How To Make That Query

Oct 31, 2007

I have 2 tables: first table has 4 columns:
/job code/project1/project2/project3/
job code is some digits, and in next columns are the job description (different for each project).

The second table has
/project name/job code/description/working hours/date/

I made the query what shows how many working hours was consumed for each project monthly
and my working codes, but I would like to have job descriptions after job code, If its project1
then the description should be taken from first table from the column "project1". Is it possible to do it with

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Queries :: Combine Two Query Sql Code To Make Only One Query

Apr 5, 2013

First query = Sum Products:

SELECT Sum(Tab1.Inputs) AS SumOfInputs, Sum(Tab1.ValInp) AS SumOfValInp, Sum(Tab1.Outputs) AS SumOfOutputs, Sum(Tab1.ValOut) AS SumOfValOut, Products.Product, Products.VAT, Products.UM
FROM Tab1 INNER JOIN Produse ON Tab1.ProductID = Products.ProductID
GROUP BY Products.Product, Products.VAT, Product.UM, Tab1.ProductID;

Second query :

SELECT Nz([SumOfInputs],0)-Nz([SumOfOutputs],0) AS Stoc, Nz([SumOfValInp],0)-Nz([SumOfValOut],0) AS ValStoc, IIf([Stoc]=0,0,([ValStoc]/[Stoc])) AS CMP, [Sum Products].Product, [Sum Products].SumOfInputs, [Sum Products].SumOfOutputs, [Sum Products].SumOfValInp, [Sum Products].SumOfValOut, [Sum Products].VAT, [Sum Products].UM
FROM [Sum Products]
GROUP BY [Sum Products].Product, [Sum Products].SumOfInputs, [Sum Products].SumOfOutputs, [Sum Products].SumOfValInp, [Sum Products].SumOfValOut, [Sum Products].VAT, [Sum Products].UM
HAVING (((Nz([SumOfInputs],0)-Nz([SumOfOutputs],0))>0.09 Or (Nz([SumOfInputs],0)-Nz([SumOfOutputs],0))<-0.09));

I need to combine those two query sql code to make only one query.

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Is It Possible To Do Make Table Query From Union Query ?

Nov 14, 2007

can't seem to be able to do so..

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How To Make This Query?

May 15, 2006

I have a little problem with making a query and would need your help.

I have the following temporary table that gets filled automatically with 2 records every day:


The first record will have the DATE, TIME, NAME ( always the same ) and the CODE that can be START or STOP.

What i need, is to put the 2 records from the same day in a single row to get something like that:

Until now i was able to make 2 different queries. One can give me the START info's, the other one the STOP info's.
My question is if there is a possibility to combine those 2 queries or to make one query to get the result i need.

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How To Make This Query?

Dec 15, 2007

How would I make this query:

I have with me a gene database. I have primary key as ID and another field, called Field2. It looks like this:

ID | Field2
1 BRCA1 (br1)
2 BRCA2 (br2)
3 APRE (apx)

I have several more ids like this in this database. I am fine with the first gene abbreviation, but the second one in the parentheses is redundant. I want them eliminated however it will take too long to go through and manually delete these redundant names.

Is there a way to make a query to erase the text in parentheses and the parentheses themselves?? I think it will go as an Expression in the query or perhaps I can use an Update query, but I am not sure beyond this point.

Please help. It is urgent. Thanks.

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How To Make This Query?

Dec 17, 2007


I am having some trouble here.

I have a gene database with several tables. One table is called GenesMain. The other is called temp (temporary table). The GenesMain has a little more information (more fields and pulling info from other tables in the db) than the temp table (which is the basic template with basic info)

When I find new genes from places like NCBI or other genetic databases, I make a temp table and put them in there. My hope is to update the GenesMain table with this info using an append query or update query.

The first time I run the database over a new batch of genes, I am fine making a temp table and producing a GenesMain table.

The 2nd time I run the database over a newly found set of genes (like a few days later or few months later), I can easily make a temp table.

