How To Approach This Task Any Ideas More Than Welcome Thanks

Jul 30, 2007

Hi, ive been asked to provide a solution, for an electronic spreadsheet be sent out via email then returned by customers, once filled in for all the data to be collected onto one sheet that looks like the attached sheet. the easiset way i can see is to not use a spreadsheet but to use a datbase instead and just put it in the desired format, how easy is it to import mutliple spreasheets into correct fields on a dbtable thanks for any input or ideas


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How Do I Approach This?

Nov 28, 2006

Say I have a piece of lumber in inventory that's 20 ft. long. I cut it into 2 pieces, one 13 ft. and the other 7 ft. Now I need to remove the 20 ft piece from inventory and replace it with the 2 pieces I just cut. Is there any way to automate this in Access? I'm have trouble visualizing and approach to this problem.


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Don't Know How To Approach

Feb 27, 2006

I've been tasked with modifying an Access97 query. Currently the query has a single contraint on the field titled jobtitle. We are interested in maintaining this constraint but in the event of null values defaulting a new contstraint to field called contacttype. Thus if there are no results returned for positiontitle = 'dtbc' return all rows where contacttype = 'prim'. It would seem an if then is the only option and I'm not sure how to approach this in access.

Thank you,



Currently here is the query with the constraint only on contacttype = 'prim'
SELECT [Edition Header File].edition, [Edition Header File].instant, [Edition Header File].[page_#], [Edition Header File].franchise_page, [Edition Header File].subedition, [Edition Header File].subedition_page, [Edition Header File].supplier_name, [Edition Header File].supplier_line, [Edition Header File].sup_page, [Edition Lines File].product, [Edition Lines File].sup_style, [Edition Lines File].imp_style, [Edition Lines File].discount_code, [Edition Lines File].sup_disc_code, dbo_DistSup.Company, dbo_DistSup.LineName, dbo_DistSup.AD1, dbo_DistSup.AD2, RTrim$([CITY])+", "+RTrim$([ST])+" "+RTrim$([ZIP])+IIf(([St]) In ('LB','NT','AB','YK','PQ','BC','MB','NF','NB','PE' ,'ON','NS','SK'),"CANADA",IIf(Len(RTrim([St]))<3," USA")) AS city_to_zip, Trim([emailaddr]) AS tEmail, Trim([webaddr]) AS tWeb, [FName] & " " & [LName] AS contact, dbo_DistSup.Phone, dbo_DistSup.TollFreePhone, dbo_DistSup.Fax, dbo_DistSup.TollFreeFax, dbo_Alternate_ID_1.IDNumber AS asi, dbo_Person.ContactType, dbo_Person.ContactType
FROM ((dbo_Person INNER JOIN dbo_Jobs ON (dbo_Jobs.PerNbr = dbo_Person.PerNbr) AND (dbo_Person.EntNbr = dbo_Jobs.EntNbr) AND (dbo_Jobs.OrgNbr = dbo_Person.OrgNbr) AND (dbo_Person.USTOID = dbo_Jobs.USTOID)) INNER JOIN (((([Edition Header File] LEFT JOIN [Edition Lines File] ON ([Edition Header File].[page_#] = [Edition Lines File].page_no) AND ([Edition Header File].instant = [Edition Lines File].instant) AND ([Edition Header File].edition = [Edition Lines File].edition)) LEFT JOIN dbo_DistSup ON [Edition Header File].instant = dbo_DistSup.Instant) INNER JOIN dbo_Alternate_ID ON [Edition Header File].instant = dbo_Alternate_ID.IDNumber) INNER JOIN dbo_Alternate_ID AS dbo_Alternate_ID_1 ON (dbo_Alternate_ID.EntNbr = dbo_Alternate_ID_1.EntNbr) AND (dbo_Alternate_ID.OrgNbr = dbo_Alternate_ID_1.OrgNbr)) ON (dbo_Person.USTOID = dbo_Alternate_ID.USTOID) AND (dbo_Alternate_ID.EntNbr = dbo_Person.EntNbr) AND (dbo_Person.OrgNbr = dbo_Alternate_ID.OrgNbr)) INNER JOIN dbo_PositionTitle ON dbo_Jobs.PositionTitle = dbo_PositionTitle.PositionTitle
WHERE (((dbo_Alternate_ID.IDType)="inst") AND ((dbo_Alternate_ID_1.IDType)="asi"))
GROUP BY [Edition Header File].edition, [Edition Header File].instant, [Edition Header File].[page_#], [Edition Header File].franchise_page, [Edition Header File].subedition, [Edition Header File].subedition_page, [Edition Header File].supplier_name, [Edition Header File].supplier_line, [Edition Header File].sup_page, [Edition Lines File].product, [Edition Lines File].sup_style, [Edition Lines File].imp_style, [Edition Lines File].discount_code, [Edition Lines File].sup_disc_code, dbo_DistSup.Company, dbo_DistSup.LineName, dbo_DistSup.AD1, dbo_DistSup.AD2, RTrim$([CITY])+", "+RTrim$([ST])+" "+RTrim$([ZIP])+IIf(([St]) In ('LB','NT','AB','YK','PQ','BC','MB','NF','NB','PE' ,'ON','NS','SK'),"CANADA",IIf(Len(RTrim([St]))<3," USA")), Trim([emailaddr]), Trim([webaddr]), [FName] & " " & [LName], dbo_DistSup.Phone, dbo_DistSup.TollFreePhone, dbo_DistSup.Fax, dbo_DistSup.TollFreeFax, dbo_Alternate_ID_1.IDNumber, dbo_Person.ContactType, dbo_Person.ContactType, dbo_Alternate_ID.USTOID
HAVING ((([Edition Header File].edition)=[forms]![data entry header file].[form]![edition]) AND (([Edition Header File].instant)=[forms]![data entry header file].[form]![instant]) AND (([Edition Header File].[page_#])=[forms]![data entry header file].[form]![page_#]) AND ((dbo_Person.ContactType)="prim") AND ((dbo_Alternate_ID.USTOID)=1))
ORDER BY [Edition Header File].edition, [Edition Header File].instant, [Edition Header File].[page_#]

