How To Prevent Corruptions

Jul 21, 2005

I managed to corrupt a database. I think I did this by accidentally creating a module that had no info in it and was never complied.

The day before, I had made several table additions and had run compact and repair twice at the end of the day and all seemed well until the next time the database was opened. Does this make sense that an empty module caused the corruption? I'm asking so that I know how to avoid future mishaps. I'm using Access 2000. Is 2003 less likely to corrupt?

The database was running from my hard drive at the time, so it wouldn't have been a sharing violation.

I think I'll be able to get everything back by importing the objects into a new db.


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How To Prevent Tampering

Aug 13, 2007

I am doing more and more Access projects at work. I am using Access 2003. Is there a way I can prevent people from tampering with what I give them? I always create an autoexec macro and run "Windows Hide", then open the main form. Someone can easily unhide the window or hold down the shift key while opening the file, then tamper with what I have put together. Is there an simple and easy way I can prevent tampering?


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Prevent Changes On Log Once Saved

Oct 30, 2006

I am a school nurse. I have started to keep a record of office visits of all the kids that come to my office in a MS Access database. I have a table that I use for logging in each student, time, date, reason for visit, action taken, etc. along with a lot of other info on other tables and queries. I'm wondering how to keep the data entered on the health office log from being altered once entered. Is there a way to do this in Access? Thanks

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How T Prevent Duplicate Record Set

Mar 11, 2006

Hi All,

I have a recored set and i dont want a duplicate of the record set in the same table.

Say if my table name is businessskills and contains three fields(columns) and their names(Email , B_code, Rating) highlighted in red with data are as below

Email B_code Rating b001 1 b002 3 b005 2 b002 3 b007 3

I have 5 recordsets in my table as shown above and i want to prevent any e duplicates.

Is this possible to implement to with excel vba code or directly in Access Database, either ways is fine with me.

Can any one please help me with this.

Thanks in advance

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Prevent Copying Of Database

May 28, 2007

Does anyone have any ideas on how I might prevent a database from being copied. I have an application that I have set up with a number a tools to prevent exporting to an empty Access container, and from accessing the database design via the ShiftBypass feature, but the database can still be copied in its entirety. In some situations I would like to be able to add a feature to prevent this. Any suggestions?

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Prevent To Open The Database

Jun 5, 2007


I created the database, which shared by multi-user. But, my user have a problem to open it. When user1 open the database, user2 cannot open it, I did not remember the error message, it is said that Admin (computer name) prevent you to open the database. But, if the user1 switch another application program (the database file is still opened), user2 can open the database, then both users can access the same database file.

Why do we have this problem? How can I fix it?

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Prevent Users From Making Changes

Feb 11, 2008


I'm working on a Access 2003 mdb file. I want the database to start commonly without any user-login screen.
Nevertheless I want to prevent the default logged in user from making any changes to the database structure, using the tables and examing the VBA code.

Because of some strange guidelines I have to respect those changes have to be directly made to the mdb file itself (if possible) so no additional worgroup file is created.

Is it possible to realize it that way?


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How To Prevent Data From Changing

Mar 3, 2008

I have a form that with a combo box that is populated by a query. The user can select a value from the combo box which then opens a form filtered by the chosen selection. However I have noticed that the identifier field gets changed when the form is closed. I would like to prevent the identifier from being changed will still allowing the user to make a selection. I am open to any suggestions.

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Validation To Prevent Duplicates

Aug 18, 2005


I have created a database that monitors containers that are being hired. When a container is hired some details are entered and remains the same until we receive an invoice to state that the hire has stopped. Subsequently, the database is updated and an invoice sent. The container is then hired out again and some details are entered on the database and so on.
There are two check boxes to state whether the container hire has been completed and whether the client has been invoiced.

I am attempting to stop duplicate entries of container numbers being entered onto the database when the transactions are not complete and the client has not been invoiced.

I cannot use a primary key because the containers are reused and hence the container number will be on the field more than once. I have also tried a find duplicates query, but this found duplicates in the whole table and returned only the duplicates that were in the criteria I had specified.

