How To Remove Little Replication Icons

Apr 10, 2007

Hi everyone, does anyone know how to remove the little replication icons next to the db objects when a replica is converted back to a design master. I know there is a way cos i've seen it here before but I can't find it searching. Thanks.

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Dec 28, 2006

Is there anyway to change the icon on a microsoft access database. I mean the actual File Icon, eg. the icon of Database1.mdb etc. I do not mean the icon once the database has loaded. Thanks for your help.

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Icons On Command Buttons

Apr 13, 2006

I'm running Access 2000 and want to use some different icons than available through Access on some command buttons. So far, I can only get it to accept bitmaps. This isn't a problem if bitmaps can have a transparency. I don't think they can though. Any suggestions?

The icons I want to use have a transparency.

Thank you,


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Buttons And Icons On A Form

Oct 23, 2005


I would like to use icons and interactive buttons for my forms to give them a more professional look. does anyone know where i can get such icons? i'm quite an illiterate fool when it comes to making the icons using icon editors. i tried searching on the web but it always throws up stuff relating to windows xp. i use office 2003. can i use them? if not can anyone tell me where i can find such icons?

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Display Icons On Menu Bar

Jan 13, 2005

i am having no end of trouble trying to display just the print preview buttons and print button at all times during my Database being open.

i have tried adding various options through the startup option but i find that when i activate things so that i can print via an icon i also get the option available to go to the database window, which i want to prevent.

what is the best way around this please

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Help! How Do I Add Icons And Check Boxes??!

Oct 26, 2006

This will be easy for you guys...Ok see this pic below?

well the highlighted stuff are the things i have to put into an Access ive just setup a table but how do I add boxes so they can tick whatever option? And what do I need to do to make it save. Also would it be better using forms because i wouldnt mind using a background image as well.. thanks alot.

Why cant I post pics?!?

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Hiding Microsoft Icons And Menus

Aug 1, 2005

I am trying to find a way of hiding the icons (bold, italic, font etc.) and menus (file, tools, edit etc) when displaying the forms in form view.

Any ideas guys?

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General :: Embedding Icons Instead Of Paths

Dec 4, 2012

I have an access icon (*.ico) file associated with my DB. But when I try to access the database from a place other than my desktop where the icon is located the icon doesn't show up. Is there any way to embed the icon into the application so that when the database is loaded on a different machine the icon loads too..

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Can You Use Animated Icons Or Titles In Access 2003?

Oct 27, 2007

I would like to create some custom icons and use them in Access. Does anybody have an experience doing this that can start me down the right path? Thanks:)

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General :: Pictures On Buttons - Icons Getting Resized On Desktop

Oct 31, 2014

I made nice little icons for my buttons, But when i transferred the app from laptop to server and run it on desktop comp icons get resized.

Guess it has to do with desktop resolution. How can i avoid this?

I tried with adding commands to playin pictures, but there are problems with focus, so that is not the best solution.

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Forms :: Storing Small Icons In A Table For Use In Continuous Form

Nov 29, 2013

I searched without success for a solution to show small pictures (icons) in a table field to show up in a continous form.

Purpose is:
a communication log table has comm codes such as
- mail out
- mail in
- tel call in
- tel call out

the comm log table has the fields
CustomerID, datetime, CommCode

The CommCode table hast the fields
CommID, CommCode, Icon

The form (subfrm) should show in continous form mode to each customer..Datetime, (commCode), and to visualize the Commcode the small image (icon) presented by an envelope with an arrow right, an envelope with an arrow left, etc.

I cannot find a solution for storing those little images and retrieving them from an OLE-Field.All my other pictures I do not have stored in the tables, but only the image path, but for that I would prefer to store them directly into a table field as they do not blow up the database.

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Replication (or Not)

Aug 8, 2005


I have received a replicated db --- that is all
(not a master) I want to know if any one has experience in "unreplicating"
a db and what steps I take to unreplicate this db. I know (more or less) what replication does for you, but I have never done it !!



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Replication And FE/BE - When To Do What

May 26, 2007

Hi folks,

Thanks to the many of you who have helpped me get this far. I am finally ready to deploy my database! I would not have gotten this far in just a few months if it were not for your helpful advice. :D
One of the final stages is to place the database on the organization's server and to put FEs on each of the work stations. I've read a bit about replication and splitting of databases but I have one question I haven't found answered here...

What is the best time line for doing this?

Do I replicate the data base and then split it?
Or do I split the data base and then make replicas of the FE?

Does it matter?

Also - is replication truly needed for all data bases - I have a test copy in which I split the Access file, then just copied each front end to 2 machines and it seemed to work okay. Am I missing something that will come back and "byte" me in the keester?

Many thanks again for previous help and for your answers to this question.


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Oct 28, 2004

Need some advice on Replication of a backend mdb please. I currently have a client/server app - works great. The users now need to collect data from their internet as well as entering data themselves in-house. Situation... can not link tables from web mdb file IS dept forbids link through firewall. How might I be able to keep the data synchronized when the original backend resides within the firewall on the file server and the other needs to sit on the web server? OR ... is there another approach to allow data entry from both the internal users concurrently with data entry from the web. I'm scratching my head and my deadline is looming. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Replication Problem

May 5, 2005

hey there i want to make a MDE compression/compile but i get a msg that i cant compile a replication
how the f*** i remove the replication, cuz i no longer own the master file

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Replication Query ???

Jun 28, 2005

I have replicated my Access 2002 database and moved a copy to my laptop. (on a wireless network) - so far so good.

Here's the problem l can replicate FROM my PC to my LAPTOP - GREAT !!!