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Different Approach - FAQ Search Engine

Oct 15, 2004


I have tried to do a search on this but i cant seem to find something similiar. And I did a post of what i wanted to do here:
Click Me (

This is my table structure:

** I have keep this structure the simple. In actual of what i want to do, its more section under the 3rd lvl. as in more section under tblNAMe and tblRELATIONSHIP.

-> My structure:




tblMALE (Question related to Name - Male will be here)

tblFEMALE (Question related to Name - Female will be here)

tblMOOD (Question related to Mood will be here)

tblNEAR (Question related to Near Relation will be here)

tblFAR (Question related to Far Relation will be here)

So what am i trying to do? People would put in a question and an answer into a box. After that, the person can choose which category does the inputed question belongs to which category(male? female? .. ).This is actually a FAQ search engine.

So ppl will have an option to search for keywords and match questions. There should also be an option weather it should search from tblQNA or tblName or tblGOOD. So it has different level of searching. This is why it has such tree. So after searching, it will display the possible matched question (display question only). then the user can click which question to view the answer (together with the question).

Hope to get some advise. Is this how the best way to implement? OR is there a better method? pls advise and thanks in advance. ill be trying to do the access now. ill post as i goes along.


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Converting Lotus Approach To Access

Feb 1, 2005

Is it possible to convert a database set up in Lotus Approach to an Access Database. If so, how can I do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Lotus Approach To Access

Jan 22, 2013

Is there an easy way to import a Lotus Approach DB back end and front end to Access 2010?

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Service Record Database Design Approach

Dec 15, 2005

I'm trying to build a table structure for this database. Heres some background information about the business:

The business is a service business. We visit the customer's location and run tests on whatever water systems they have. Each customer is unique in that they could have any combination of systems at their site. They can also have more than one of the same type of system. The test results are the data that I need to record and store for future access. Each customer is visited on average once or twice a once a month. So there should not be more than 1-2 entries of data for each system for each customer per month.

For example
customer RUTGERS might have two systems labeled HWS and CHWS.
customer BMSQUIB might have three systems labeled HWS1, HWS2, and CHWS.

