Hex Coding For Colors? At Work/need Sol'n

Sep 16, 2004

reading code behind form and came across:

&HFHEFEF, and &HFFEFFE and the like relating to certain colors: where is this magical "chart/table" of equivalents? Need soon..thanks..teball20 (teddy)

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Where Did All The Colors Come From?

Nov 24, 2005

When I opened my database today, all the tables had turned blue??

Does that signafies anything? How can I reset the table in plain white??

Any help is appreciated!

an absolsute access beginner!

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Feb 15, 2005

Anyone know how to convert a color code from something like:


To something that Access will recognize?


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Row Background Colors

Feb 13, 2007

I have a subform that returns a bunch of records. Each of the records returned has a LANE_ID, so in this example, there are 10 records returned, 5 with LANE_ID = 11111and 5 with LANE_ID = 22222. Is it possible to alternate the backgrond color for each of these groupings?

I have found examples of how to change the color of alternate rows, but I can't find anything that would tell me if what I want to do is possible.

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List Box With Colors

Aug 8, 2005

How I can do a form whit a list box whit different colors for each record ?

Thank you

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Combo Box Colors

Dec 22, 2005

Hi, All...

Can someone tell me how to change the color (back and fore) within a combo box? I have set both in the properties window and it works fine but, as you scroll through the list within the box, the colors of the active line (back and fore) change to something completely different.

Any assist would be greatly appreciated!

Thanx ;<)

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Back Ground Colors

May 3, 2006

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to translate the background colors used in Access to RGB?

Thank you.

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Dressing Up A Form - Colors

Jan 13, 2006

I built a really good database and now I want to dress it up a bit. Does anyone know how to change the color of a command button ? (access 2003)

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Alternating Colors In Form

Oct 6, 2004

Is there a way to have alternating colors in a form?

I would like every record to alternate between Grey and White.


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Forms :: Storing Colors Then Using In VBA

Nov 8, 2014

I am trying to see if it is possible to store colors in a form or table and then reference them while in VBA. What I am hoping to do is when I write all my code for command buttons to change On Got Focus, instead of writing xxx.backcolor = RGB (255,255,255) i could do something like xxx.backcolor = Forms!HiddenColors!Command That way if i want to ever change the color scheme of the db, I can change it in one place rather than hunt lines of code.

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How To Get First Form To Change Colors

May 22, 2013

A couple of days ago I was looking to change a form button color in a new database I was working on, I could not. I changed the Back Color to #22B14C but it stayed the same grey color. I could not make the change in that form in that database.

Then I went into a different database that I built and I noticed that the Command Buttons within the form was blue, I changed it to #22B14C and it turned green. What the difference is. I copied the button to the first stated database and in that form and the color stayed to grey even though the Back Color was set at #22B14C. I noticed that the database that the form that I could change the color had Hover and Press color options whereas the first database does not. I copied the form that I could change the button colors to the first database and I could change the colors but they had changed from the second database to the first, I could change the colors but the Hover and Press options were gone.

how I get the first form to change colors and what is the difference between the two databases?

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Web App - Product With Multiple Colors

Jun 25, 2014

I was creating a access web app for my company and want to create a data for its product. Each product will have multiple colors and different material are used for each color. The number of colorways for a product varies.

We want to be able to select a product and a lookup field will appears for us to choose its colorway.

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Changing Colors With Check Boxes

Feb 21, 2005

I have a simple form with 3 check boxes. I want to write a vb code that will change the color of a box if a box is selected.

Table Name: tbl_main
Form Name: frm_color
Field Names: [check_red] [check_blue] [check_yellow]
Box Names: 'box_red' 'box_blue' 'box_yellow' (all currently translucent)

If someone checks the [check_red] field I want the 'box_red' to go from translucent background to a red background, and when unchecked to go back to translucent. Same with the Blue & Yellow boxes.

I have made a simple database and attached it for an example. Thank you all.

