How To Convert Decimal Values To Octal

Mar 28, 2008


does anyone know how to convert decimal numbers to octal using a comand in a query , for intance in excel the command is DEC2OCT(val)


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Time/Decimal Convert

Nov 8, 2007

I have a query with 2 fields I wish to multiply together to get a value for a feild, [Hours_Lost]. One is a short time field and one is a number field. The short time field is [Hours] and the number field is [people] I have been trying the following but no luck. Abnyone any ideas?

Hours_Lost: [People]*(CDbl([Hours])*24)

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Modules & VBA :: Convert Minutes Into Decimal

Jun 28, 2013

I have the following code for hours worked by staff over a 24hr period. However, I want to calculate staff pay by using their hours worked. The table I am using is populated with the minutes i.e. 270 but I want this field to display 3.5 hrs. I have initially got round this by using a calculated field in the table [Hoursworked]/60*[StaffPay] but this is not an ideal fix. Can I add something to the code below to display the hours to 2 decimal places.

Dim ilHoursWorked
ilHoursWorked = IIf(CDate(Me.txtStartTime) < CDate(Me.txtFinishTime), DateDiff("n", CDate(Me.txtStartTime), CDate(Me.txtFinishTime)), 1440 - DateDiff("n", CDate(Me.txtFinishTime), CDate(Me.txtStartTime)))

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Queries :: Convert Decimal Part Days To Hours

Dec 23, 2014

I have a query result for example = 2.19 days worked. The result of cumulated hours divided by 8 (hours in the workday). What I want to do is take the .19 and multiply it by 8 (hours in the workday) and I would have the result in actual hours which is what I need. Or of course if there is a way to display that into 2 days and 1.52 hours Rounded up to quarters would be even better. But with spending hours looking through forums I didn't find a way to just work with the decimals right of the dot. Trim, format, Len didn't work for me, they all give me funny result.

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Validating Decimal Values!!

Oct 16, 2006

How do I validate if the inputted value by the user is a decimal value or not?

Also I need that before the decimal only 3 digits should be inputted.

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Queries :: Pull Data From Fields That Have Values With Decimal Places

May 9, 2013

I have a query that pull data from hours worked fields that have values with decimal places. Hours is multiplied to rates to create my amount to charge in my query which is then displayed on my invoice report.

The issue is that when I sum my amount, my subtotal is off by $.01 due to the decimals entered for the hours worked (e.g. hours worked is 1.5*32.75=49.125)

I need the rounding to work in the query and display on my report as $49.13 and the subtotal to reflect it. I have the properties in my table as double with decimal place at 2, and my query and report properties with decimal place at 2 as well. It still isn't working.

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Queries :: Rounding Average Values - Result With Two Decimal Places?

Apr 23, 2013

I'm trying to get this query to work:

SELECT Avg(Round([Final 205].[LastOfSumOfRehLOS],2)) AS AvgInpLOS, Avg(Round([LastOfSumOfWaitLOS],1)) AS AvgWaitTime, Count([Final 205].PHN) AS Observations, [Final 205].LastOfIntensity AS Intensity_Level
FROM [Final 205]
GROUP BY [Final 205].LastOfIntensity;

It doesn't found the result to two decimal places.

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Convert Zero Values To Null In Form

Sep 20, 2005


I would like to convert zero if enter into null value during the data entry phase in a form. This means that zero values will be stored as null values. Is there a way? I am not able to do it in the input mask somehow.

Thanks for any help in advance.

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Option Buttons Convert Values To Text

May 18, 2012

I am designing a database for our audit teams to carry out reviews of our claims handlers and have put next to each of the questions on a form an option group of three option buttons, "Yes", "No", "Not Applicable" with the values "1", "-1" and "0" respectively. This value is then stored in a table under the relevant field, intQuestionValue, for Q1, Q2, Q3 etc.

This works well for calculating scores, percentages etc. for all the questions. However the manager of the team has said that there will be times when he wants to report by the number of "No" answers for example, so that he look at trends and build these into training plans etc.

I do have a table, tblScores, which has two columns in it. One for the text element, "Yes", "No", "N/A" and the other has the corresponding numeric value in it.

Because there are numerous questions i cannot seem to create a join in a query for the numeric value to bring back the text value. The only other method that came to mind was to write the text outcome to a table as well at the same time, but I'm not sure how I would do this at the same time as clicking the option button, or would it all save when i (the user) closes the form?

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Round Up Decimal Point To 4 Decimal Places

Jun 2, 2005

Hi there,

I am not sure the best way to do this,

I have a field with values that look like: 1.69553366385509 or 0.0061705541157596

I want these values to look like: 1.6955 or 0.0062 (4 decimal places [rounded up if possible])

Thanks for your help with this


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Queries :: Convert Boolean Fields To Integers / Blank For Null Values

May 22, 2015

I have a query which returns, among other things, a number of boolean fields. In some cases, there will be a genuine True or False value in each of these fields; in others, it can and should be Null (e.g. as a result of a 'failed' LEFT JOIN of some description, where there is no associated record in the joined table which fulfills the criteria)

So something like this :

SELECT [tblTable2].[fldBooleanField]....
FROM [tblTable1]
LEFT JOIN [tblTable2]
ON [tblTable1].[SomeID] = [tblTable2].[SomeID]

However, I will be writing the result of the query to a text file and here's the problem. I want to show a numeric value for a genuine True / False (i.e. -1 and 0 respectively using the standard boolean conversions in Access) and a blank for any Null values.

