How To Remote Update A Licence Key Via CD Or Email

Apr 6, 2007

Hi, I am just about to install a database on another computer 300 miles away. The db has an expiry table which prevents access when a certain date is reached. Is it possible to update that table via an update on CD or email sent to that person with a new date so they can continue using the db. (In other words a form of licence key) at the click of a command button.

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Access Licence

Mar 23, 2006

Hi, I have a 5 PCs LAN and there is an Access application built in one of them. Do I need 5 Licences of Access in oder to read data from that particular application/database? Does this mean that we have to buy 5 times the same product or is there another cheaper way?
Thanks for any reply.

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Runtime Licence

Mar 30, 2006

I have an application developed in Access 2000. Can anybody help with my search for the access runtime licence so that I can distribute to many users (who may not have access)? I have been told I need Visual Tool Extensions for Office but cant get an evaluation to check it works with my app.

OR, does anybody know a source (cheap obviously) of MS Access 2000 - users who dont have access only need 2000 to run this app.

Any help greatly appreciated!

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Licence Issues When Running An ASP Web Page Using Access

Mar 15, 2005

Hi. Just a quick question. If you have an ASP web page that has an Access backend, do you require some form of licence for people to be able to use the site as they are effectively using an Access licence. Would it be similar to the Windows Nt/2000/2003 client access licences or is it not required as it is all server side?



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Email Update

Mar 20, 2008

o.k i have been given the task at work to implement a new database system, the trouble is we have 3 different departments spread throughout the city and the only means of electronic communication we have is via email.
we will all be adding to the database seperatly of each other. What i was after was if both sub teams send me there database via email, is there a way i can electronicly merge all the new data. The database at each site is fully featured 20+ tables with multiple forms.

and after the merge i will reply to emails with fully upto date database

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General :: Update Excel / Access Table Via Email

Jun 10, 2012

I would like to use the "Collect and update via email" function within MS Access 2010 which sends out and collects emails. I know how to use this function, but what I would like to do is something slightly different. Instead of emailing out a data entry "form" that has the employee/team member enter information for data collection purposes about their project, status, start date, end date, priority, tasks, etc. Instead, I would like send an Excel/Access table with all of the current project information displayed in the email data collection form and then have the employee reply to the email and overtype edits to displayed information and then have those changes automatically entered into my table. For example, one project table can have up to 50 rows and then column headers such as project status, start date, end date, priority, task description, etc.

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Mdb On Remote FTP

Jul 11, 2006

I've been looking around and it seems to be impossible to connect to an mdb file on an ftp (for Access 2002 and below). I'm using Access 2003 so does anyone know if it's possible in this version?

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Remote Access

May 18, 2005

We have an Access Database split between front and back-end. The BE is 50Mb and the front about 60Mb. We have a requirement to provide access to the database to our other branches all of which have broadband.

I have been trying to find out the best way to achieve this over IP as we do not want the considerabe expense of leased lines. Originally we tried VPN but access seems to be very slow and appears to prohibit that route.

We were advised by our PC support company for one branch to use Terminal Services. However we do not currently have a powerful enough server to support these. We have a price for a server upgrade and it seems OK. I have since been advised by the PC support company at another branch that because of the upload speed on broadband (256Kb) Terminal Services would not be sufficient especially if we were using HTTP and VoIP over the same connection.

Looking at the various posts on this site it would seem that VPN and TS are suitable for some. Is there an easy way of calculating whether or not TS will work at our site? Has anyone gone down this route and found it not to work?

I'd be grateful for any feedback.


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Creating Unique Id On Remote Pc

Aug 21, 2005

Hi all,

Got my job database going quite well, at the moment, it generates a job number form the first 4 letters of the customers name, and the ID (autonumber), so for example mr smith's job number would be SMIT0012 (assuming the 12th entry in the database)
Now this works fine, tables are linked and the database access the tables via a mapped network drive for other pc's (2) to use. But the problem is, if the database user were to be at a remote location with a laptop, how could this work? I could use a local copy of the tables but then of course the ID's wouldnt match! Can anyone offer any ideas on this?


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Remote Access Through ADODB

Nov 8, 2005

Hi everyone, I'm just a newbie in DB programming and I'm having a trouble:

I have a database located in my IIS server: "c:inetpubwwwrootwebapplication1dbs1.mdb".

I'm also developing a VB6 app in another computer which will access to my IIS server to get data in my database. I'm using ADODB, but I don't know how to establish the connection as well as to get the data from the server (remote machine).

Can anyone in here help me by showing an example in VB6 code?
Thank you very much, any sugestion is welcome
Reply With Quote

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Speed Up Remote Access

Oct 4, 2006

I have a database on a server that is accessed by mobile clients using laptops (broadband)
when out of the office. They use'virtual private network service' to do this.
(I did not set this up, I just design and program the front and back ends)
However some report a slow response time when retieving data from the database file.

