Help! Grouping And Sorting Not Working

Dec 23, 2004

I have a report that sums the failure cost and displays it in weekly increments. The Query that populates this report brings in [Date], [failure cost], and [department]. I need to separate one department out of the total and display it's total separately on the same report. I am using the [Date] field to group it into weekly increments. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Grouping / Sorting

Jul 27, 2006

I have a query that is sorted on the officename and the lastname.

My report is grouped by officename

I can't get the lastnames to be sorted alphabetically - I'm not sure why, since they are in the query.

What can I do to make it grouped by officename and lastname sorted?

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Reports:Grouping, Then Sorting, Then List?

Feb 23, 2006

Ok Second issue: I have a list of companies that each offer 5 different programs. Eash Listing in the query (My report is built on this) has both a column for the definition and a colum with a number idenitfying the amount of people in the program.

What I need is to HIRE someone, but maybe I can do this:

I want to list each company and all 5 programs associated with that company; easy and its done.

Then I want to have a summary at the bottom of the report that goes to each company, takes the 5 programs for maybe 1, maybe 3 or maybe 92 companies, and lists them in order. Order = the top 5 programs for all the different companies. See and it gets complicated because sometimes, a program can be the largest for every company in the report, and then the second program for each company is different for each each company. So I need to arrange the programs in an order. then sort them by size, and them only show the top 5.

PLEASE, if you got through this far of my irrational and illogical brain then maybe you can help

Thanks Sean

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Invalid Sorting And Grouping Error

Nov 27, 2014

I am using the student database template and I have added some tables and made some changes so I am trying to get all of the existing reports to work. The Emergency Contact Report is giving me an invalid sorting and grouping error. I have never even used a report and I have no clue what needs to be fixed.

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Reports :: Grouping And Sorting Without Header Section

Apr 10, 2015

What I wish to achieve is to create a report that groups and sorts without the need of a header section as it is taking up to much space cascading :


rather than :

---- ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ----

I basically want it not to cascade but do the exact same thing as it does inside its own header. (We need to dramatically cut down the page amount as a delivery schedule is printed out daily and could do with the page count around 10 rather than 50 ).

(Links below)

What It Looks Like ....

What I Want ....

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Reports :: Ho To Change Sorting And Grouping Through Code

Feb 2, 2015

How can I change report Sorting and Grouping through code? I tried:

Dim rpt As Report
Dim strReportName As String
strReportName = "ReportName"


But this did not work. I assume because it is on the Open command for the report. I think I might have to place some Event Procedure in the Group Header - On Format or On Print? However, I can not find the right syntax to do that.

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Reports :: Combination Of Grouping And Sorting In Report Does Not Work

May 15, 2013

Access 2010. I have a table with the following fields:

- From
- To
- TypeOfWork (to be chosen from a combo-box)
- Activity (text field to be filled in freely)

In a table i have a complete day with times (from -> to), the type of work between those times and the activity performed between those times a bit like this:

00:00 - 11:00 Welding Welding clamps
11:00 - 13:00 Welding Welding anodes
13:00 - 15:00 Cleaning Cleaning pipes
15:00 - 18:00 Cleaning Cleaning floor

I would like it to show in the report like this:

00:00 - 13:00......Welding............00:00 Welding clamps
...............................................11: 00 Welding anodes
13:00 - 18:00......Cleaning...........13:00 Cleaning pipes
...............................................15: 00 Cleaning floor

So it should sort on "From", then group by "TypeofWork" and repeat the "From" field(I think...). But I now have tried every combination of sorting and grouping I could think of and nothing works!

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Reports :: Group Data In A Report From Single Table Using Grouping And Sorting

Dec 2, 2014

I'm trying to group data in a report from single table using grouping and sorting and I want the percentile of every record over group total. I'm using a query to fetch data from table, however I'm unable to get percentage of every single record over group total.

I want to display the report as attached image in single report. I'm unable to get data in "Perc" field. It's populating wrong values.

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Reports :: Grouping And Sorting Reports?

Jul 13, 2015

I have a table for gathering interview scores for candidates from multiple reviewers (example below)

Field1 - RankID
Field2 - Presentation Score
Field3 - Writing Score
Field4 - Applicant Name

Each applicant will be interviewed by multiple reviewers. I want a report to display the data is grouped by Applicant name, but sorted by Score.

