2007

Hi everyone, I am having a lot of trouble doing something that is probably very simple.

My scenario is customers order products, lots of products, now i need to know the quantities of these products for all my customers. It doesnt have to be by customer name, all i need is the product and the Quantities.

I can produce a Report that contains what i need in it but i would like to summarise it.

My report now has the PRODUCT and the QUANTITY for each product that was entered in the order, Problem is the Same product comes up all the time in the report.

For example Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 1
Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 2

And it has a continues list in the report, i would like to group the products so that it shows like this on the report:

Product=Tray Lasagne Quanity= 1, 2 etc

Is this possible? Thanks.

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How To Set Codes Linked To Products

Mar 28, 2012

I am using Access 2010. I have 4 columns in my file. They are "Code", "Item", "Qty", and "Amount" . I have 5 products with my own codes. It means the codes are set by me. For example, 00001 for ruler, 00101 for book, 00201 for pencil, 00301 for rubber, 00401 for pen. My wish is to link the code and product together. It means that when I sell a pen, I must type the code for pen (in the "code column") and I must type pen in "Item Column", so I think it really takes long to do this because I will really make a mistake because the code and item are not linked at all. What I mean is that when I fill or know the code, I will get the product automatically in the "Item Column" or vice versa.

Now I have set the code 00401 for pen.

So when I need to fill the information. I wish to fill the code in the "Code Column" and then the word pen is automatically shown in the "Item Column". In this case, I will be able to get right code linked to its product.

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Publish Products From Access On Website

May 28, 2006

I would love to publish my product catalog from my access database on a website. it should be a browsable catalog with search field on article number range, product group, product type and should be able to display product pictures.Within my access database i have a link to the product picture stored by filename. I'm looking for an easy solution to do this, i'm using mysql as database on my hosting provider.I can do the export to mysql myself (interfacing between access and mysql) but am looking for some hot software to display the catalog easily without programming the front website myself. I already have oscommerce installed but don't want a webshop and don't know how to disactivate all the features within oscommerce to only retain the article browsing.Thanks if you have a hint

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SQL Query That Share Products Among Storehouses

May 29, 2005


it's my first time here and the reason is because i have a problem with a query.
I have a database of a storehouse. Each storehouse can be in one city. Storehouses have 5 products A, B, C, D, and E. A storehouse may have more, less or equal quantities of a product than it needs. I want to write an SQL query that shares the quantities of a product among storehouses. I tried to write but it was to difficult than i thought, so i ask your help. I attach the database for your convinience. :)

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Modules & VBA :: Searching Products With Images

May 15, 2014

I have attached a sample database that is for searching products with images. The search works ok, but cant get the product image on form-- FRM_Carns

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