Would 'Active desktop' be any quicker?
Any suggestions on how they might speed things up, would be most welcome
'Replication' comes to mind but I think their data must remain up to date at all times.

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Set Linked Tables On Remote PC

Nov 6, 2007

I have an Access database which we inherited and it has linked tables (2 database files, one with data tables and one with forms, queries etc) - the links being set to a path on our local company server. We are in the process of opening another company office in another part of the country and we want to use the same database system. I have taken a copy of the database, cleaned out all the existing data out and now need to send the blank database to the new office. Is there a way of forcing the database to reset its table links when it runs in the new location (or pre-defining the paths before it is installed)...rather than my physically having to go to the new office to use the Link Manager when in situ.
I wondered in fact whether was a way of holding the required path statement in one of the tables so that the links could be easily reset on any future installation. I do not know how to code anything like this or set it up - I am new to Access databases
Could anyone advise please.

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Local Query - Remote Db.

Oct 10, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I'm sure you gurus have an answer for me.

I have a MDB (MS Access 97 db) on a shared drive. All my data resides here.
I have a local MDB (MS Access XP db) on my hard disk. Currently, I have queries located on the shared MDB that puts out a table. I then execute queries on my local DB, linking to the table I have on the shared db.

My requirement is this.
1. I want to be able to run queries against the shared db from the local db.
2. When the create table query is run, I would like it to create the table in the local db. I can live with creating the table in the shared db, but local would be better.

I'm sure that this can be done. I've seen it. But, that has always been a client/server system.

Thank you.

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Remote Close After Countdown?

Oct 13, 2004

I have two databases; a server and a client. The server houses all of the tables, while the client has the tables linked and serves primarily as a form for users to enter data to the main table. Periodically I update the form, so I would like to be able to shut down each client while I upload the new files to update the client. Here is my thinking:

I have a table in server.mdb called admin with 3 columns and one record.

The fields are:

closex (text) - This will be populated when I want to send the close countdown command.
message (text) - The string I want to display in a warning popup box.
Timer (integer) - The time in seconds before the program will close.

Right now I have a hidden LIST box in the form (closemsg) that is bound to column 1 and column count=3.

Me.closemsg.column(0) is closex
Me.closemsg.column(1) is message
Me.closemsg.column(2) is timer

The box is requeryed every 2 seconds to check and see if the table has been updated along with another line of code that keeps the time current until someone starts to enter a record.

I have a macro that will perform the close operation. Here is the code I have thus far....any help would be greatly appreciated.


Private Sub Form_Timer()

'Updates the Time to Current
If (IsNull(Agent)) Then

Me!Call_Time = Time()

End If

'Checks for updated values in Admin Table

' -------------
'| Force Close |
' -------------

'Message Variable from T.Admin
Dim message As String
'Timer Variable from T.Admin
Dim timer As Integer

'Macro Variable to Close App
Dim macroname As String

macroname = "Closeapp"

'Check to see if T.Admin has changed
If (IsNull(Me.closemsg.Column(0))) Then


message = Me.closemsg.Column(1)
timer = Me.closemsg.Column(2)

'Set Timer
timer = timer * 1000
'Notify User
MsgBox message


timer = timer - 1

If timer > 0 Then

GoTo Count


DoCmd.RunMacro macroname

End If

End If

End Sub

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Navigation Remote Issues

Jan 9, 2005

So im starting to have a lot of the same buttons to search and go threw records in in diffrent forms.

Ifigure to save space i can make ,or a form that cotains all the buttons or a personalized menu bar on top with access.
But i rather have it on a form,
First things first i am having a lot of trouble with the mos t basic part of it all. i cannot seem to control the simplest
GoToRecord , , AcNext

I have an error that always says you cannot go to that record.
i have an open form called "Calls"

Forms("calls").form.apllication.docmd.gotoRecord , , AcNext 'is the buttons on_click event.

And i figure with a combo box on the navigation window i can add witch form i should be controling Like a tv remote that has vcd, tv , dvd. but i cant even get the simplest thing working any addvise would be apreiciated.

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Linking Tables To Remote DB

Aug 8, 2005

Hey all,

I'm trying to set up a database in Access which, in the end, I'd like to be a copy of the master DB, but with all the tables linked. the goal is so that it is smaller in size and less volatile (since it detaches the users from the original db).

The main DB is currently located on a server where we host our website, and I have mapped a network drive to the directory that holds the database. In the client database I'm trying to build, I've attempted to link the tables via the network drive, and then import the rest of the database. Doing it this way just gets me a broken database application.

I've tried creating a system DSN, but all that seems to do is map the network drive. The original way this was done is using a SQL Server driver to a different server. Should I be trying to set up our master DB this way, as a SQL Server? I'm almost completely new to database programming and I apologize for the hand-holding questions.

Thanks for any help you can give!


