How To Enter A Parameter Box On A Crosstab Query

Dec 23, 2013

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, is it possible to enter a parameter box on a crosstab query?

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Queries :: Crosstab Queries - Export Command Ask To Enter Date Parameter Twice

Feb 24, 2015

I have a crosstab queries which uses the date query parameters. However, when I go to my Export command (code is below), it ask me to enter the date parameters (start date and end date) twice. What do I have to do so that the system will ask me to enter once only?

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "qryEXPORT"

[Code] .....

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Parameter Crosstab Query And Reports

Apr 6, 2006

I have searched and searched for a thread before posting this, there are some discussions on related issues, but I could not find a solution. This is my problem:

I have a table with Incident_Type (a total of 6 selections from a combo-box), Incident_date, Incident_SubArea(25 selections from a combo-box), a check box for IsStaff_reported and all these are recorded by Incident_ID.

I have created a monthly report based on a parameter query that prompts for start and end dates using a custom form for incidents.

Now I need parameter (again start and end dates) cross-tab queries for number of incidents (i.e. count of Incident_ID) that are 1. IsStaff_reported, and 2. Not IsStaff_reported. to show up in a single report.

I dont know if that is too much to ask for or is there a simple way to accomplish this. Any help is appreciated.

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Parameter Crosstab Query - No Result

Apr 19, 2006

Hi All,

Im trying to create a crosstab query with parameter entry from a form.

I wish to be able to specify a date (using Microsoft DTPicker control) and a shift (using a combo box to the relevant table) to make the selections.

These two selections on the form are the criteria for the cross tab query which returns the downtime totals for each category for each line.

I have defined the parameters for the query by putting which seems to work for most people from what I've read, and has worked for me on previous forms in the same database (although not in parameter crosstabs....this is my 1st parameter crosstab)

However, I still get no result from the query. Without the parameters, the crosstab query works fine.

Help please...I'm really stuck. Here is the sql for the query, can anyone see anything that is obviously wrong with it?

Much Appreciated and thanks in advance to all!



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Queries :: How To Use Criteria Or Parameter In Crosstab Query

Oct 5, 2013

I have a table that has three columns: Nationality, Gender, and Date. First I had the problem of grouping the Nationality column by Gender. That i resolved by creating a crosstab query. Now, I want to put a criteria on Date field so that when the query is run it will ask for the date input and will only show the Nationality and Gender result for specific dates. But when I write something in Criteria field it shows an error saying: "The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize "[Registration Date]" as a valid field name or expression"..

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Queries :: Cannot Sort Query - Enter Parameter Value Error

Sep 16, 2014

I cannot sort below query in descending order by absolute value. If I do not use sort, all works fine but as soon as I try to sort by absolute value I get message to 'Enter Parameter Value'. I tried to replace Abs([Variance (W2 - W1)]) with filed name AbsoluteValue and still the same result ;(


SELECT [Query Union].[Stock Code] AS SKU, [Query Union].[Pallet No] AS [Pallet No], [Query Union].[Batch No#] AS Batch, IIf(IsNull([qW1 SOH].[Physical stock]),0,CDbl([qW1 SOH].[Physical stock])) AS [W1 Qty], IIf(IsNull([W2 SOH].[Good Stock]),0,CDbl([W2 SOH].[Good Stock])) AS [W2 Qty], [W2 Qty]-[W1 Qty] AS [Variance (W2 - W1)], Abs([Variance (W2 - W1)]) AS AbsoluteValue


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Queries :: Enter Query Criteria - Filter All Record From Parameter Table

Nov 14, 2013

I have table which store set of number

table: parameter
field: Branch

I want to use enter query criteria so that it can filter all record from parameter table, How can I do? or any VBA code can serve same purpose?

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Enter Parameter Value

Jun 8, 2005

I have a form and it is related with a query and by clicking ok I got the required results in Access 97. But now I have converted to Access 2002 and whenever i enter values in the form and click ok I get a Dialog Box "Enter Dialog Box". I read MKB article but it did not help me at all. Please help me out I am not getting any idea at all to solve this problem?

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Enter Parameter Value

Jun 1, 2007

I have searched other threads and cannot find one that helps solve my problem. So, I hope someone can help.

I have a query which runs ok until it is filtered. I have tried using criteria to filter the info I need but this returns an 'Enter Parameter Value' message. Running the query without using criteria works okay but using a filter in the report itself returns a 'Data Mismatch' message.

The report filters fine on fields until it gets to one that has been changed from text to number. It also includes an Nz formula. The formula in the is field is: CLng(Nz([order_no],0)). Other fields related to this also appear to be affected.

I need the CLng formula as the field is needed to calculate other fields using a zero instead of a null which would otherwise cause an error. I was given the formula on this forum yesterday, (thanks Bob Larson and AlanJ10), which was great in solving the other issue but is this is what is affecting filtering, (ie. a confusion between text and number?!?!) I have also tried converting the result of the calculation I want to filter back into text using CStr but this does not make any difference.

I have checked the field names and also renamed fields that were 'Expr' (as in default names for calculated fields), and cannot see any problems.