I am having trouble now updating my GenesMain table to reflect this newly found information.

Does anyone know how to update my GenesMain table with the newly made info from the temp table? Thanks

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How To Make A Query Run Faster

May 8, 2007


I am opening a query in Access which has two linked sql tables but it takes to long to open. Can I choose a method (ADO) opening that query? If not, is there a way to speed up the process?


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How To Make A Row With Totals In A Query

Sep 12, 2005

I have to make a query using information out of an existing table. In the table there are two columns which I have to use in the query. I need to have the totals of these two columns. The table looks like this:
country amount1 amount2
A 2 3
B 4 6
C 5 2
D 5 3

What I want the query to look like is:
country amount1 amount2
A 2 3
B 4 6
C 5 2
D 5 3
16 14

As I am dutch, my english will not be perfect
Thank you in advance

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Make Table Query

Dec 22, 2005

When using a make table query, can you include an ID tag. in the output table? if so how

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Make Table Query Help

May 15, 2006

:confused: I am using a Make Table Query to filter a Linked Excel Table. Is there a way to cut/drop the first 8 characters of the text out of one of the fields as it creates the new table?

Field NameExcel DataFinal Data
Model_NameLATITUDE D600D600

Also, the final table has two Relationships with two other tables. When I run the Make Table Query once a week, I have to break the relationship to get it to run. Is there an easier way to dial with this?

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Make-Table Query ??

May 19, 2006

Is there a way in a Make-Table query to tell the table to open when it's created? I would assume there is a function or SQL code that would do this, but I know very little SQL. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Help To Make Query By Time

Aug 28, 2006

Good day,

I have a table with many records each record has specific time. I would like to make query by time to see how many transaction has been done every 10 minutes.

I made a query its show me only one period. how to see all others period.

For example:

Start Time--End Time -- Amount (Total of amount for the period)
10:00:00 -- 10:10:00 -- 2000
10:10:01 --- 10:20:00 -- 1500

and for all other period :

I have attached the file with the data table and query.

any help is very appreciated..

Thanks in Advance

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Make A Query Look Nicer?

Dec 15, 2006

Hi, Is it possible to load the results of a query into a form? I have a form where Id like the results of a query to go into. Can it be done?

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Make A Query Look Nicer?

Dec 15, 2006

Hi, Is it possible to load the results of a query into a form? I have a form where Id like the results of a query to go into. Can it be done?

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Make Table Query

Aug 27, 2007

I have a database named NewUpdate.mdb. I have another database named MainDatabase.mdb. Almost all the tables in NewUpdate.mdb are linked tables that are in the MainDatabase.mdb file.

I've written a simple make-table query in NewUpdate.mdb that makes a backup of a table that is located in the MainDatabase.mdb file. (See code below.)

SELECT tblProviderRate.* INTO tblProviderRateSave
FROM tblProviderRate;

The only problem is that this new table is created in the NewUpdate.mdb file. I need the query to be stored in the NewUpdate.mdb file and the "new" table to be created/stored in the MainDatabase.mdb file.

This sound simple enough, but I'm drawing a blank as to what I need to do in order for this to occur. Can someone tell me what I'm leaving out??


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Make Table Query

Nov 26, 2007

How to make-table query to make a certain field a memo field instead of a text field? The reason I cannot use the text field is the limitation is 255 characters while I require 2000 characters?

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How To Make This Delete Query?

Dec 13, 2007

I know what records I need to delete, just not sure how to do this.

I have 2 tables.
My main table, and a child table that hold some additional info for that record.

What I've been asked to do is, delete all records where in the child table the records meet a certain criteria.

So first I created a select query, added my main table, and then my child table.

Added my criteria to filter out and found the records they want removed.

So I thought I could just convert it to a delete query and be done. Nope because of the relationship between the tables it would not let me do it this way.

So the select query shows me all the ID#s that need to be removed (194k worth of them). How do I use the data from the select query, to create a delete query to remove all the files from the maintable (which should delete the data from the child table because of the relationship?)?

