Help With Reminder Program
Oct 5, 2004
I'm doing a reminder program this program alerts you if you have things to do each day it has a code that I obtained on the internet wich retrieves the user name. My problem is that when I enter as a user a window shows up say my username and the number of things I have to do but I can't get it to count the number of things to do. I tried a query but it doesn't work (either it shows "#name" or it goes all blank)please help.
thanks in advance, newbiepr
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Sep 21, 2005
This is my problem!!! Bit new to Access, so here goes! I am setting up a claibration database for test equipment, what i need to do is to set up the database so that say a week before a calibration date is due, the database will flag this up, say display a reminder!! Can anyone tell me is this possible and the best way to set this up????
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Mar 6, 2007
hi all.
there's a new db im making and i'd like to add in a 'follow up reminder' feature where; after 1 month of job completion (as updated by a auto update date field) we can give a 1 month follow up call with the customer just to say 'hey, just wanted to make sure your stuff is working' or so to speak. the reminder must say something to the likes of '1 month follow up required for customer vin deisel acct # 5777'... in other words the popup box gotta have the option to capture data from the db as well!
about 2 or 3 guys in here (total access noobs-myself included) are the ones making the db and we'd like some assistance here.
*hopes i posted this in the right forum!*
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Dec 28, 2005
I have created an email message to be sent via a closing button on a form, using the DoCmd.SendObject command. It all works fine except that MS Outlook then puts a message box on the screen with a countdown bar saying that MS Access is trying to access Outlook and to press Yes if this is to be allowed.
Is there any way that I can disable this message box please. I appreciate that this is more an Outlook problem than an Access one, but some database programmer has probably come across the same problem before.
Many thanks
Newcastle, UK
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Dec 3, 2012
how to terminate reminders.i have made borrowing system and it will have date taken and date return..for now, my pop up reminder will pop up in a week before the date return.
my problem right now is if the user return the cd early than the actual date return, the reminder will still pop up. it is because, i have no function to check out the to make the check out and also can disable the reminder if i click the check out for that borrowing.
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Dec 3, 2012
How to terminate reminders. I have made borrowing system and it will have date taken and date return..
For now, my pop up reminder will pop up in a week before the date return.
My problem right now is if the user return the cd early than the actual date return, the reminder will still pop up. it is because, i have no function to check out the cd..
How to make the check out and also can disable the reminder if i click the check out for that borrowing.
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Oct 26, 2012
I'd like to know how to implement a pop-reminder that runs reminding the user of the database of :
1. some to-do actions for the current day or, for example, a week ahead of a certain event, that is related to some date previously entered in a table.
2. this should be within the access database.
3. I saw something like that in the [URL]... website, but actually couldn't understand it.
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Oct 16, 2013
I want to create a query that says starting on a specific date, every 6 months a reminder will pop up when a certain report opens (or form, preferably a report). So if I said the starting date is 10/16/2013, once April 16th, 2014 hits and this user opens the report, a message pops up.
Another way would be to add that message to the report itself, so it's not technically a pop up but its built-in to the report.
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Apr 22, 2014
How I would accomplish the following scenario in Access 2010. I have created a data base for a funeral home. One of my tables includes the date of death of the individual (DOD) (i.e. 04/16/2014). From that date I want to trigger a reminder to follow up with a family letter 6 months from that date. Would I do this with a macro or would I do this with VBA Script?
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Jun 29, 2007
Sorry to open with a question but its usually the way, i'm quite an experienced computer user but never used any office products before and just thought i should learn as i'm losing money every week by not keep track of things properly.
So then to my question..
I've made a table to cover all the orders i have had placed, this includes a date column for when that order was placed. I just wondered if it would be possible to have some kind of system where after 7 days without any acknowledgement from me it either pops up or turns red or something similiar. I'm thinking the acknowledgement could be the yes/no box and i tick that when i recieve the item back, if i dont it either pops up or turns red or something :confused:
any help much appreciated
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Jun 22, 2015
I'm working on an access database and I need to connect that database to the reminder function of Outlook.
At first, I set the reminder precisely six months before the due date, everything was okay and the reminder worked. But after some revision required by my supervisor, I need to set the reminder based on month (not exactly on the due date), so the tasks which have due dates in the same month will be wrapped into a single reminder. The reminder also should be appear in every two weeks. Here's the code I've been worked on :
Private Sub Expired_AfterUpdate()
Dim outLookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim outLookTask As Outlook.TaskItem
Set outLookApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set outLookTask = outLookApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
I put this code on the AfterUpdate event in the column containing the due date. How should I rearrange the code so it would be able for the reminder to appear based on the month? (just consider that the reminder will be active six months before due date).