So I tried this :

SELECT CInt([tblTable2].[fldBooleanField]) AS fldBooleanField....
FROM [tblTable1]
LEFT JOIN [tblTable2]
ON [tblTable1].[SomeID] = [tblTable2].[SomeID]

However, currently when I look at the exported recordset in Notepad, I am getting 0's for both False and Null values (and -1 for True)

How I can adapt my query to keep Nulls...null? And convert the genuinely present boolean values to integer form?

Only thing I can think of is to use (untested) :

IIf([tblTable2].[fldBooleanField] Is Null, Null, CInt([tblTable2].[fldBooleanField]))

But there's a number of boolean fields in there, all requiring the same treatment.

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Decimal Problem

Nov 27, 2005

I am new to this forum and Access 2000.
When creating a table I want to use a field to record hours worked to the tenth of an hour. When I enter 6.7 and tab to the next field the hours record as 7. I am using field size as integer, decimal as 1 and format as general number. I have tried numerous other combinations, but whatever decimal I enter rounds to show no decimal in the table. I will use this field in calculations.
I suspect the solution is simple, but I am not having any luck. I'd appreciate some help.

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Decimal Places

Jan 10, 2007

I am using an inventory software program called ERP. I am trying to have at least 8 decimal places show in all my reports/tables/etc. I have set decimal places to 8 and 8 are showing up in some the reports BUT after the 4th decimal place, the other 4 decimals default to 0 (i.e. I put .19214, but only
.19210000 shows up). In other tables only 4 decimal places are showing up (no 0 or anything after the 4th decimal place. I would greatly appreciate any help!!!



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Decimal Place

Jan 27, 2007

i have a statement like this:

rs![tblRecurringDefects] = f("txtTotalRecurring" & i) / f("txtTotalJobs" & i) * 100

how can i have two decimal place?

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Decimal Contorl

May 14, 2007

I have a table set up with a numeric field with 2 decimal places. When this table runs through a couple queries and comes out in a report - somehow the number is rounded. Where would the rounding occur - how can I stop it from happening?

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Decimal Problem

Jul 20, 2007

Is there anyway in a query or a form to set the amount of decimal places on a number or change it to currency. In one query im dividing a price by a mileage and I get a really long string of number and I need to make it just be two decimals.

Any ideas.

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Decimal Places

Apr 12, 2005

I have search the forum and cannot find an answer, can anyone please help. I have a few field in my table that have number and I would like to be able to enter decimal place numbers like 8.25.

I have set:

Field Size = 'Long Integer'
Format = 'General Number'
Decimal Places = '2'

When I go to enter a number it rounds to the whole so when I enter 8.25 it inputs 8.

Any ideas? I need the decimal to show in the query and the form and it isn't showing in any of those. I have set the query to 2 decimal places and form to 2 decimal places.

Thank you very much!


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Decimal Places

Jan 26, 2006

Hi all,

I want to but numbers with 2 decimal places in a field. I have the data type set to number in the desired field - yet when I copied and pasted the data over, all the numbers that had 2 decimal places lost them. The only number visible was the whole number. How can I make the numbers reatain their 2 decimal places?


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Decimal Problem

Jan 17, 2007

Hi guys,

just a short question,

I want my autonum. to be in 3 decimals:


Someone has a suggestion??
Thanks a lot.


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Decimal Problem

Jan 17, 2007

Hi guys,

just a short question,

I want my autonum. to be in 3 decimals:


Someone has a suggestion??
Thanks a lot.


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Decimal Number

Oct 22, 2007

my problem is how to reduce decimal number of column in the tables. Problem is that some numbers are quotients and they have a lot of decimal which make a problem in the report where they have to have just 2 decimals.
Column in the query and in the report is not reserved only for numbers.
if some one have idea?

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Decimal Number

Oct 22, 2007

my problem is how to reduce decimal number of column in the tables. Problem is that some numbers are quotients and they have a lot of decimal which make a problem in the report where they have to have just 2 decimals.
Column in the query and in the report is not reserved only for numbers.
if some one have idea?

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Decimal Number

Oct 22, 2007

my problem is how to reduce decimal number of column in the tables. Problem is that some numbers are quotients and they have a lot of decimal which make a problem in the report where they have to have just 2 decimals.
Column in the query and in the report is not reserved only for numbers.
if some one have idea?

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Decimal Point

Dec 14, 2005


I have data numbers:


How can I put a decimal point two from the right ie:



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Decimal Places

Aug 8, 2006

I have values (using a make-table query) in an Currency field like £123.45.

Using an update query, I want to make these values become £123. What function, or otherwise, can I use to get this?

I have used a combination of the Round and CInt functions to do this but all I get is £123.00 not £123. I know I can change the DecimalPlaces table property to 0 to get what I want, but I am running code to do all this, hence I need an update query that will resolve the issue if possible.

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Auto Decimal?

Jul 21, 2005

Is there a way to make some of the entry fields in my form auto add the decimal so that when users do data entry they do not have to enter the decimal point? I can do it in excel, but I haven't figured out how to do in Access form.

I want to be able to just enter 456755 and it format correctly, when the actual number is 4567.55.

Any help for a newb would be great!

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