Here is the select query, that found the records that need to be deleted
SELECT tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Information, tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Issue, tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Review, tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Main_ID, T_tbl_main.Main_ID
FROM T_tbl_main INNER JOIN tbl_Edit_Type_IRR ON T_tbl_main.Main_ID = tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Main_ID
WHERE (((tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Information) Is Null) AND ((tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Issue) Is Null) AND ((tbl_Edit_Type_IRR.Review) Is Null));

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Make A Query From A Form

Jan 2, 2008

Can this be done?

I would like to genreate a query from a form. So when I want to run a monthly report for a month I can pick a mont or a date range and a criteria for the form such as crew meetings attended, paperwork in on time or up to seven different points of interest for a particular person.

I can do this relative simple in parameter query, but he users want a more efficient input form. Or maybe the word i "quicker". And if they use a drop down box from a data table to start the form/query, there won't be as many input errors.



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How To Make Query Run Faster

Mar 26, 2008

See attached image. I am looking for ways to make my query run faster. When I run this query for small groups which will return less than 100 records, the query takes about 30 seconds. However I have some groups that have over 1000 records and that will take 3-5 minutes to run. Actually sometimes the query even bombs after 30 seconds on the large groups.

This query hits against a linked SQL database. Three of the fields gets the criteria from a form combo box. The thing that makes this query take so long is the Count. It counts the number of times the Signature Type "duedte" has been changed.

I am looking for any suggestions for how to speed this up. I want real time results so I was not sure if copying the data locally each time then running the queries would help any in the overall time.

I appreciate any suggestions.


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Make Fast (query)

Apr 28, 2008

Hi all,
I converted one database from sqlbase to access.
It is so fast in sqlbase. But so slow in access. Taking time to run the query.
I need to make it fast.
Any help please.

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The Right Way To Make A Query By Form

Jan 30, 2006


I have a query by form named QBF_Form, I use it to help users query a form without having to open the query directly. A query, Cert, is based on this form using expressions like:
Like Forms!QBF_Form!Sales & "*" Or Forms!QBF_Form!Sales Is Null

This Cert query is a source for a form called Manage. I have a macro to open the "Manage" form, run the Cert query, and close the query . Everything works fine when I do this.

But when I click on the Manage form directly, I get this: Enter Parameter Value:

How can I prevent this from happening? How can I change the logic?

Thanks for your help again!

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Make Table Query

May 28, 2006

Dear friend

I need your help desperatly. In my db, I am making a "make table query" to match some text.

Help me build this please.

First a form which has text box, where I will put in some words..
Then a make table query, which will have =[form]![name of form]![control name]
A report on same table.

Means when some one puts some words in text field of form, on pressing hit button, a like statement is automatically created in one field of query which matches those words and a table is generated from them. Result is report.

Hope this is clear, could you please help me build this?

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Make Table Query

Dec 7, 2006

How can I set a button in an MSExcel sheet to run MSAccess make table query?

Please help. Thanks.

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How To Make A Search Query

Feb 8, 2008

I have 3 tables.

i want to make a search query that [1]searches for lawyers, and [2]which lawyer has issued which books.

If some tell me or better do it i'll be thankful. it is a school project and i have to submit tomorrow. i am not feeling well. please help me.

i have the image but can't post it here

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How To Make Hyperlink From All Record In A Query

Jul 27, 2006

I hope some one can help me hear as i am fairly new in this forum.
I have been using access from some time time and have come across a problem i and not shore how to solve.

I have query that contains a field which is a 6 digit number.
the number of record in query can change from day to day with anywhere between 1 to 100 records.

what i am looking to do is to create a hyperlink that access can follow that will contain a constant text stringof say
"[record1],[record2],so on untill all reocrds are filled.

Any help with this problem would be much appreciated



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Trying To Make A Query To Count Records

Sep 21, 2005

I am trying to make a query that will count how many times a word shows up in a field.

I am still new to access and am having trouble with this one.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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