Hide Forms

Nov 14, 2005

i have a form that shows up when I start my database. It has a combo that users use to select their initials.

This form is run by the autoexec macro.

The forms stores users names that then are propagates to other forms without having users each time selecting their initials.

Is there a way I can hide the first form behind others so that it keeps the data active? I have tried to minimixe it but still can see in the gray toolbar.

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Hide Forms / Reports

Jul 24, 2007

Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way to hide certain forms or reports from the view when you open an mdb? I would still like them to view it if the form thats not hidden opens the hidden report or form as well.

How would i go about doing this?

Thanks alot

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Forms :: Using ComboBoxes To Hide IDs

Jul 20, 2014

I usually use ComboBoxes to show a user-friendly name instead of an ID. For example, I would use a ComboBox of EmployeePK, FirstName + " " + LastName and set the first column as the control source but with 0" width.The issue is these are supposed to be read only. I can prevent the user from changing the field but I don't have a good solution for hiding the ability to select the drop down.

My current method is to create a transparent box over the combobox (so it can't be selected) then hide the dropdown arrow with a background colored rectangle.

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Forms :: How To Hide A Record

Jan 18, 2015

can i hide a record when i look it in a form. For example i have a table which has 100 records. Can i make some kind of a check box and if that check box is checked to make the record disappear. I want the record to be in the table but i dont need it in the Form.

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Forms :: Possible To Hide Field In A Form?

Jul 31, 2013

Can you have a hidden field in a form? Trying to set up an order process system where I need to take a wholesale price of an item then mark it up (behind the scenes) and display only the customer price. How can I accomplish this.

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Forms :: Hide First 6 Digits In Textbox?

Oct 31, 2013

I am trying to hide the first 6 digits in a textbox and only show the last for digits in a text box.

So far I a putting my code in the Format Format section in Property Sheet of a form. Its not seeming to work.

Left([Card Number],Len([Card Number])-6)

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Forms :: How To Hide All Form Controls At Once

Apr 21, 2013

how to hide all form controls at once like if i have many text box and labels how to make a loop to hide it all at once

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Forms :: How To Hide A Tab If A Checkbox Is Checked

Jan 10, 2014

My tab name is SPA and it is the third tab in my form. I want to hide it if the AddToSPA checkbox is checked. This is what I have but I'm getting error 'Compile error: Method or data member not found"


Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.AddToSPA = True Then
Me.SPA.Pages(2).Visible = True
Me.SPA.Pages(2).Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Hide Check Box Options

May 30, 2014

I am trying to make a checkbox with different graphics since the checkbox can not be resized. I thought I could stack images on top of each other and toggle between showing and hiding based on if the checkbox was checked. This actually works, but I wanted to hide my checkbox, so I hid it behind my images. This didn't work. So I brought it to the front and made it invisible. This didn't work either. What can I do? The checkbox is linked to the table, but I want the graphics to show thumbs up or down and not see the checkbox.

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Forms :: Hide Records That Have 1 In Combo Box

Jun 10, 2013

I have a form with a checkbox and a combo box. When I click the checkbox, I would like it to only show the specified records that are in the combo box. The current code I have is this:


Private Sub chkHideComplete_AfterUpdate()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.chkHideComplete = True Then
Me.filter = "[ReservationStatus] = 3"
Me.FilterOn = False

[Code] ....

I basically want to hide all records that have "1" in the combo box.

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Forms :: Hide Password In Input Box

Sep 9, 2013

I have written the following code on a command button to set up a basic password for deleting current record. What I really want to do is hide the password being typed into the input box with asterix's. Here is the current code and password:

Private Sub Toggle33_Click()
Dim strPasswd
strPasswd = InputBox("Enter Password", "Restricted Form")
If strPasswd = "" Or strPasswd = Empty Then
MsgBox "No Input Provided", vbInformation, "Required Data"

[Code] ....

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Forms :: How To Hide Fields On A Form

Sep 10, 2013

I am trying to hide certain fields on a form based on the value in another field (if yes or no). I used the change event to enable/disable the fields in question. however, this doesn't work. This is the code below...

Private Sub Combo314_Change()
If Me.Combo314 = "Yes" Or Me.Combo314 = "No" Then
Me.Reason_Label.Visible = False
Me.Combo316.Enabled = False
Me.Label946.Visible = False
Me.Label77.Visible = False
Me.care_not_qualified_date.Enabled = False


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Forms :: Can't Hide Control That Has Focus

Jan 18, 2015

I have a toggle control on a form which depending on selection uses a loop and instr to make 'not visible' a set of controls on a subform.(forms! Mainform !subform.form)I get error 2165 but if I test immediatley before the make not visible process it returns the toggle frame as being the active control.

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Continuous Forms - Hide A Control In A Record?

Sep 20, 2005

I have a form that displays its records in a Contiuous Form. The controls on the form are: txtRecID, txtStudID, cboTrimester, cboType, fld Comment, and blnReqConf.

My issue is that I need the blnReqConf (Request Conference) checkbox and label controls to only show on the reocrds when/if the cboTrimester = "Tri-2" and the cboType = "Parent" or "Teacher" are selected or displayed.

I have written:
If cboTrimester = "Tri-2" And (cboType.Column(1) = "Teacher" Or cboType.Column(1) = "Parent") Then
blnReqConf.Visible = True
lblReqConf.Visible = True
blnReqConf.Visible = False
lblReqConf.Visible = False
End If

The problem is that the controls display on all records throughout the form. How do I make it so that the controls are hidden on some records in the continous form and are shown on others based on the criteria? Is it possible?

