Help To Stop Bypassing A Sub Form...

Nov 18, 2005

Hi I've been having this same problem for a while and I've had a bit of help here but none of the suggestions have so far worked.

Basically I need a way to stop people tabing through a sub form without entering data. The sub form has a check box that has to be checked (it can't be set as True as default) the required field doesn't work and for some reason the Enforce Referential Integrity on the join between the main table (tblCustInfo) and this one doesn't work either.

tblCustInfo = the main form
tblAgentData = subform

can anyone please help?

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Adding Attachments Without Bypassing Database Startup

Dec 12, 2013

I have a split database, using Access 2010, Sharepoint is 2007 I believe. I have a form where I can enter requests onto a log and I've set it up to allow attachments. However, I get an error of "Cannot update. Database or object is read-only." if I try to add/remove attachments on a record. I have no issues adding and updating the data other than the attachments.

I've also found that if I bypass the start-up options (using shift) then the attachments work fine. Unfortunately, through trial and error, I haven't been able to find a database option which I can enable and fix the problem.

How to have this functionality enabled without bypassing startup (I've only intended to do basic things like hide the nav pane).

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Bypassing Access Query Update Confirmation Dialog Boxes

Sep 26, 2005

I have a database that logs complaints. I've added a field to calculate the age of a complaint based on the date received and the date resloved. To update this field I have an update query that runs after someone closes an update form. My problem is that I recieve two dialog boxes one that confirms that I'm will be updating the table and another that tells me how many rows were updated. I would not like those boxes to appear so the update would look transparent.

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Stop Closing Form

Jul 25, 2007

How can I stop user from closing the form if the mantory fields are not filled up? I try using gotocontrol but it is not working.

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Stop Form Going To New Record

Jun 27, 2006

i wonder if anyone can help with this problem i cant seem to work out.

i have a bound form linked to an orders table, including some required fields. when i use the navigation buttons of the form to scroll thorugh the orders i can get to the end where the form expects you to make a new order. but i have a button to add a new order.

i want to stop the user being able to go past the last record in the orders table. or enable them to get back to the last order. currently if the user goes past the last record (making a new order) there is no way to get back to the last record. using the navigation back button causes errors as the required fields are blank and access tries to save the order, thinking i want to make a new one.

i hope this makes sense.

i have tried setting the Allow Additions setting of the Form to No. but this causes problems when there is no data in the orders table. opening the form produces a blank form, showing no fields or buttons at all.

i would be greatful for any advice, maybe i am doing something fundamentally wrong?:confused:

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Stop Form Going To New Record

Jun 27, 2006

i wonder if anyone can help with this problem i cant seem to work out.

i have a bound form linked to an orders table, including some required fields. when i use the navigation buttons of the form to scroll thorugh the orders i can get to the end where the form expects you to make a new order. but i have a button to add a new order.

i want to stop the user being able to go past the last record in the orders table. or enable them to get back to the last order. currently if the user goes past the last record (making a new order) there is no way to get back to the last record. using the navigation back button causes errors as the required fields are blank and access tries to save the order, thinking i want to make a new one.

i hope this makes sense.

i have tried setting the Allow Additions setting of the Form to No. but this causes problems when there is no data in the orders table. opening the form produces a blank form, showing no fields or buttons at all.

i would be greatful for any advice, maybe i am doing something fundamentally wrong?:confused:

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How To Stop Form Openiing In Different Windows??

Sep 12, 2006

Hi there everyone,
Must be a really simple one, this one but can't seem to find the solution! :o

Can someone put me out of my missery and tell me how to make each form open in the same window instead of ending up with millions of open windows??!!
Thanks, Matt

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Stop A Form Being Moved By User

Feb 20, 2005

Is there anyway to stop the user from beng able to move a form. I.e. as in change its position on screen.

I am aware that you can do this by setting the border type to "none". However, I want my form to have a title bar along the top, so I cant use this method.

Is there another way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Ive found some information on the "movable" property, but I am using access 2000 and cant get it to work.

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Stop Form Opening When No Data

Feb 20, 2006

Hi people. I'm having fun with this one. I want to open a form frmOldRec from a list on frmSelectOld, only if there is data. I'e tried code such as:
Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone

If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "No Records logged in this service area"


'close etc etc

End sub

But I haven't been successful.

As it stands it opens a blank form if there's no suitable record. How can I stop this happening please?