What I need to do with this information is go into the records of service visits, and retrieve for example, the last 4 visits of a specific system and prepare that information to be printed in a report along with their contact information.

I have come up with three tables to do this:

Customers Table contains:
Customer ID (pk), contact information data.

Systems Table contains:
System ID (pk), Customer ID, System Name

Service Records Table contains:
Record ID(pk), Date, System ID, Data

My thoughts were to have a table to contain customer information(each customer with a unique ID), a table to contain system information for each customer (each system has a unique ID), and a table to store the results of every service visit for each system(each individual visit has a unique ID)

Please critique this table design. If you think its sufficient, perhaps you could lead me in a direction pertaining to how to retrieve data on the most recent 4 visits (last 4 entries) for a specific SINGLE system from the Service Records table. I would assume that you would need to use a query and then get the data from that and put it into a form.

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Having Trouble Thinking Of A Way To Approach This (to Do With Importing Access Data)

Feb 26, 2008

Edit:I just realised i had accidently writted the title as (to do with importing access data) it should read (to do with importing excel data)This is going to be a trick hard to understand question but I will try my best to explain itI have a database set out in the following way way it works is; Let's pretend Access Programmers is a company and working on different forums is a different jobSo on one record it would readJames.90| Access Programmers|Tables Forum| Wed=3= Mon=2Then the record below might readJames.90| Access programmers | Forms Forum| mon=5 tue=6So each record is one unique company,Project and CTR which the person has worked for that week meaning if you only work on one forum you would only write one record out each weekNow the data i am receiving is in an excel file where it's set out in a daily basis Where One Day Date|Name|Company|CTR|etcSo if a person works 5 days a week on 2 companies each day that is 10 records when it should only be 2 recordsSo to sum it up. My database is set out weekly and the excel data is set out dailyMy questionWhat would be the best way to convert this data into the database. Changing the database structure around is not an option and i can't change the format we recieve the excel data in. I can change it once i have the file thorough a converter but i can't change the raw source of the dataWhat would be a way to solve this problem because i am completly stummted and am open to any option of converting or anythingThankyou for your time. Also if you have trouble understanding what i mean Please say so and i will upload a copy of the database and a copy of the excel sheet!

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Need Some Ideas

Jul 22, 2005

I need some ideas on this new database that I am creating. I'm creating a database that will store employees clock in and clock out times on a weekly basis. The main table has the following fields: ID, employee name, date, clock in time, clock out time. The employee name field source is another table that has the list of all the employees names.

I need to create a form that will allow the user to easily input the clock in an out times during a week for each employee. The user will pick the employee name from a combo box. Then, on this form, I want it to have all the days of the week (sunday thru saturday) in a column format and in front of each day one field for the date and two fields for the user to input the clock in and out times respectively.

The problem that I am having with this right now is that, the form that I created only displays one record at a time, so it only shows the clock in and out times for one record. How can I get the form to diplay several records at a time so the user can add all the days of the week for certain employee on the same page?

Or is there a better idea on how to create this database?

Thanks in advance,


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Jul 13, 2006

i have get data from the sources i dont know yet but i can either import or link using access and create reports that way and or juts use crystal to connect to the data sources...any ideas?

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Database Ideas?

Jul 18, 2007

Hello everyone.

I have just made up a database for work, it is a basic stores system where people have to book in and out the items to update the quantities manualy. I have a tick box for "on demand" which i have linked to a query for all items on demand etc.

I am just wondering if anyone can suggest any good ideas that would make the database even better, more automatic type things would be good.

We have a demands for which is just a word document I was wondering if there was anyway I could use it someway so that with one click the items that requiring demanding are put onto the form?

i am just looking for any ideas that would turn my database from good to great.

I hope that you can help

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Organizational Ideas

Mar 25, 2008

Hello all, glad to be here

I wanted to bounce this idea off the members in the forum, its more along the lines of managing multiple databases rather than individual design.