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Multi-user Remote Database

Jun 22, 2005

I am currently attempting to setup a database that will be used by many people. I have the database setup and it is split into a backend (tables and data) and a front end ( forms, queries, etc) which the users will download and use off their own machines. I'm attempting to house the backend on our webserver.

The backend is on our webserver and I'm attempting to link the tables from the front end to this location. I typed in the webaddress into the open menu after selecting the Get External Data --> Link Tables menu item. I am sure that this web address is correct because I copied from my browser (from which I was able to download the database from). After I put in the web address into the open box, I get an error about not a valid file name. Is there something I'm not thinking about? What could be my problem? Is it permissions maybe? Does there need to be something special setup with the backend or my webserver? Any ideas as to do with the problem would be greatly appreciated.

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Remote Access To Database On Server

Sep 23, 2005

I have an Access database on my server. My client does not like the idea of having to download the db, make changes, then upload it back. In the past, he has dealt with SQL databases, where you can create an access data project, that will give you a desktop shortcut straight to the database. I was wondering if there was any way to do something similar with an Access database. There is FTP setup for the site and all required permissions are setup. Is there any way to create a desktop shortcut, so he can edit the database in real-time, without having to download and upload? Thanks for any help.

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Security: Advice On Remote Admins

Feb 7, 2006

Hi :)

I'm currently in the process of testing security before shipping my database off. I have read the access security faq, but I'm not sure which option to go for. The main factor that makes me doubt, is that the db will be sent to locations that I will not be able to physically get to myself. I am hoping that some of you have some experience on dealing with remote installations of your databases.

Option 1:
Use one workgroup file
make a user_admin user which is NOT member of the admins group
rename the workgroup file to an mdb, open it and give the user_admin permissions to edit the user and group table

The problem with this approach is that the user_admin can assign any user to the admins group, which basically defeats the whole purpose of this option really.

Option 2:
Use two workgroup files (development/securing and distribution)
make the user_admin a member of the Admins group in the distribution file

As the Admins group is different in the distribution workgroup file, it is impossible to change any database object. The only problem is if something were to go wrong (which I think is highly unlikely :D ) it might be good to be able to manually walk the user through fixing the problem, and to do that it is likely that some database object needs changing, therefore needing an admin login...

comments or suggestions welcome :)

Thanks again :)

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Sharing Access With Remote Users

Jul 29, 2007

I have developed an application for a friend. We live about 100 miles apart in the UK. The database (Access 2007) works perfectly for us, I input data from various sources and he views the reports I've designed that show him exactly what he wants to see.

Now I want to move to the next phase which is I enter data from my PC at home and he then views the reports on his PC at his home.

Any advice on how I can do this, at low cost,

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Connecting Remote Site (setup Help)

Mar 5, 2008

I just found out that this years project wil be setting up a remote office location. There will be about 5 users at this location. They want complete control over all equipment. What they have in place here is Terminal Services and thin clients.

Our db is Access front end with SQL backend.

My initial thought for the remote office is:
High Speed Internet
Either CAT5 to each desk or Wireless Access Point
5 thin clients.

Using RDP they should have no problem accessing our network unless they can't all use the same public IP address for our main office.

The other thought is Setting up a Point-to-point VPN. My biggest problem is I havn't worked with thin clients until I started working here. I don't know what I would need at the remote end in order to connect the thin clients through the VPN. They don't want any servers or desktops if we can help it.

Does any one have any suggestion or thoughts on this?


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Remote Link To Internet Server?

Oct 23, 2004

Hi all,

Is it possible to make a backend/frontend access system and putting the backend on a remote internet server.


Because when I try this I keep on getting a message "Not a valid file name."

Any suggestions apart from RTFM?

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Linked Tables From Remote Location

Jan 27, 2005

I have a FE database with all the forms, reports, etc. and my BE DB with all the tables is in the same directory as the FE. My problem is when users are not in the office and opens the FE data base they get an error that the path to the linked tables are not available.

My question: Is there a way to make these FE links to the BE dynamic. I really don't want various FE with paths linked to the BE.

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Modules & VBA :: Remote Connection String?

Aug 30, 2013

I am trying to put together a vba adodb connection string to a remote server. It is the first time I am using adodb in this context. I can get msysobj.connect but how do I format that information into a connection object connection string?

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Remote Deskptop Connection To Access DB On Server

Apr 10, 2007

HiI currently have an Access Database in a BE/FE, server/client LAN architecture at a single office location. My client would like to allow one user to 'add new records' to the database on the weekends (i.e. after hours), without needing to come into the office.From my research, it seems I can setup Remote Desktop to connect from the client's home PC directly to the server PC, across the internet, using Windows XP Professional on both computers. Is it that simple, or should I be considering other things?

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How To Get Data In Access Table From A Remote SQL Server

Jun 10, 2007

Good evening,
my web site (in hosting) stores data in a SQL Server database.
Now, I've and import these data in an Access application and, of course, I've no direct access to SQL Server instance.
I thought about using Web Services. Does anybody know how to do, or has an alternate way?

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