Basically, I want the validation or whatever to prevent duplicates only when the two check boxes are 0.

Thanks in anticipation for your help.

All the best,


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How To Prevent Widow Records?

Dec 13, 2005

What is the best way to prevent widowed records? By widow record I mean records in the parent table that do not have a related record in the child table.

I have a tblOrder that is linked to a tblProductOrder by the OrderID field. I don't want the user to be able to create a record in tblOrder without adding some products to the order, which will be stored in tblProductOrder.

Thanks for the help.

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Prevent Duplicate Entries

Oct 25, 2006

I've set up a booking system and am looking to stop the system recording double bookings.

I've 3 fields, RoomID, Date and Time that need to be searched, however I can't just simply set the properties to No Duplicates (as this would mean a booking cannot be made on the same day at 9:00 and 12:00 for example).

How can I do this?

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How To Prevent Duplicate Records?

Jan 13, 2007

i am using a textbox in the main form to transfer the Yr/Mth into the table. (refer to

now my problem is, how do i prevent duplicate records into the table?

e.g: currently whenever i scroll ard the months control in the form, i will get duplicate Mth/Yr into the table. how do i prevent that from happening?

i only want to have updated data inside the Mth/Yr table instead of duplicated Mth/Yr

Public Sub PutInMonthlyRecords()

Dim sql As String
Dim Db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim f As Form
Dim MthYr As String

Set f = Forms!frmQpi

MthYr = f("txtMthYr")

sql = "SELECT * FROM [tblQpiMonthly] WHERE (([tblQpiMonthly].[Input MthYr] = 'MthYr' ));"

Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset(sql)

If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
If (f!txtTotalPF) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

rs![Input MthYr] = f("txtMthYr")
rs![Monthly TotalPF] = f("txtTotalPF")
rs![Monthly Rejection] = f("txtTotalAvoid")
rs![Monthly TotalAvoid] = f("txtRejection")


If (f!txtTotalPF) = 0 Then

Exit Sub
End If

rs![Input MthYr] = f("txtMthYr")
rs![Monthly TotalPF] = f("txtTotalPF")
rs![Monthly Rejection] = f("txtTotalAvoid")
rs![Monthly TotalAvoid] = f("txtRejection")


End If


End Sub

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Way To Prevent Deletion Of Records?

Mar 24, 2007

I have a database with several forms, tables, queries etc. and it works fine. One of the users of the database accidentally deleted a record which was displayed by a query. I have selected AllowDelections = No in all object properties. Despite this, the record got deleted. Is there a way to prevent such deletions? Kindly help.

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Prevent Blank Row On Subform

Feb 9, 2005

I have a tabular sub form, which is just used to show the user data. It is not editable, and the user can not do anything on the form other than choose a record from the PK, and thenview the data.

How can I prevent the a blank row from automatically being added to the bottom of the subform. I only want rows with data in them to be shown.


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Prevent Duplicate First & Last Name Entry

Feb 28, 2005

Have read through all the threads related to this topic and can't find anything to help. Just want a message box to pop up after entry of first and last names in a form if the string already exists in the database. DLookup works wonderfully for validating on one field, but adding the second field is driving me crazy - Can I use DLookup to check more than one field? The following code gives me the error: "Run time error '2001' - You canceled the previous operation."

Private Sub LastName_AfterUpdate()

Dim x As Variant

x = DLookup("[txtLastName]", "[tblVolunteerInfo]", "[txtLast Name]= '" & Me![LastName] & "'" & " And " & "[txtFirstName] = " & Me![FirstName])

On Error GoTo CustID_Err

If Not IsNull(x) Then
MsgBox "This name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate person before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value"
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CustID_Exit

End Sub



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Prevent Page Click

Aug 1, 2005

I have a main form with several subforms based on a 1 to 1 relationship. The information on the main form is common to all the groups and is kept in one table. But each group has unique fields so each has its own table.

Each of the subforms is displayed on a page.

Question: I want the fields on the subform to be enabled. But I don't want the user to be able to select the pages by pusing their button. Is this possible? What is the setting?