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Forms :: Hide Field Name With Default Value In A Form

Jul 4, 2013

I have a split form design. I want to hide a field which I have already set a default value for. But when I make it invisible, the default value is not being recorded.

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Forms :: Hide Column Separators In Listbox

Dec 24, 2014

How to do this? Or maybe change its color to white.

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Forms :: How To Hide Record If Check Box Ticked

May 17, 2014

I have a subform that populates from a query from a table. I also have a checkbox as part of the table. If the checkbox is ticked, I don't want that record to show in the subform

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Forms :: Hide Close Buttons On Ribbon?

Mar 28, 2013

I am trying to find a way to hide the close button on the ribbon. My 2007 and 2010 users keep closing the database by the "x" and it's driving me nuts. I have an exit on the switchboard. I tried to disable navigation and ribbons under options and it hides everything except the x. I tried the code:

Docmd.Showtoolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo

In the startup form. Still doesn't give me what I want.

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Forms :: Hide The Command Button From View?

Jan 17, 2014

I have a form with three text boxes and one command button

I want to hide the command button from view until at least one of the boxes has data in it. I also want the command button to return to hidden if the data is removed

So far I have tried this on the after update event on one zof the text boxeswith absolutely no success.

If Me.txtFirstName = "" And Me.txtLastName = "" And Me.txtSocialInsuranceNumber = "" Then
Me.cmdAddNewClient.Visible = False
Me.cmdAddNewClient.Visible = True
End If

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Forms :: Hide Subform Headers On A Report

Feb 28, 2014

I have a report which has a subform attached which I print it to a dot-matrix printer so I can use carbon paper.

The subform has shaded headers which look on the screen, but bot when printed with dot-matrix.

Can un-shade the headers or even hide them?

I attach a screen shot for reference.

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Forms :: Hide A Button When A Record Is Found In Database

Jun 24, 2015

I want to show/hide a button on my form.The button is for entering a new record in the table of the database.Now when i Load the form, i want to check if there are already records in the table for a specific lanID. When there are no records, the butten has to be displayed. When there are already records for that lanID the button has to be hidden.

I have found some code to tackle that, but When i use the rs.MoveLast it hides the button when there are records, but when there are no records it gives an error that there are no records found. I almost forgot to say that i use Access 2010..Here is the code that i use:


Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim landmeterID As String
landmeterID = [Forms]![MainForm]![LanIDTxt]
SQL = "select * from dbo_Lan_Opleiding where Id_landmeter ='" & landmeterID & "'"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)


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General :: Hide Dropdown Based On Forms View?

Sep 18, 2013

how I can hide a combo box or text box based on whether the form is opened in a filtered view or not?

I have a form that can be opened in a filtered view showing only that record, or an unfiltered view showing all records. I want an extra drop down selection box to show only when the form is in an unfiltered view.

I am using Access 2010.

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Forms :: Hide Columns On Datasheet Of Split Form

Jun 3, 2015

I am pretty new to VBA and I am having the same problem of hiding and un-hiding columns on a datasheet of a split form. I am building a system that will be used in front of customer and therefore wish to hide columns that contain cost sensitive data. The same forms need to be able to show the Sales Rep the hidden columns simply by ticking a box. Basically a toggle on and off of hidden columns.

I have been playing around with the code below (which i found in another forum) to hide the Field called COO when I click the tick box called chkHIdeFields check box. This works on a Single form but not on a datasheet of a split form.

Private Sub chkHideFields_Click()
' Note: vbTrue = -1
If Me.chkHideFields = vbTrue Then
Me.COO.Visible = True
Else: Me.COO.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

I have been able to hide the column of my split form by using the ColumnHidden property of the On Load event just as a proof of concept that the ColumnHidden property actually works to hide a column, which it does. This is the code that im using to hide the column called COO.

Me.COO.ColumnHidden = True

However if I then set it to = False and then close and open the form, it doesn't unhide the column. the only way I can unhide the column is to do it from the Form view via the un-hide dialogue pop up box.

I have two issues here, the first one is getting the form to recognize when to hide and when to show the column of the datasheet on the split form and the second is to get the code to for the check box method.

Lastly once I get it working for 1 field I need to be able to define a list of 7 or 8 other fields all at the same time.

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Forms :: How To Hide Database Objects And Show Once Closed

Jan 5, 2014

I have a database with a main menu which opens up on start-up it works fine and all but I want to go the extra step, I wish to disable / hide the ribbons (Top and Bottom) - Or Hide the whole Microsoft Access Window and display my form with the desktop behind it.

The next thing is once I click the X or the button to close the form I want Microsoft Access to appear again as in everything to show itself again.

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Forms :: Hide And Show Controls Based On Value In Combobox

Apr 22, 2014

I am using Access 2010. I wish to show or hide controls based on the value in the combobox. The combobox is bound with the data type Yes/No. If Yes, controls should be visible and if no, they are to be invisible. The database is a linked one. This selection should update all the users' forms.

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Forms :: Way To Display / Hide Information On Subform Using Check Box?

Jul 11, 2013

Is there a way to display/hide the information on a subform using a checkbox?So, when the checkbox is checked, the fields are blank but when the checkbox is unchecked, the information displays?

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