I can't replicate the other way :confused:

My PC is running XP and my laptop is running 2000.

Does anyone have any ideas ? i have a feeling it is probably some security setting in XP but l'll be damned if l can find it.



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Replication Id Issue

Nov 1, 2005

Hi Guys,

I am working with a database that uses an autonumber Data Type in it's tables, this field is set to 'Replication ID'.
I am adding records to my table but for every record i add i need to retrieve the newly added primary key (which is the autonumber replication id).
If it was a incrementing id i could simply select the MAX value from the field. But seeing as it's a replication id it won't bring me back the latest field.
In SQL Server I would use the @@Identity function to return the id.
Can anyone help me?


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Alternative To Replication?

Dec 15, 2005

I am having multiple user problems with access 2000 quite frequently, and I thought that replication would solve this, as it stands however its proving difficult to get my hands on the developer edition, just wondering, is it worth the hassle to get it, or is there an effective alternative to replication?

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Partial Replication

Feb 9, 2006

I've been reading about this alot today but can't decide for sure if I should replicate my database or not. The users will have a front end installed on their local drive and the back end is on a shared server.

Basically the users will not be able to add or delete records. However, they can update one column- its a checkbox that allows them to select a record or records in a continuous form. I imagine that if 2 users were using it simultanuously and one de-selected all the records, they would be deselected on the other persons form? This is why I think I need a partial replica. That way when the user opens the database they get a fresh copy of the new data and can select and deselect drawings without interfering with others.

All records are automatically selected when the form is opened so updating changes in the master is not an issue.

Please let me know if I'm on the right track here..

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Table Replication

Apr 4, 2006

What are the thoughts of table replication. Can I reverse it.

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Replication Problem

Apr 27, 2006

I have a Design Master that I use for many replicas. I would like to replicate the design master so experimental changes to queries and tables can be conducted without exposing the "real design master" to errors? Each time I replicate/copy the design master the replica/copy will not allow changes. Is there a way to disassociate the copy/replica from the Design Master so experimental changes will be allowed and can be made?

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Some Questions About Replication

Oct 31, 2006

Allrighty, some questions about replication. I have gotten the Replication Manager from the helpful IT folks here, have made the database, and it works well to synchronise between different files locally on this computer. However, ideally the other people in the department would be able to carry replicas around on their laptops, while ideally the design master and overall database tidying should sit on mine. The setup is typical intranet here - computers are invisible to one another directly, and so are their virtual My Documents drives, while shared network folders are visible to all.


1. Since I can't see any of the other laptop drives, and the database would have to be accessible offline, I assume indirect synchronisation is the only choice, correct?

2. Does the Replication Manager need to be installed on each of the laptops that will use the database offline?

3. If yes, what's the process? Do I install RM on each laptop, then use the Create Replica function to create one locally on each? No hidden pitfalls here?

4. If yes, is it sufficient to keep RM shut all the time unless specifically wanting to synchronise? Would happen at least once a week.

5. If Replication Manager doesn't need to be installed on other laptops, how do I move replicas there? I tried moving one through copy/paste, but that broke the link to the Replication Manager.

6. (Optionally - I've seen some references to 'replica farms' - what is that?)

Very much appreciated if anyone is able to answer..

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Replication And Security

Nov 13, 2006

Hi everyone

I have a database accessed by alot of people and have recently added user level security so that i can monitor who is logged on etc.

Another thing i need is the ability to update the design of forms whilst people are on the database. To do this i planned on creating a replica and synchronising any changes after i had made them.

However, this is causing problems with my security. I cannot create the shortcut needed to give people access to the replica, they can only access the design master, which defeats the point!

Any help much appreciated


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Replication And Security

Aug 31, 2004

It's me, yet again! This database I have built for the hospital I am employed by is almost ready
for distribution. The only thing I have yet to do is set up securities for each of the medical directors.

For example, I don't want the ICU/Cardio-Telemetry Director to be able to view employee data for the Emergency Room staff and vice versa. I tried once at the very beginning to do a mock replicated database just to see if I knew what I was doing, and frankly, I didn't, not even at all! Should I set up replicas on the network for each director with only their little (or huge) bits of information, or should I setup securities or both, or are they the same thing?

I tried to do a new workgroup and set up groups and users there, but when I tried to log in as someone else, it didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!


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Recovery A Database With Replication

Nov 16, 2006

I created replication through Access, but when one of the users try to update a record he was getting the message Record deleted. So i search the internet and found that the solution of this error message was to Compact and Repair the database. When i did that i lost the replication, and now i can't create it back because there records on the database and i am getting an error message.

Any suggestions how to recover the database? By the way is the master database not one of the replicas.

Is replication causes these kinds of malfunctions?

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Problem With Partial Replication

Mar 2, 2007

Hello everyone.
Your help is very much appreciated.
I am trying to create partial replica from the design master.
it all goes well until I try to set the filter using:
repPartial.Filters.Append "Customers",jrFilterTypeTable,"Customers.Region = 'CA' "
It throws an error:
"Invalid expression in the ReplicaFilter property".

The replica db, does contain "Customers" table, which has "Region" field.

Thank you for you help.
The code, looks like:

dim repFull as new JRO.Replica
repFull.ActiveConnection = "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11SAMPLESorthwind.mdb"
Call repFull.CreateReplica("C:MY_REPLICA.mdb", "description", jrRepTypePartial)

Set repFull = Nothing
' open the partial replica in exclusive mode and apply filters
repPartial.ActiveConnection = "Data Source=C:MY_REPLICA.mdb; Mode=Share Exclusive"
repPartial.Filters.Append "Customers", jrFilterTypeTable, "Customers.Region like 'CA' "


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