I always seem to lock the entire form.....................

Thank you.

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Prevent Form From Opening

Oct 5, 2005

I need to prevent a form from opening if
no data (no picture) is found in an image
control on the form that needs to be
The form is opened in this manner:

DoCmd OpenForm StDocName,,,stLinkCriteria

Certain records will not have a picture so the
form doesn't need to be opended.

Thank you

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Prevent Scrolling In Subform

Aug 15, 2006

I'm trying to prevent use of the scroll wheel in my subforms but allow for it in the main form. I've looked at the "mousetrap" posted by gHudson. I'm not trying to prevent changes as I am trying to prevent a blank or new record from displaying if one already exists. Any Ideas on how to do this?

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Prevent Saving Bad Data

Oct 29, 2004

My boss wants to add his own job numbers, so I made the JobID field a number field that he can enter (instead of autonumber, which is obviously preferable). So, in order to prevent him from entering a duplicate primary key (JobID), I have the following code in the BeforeUpdate event:

Code: Dim dbRoofing As DAO.DatabaseDim rcdJobs As DAO.RecordsetDim intJobID As IntegerSet dbRoofing = CurrentDbSet rcdJobs = dbRoofing.OpenRecordset("tblJobs")intJobID = Me!JobIDrcdJobs.FindFirst "JobID=" & intJobIDIf rcdJobs.NoMatch = False ThenMsgBox "This job number already exists.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Job Number"Me.JobID = ""Exit SubEnd If
with the 'Me.JobID = ""' in there to set JobID back to nothing so he can't save a duplicate. However, Access won't let me do this, and when a duplicate is added, all sorts of errors pop up. How do I prevent him from saving a duplicate job number, or more generally, how do I prevent certain data from being saved based on other data?



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Prevent Form Closing

Mar 18, 2005


Can somebody tell me please how to prevent a user from closing a form if a specified other form is open?


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Prevent User From Seeing Other Records

Apr 7, 2008

I have a form, that once prompted, finds a certain record for the user. How do I prevent the user from being able to see any other records but that one, once the form is opened? The user needs to be able to edit the particular record they opened, without viewing or editing any other records in the database. Is there a way to hide the bar at the bottom of the form that allows users to manipulate through the different records?

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Prevent Duplicates In Reports

Jun 5, 2006

Help! I'm on of those home grown programmers. I have the report all ready to go. Four columns with data from a table. The 4th column is showing duplicates that I would prefer just show up as blanks. Following the 'help' screen I changed the preferences for that box to HIDE DUPLICATES: YES. The help screen says this should work exactly as I hoped, but when I run the report every field is populated.

Any ideas??? I'm sure there is some small config change but It is beyond me.



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Prevent Controls From Scrolling?

Jan 28, 2008

I have a form with a group of controls on the left side and a control on the right side.

Is it possible to somehow lock down the controls on the left side so when scrolling through the form, only the control on the right side scrolls and the left side stays in position so it is always visible?

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Dlookup To Prevent Duplicates

Jan 9, 2014

I have a form with a text box called txtID. When the user types a value in the text box I want it to check if the value already exists in the field ID in table "Headcount" (a linked table from SharePoint). If it does, then I want a pop up box to display with error. Is this a Dlookup function?

I've tried DCount but can't get that to work.

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Prevent Users Accessing Queries

Oct 4, 2005


I have an Access 2000 database and I have hidden the database window in the startup options. I have also saved the database as a .mde file.

However, if a user opens the database while pressing the shift key they can still get access to the queries and tables in the database and can change them.

Is there anyway to prevent users getting access to the tables and queries?


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Prevent Inadvertant Updates To A Combo Box

Jun 17, 2006

I have a combo box in a form that I want to prevent "unwanted" changes to this comb box.

I'm trying to find a way that if someone changes a combobox, it prompts them "are you sure you want to change this?"

If the answer is yes then it lets them change it, but if the answer is no it returns it to the previous value.

I know how to use a Msgbox and return a "yes" or "no" value but how do I programaticatically do the rest???

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