Cheers Barry

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Tab Stop Problem On Tabbed Form

Mar 30, 2006

I have set up a tabbed form to preview data going onto a report. There are four sub forms each on its own tab. I have locked down the data on the sub forms.
However when I open up the tabbed form the focus seems to shift to the first control on the tab. Ideally I want all the data controls on the tab to remain without focus leaving only the tab controls and the close form control that can get a focus.
Is there any way I can do this, or am I not making myself clear?
It isn't a deal breaker but it makes the form look a tad ugly!
Thanks for any help.

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Stop Macro On Last Record In Form

Dec 4, 2012

I have a macro that opens up a form called SLA Complete Form - The macro then goes and examines two fields on the form to see if they contain data and if they do not then it displays a popup box with a message.

The form that gets opened up can have anywhere from one record to approximately a hundred records.

How can I get the macro to stop running when it hits the last record on the form without displaying an error message. I am currently using the next record feature in the macro.

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How To Stop A Form From Closing After Validating A Field

Jun 12, 2006

I've got a close button on my form as follows:
Private Sub exitForm_Click()
End Sub

In the beforeupdate event of the form I have have following code to validate the forms fields:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'Place an asterisk (*) in the Tag Property of the text boxes you wish to validate.
'Then in the BeforeUpdate Event of the form, copy/paste the following:

Dim msg As String, Style As Integer, Title As String
Dim nl As String, ctl As Control

nl = vbNewLine & vbNewLine

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
If ctl.Tag = "*" And Trim(ctl & "") = "" Then
msg = "Data Required for '" & ctl.Name & "' field!" & nl & _
"You can't save this record until this data is provided!" & nl & _
"Enter the data and try again . . . "
Style = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
Title = "Required Data..."
MsgBox msg, Style, Title
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub

This validation works fine up to a point. If I try to close the form and a required field is empty, I get a message box asking me to fill in the data. The problem is that when I click ok to the message, it shuts down the form, so I have to re-enter all the data again. My question is how do I prevent the form from closing after clicking ok on the message box?

appreciate your help:)

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How To Stop Query Execution At The Form Start

Dec 19, 2005


I am a new user to Access. I created couple of forms using wizard, but when I view them, they show me all the available data by default. I want to stop this, if anyone can help me plz.


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Forms :: Stop Tab From Starting New Record In Form

Nov 13, 2013

I have created some control buttons using the built in functions of Access2007 and then using the script supplied here modified the control.

So far the controls can add new record, save record, exit form, open next form and close existing form, open previous form and close existing form.

My next question is when the user reaches the end of the form fields how do I stop the form from automatically starting a new record?

For example, I use the TAB key to move from field to field and when I tab out of the last field the form goes straight to the next empty record.

I want this to be a deliberate action performed by clicking the Add New Record button and not an accident of a key press.

The other thing is, how do I get the form to open with blank/empty fields and not at the first populated record?
Some of the data is updated frequently so the records need to be able to be edited but I need to prevent accidental editing of the existing records.

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Forms :: Stop Record Selector On Form?

Nov 15, 2013

I am using Access 2013. I have a form with 2 subforms, each time the form is opened, the first record on both subforms are selected. Is there a way to turn off the record selector so no records are selected when the form opens?

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Stop Form From Opening When Query Is Blank

Dec 16, 2011

I have a button that opens a form based on a query, the query is filtered based on an input field. This works great except when the user typos what they put into the input field. Since the query pulls no records it just opens a blank form. I want it to not open the form and instead open a message box telling the user the data they entered is not valid and to try again.

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Combo Boxes Stop Working After Returning To Form

Dec 1, 2005

Hello all,

I have combo boxes populated with all values in a particular field, then shunt the form onto that record (standard combo box for selecting records from a list in other words).

Problem is, these boxes seem to stop working if I leave the form for another and then return to it.

Here's the code Access puts behind:

Set SerialRS = Me.Recordset.Clone
SerialRS.FindFirst "[Serial Number] = '" & Me![Combo60] & "'"
If Not SerialRS.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = SerialRS.Bookmark

The form may be opened and closed via other processes (although never unloaded), but when I come back to it these combo boxes always stop working! Why?

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How To Stop The Scroll Button On A Mouse From Going To Next Record On A Form

Mar 10, 2006

I have a form that opens to a NEW record, all fine and grand. there are a few drop down choices, and modern users are using the scroll button to try to move up and down the list in the drop down boxes, but this action actually tries to move to the next record, causing an error as fields are blank etc (which is fine) but its confusing everyone.

the nav buttons are not shown on the form, so what can we do to stop the form trying to goto another new record?

the form is opened using a macro, where the action is OpenForm (view=form, data mode=Add and window mode=Normal) GoToRecord (record=new).....