I am a recent incumbent at a position where there are many individual access database files for the department. (Each DB is unique as are the users, usually) I am trying to flesh out ideas on how to consolidate these access files, so there is one central 'hub', where users could log on, and then select the study or project associated with that particular database, and then the DB be opened for them to begin working, rather than the current system, in which there is a rabble of access mdb files in multiple folders

any ideas are appreciated :D

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Void Of Ideas?

Dec 9, 2004

I have decided to amend a database because my original design was rubbish!!

Why? Currenlty a user selects a ServiceID from a combo:

SELECT tblServices.ServiceID, [ServiceCategory] & "-" & [VehicleType] & "-" & [ServiceType] AS Expr1 FROM tblServices ORDER BY [ServiceCategory] & "-" & [VehicleType] & "-" & [ServiceType];

That produces:

I have added a new table to the DB to list car makes and models.

The user will select a car make and model from one field (combo) on a service form.

From the next field they will selct the service to be performed on the selected vehicle i.e. Wash / Vacum / Full Valet

My dilema? I can not think of a relationship for the new table 'tblVehicles'?

Any suggestions?

Should I add a new field to tblServices?

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Need Structure Ideas

Dec 28, 2006

It's been a LONG time since I've designed a database, but it's slowly coming back to me. However, I'm still having a very difficult time deciding the most effective way to setup my tables and queries. Here's what's going on.

The database will be used for FFA livestock shows to enter the exhibitors for market classes and showmanship classes. The database also needs to be able to break a pay scale down showing how much each exhibitor is awarded for their showmanship class and their market class. The database that the club had been using had 2 tables (1 for the exhibitor and 1 for the animals being shown). Then they had 10 different queries that sorted the animals into weight groups (ex. Class 1 is weight between 90lbs and 100lbs); and then they had 10 different queries to breakdown the showmanship classes (ex. Showmanship Class is is age between 5 and 7). This is a LOT of queries! Now, the manager wants to be able to have more than 10 classes, which their current database cannot do. He also likes to be able to enter the parameters to manually break the classes. As of now, he is manually going into each query and editing the criteria for each class, but he wants to be able to do that from a form.

So my question is.... is it best to leave this in the "multi-query" form, or is there some way I could arrange all of this from tables or from a couple queries... and also, what would be the best way to offer the option to add a new class?

Any and ALL advice is greatly appreciated!

~ Audrey

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Any Ideas, HELPPPPP!!!!

Feb 22, 2005

I am trying to find the best way to program a timeshare inventory. Here is the problem, one unit has the possibility of being sold annually, odd or even years. If the unit is sold for just even or odd, I then need the open inventory to reflect the opposite year that is available. If the unit is sold annually I need it to be removed from open inventory totally. Also, If the unit is returned I need it to show-up back in open inventory.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to make this work simply?

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Script Error Any Ideas

May 11, 2005

last ever question, i need a long hloiday

it errors on: theId = ctl.Column(0, v)

Private Sub Monthly_MD_Report_Click()

'Run a report displaying only the records chosen
'by the user in the form's listbox.

Dim v As Variant
Dim Frm As Form
Dim ctl As Control
Dim theId As Long
Dim WhereCrit As String

'If nothing is selected, notify user...
If Me.List101.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please select a month.", vbExclamation, "No Month Selected"
'and then scram.
Exit Sub
End If

'Assign form and control to object variables.
Set Frm = Forms!FrmForm
Set ctl = Frm!List101

'Begin building Where string.
WhereCrit = "Expr2"

'Add each selected item to the WHERE string.
For Each v In ctl.ItemsSelected
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
'The first column in the list, holding SupplierID, is hidden.
'See the list's "Column Widths" and "Column Count" properties in
'its property dialog and look up the terms in Help for more info.
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
'Coordinates: 1st column (0); row v
'where v changes for each round of the loop.
theId = ctl.Column(0, v)
'Tag on to string.
WhereCrit = WhereCrit & theId & " OR Expr2 "
Next v
'Loop ends; selected items are now accounted for...

