How To Get Table Display

Jan 13, 2013

I was given a access database which was designed to use as a CRM system to manage customer info for the company. My company is using access 2010. When I open the database, there are only forms. I was able to look into the relationship and see many table behind. The problem is I can't have those tables displayed on the left side to start building to get those tables displayed?

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Forms :: Display Some Fields From Master Table And Only Last Entry From Child Table

Jul 1, 2013

I have 2 tables, master & child. with a one to many relationship.

On one of my forms I want to display some of the fields from the master table and only the last entry from my child table.

How would i accomplish this?

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How Do I Display A Certain Value Based On A Table?

Apr 6, 2006

I have a table with three fields, StartDate, EndDate and Holiday Name. What I am trying to do is have a query search this table and determine if a date is between any of the startdate and enddate fields, and if it is have it output "Holiday", and have it output "Non-Holiday" if it does not.

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Display Table On Form

Oct 3, 2005

I have a form where a user enters a bunch of client info into a database. I also have a form that I want to use if a user wants to view the table. What control do I use to display the data? I want it to be in tabular form so they can browse the list.

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Using A Combo Box To Display A Table

Jul 7, 2006

I'd like to be able to select a choice of printer manufacturer(as a combo box), which will then display all the printer cartridges made by that manufacturer in a table below the combo box. I have made the forms (with the relevent combo box looking up manufacturers) but am now sure how to relate the two so that the table updates, depending on which manufacturer is selected. Again this seems like a simple problem but I am new to access and sitll working my way around the program.

(Yes, I have tried goodle, but I can't seem to find quite what I'm looking for)

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Using A Combo Box To Display A Table

Jul 7, 2006

I'd like to be able to select a choice of printer manufacturer(as a combo box), which will then display all the printer cartridges made by that manufacturer in a table below the combo box. I have made the forms (with the relevent combo box looking up manufacturers) but am now sure how to relate the two so that the table updates, depending on which manufacturer is selected. Again this seems like a simple problem but I am new to access and sitll working my way around the program.

(Yes, I have tried goodle, but I can't seem to find quite what I'm looking for)

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Display Multiple BE Table Results

Sep 1, 2007

:confused: I have 3 identical fe be database running each with a table called cars that has identical form values just obviously different data. I want to create a table or query to display all the results from these but whenever i try and make a query i cannot seem to work it out. Anyone got any ideas? :confused:

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Display A Message To Add Data To Corresponding Table Name

Aug 5, 2005

Hi, does anyone know how to create a query/or form that promts the user with a message box that says "enter table name", from this if the user types "A" then table A will be opened for the user to add data into or if the user types in "B" then table B will be opened for the user to add data into. Ideally I would like a form that opens (either form a or form b) that allows the user to enter the details into the corresponding table (a or b)

Tables A & B are both emty to start of with. The field names in both tables are: user_id, firstname, lastname, date

Please help?

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Cannot Display Specific Record From Table

Oct 20, 2005

Well, here's another newbie question.

First let me say, I've search this forum for as long as tolerable looking for a simular problem as mine and could not find one. I am sure this isn't the first time this question has been asked.

I have taken a few Access courses at a local college for my own personal use and have discovered that the courses albeit expensive, just covered what appears to be mere basics.

At this time, I do not understand SQL or VBA. Nonetheless, I have created a database to organize my four bookcase library.

The library consists of books & mags, records(33's, 45's and 78's), DVD's, VHS & Digital tapes, CD's(Music and software).

I have created tables for Books/Mags, Video and Music. All of which pulls required data from a list in other tables such as mediatype (Book, DVD, Record etc..), location(C1S2R which has a description field as Case 1 Second Shelf Right side area) and Genre(Country Music, Video Sci-Fi, Fiction Reading etc...).

When I query on a field such as Title, it brings back the desired results. However, when I query on a field where the data was import from another table such as Genre, the result is an empty table and yet the record truly exsist.

For instance this is the criteria I used Like ["Genre"] & "*" When prompted I typed V and expect at least one record that had Video Sci-FI listed. The result came back blank. When I just hit OK then the whole table would display and sure enough the Video Sci-Fi record would be there as well.

This is true of all the fields/data that has been pulled into the table from another table. I have tried many combinations of the criteria command to no avail.