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Enter Parameter Value (need Help)

Sep 29, 2007

I have a query and one of the fields/headings i have it create is a "cost" total where it does a dlookup from a defaults table.

I then have a "listprice" which is antoher field in the querry of which the data table sits.

I want to take the [listprice] and minus the [cost] without re-creating the dlookup function...

I need this to help with an APR calulction using the RATE function which if i have it do all the dlookups it says I have exceeded the limitiation and will be trumcated. So if i use the name [cost] it works but i have to hit enter because it says "Enter Parameter Value".

Any ideas how to get around this?

Thank you.

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Enter Parameter Value

Jan 26, 2008

I have the following query that gives me this halt. If I enter without responding to it it opens in Datasheet view as intended. It wants me to enter Query2.EmpID. This is my SQL statement.

SELECT qryPolicyByDriverName.CWSPolicy, qryPolicyByDriverName.EmpID, qryPolicyByDriverName.DriverName
FROM tblTrainingPoliciesNotCoveredDrivers INNER JOIN qryPolicyByDriverName ON tblTrainingPoliciesNotCoveredDrivers.CWSPolicy = qryPolicyByDriverName.CWSPolicy;

I don't know why this is happening. Thanks for looking at my problem.

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Enter Parameter Value

Jul 9, 2005

ok im am not sure if this is in the right place but it seems to be a form problem.
i have a form that has a textbox(text1) which is used to enter a supplier name, the user then presses enter and another form opens up with all the supplier details.ok.
the code i have to do this is on the afterupdate of text1 which is unbound is
DoCmd.openform"SupplierDetails",,,"[Supplier Name]=" & Supplier name
when i use this code and the enter key is pressed an `Enter Parameter Value` dialog box appears with the supplier name under the blue title bar.if i then enter the supplier name again it opens the second form and displays all the details i want.
If i use the code
DoCmd.openform"SupplierDetails",,,"[Supplier Name]"= me.Supplier_name
it opens up the second form without the dialog box but it doesnt display any details.
is ther any way to adjust the first code so the dialog box isnt displayed and just goes straight to the second form and displaying the details.
i have gone through as many posts as i can but cant seem to find a fix.

any help would be appriciated thanks

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Queries :: Calculation As Value Parameter Within Crosstab

Jul 14, 2014

I have the following database, in my query I am trying to do a calculation as the value parameter within the corsstab.

Ultimately I an trying to get month as the Row Header (from date) and Category as the column header. The Value inside the table I am trying to calculate is A/(B-C-D)...

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Queries :: Function As Crosstab PARAMETER

Jan 9, 2015

I have a report based on a crosstab query with a subreport based on a second crosstab query both the crosstab queries have the same 3 parameters (2 as string, 1 as boolean) which I pass through a dialog form that closes after the report is opened (in preview).looks like everything works fine at least for the first page of the report but when I try change page, it prompts me to re-enter the parameters. Of course, if a do not close the parameters form I will not have this problem but that is a popup dialog which I do not want to close manually after the operation is done

So I tried to pass the form input first to a Public variable then to a Public Function but I was not able to reference neither of them in the PARAMETER statement of the 2 Xtab queries..As a function, each of the following declarations prompts for input at runtime::

MyFunction, [MyFunction], [MyFunction()], [=MyFunction()]
while the following are not accepted (syntax error)
MyFunction(), =MyFunction()

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Is It Possible To Enter The Contents Of The Parameter Value Box?

Jul 13, 2007

Does anyone know if it's possible to edit the contents of the "Enter Parameter Value" Box...for starters, I'd like to delete the phrase "Please Enter Parameter Value" as it means nothing to most users of Access; also, I'd like to format the text that I've entered in the query itself, i.e. make it bold, increase the size of it.

Incidentally, I did go down the route of linking my query to a form but this caused problems as I want more that one user to be able to view their particular parameter value at the same time.

Many thanks

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Mystery 'Enter Parameter Value' Pop Up!

Nov 8, 2006

Hey all,

I have been looking everywhere on a search form and its related queries / tables for a missing value / error that causes this pop up:

Enter Parameter Value

The report opens fine once that parameter error is cleared, and I cannot find what it is refering to at all. Does Access have any tools to help me track that down instead of blindly looking at every component piece by piece and hoping to stumble upon it?

I found the code below to clear P.V. errors (I think anyway - I would rather figure out what is causing it, but after way too much time spent on it, I still have had zero luck), and I have toyed with this and am having no luck:

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error Resume Next

Dim ctl As Control
Dim var As Variant
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Me.RecordSource)

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
var = rst(ctl.ControlSource)

If Err = 438 Then ' Control has no Controlsource-property
Resume Next
End If
If Err = 3265 Then ' Controlsource doesn't exist in recordsource
ctl.ControlSource = ""
Resume Next
End If
Next ctl
End Sub

As always, any and all help is very appreciated!