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Jul 15, 2015
I have a table called schedule maintenance.
In that table I have a "date" field
Is it possible that if " todays" date = a date in the field date a e-mail can be sent to me to remind me there is a scheduled maintenance to be done.
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Jun 18, 2013
I need to create a guest database for a small hotel. And I would like to create a pop-up alert that appears when I open MS Access to remind me birthdays of the guests.
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Jan 12, 2006
Hi all
I've got a db system linked with webpages that handles rent management and i'd like to set up an email reminder every thursday to tell the student tenants to put the rubbish out for the bin man. I have their email addresses in one table and another table telling them whether its recycling or landfill rubbish.
Basically the question is how would i go about getting access to send the email at a certain time and date ?
Many thanks
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Apr 1, 2014
I created a Tracking System and would like to send an automatic reminder to the person the ticket has been assigned to, using the due date and the text message in the field "reminder message". Once the message send, I want the database to recognize and not send it again. I want the database to send a new message if the due date has changed.
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Oct 12, 2014
I want to make an application that reminder Radio Broadcaster to read ads based on airing hour.
I have a question , how to make reminder pop up based on selected hour or time and date of that advertisement.
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Jul 26, 2015
I have a form (Access 2010) in which i insert contracts; each contract has a start and an expiry date, but instead of dd/mm/yyyy i would like the user to be able to insert just the year, while the day and month are predefined values and they are automatically inserted (i.e. 01/10/yyyy; the year being the only value that changes, and it is manually inserted by the user).
I would like to set a pop up remainder (on form load) x days before the expiry date, but, because too many of them have the same expiry date i am wondering if the reminder can be set on different days, based on another field (i.e. partner location [country]).. i.e. reminder for contracts with Austria to pop up 60 days before expiring, for UK = 67 days and so on.. or even a specific day for each, i.e. for Austria = 01/08/yyyy, for UK 01/09/yyyy).
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Jun 24, 2007
I am trying to design a database for the company i work for, and I am wondering what is the best program to use.
My database will be shared on a network, and many different users will be using it at once. Also, I need this database to allow vpn connections so that certain people can access the db from outside of the office. I am not sure if db programs would deny a vpn user access, it might not make a difference how people are accessing info, but i think its worhtwile to mention that.
I appreciate your help, even though you opinions may be just a little biased. but thanks none-the-less.
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Mar 14, 2006
I want to create a field for displaying a 90 day period date before the time of renewal.
This date will be displayed to remind me to send out a notice to a client and will be based on the actual renewal date field.
Can anyone please provide some insight into creating such a field.
Also, I will be creating a similar data field that will be based on 30 Days after the 90 day notice that I send out.
Thank you in advance...
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Dec 16, 2005
Hi all!
I have created a database with auto-archiving features. I have "working tables" that are populated when the product is moved to the correct process, in this case when it reaches the test department. When the product is moved out of the relevant process, the database runs several queries which archive the relevant data and deletes the records from the working table.
There are two working tables in the test department, one for test failures and one for rework activities. The question at hand is WHEN should I populate the working table for rework activities:
Option 1: Populate the table when the product moves to the relevant process. This will create and delete thousands of records from the working table every day. Using this method will cause my table to bloat to 50,000+ records that are constantly updated, appended, and deleted.
Option 2: Populate the table when (and IF) the product fails a test. This will keep the table to a much smaller size (around 2500 records) but requires the database to run several queries in the middle of the data entry process, significantly slowing my program.
So which is the faster/better process: Filtering a table of 50,000+ records or appending the working table when you need the data?
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Jan 4, 2006
I have a delimma and am not sure how to proceed. It falls under the "You want what? When?" category. Basically, I have created an Access program with several (13) related tables and numerous forms. This program mimics an interview we are using for research and has a lot of VBA coding behind it with quite a few skip patterns, value checking, etc. During the testing phase, I was asked to allow the user to be able to go back and check a response to any previous answer at any given point in time. I hear numerous clicks of people running away from this question. This one has me frustrated and not too happy. I am wondering if there is some way I can show a copy of any form and the data contained within it for the present ID? IF it is a copy then the data, I presume would be locked and the user would not be able to change it. Also, I would want to bring the user back to the point where they were prior to going backwards. Feel my pain yet? Of course as I ponder this I can envision that they are going to want to change a value, because maybe a respondent "changed their mind" about a previous question. But, I am sure they would not want to work their way back to where they were, but want to jump back (forward), all the while I need to insure that any skip patterns that may have changed due to a change in data are followed and if a question that was answered before is now skipped then that data needs to be cleaned. I am concerned that as I begin to meander through this issue that I will have "duplicate ID" issues because as I move backward, possibly through several forms and tables and then move forward again the DB will think I am adding two items rather than changing the one. I.e., it will think I have two identical IDs because it already has one from the original pass and as it moves forward and runs through the automated saves that the second pass would represent a duplicate ID, thus crashing the program.