'NOTE: To better understand what the code is doing, uncomment the
'next line to print the Where string to the Immediate window.
'Debug.Print WhereCrit

'Clean-up the Where string by removing the trailing text.
WhereCrit = Left(WhereCrit, Len(WhereCrit) - 17)

'Test (see note a few lines above).
'Debug.Print WhereCrit

'By default, the Suppliers Report returns all records from the Suppliers Table.
'Here the Suppliers Report is opened using the 'Where clause' to filter it down
'to only the items selected in the listbox.
DoCmd.OpenReport "MD Form", acViewPreview, , WhereCrit

End Sub

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Ideas On Project - Frontend?

Jun 6, 2005

Hi im in the process of starting a small project to be used at work. Basically I want an Access DB which will be used by about a dozen people, accessing it over a network drive. I want them to be able to do the standard create/edit/delete records and wotnot in different tables of the DB and also want some reports and search functions.

In the future I want room to make more advanced things in it.

Would I be best to do this all in Access with forms and reports, or maybe use VB for a frontend or even something else?

Dont have much experience with Access outside of the standard DB records stuff, will security and multi access be a problem with Access?


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Form Letter Ideas

Feb 5, 2007

I want to pick everyone's brain on this one, because I'm not sure what I want to do can be done very easily.

I have a database that tracks client information for insurance policies. I'm going to be giving it to other agents, many who are very computer illiterate. One of the requested functions is for them to be able to create form letters from the database.

So, I'd like some ideas on how to do that. Ideally, I'd like for there to be a form that someone could load some letter templates, but also tweak them or even create new ones that can be saved. It would also need to have "merge fields" much like you would in Microsoft Word. Basically since every agent will want to have their own letters, it needs to be easily editable.

Is there an easy way for a computer illiterate person to just select "interest letter," change some wording, and have it merge into a report? Or, is there an easy way for someone to get access to the merge fields if they were to do a Word mail merge? I don't really want people trying to find the right tables/queries amidst all the different tables in the database.

Or, throw out some other ideas. I'm open for most anything. Thanks in advance.

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Venue Booking Ideas Please

Mar 23, 2006

Firstly can i say Hi to everyone on this board amazing I registered today because it took this board 3 search to answer a problem Iv had for 2days now. So big thank you !!

No then Im creating a small website where members are capable of booking the Venue via the website. At the moment my databse consists of
Members_tb with attributes

Member_Id (Primary Key)

I am hoping someone from this board can help me by shedding some light as to how they would go about empowering a Member to book the venue for a particular date also taking into note not to book for a date the venue is already booked for.

Any help at all will be so much help. Im just confused as to how i should tackle this issue

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Corruption Confusion- Any Ideas Are Appreciated

Mar 24, 2006

I'm running Access 2000 through Citrix, 20 users internationally from 1 db. I'm working through Citrix network issues to split db with separate FE's for each user.
I have sporadic corruption due to this. But this morning I met a new breed of corruption. I preface this with the fact that I run a bat file nightly to do clean up and compact and repair the db. It verifies the db is not in use prior to running.
This morning we were presented with a hosed db.
The log file said updates ran fine.
In my main table the first record was garbage, including the Auto-num field. I found that my Primary key has lost it's index and references had become unchecked.
Correcting these issues got it running but does anyone have any clue what might have triggered this or even where I should start looking? Please help as I am at a loss.

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General Ideas To Help W/ Rotating Data

Jan 18, 2008

Hello Everyone.

I am looking for a good idea; maybe it's just Friday syndrome but I just can't seem to get my brain to wrap around this problem!

Let me start by trying to explain what is happening here. I have a repair shop that works off of quotas. This was a recent change to the way we've always done business so I had to adapt our DB to track this information. I built a table, keyed off product#, and added 12 columns for each month's quota. These quotas are determined about mid-month (I just received Feb08's today).
Up to now, we have always taken this month's quota information and compaired it with our production table, showed just where we were at on all of the products. This worked great. (THANKS boblarson! {} )

So, now that I have next month's quotas, Mgmt is telling me that everything we produce now will count for next month's quota. Not a big deal, but trying to get my head around how to actually 'track' this is giving me the headaches! We thought doing a 'running' total would work, but things just are not adding up right.

The problem as I am seeing it is that I need to somehow take my current and next month quota but compair that with this month and last month production isn't going to give me accurate results. Not until next month. Once Feb comes around, things will be okay; but then mid-Feb when the quotas come out for March I'll be back in the same boat.