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How To Stop A Form From Closing If Some Essential Fields Are Not Populated

Mar 31, 2006

I tried putting the following code in the form unload procedure, but although it does generate the correct message, it doesnt stop the form from closing.

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
If [Starttime] > 0 And [Admin_time] = 0 Then
response = MsgBox("Please click on the stop button to stop the clock")
Exit Sub
End If
end sub

If the above condition holds, I want the user to click on the stop button before they close down the form. I'm guessing that the form is already commited to closing before the unload event? :o

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Forms :: Stop Generating Message Boxes On Form Close?

Mar 6, 2013

I have some code (see below) that checks if the start date text box is blank or greater than the end date, and if so, generates a message box and sets the focus back to the start date textbox. There are command buttons on the form that open queries based on the date fields. This all works fine.

However, if the user changes his mind and closes the form without filling in the date field, the message box "Please enter a start date" pops up repeatedly. How do I specify that a text box is required UNLESS the user is closing the form?

Private Sub txt_startdate_LostFocus()
If ((IsNull(txt_startdate) Or (txt_startdate) = " ")) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a start date.", vbOKOnly


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Forms :: Stop User From Moving To Next Text Box In Access Form

Jun 20, 2014

I have a form in which user will enter few values but I need users to enter the comment in relevant text box too only if they have any non zero value.

I have attached an example for reference....where red encircled portion is for values and blue is for relevant comments. If value is non zero then user should be enforced to enter the comment too......system should not allow user to move forward or backward until there is some comment.

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Stop Access From Changing Format / Value Of Data Entered From A Form Into A Table

Oct 7, 2012

I have a database (split into front and backend). Users populate the table using a form on the front end. Recently, it has been pointed out that some of the data entered into one specific textbox is being changed on the table. The data entered is always has a minimum of a letter and number value i.e. "A1", "A2" etc. Upon examining the table, this has changed into numeric values i.e. "1291", "1061", "852"... etc. Looks like it is translating them into both 3 and 4 digit numerical values by the looks of things. Where more complex data is entered such as "2(A1, A2)" these seem unaffected.

The field is set to text, I have set no validation rule, format or input mask. Just can't see why access is changing these values. It seems to be translating them, but I can't see a pattern.

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Stop Booking Twice Help Please!

Apr 22, 2006

Hi, im struggling with my project. I'm not sure how to pursue this, but when i a customer to book a lesson, i want the booking to be not booked twice.

So i have to prevent the date of when the customer wants his/her lesson to be booked on the same day as the other person.

I'll be very very grateful if anyone can help me with this.

Thank You!

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Want To Stop Execution!

Feb 12, 2006

i have created a new utility DB that has only one form..when it opens I set the startup form "Main" and on the OnOpen event of this form I have some code to open another database and close this one...

this means that whenever i open this database, it opens, opens up the other one and this utility DB closes...and i cannot access it coz it always opens and closes can I stop it from executing to be able to edit its VB code?!

Thanks, this is driving me mad !

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Sigh... STOP!!!

Jul 12, 2007

Not too long ago, I wrote a top ten ways to make sure your question was never answered. I'm going to append it.1) "Help Plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" does not an answer give.2) "I'm totally new to VBA" is not an excuse when you're asking for VBA. Someone providing you with the code teaches you nothing. Show code, show where you're stuck, show something. 4) Stop telling us how new you are and do not do suck up ("You guys are so great, and I've learned so much blah blah blah"). We know why we answer. If someone helped you before, reference that, and that's it. 5) The subject is just that. The freakin' subject. Remember that. "I'm stuck" is a bad subject. "Help with error resolution" is better.6) We do this for free. Remember that.7) Cross-posting -- not such a good idea.8) Never, ever ask that posts are sent to email addresses. Are you that lazy?9) Explain, in detail, what the issue is. The posts that are like, "I have this table where I query it, and it doesn't work!" followed by the query have no clear purpose. Make sure you know what you are asking for.10) For god's sake, try to figure it out on your own. None of the stellar answer people (myself, boblarson, docman, rural guy, and the others I'm forgetting) got this way off of message boards alone. Yes, questions were asked (most likely before this place existed), but for the most part, programming is a self-tutorial through trial and error.

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Stop Me Flicking

Jun 22, 2005

I have an update query that looks for a name eg "first"
then it is suppost to update a field with 1

I have a command button that runs the query

This then says "you are about to update 1 row(s) so i press yes, but the field doesn't update

But if i flick through the database and then come back to the record it has updated

How can i do this so i dont have to flick


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