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Changing Colors In A Field Automatically

Mar 15, 2005

Hi everyone,

The problem I'm having is I need to have the background of a field change color depending on what's contained within the field. There's only three possible entries in the field: active, inactive, and a blank entry. I need it to show green if the field contains "active", red if the field is "inactive" or is blank (I also want the blank fields to show inactive, but that's niether here or there right now.)

I've been trying to get it to work with an if then statement, and setoption to change the background. I've had no luck with any of it, though.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Changing Colors For Each Line In Form

Sep 3, 2004

Is there any way to change the color of a field based on the value of a field.

I know how to do this for a single form but I need to do it for a Continuous Form
(each line may be a different value and have a different color.)

Is there some event that happens before each line displays???


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Modules & VBA :: Function To Define Colors

May 1, 2014

I have one color scheme I want to use all through the database I am developing. The next examples have just one color defined, to make it simpler (a dark blue, that I would call B1)

private sub setlabel()
Dim B1
B1 = RGB (0,52,105)
me.label1.forecolor = B1
end sub

... however this means I have to repeat the color definition every sub, so I thought would be neater to define a function to set my color codes (I have 20 colors).


Function SetColor()
Dim B1
B1 = RGB (0,52,105)
End function

My objective, is when I'm working in forms, Iwould (ideally) call this function "setcolor" and just write my code for the blue. I tried the examples below:

Private sub setlabel()
me.label1.forecolor = B1
end sub


Again, this is probably some definition of arguments or dimensions that I am not aware oh. How to predefine the colors in a function to give them a "short" code which I can call in any sub in the database?

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Formatting Table Colors On Access?

Jul 22, 2015

1. Can we have the cells within access table change color when their input changes as in excel? For Ex:

If the input for a cell inside Column "Status" says "Pending" then the cell color is orange.If it says "Completed" then color is green?

Is this possible on Access?

2. Also is it possible to change the color of Column headings?

I tried changing the color but found that the entire table changed colors with alternate rows.

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How Do You Create Links And Change Colors In Report

Oct 24, 2005

I have a report that contains game and its rating, the rating goes from -10 to +10, I would like to highlight the games that have a rating 1 or more with green color, rating 0 with yellow, and -1...-10 with red color, allso I would like to make a link on the game, so that when I click on it, it will open a form where that game is registered, for example it I want to change rating.

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Set Colors On Specific Rows In Continuous Form

Sep 5, 2006

Can we set different colors on specific rows in a continuous form?
Suppose the following data entry form (continuous) is to fill in spouse name, while name and marital status is already prepared in a different table. If the marital status is Married, then the spouse name textbox's background color will be Yellow. The standard background color is white.

Name Marital Status Spouse Name
xxxx Married (Yellow)
xxxx Unknown (White)
xxxx Not married (White)
xxxx Married (Yellow)

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Change Option Group Label Colors

Nov 5, 2004

I have an option group with 3 options. The labels are black. I would like to change the label to red for the given option that was choosen.

Option group name: OptionCarrier
Options: Option1, Option2 and Option3
Labels:Land, Sea and Air

Thanks for the help - John

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Alternate Row Colors On Reports With Microsoft Access

Dec 6, 2006

Dear All:

I have a report in Access 2000 showing names, ID numbers, Address and dates.

I wish to have alternate colors instead of the default white backgroud Access has.

Any ideas on how to start?

Many thanks,


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Forms :: Defining Colors On Form Control

Mar 30, 2014

I have to create a control on a form that will be able to change to one of ten colors, some of them are subtle shades. I will be doing this from vba on the control. I know how to do all of this except defining the colors.

I keep seeing the 3 part RGB(xx, xx, xx) etc. but I can't find the values for it that will give me the exact colors that I need!

I also saw a possibility of using a the hex equivalent for the color but I couldn't make that work?

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Coding Not Right?