I'm betting that there is a easy solution to this; but like I said, I'm definatly having a Friday Moment here. Anyone have any ideas?


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Invalid (?) Error Messages - Any Ideas?

Jun 16, 2005

I have a database containing various linked tables and all has been fine for years.
I now have to add some fields to the main table and change some field sizes. I know about the 255 field limit. And I know that an individual record cannot exceed 2K.

BUT, when I simply lower the size of a text field, (i.e., from 40 to 30), I get either the message Too Many Fields Defined or Record Is Too Large.

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Relationship Problems - IDEAS NEEDED!!

Nov 6, 2007

I've completed the Relationships on my online store project database and put the tables into a word doc so everyone can view

Does everyone think they look ok? If not, all opinions are welcome!

I've also 2 questions:

1) Should I create a seperate table for Usernames & Passwords?

2) Should I make the CD, DVD & Games table in a single table?

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Multi-user Contact Manager, Any Ideas??

Jul 8, 2005

I'm in the process of recreating a contact manager for a group of salespeople at an office I work for... What I want to do is be able to consolidate all of the contacts in a single contact database on the back end. Then the records will have specific users specified to each record, and what I want to happen is that the users will open up their own database, and they will only see the records pertaining to them, and they can't change who gets the records.

Here's where it starts getting tricky. I want the manager to have access to all of the records, and I want him to select which user's contact list he wants, and it brings up those contacts. I want him to have a combo list on the screen where he can select who gets which contacts, and he can change them throughout the different users.

Related to each of these contacts is a subform, called CALLS... When this button is clicked, any information regarding past calls is brought up, and the user can add information about a call that is made. This checks the previous form that is open to find out the ContactID so that it can open up the corresponding CALLS entries in the CALLS table.

Here's what I did: I created a new contacts form for each salesperson (there are 5 salespeople). Then I had to create a new subform for each salesperson for the CALLS, and then the information will be gathered from the proper subform to the users contact form.

I can do all of the above, but it seems kind of redundant to do this for all of the users, and I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this. Also, in the future if more salespeople are added and I'm not here for the company to set up the new users, I would like to see if there is an easy way for them to set it up (like adding a new value to a few different spots)...

BTW: One difficulty is that they are already using a previous contact manager (not designed by me) that has hundreds of contacts, but each user has their own separate copy of the contact manager which is just copied and pasted onto their local drive when a new salesperson arrives. I will also need to import all of their previous contacts, and I would like to maintain as much of the original structure as possible to avoid dealing with user compatibility problems.

If you need to see the contact managers, please let me know. Any questions, i will be glad to discuss. Thanks.

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Ideas?? 1 Refernce Number For A Group Of People.

Feb 15, 2006


I've been using excel to keep record uptodate, but i've got more than 300 people to keep track of, so using excel can limit my db.

i'm new to access, wondering if I can get you advice:

A community temple, which i'm a member of, spend alot of time loggin who is donating and how much, with pen and paper - then update the excel spreadsheet i've done for them, don't ask me why they do it, its sort of a tradition. Evenone pays about £5 per family, 1 pound for each person.

I was thinking if each familly had a reference number, everytime they donate, they'd give there reference number and the database automatically updates with new records.

So if Mr simpson , ref 69, pays £6, the database adds 6 new records; Granpa, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.

how difficult is this to do?
whats best way to design the tables?

Any help is much appreciated.

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My Users Keep Accidentally Closing Access - Need Ideas

Jan 15, 2007


I have a fairly complex database with a lot of charts, reports, forms etc.

My problem is that whenever someone chooses to maximize a Pivotchart, a report preview or other things, they usually click the big X button in the top right hand corner and close Access entirely. They don't think to click the smaller x button right below it.

This is frustrating when they just want to go back to the switchboard to performs some other task. They have to restart the database, log in...etc.

I know you can prevent forms and whatnot from being maximized, but I do want them to have that feature for a number of reasons... especially with my Pivotcharts. They are much clearer when expanded to full-size.

Is there a solution to this problem, or do my users just have to be more careful?

Thanks in advance

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