I know this is a multi-pronged question, but I would like to hear some suggestions as to how others with more experience would handle this. I am grateful for your time in reading this and would be even more so for any responses.
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Aug 24, 2006
I have a bunch of files where I have to copy one piece of data from a field and paste it into a different field on many sort copy once, paste many times. Currently I use Ctrl C for copy and Ctrl V for paste. I'd write a query to do this for me, but not every record is going to recieve the data.
I'm getting tired of having to press Ctrl V on the appropriate records. Is there way to program a function key to do the Ctrl V thing? That way, I'd only have to press one key as opposed to pressing two keys.
Any help offered is truly appreciated. Thanks!!
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Oct 10, 2006
Following program i have written in access. what it does is from the query i have created picks up the sizes of doors. calculates hit1 by qty then it needs to put the value into another table alongside the correct sizes. the problem im facing is how do i update the value into another table. heres the listing.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim Db As Database
Dim Rs1 As Recordset
Dim Rs2 As Recordset
Dim lf, rh, drw1, drw2, drw3, drw4 As String
Dim q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, qty As Integer
Dim hit1, hit2, hit3, hit4, hit5, hit6 As Integer
Private Sub Command70_Click()
Dim rs1fieldcount As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
''Assign a mdb
Set Db = CurrentDb
counter = 0
Set Rs1 = Db.OpenRecordset("custdoorsize")
Set Rs2 = Db.OpenRecordset("cusdoorsbase", dbOpenDynaset)
rs1fieldcount = Rs1.Fields.Count
If Rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No record found in query"
this is where the value will come from
Do Until Rs2.EOF
If Rs2.Fields!left_door_size <> Empty Then
lf = Rs2.Fields!left_door_size
hit1 = 1
q1 = hit1 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If
If Rs2.Fields!Right_door_size <> Empty Then
rh = Rs2.Fields!Right_door_size
hit2 = 1
q2 = hit2 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw1_size <> Empty Then
drw1 = Rs2.Fields!draw1_size
hit1 = 1
q3 = hit3 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw2_size <> Empty Then
drw2 = Rs2.Fields!draw2_size
hit4 = 1
q4 = hit4 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw3_size <> Empty Then
drw3 = Rs2.Fields!draw3_size
hit5 = 1
q5 = hit5 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw4_size <> Empty Then
drw4 = Rs2.Fields!draw4_size
hit6 = 1
q6 = hit6 * Rs2.Fields!qty
End If
Do While counter <> rs1fieldcount
This is where it finds the correct sizes where it will display the qty value
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = lf Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q1
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = rh Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q2
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw1 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q3
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw2 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q4
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw3 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q5
End If
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw4 Then
Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q6
End If
counter = counter + 1
If Rs2.EOF Then
Set Rs1 = Nothing
Set Rs2 = Nothing
Set Db = Nothing
MsgBox "Finished ....."
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
please help
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Feb 11, 2007
I am using Microsoft Developer and wish to email the program to my customer. With Developer, there are tons of files and a few folders, not just one exe. I realize I must zip to send a exe, but the folders are a problem, since WinZip, which is what I have, will not accept the folders, only files. I could ship like that but it would be a mess on my customer's end. Any suggestion would be helpful.
The reason I want to send this way is just for speed. Of course I can copy to CD and send that way.
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Mar 6, 2007
I have a database made in MS Access. It has forms that allow the user to do certain things, such as add to the database, and so on. I only want the user to be able to run a program that will run the one, main form i've created it (as well as any other form that the main for lnks to). how do I do this?
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May 29, 2007
Hello. I have tried using the search function on the board but I cannot find an answer.
Is it possible to create an executable program to run the database?
I would like to have a computer that does not have Access installed, to be able to load and run the user interface that allows them to manipulate the database, as well as write to it. It doesn't matter if the tables are encrypted or not.
Thanks for your time.
EDIT: It appears that after writing this post, I realized I hadn't used the search term "executable." I found an answer here (
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