Apr 19, 2006

I have a Form that currently contains a checkbox that has the following OnClick event...
SELECT tblPlayerRegister.Surname,tblPlayerRegister.[Club],tblPlayerRegister.Age
FROM tblPlayerRegister
WHERE (((tblPlayerRegister.Age) < 11) And ((tblPlayerRegister.Club) = "Beaconsfield"))
ORDER BY tblPlayerRegister.Surname;

The aim of this is to select the Surname, Club & Age from the Table PlayerRegister where the Age is less than 11 and the Club is 'Beaconsfield' and then Sort in Ascending Order by Surname.
I get an error when I write this code and I don't know what I am doing wrong.
I am not very knowledgable with Coding but I have given it a go.
There will eventually be many checkboxes with different criteria and I don't want to do a query for every one.
Could somebody please advise what I have done wrong?
Thank-you for any assistance given.

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Need Some Help With Coding

Aug 4, 2005

Okay here is my code, I had thread open awhile back. In regards of exporting main form and subform to word. Here is the code, I am still having problem with it. I can't seen to take export nothing or if I switch around dbs.close and rs.close, I end up exporting whole subform (meaning all the selected text from all the records to on one word doc. I don't know what I am missing, and it has gone beyond the limits and I have turn my brain upside down, but still no answer :( It has to be something with coding. Because, I know my subform is working fine, if I print out a report on access. Help me out plz.


Private Sub Command4_Click()

'Declare the follwing
Dim dbs As Database
Dim objDocs As Object
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim prps As Object
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim blnSaveNameFail As Boolean
Dim BorrowerID As String
Dim InformationID As Long
Dim intcount As Integer

'Set word as an application and make it invisible
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True 'True is visible

'path and name of the template your are using.
objWord.Documents.Add ("C:Temp ermsheet3.dot")

'This is for the bookmark that you created in the template

'This is the field in access that containts the data that has to be entered at the
objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtCusDetails]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtcoadd]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtcoadd1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtborrower1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtborrower2]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtGuarnator]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmmoney").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtloanamt]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmpercent").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtperc]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmloanpur").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtloanpur1]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmloanpurpose").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtloanpurpose]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtterm]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtamortterm]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtinterestyear]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtinterestrate1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtsecurity1]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmsecurity2").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtsecurity2]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtsecurity3]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmsecurity4").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtsecurity4]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmworkfee").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtworkfee]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bminsurance2").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtinurance2]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtperdebt]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bminsurance1").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtinsurance1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtaudited]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtborrower1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtguarantor1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtBorrower3]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmaccepteddate").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtaccepteddate]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtGuarantor3]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtbmdearmrms]

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qmakInvoice"

intcount = DCount("*", "tmakInvoice")
Debug.Print "Number of Detail item: " & intcount

If intcount < 1 Then
MsgBox "No detail items for invoice; canceling"
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tmakInvoice", dbOpenDynaset)
With rst
Do While Not .EOF
BorrowerID = Nz(![Borrower ID])
Debug.Print "[Borrower ID]:" & BorrowerID
With objWord.Selection
.TypeText Text:=BorrowerID
.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=2
'.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
End With
End With

With objWord.Selection
.GoTo what:=wdGoToTable, which:=wdGoToFirst, Count:=3, Name:=""
.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
End With

'Word (or the document that you created with the template, will now open)
objWord.Visible = True

Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
'End With

End Sub

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Help - Coding

Feb 21, 2006

Hey, i need help with a code. It shouldn't be too hard but i don't know where to start as i am unskilled on this program.

I am looking for an input box saying 'enter password here' to pop-up. If it is the same as say 'customer' then i want it to let the user into another form.

Does anyone have any idea.

Please help,

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VB Coding

Jan 15, 2008


I just created a database for work, its got two fields on the form, item and Price.

What i want it to do is when I enter the amount of item, I want it to automatically work out (price = £3.99)the price per item and display it on the Price text box on access.

I done VB but cant remember much, i Know u might have to do a IF statement.

any ideas how this could be done.

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