Applicant2 - average presentationscore = 5
Applicant1 - average presentationscore = 4
Applicant3 - average presentationscore 2

it seems simple enough to group by applicant name and sort by PresentationScore, but this does not work. I have used the grouping and sorting feature in every combination I can think of and it always keeps the Applicant Names in order whether I group first on PresentationScore (which will then give me several entries for same applicant) or not. What am I missing?

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Sorting A Table, Apply The Sorting To A Form

Mar 10, 2006

Hi all.
I've created a database which contains information about stores. I want to have the forms automaticly sorted by the department number.
I've tried to sort the table by department, but when I try to add a department, the sorting doesn't seem to affect the form at all.

Lets say I have department 1,2,3,6,7,8 in the form, and I add department 4, it will be the last post in the form. I want it to be the fourth, and so on..

I'd apreciate some help with this :) Thanks

Here's the database (

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Program Working In Access 2007 Not Working In Access 2010 Due To Missing OCX File

Dec 27, 2014

I have a program that runs under access 2007 that I use at my work. We will soon be updating to MS office 2010 and the program will not work now because a calender file .ocx was removed from access 2010. Is there a way to get the 2007 .ocx file to work in access 2010?The program I am using is a relatively simple stand-alone and unsupported app that we use to request patient arrival and departure from various radiology tests inside a hospital. No reports are made from the app other than the number of patient transports for the day.

The app is placed on a common drive accessed from any pc in the hospital. No special permissions are required. But our app does use the calendar, time and date functions in access 2007. When I tried the app on a pc with access 2010, it basically says it (access) cannot open the app because a .ocx file is not present.Is there a way to make the access 2010 calendar file work in access 2007?

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Duplicate Record Command Button Not Working For One Form But Is Working For Other Form

Jan 15, 2015

I have an Access 2010 database with two tables and two forms. The tables are Organizations and People. Similarly, the forms are Organizations Entry Form and PeopleEntryForm. The People are linked to the Organizations table. Several people can be linked to the same organization.On my Organizations EntryForm, I created a command button to duplicate a record using the wizard. It works fine.

I did exactly the same thing on the PeopleEntryForm, but instead of copying the record, it creates a new blank record. I don't get any error messages. Is my problem due to the fact that the People table is linked to the Organizations table?

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May 2, 2006

I have created an invoicing system for a CD shop
There is a transaction table which has each individual cd sold as a seperate transaction. Each transaction has an order number, so there can be more then one cd sold per order, but they all still have their own record in the table.

im now invoicing each order by mail merge based on a query that finds all the details on every transaction but wht ive found is that the mail merge puts each transaction onto a different page even if its from the same order number as another.

does anyone know how to group each order in the query so that all the items in one order come in a single invoice?

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Jun 21, 2005

Hi, I have a query which numerous fields, and I need to make a report based on the query. However I need to group 3 fields in the query and press the sum button on 2 of them, Qty and Total Price (which is qty*price)

I need to do this so in the report when a particular wine is purchased more than once, instead of repeating the peoples name who bought the wine, it will only show 1 and automatically add the rest to the total price.

I dont know how to group within a query, can someome please tell me how? Thanks.

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Jul 6, 2005

Hi to all;
I have one code of 6 digits; each digit refer to a group; first 2= product group; beverage; live animals,….itc (24 product groups), the 3ed digits= food product, the 4th-6th digit= detail product group; vegetables, fruits,….,the rest of digits refers to product name, carrot, apple,…itc , example 070511
How can I use the query to sum the product value at different group level; example the first 2= product group, ..?
Do I have to split my code to 6 cods to do my calculation?
Thank in advance for help

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May 2, 2006

I have created an invoicing system for a CD shop
There is a transaction table which has each individual cd sold as a seperate transaction. Each transaction has an order number, so there can be more then one cd sold per order, but they all still have their own record in the table.

im now invoicing each order by mail merge based on a query that finds all the details on every transaction but wht ive found is that the mail merge puts each transaction onto a different page even if its from the same order number as another.

does anyone know how to group each order in the query so that all the items in one order come in a single invoice?

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Grouping %age

Sep 21, 2004

Hi all
I am trying to find a way of finding the number of a group of sessions as a percentage figure. e.g. total number of clients attending 1-3 sessions = 20%, 4-6 =15%, 7-12 =21% 1-2years = 8%, etc. and entering this calculation in a report.hope you can help.