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Reports :: Enter Parameter Value

Jan 15, 2015

I am trying to create a report, filtered on a combo box(txtname).This combo box is having a list of names.I have one query(mainquery) based on a single table(maintbl).I created a blank form(GenerateReport) with abovementioned combo box(txtname) and a simple button, which will open a simple report.In mainquery, under names column i am defining the criteria:


Report is being filtered accurately.But when I open query i receive error 'Enter parameter Value'

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General :: Enter Parameter Value

Feb 23, 2015

why I get a pop up asking for parameter value of fields I no longer have in my table? It says this when I open my form. I deleted the fields from my form but it's still asking for it.

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Modules & VBA :: Enter Parameter Value

Apr 16, 2015

i have the following code

Dim str As String
str = "select combination from tbl_userinformation where Username= txtuser.value AND actualdate=txtdate.value ; "
If DCount("*", "tbl_userinformation", " [05-Henrichpiramid]=true AND " & _
"Username = '" & Me![txtuser] & _
"' AND [actualdate] = " & Format(Me![txtdate], "#mm/dd/yyyy#")) > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunSQL (" update tbl_userinformation SET combination = str &'05-Henrichpiramid' where Username= txtuser.value AND actualdate=txtdate.value ;")

but when i run it it asks me for enter parameter value for str

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Reports :: Enter Parameter Value Again

Oct 20, 2014

I have a command button that opens a report.In one of my reports, this macro works:

="[eEmployeeID]=" & [eEmployeeID]

However, in another command button that should open another report, the code below does not seem to work:

="[echEmployeeID]=" & [eEmployeeID]

It just keeps giving me errors saying that there's a mismatch, etc. The field in my report that holds Employee ID is named echEmployeeID. If I write this code:

="[echEmployeeID]=" & "[eEmployeeID]"

it sort of works, but Access asks me to enter parameter value first before executing the where condition. I already tried to change [echEmployeeID] to [eEmployeeID] both in the source table, and the report but it just doesn't work.

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Unwanted Enter Parameter Value Box

Oct 23, 2014

I have a query with several different columns. One Column, CodeNum is built based on the values in Expr4. When I try to set a criteria for CodeNum (Like "8*"), and I run the query, I get a popup for Expr4 ("Enter Parameter Value | Expr4). I want to get all values of Expr4 when CodeNum starts with an 8.

CodeNum is built as follows: JCC: Left([Expr4],InStr([Expr4],"/")-1)

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Form Enter Parameter Value Pop-Up

Apr 20, 2014

I have Created This Macro (Photo1) to Display Clients Home Address on A Bing Map, however, When I run Code I get A "Enter Parameter Value" Pop-Up. (Photo2) When I actually enter ClientID number in this case 5 it Does what I want See (Photo3). How do I get it to open directly to form with out Enter Parameter Value popup?

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Enter Parameter Value Message - After Sorting

Nov 26, 2007


SQL backend - Access frontend. All clients have the same frontend. Everybody can run the queries with [Please input value] as the criteria. Box pops up, they enter criteria and sort away, works fine.

On one machine, after sorting the results, it will always ask 'Enter Parameter Value'. I've relinked all the tables, checked for missing references, checked the ODBC, pulled across a replacement client. The query hasn't any ORDER BY clauses in, it's not linked to a report, it's just a simple query on one table. Except it seems on this one machine!

I've just tried stripping down the query to a couple of fields and changed the field the user has to input on. Same problem when I sort. So I've tried another table - same problem. It's as though the query is running and then forgetting the criteria?

I really want to put the PC in the skip now but it's got to be something relatively simple. Hasn't it?!!

Any ideas as to which way to turn would be much appreciated!

Many thanks

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Enter Parameter Value On Close In Windows XP

Feb 14, 2005

I have a problem on one of my forms that is used for maintaining subcontractor info. I use a list box as record selector, and the data source is a query based on which sub is selected from the list box. The list box itself is populated by a query, which uses an unbound check box (IncludeInactive) on the form to either include or exclude active subs. It all works fine except when I exit. I have a close form button, and when ever I use it to close the form, it gives me an “Enter Paramet Value” message for IncludeInactive. I don’t understand why. The only place it is referenced is the listbox, and it is only used while selecting a sub. The really odd thing is if I exit the screen use the close window button, I don’t get the error. My close form button is a simple DoCmd.Close, and has no other code in it. Can anyone give me any ideas where to look. I have reviewed the little VB code there is, and I don’t see anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Can Use Enter Parameter Value Dialog

Feb 1, 2014

Can I open a "Enter Parameter Value" dialog box to capture and use the input without running a query?

something like

ParaBox ("Enter the Hostname", vbEntParameterVal, "Hostname Required")


Set pDialog = Application.ParaValueDialog(mso?????)

I need a short string input from the users at application load, and I'd like to use the "Enter Parameter Value" dialog.I'm about to build a workaround that will invoke a SQL statement to save the entry to a temp table, but it'd be nice if I could just call up that dialog box and store the entry as a VBA variable.

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Forms :: Remove Enter Parameter Value

May 26, 2015

I can not remove the Enter Parameter Value. In the attached date base, go to frmEvents, and double click on one of the shows, and you will get that error. I have deleted lines of code, text boxes, and anything else that is associated with the txtSearchS.

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