If I can get this part to work I can quit biting my nails (or should I say nubs)

Thanx in advance mates.


~a nobody today a somebody tomorrow~

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Need To Display Value From Another Table If Current Value Is Null

Jul 13, 2006

There are 3 main tables

tblDrawingRegister - stores information about construction drawings
tblDrawing Revisions - each drawing in tblDrawingRegister has one or more revision or version
tblVendorDrawingList - this table has a list of drawings numbers that correspond to the drawings in tblDrawingRegister.

The drawing numbers from the vendor table as provided as an 'extra' as some people are more familiar with this numbering system.

Now the issue is that there is a one-to-many relationship between tblDrawingRegister and tblVendorDrawingList. In the screenshot I've attached there are 14 drawing numbers that correspond to one drawing number in tblDrawingRegister. (This is because the main supplier has packaged 14 drawings as one with just one drawing number). When this is the case I want to display the drawing title from the Vendor table. Otherwise if should just show the title from tblDrawingRegister.

I have tried using Dlookup to show the title from the vendor table when there are dublicates in the vendor table. It didn't work and I think this would be really slow. I've tried a few other things too but to no avail.

I really hope that this is clear. I've attached screenshots of the query too.

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Display Field From Child Table

Oct 21, 2006

I hv a relationship as follows:

Person 1 ------- N Assignment

(PersonID, lastName, firstName...)

(AssignmentID, PersonID, AssignmentDate, Score)

I would like to show the Score of the latest assignment in the Person Form, how can I do it?

Thx in advance!!

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Using A Command Button To Display A Table

Sep 3, 2004

Can I use a command button to display my table? If so, what code needs to be used?

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Display A Field From A Linked Table

Oct 5, 2006

I'm working on a MS Access database, there's one table linked from a ODBC database.

In the ACESS table, I defined 2 fields,A and B, each of them maps the field in the ODBC table. A field C in the ODBC database can return a unique value with both the info. A and B.

We want the C value can be automatically show up after we input the A. B value in a MS ACCESS form.

It sounds very easy. and if we use asp it should be easy. However, I just get stucked here. Whether I can do it in MS ACCESS.

Can anyone help?

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Forms :: Display Table Fields Have No Value

May 30, 2014

I have a from which asks for a date, then displays the records from a table that match that date. On that form, I can make changes. Then I hit a recalculate button which has an EVENT which attempts to manipulate those field names from the table, BUT those field names in a debug.print are coming up blank. How do I get the values from the form/Table to be available to the Event? Probably simple, I'm just not sure how.

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Display ADO Query Result In A Table Form

May 1, 2008

I would like to allow users create a query and then display the result in a new table. Just like the regular way in Access.

I know how to do it using DAO. However, I am working on a ADP, and want to use ADO for this. I cannot find a solution in ADO. So frustrated!

Any help is appreciated!

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Using Form Fields To Display Other Table Information

Jan 17, 2006

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I have a simple database, consisting of two tables and one form. I'd like the form to display information mainly from the first table (table 1). For this, I have used the Form Wizard, which works well and displays as it should. My problem comes when trying to display data from table 2, without using the Form Wizard.

I have a simple field called 'Number' in 'Table 2'. I'd like this value displayed in a text box along with table 1's data. I've tried using the expression builder, which gives me something along the lines of:

[tbl_Table 2]![Number]

But this is displayed as:


...when I open the form. Could anyone explain how I do this correctly please? All I'm trying to do is display data from other tables in the form.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Display Total Table Entries? Simple...

Jul 5, 2006

Hey guys.
Seems simple enough, I just can't figure out how to do it. How can I display the total number of table entries in a textbox on a form? thanks!

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Query 2 Tables, But Only Display Fields From One Table

Apr 3, 2005

I have two tables:

TokenID (PK)

TokenID (PFK)

I am trying to display all the fields from Employee table where Employee.TokenID= Rating.TokenID but I only want to display the fields from the Employee Table and not from the rating table. And each record displayed should be distinct by the TokenID....

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Forms :: Display Records Of Table On The Form

Jul 15, 2013

I am trying to display a table records on the form with this code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim str As String

On Error GoTo Err_cmd_vimport_Click
'defining the form recordset

[Code] ...

MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmd_vimport_Click
End Sub

however i could not be able get any results in the form as if the debugging is not showing an error.

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Queries :: Query To Display ALL Rows From Table 3

Feb 6, 2014

i have 3 simple tables as follows:

OwnerID, Owner_LastName,

TenantID, Tenant_LastName,

ID, Date, Amount, OwnerID, TenantID

I need query to display ALL the rows from Table3 and show columns of Owner_LastName and Tenant_Lastname. However, I want the rows in Table3, that do not have the value for TenantID to still appear, just with Tenant_LastName being left blank.

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Reports :: How To Display Table Field In Report

Sep 2, 2013

I'm using Access 2007.

I have a Customer table that has a field "PostalCode" that is numerical an is connected to a field called PostalID in a table called PostalCode and has the actual postal code stored in a field call Pcode.

I have everything working ok as far as displaying the correct Pcode on the various forms. eg: is the PostalID is 10, I want the form to display the Pcode of 2000.

I can't figure out how to display the Pcode in a report.....

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Forms :: Textbox To Display First Date From Table

Feb 4, 2015

I need a textbox to display the first/earliest date from a table.

RThe table is called tblIncidents and the textbox is txtFirstDate

I've considered a variable and tried with querys etc.

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Field Counter, Display No. Of Occurences In A Table On A Form

Oct 5, 2006


in my table i have a customer id number.

each job will have one customer id number.. and customers will have many jobs to their id

i simply want to display on my form the number of times that customer's id has appeared in my bookings table.

eg.. a customer has used our services 25 times.. (so obviously their customer id is found 25 times in the booking table as a foreign key)

so can i just place a control on my form that displays this value (i presume it is some kind of counter)..

so i will know on my customer form how many times they have been included in a booking record

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Tables :: Date Display Change In Table View?

Mar 10, 2014

I have a table that contains many column but one of the columns is the "Collected Date". the dates entered in this column in in this format: 2013.10.28 however I to upload this table in another software to analyse, I need the date to be in this format: 10/28/2013 I already tried changing the format in the design view but since the format is currently in text it does not allow me to change the format into date!

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Forms :: Display Pie Chart Which Is Not Linked To Table / Query?

Mar 27, 2014

I have a status form which I use to show users the progress of various routines as they are performed. It's pretty basic; just a textbox and a couple of coloured labels; one for the outline ('things to be done') and one for the progress so far ('things done').

I have a function which I call periodically during the runtime of the routine which passes as arguments the text to display in the textbox (i.e. a description of which 'thing' is being worked on at that time) and two long integers representing what is 'done' and what is 'to be done' (i.e. 3 'things' done out of a total of 7)

So if I can divide a function into 7 distinguishable 'parts', I would call that function 7 times during the life of the overall process to show the updated status each time.

The function redraws the labels (i.e. sets the width of the 'done' label as a proportion of the width of the 'to be done' label, based on the ratio of the two arguments) and repaints the form. So you get a nice animated progress bar which can be easily controlled by calling the same function and just incrementing the 'done' argument each time.

Now - and admittedly this is purely aesthetic and for my own curiosity rather than anything fundamental - I was wondering if it were possible to represent this progress as a 3D pie chart rather than a horizontal bar (label)?

For no other reason than I think it would look really tidy.

I know it's possible to add a chart object to a form but the chart wizard insists I link the chart to a table or query. In this instance, I don't want to do that; I merely want to draw a very basic pie chart based on the two values passed as arguments to the status function.

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Modules & VBA :: Way To Display Table In A Single Row Separated By Commas

Jun 18, 2013


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'Insert database table into document

Selection.Range.InsertDatabase Format:=11, Style:=191, LinkToSource:=False, _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `tblNoonan`" & "", _
DataSource:="N:TorrentSetupNGS.accdb", _
From:=-1, To:=-1, IncludeFields:=False
End Sub

The code runs and displays like this:

xxxx yyyyyy
xxx yyyyyy
xxx yyyyyy
xxxxxx yyyyyy
xxxx yyyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyy
xxx yyyyyy
xxxx yyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyyyy
xxxx yyyy
xxxxxx yyyyyy
xxxx yyyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyyy

Is there a way to display the table in a single row separated by commas:

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