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Jul 18, 2005

Question on grouping within Access Reports:
A simplistic view of the report I'm trying to generate is as such:

Company Name - Company Description - Employee

I am grouping by Company name, and I am hiding duplicates of Company Description because they can be long. I also have the Company Description as Allowing to Grow.

The problem is that the first record gives the company, the description, and the employee name on the first line just fine, but the second employee name won't be listed until the Company description ends. When the description is about a paragraph long, the other employees look very seperated from the initial record.

Any way to fix this?

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Grouping Objects

Mar 9, 2008


can form objects be grouped? i currently have numerous buttons on a form that are shown according to a button selection. my current code makes all buttons visible / invisible singularly but i wiondered if they could be grouped/ named and the get the code to make the group visible / invisible?

many thanks,


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Change Grouping

Sep 19, 2005

Can you help me.

I have about 2000 records with Part Number XXXCOGxxxxx. This Should be C0G. Ex:

GRM42-6 COG100J

What to write a query to change just the COG portion. Can you tell me the formula?


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Grouping Time

Oct 23, 2005

I am trying to group time entries so that I can say, between 8AM and 10AM there were this number of calls. I have a field called Time_Assigned with numberous time entries (such as 08:15:33 AM) corresponding to another field called Incident_Type (such as medical). The data spans a whole year so I have several thousand time entries and I would like to show how many incident types occur between such and such hours. Thanks again for everyone's generous help.

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Grouping Numbers

Dec 6, 2005


I would like to know how i can group numbers into bands.


Col 1


How do I group the above into groups of i.e. 1 - 3 and 4 - 6, or group in regular intervals like 1-2, 3-4, 5-6?


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Grouping With Particular Records At The Top

Feb 24, 2006

Hi all,
I have a db for logging meeting action points. Each action point has a description and owner. I'd like a query/report which will produce a list of action points grouped by owner (easy), but with a particular owner's action points at the top.

Essentially, rather than do a GroupBy and ascending sort, i need to specify the first group that is displayed. I don't care in what order the other groups appear.


Action Point Owner
1. Task 1 DC
6. Task 6 DC
8. Task 8 DC
3. Task 3 AG
4. Task 4 AG

So, above if i just did an ascending sort, the DC records wouldn't be at the top.

any ideas?


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Grouping Data

May 16, 2006

How do i group the following records

ID Surname Pack
29679Minican 1
29679Minican 2
27818Oliver 1
27818Oliver 2
27818Oliver 3

so its will show ...


... on a spreadsheet

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Grouping Of Data

Jul 6, 2006

I have a table which stores meeting room booking information in half hour slots.
If someone books a 2 hour meeting then 4 records would be produced – one for each half hour. I want to produce a query which will group the data by room (ScheduleID) showing the max and min times (ie the initial start time and final end time) for each event and the event details. The table structure is as follows

ScheduleDetailsID, ScheduleID, CustomerID, ScheduleStartTime, ScheduleEndTime, meeting purpose

And the query I have tried is as follows:

SELECT [Schedule Details].ScheduleDetailsID, [Schedule Details].ScheduleID, [Schedule Details].CustomerID, Min([Schedule Details].ScheduleStartTime) AS MinOfScheduleStartTime, Max([Schedule Details].ScheduleEndTime) AS MaxOfScheduleEndTime, [Schedule Details].[meeting purpose]
FROM [Schedule Details]
GROUP BY [Schedule Details].ScheduleDetailsID, [Schedule Details].ScheduleID, [Schedule Details].CustomerID, [Schedule Details].[meeting purpose];

Can anyone tell me where I have gone wrong. It does not group the data as I want it to ie by room, then time, with only the initial start and final end times. Thanks in advance. Peter

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Grouping Many Different Dates

Aug 1, 2006

I have a query which has many sums and counts on things like "Company name", "region name" and "Development Name".

I'm using this query for a report to do lots of percentages with, but now i need to filter this also by a date period.

So the user choses "Alex Homes" as the company name and then "July 2006" as the reporting month, and i need all the sums and counts to stay the same and only count/sum the records in the chosen month.

I can't seem to think of a way to do this.

If you need more info then ask.

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