How To Remove The Default Menubar In STARTUP

Oct 4, 2004

hei hei
I have removes all options in StartUP that it is not showing any menu bars or databse window.
but only one default menu bar is comming.
please help me, if any one knows it.
thank you.
Kiran .

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Modules & VBA :: How To Remove Default Signature From Message Body

Jan 13, 2014

I have created a form that allows the user to create an Outlook email message using a saved HTML template in VBA but the users default Outlook signature is added every time the message is sent.

how to remove the default signature from the message body?

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How To Startup My Form Only Without Access's Default Form

Apr 19, 2006

I am trying to display only my form on startup.
Tools-Startup allows you to eliminate"Database window" default menu and toolbar but I can't eliminate "Microsoft Access" window.

I don't know if there are other settings that I am not aware of or there has to be code built.

Thanks in advance

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Reappear Menubar

Sep 15, 2005


I think I'm in trouble. I don't know what I have done to my database, right now, when I open it, the menu bar doesn't appear. The tool bar appear but not the menu bar. And this is globle, I have try to create a new database and it is the same thing, no menu bar. Want can I do to reappear this tool bar?

Please help,


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Custon MenuBAR

Nov 12, 2006

HI Everyone,
I searched the forums, and i got one solution but, still i want a help.
i have a menubar created using customize command. Now i want to make enable & Disable some of the commands in that menu.
I got following code for enbling or disabling the menus on custom menu.
but i want to disable the commands in the menu, how to do it?

Application.CommandBars("Training").Controls("LOGON").Enabled = True

"LOGON " is my menu in the menubar, and there are commands in it like, LOGIN, LOGOUT..

anyone can help me, pls...

Thnks in advance....

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How To Copy Toolbar And Menubar

Oct 22, 2006


I want to copy my Toolbar and Menubar in another .mdb, can any one help me?


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ALT+ Shortcut For Custom MenuBar

Jan 31, 2006

I have created custom menus for forms. The menus come up and go away as needed when the form is open. No problems there. The problem is that the ALT shortcuts aren't working when the form has the focus. If I leave the database main window open and give it the focus (form is popup) the ALT+ works fine, but when the database is complete I will be hiding the database window. I have experimented with that already and still get the same results. I have tried making the form modal and popup, popup only, modal only, and neither. No matter the configuration:eek: , the ALT+ does not seem to work. In case it isn't clear, ALT+C if the menu is &Control, etc...And I have removed the built-in menus so there is no conflict that I'm aware of with the ALT+ commands.

I'd appreciate any help you can give on this problem.

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Default Combo Box Based On Default Table Value

Feb 13, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I hope someone can help.

I have a form with a combo boxes and a table with relevant list and additional field, fldDefaultDrive (Yes/No Field).

Currently in order to set the default value, I have used the following code for each default;

Private Sub Form_Load()
Forms!frmMediaLabeller!CboDriveName.DefaultValue = """D"""

End Sub

However, I want users to be able to go into the table and change the default value if thier CD player default Drive is anything but D: Drive. I have tried to replace the D above with an SQL statement but with no success.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim Drivename As String

Drivename = SELECT tblMediaDrive.fldDrivename FROM tblMediaDrive WHERE (((tblMediaDrive.fldDefaultDrive)=-1));

Forms!frmMediaLabeller!CboDriveName.DefaultValue = """Drivename"""

End Sub

This is definetly not working, can anybody help, I have a feeling it is syntax but not sure where? :confused:


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Apr 6, 2006

Hi i've been into Tools>Startup and remoed the menu etc.
Is there any way to retrieve these back.

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Startup Problem

May 24, 2005

I Have just split my database, and placed the front end (mde) on a number of client machines in a SBS environment

On starting the program, one of the machines displays the following error message

"There is an invalid use of the .(dot) or ! operator, or invalid parenthese"

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated



(PS the OS is Win XP and the machine is running Office XP Pro )

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Toolbars On Startup...

Aug 30, 2005

On my database, for startup, I had the toolbars taken away from the user. Is there a quick shortcut to pull them back up? I noticed that the 'Tools' option is gone.


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2002 Startup

Oct 18, 2005

I have a database (split) I developed using Access 2000 (Office Professional). I installed it in a lap top that has Office Prosessional 2002 and am encountering several problems: 1) The shift-key bypass does not work; 2) My application uses an access wizzard switchboard. With the lap top, when I open a form from the switch board and subsequently close it, Access closes; 3) When I just open Access in the lap top, I get none of the standard tool bars. (I don't know if I caused this). This has to be something obvious that I just cannot see. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Startup With Security

Dec 5, 2005


I setup 2 users security.

I want to setup startup page for 2 users, but different startup page.

I want to setup one startup page for user 1
I want to setup another startup page for user 2.

How can i make that? Because there is one option to fix the startup page.


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Startup Problem

Apr 20, 2006


I've created a new database, and unticked the options in Startup which mean the various menus at the top are hidden - and I don't know the keyboard commands to get them back :S

Daft mistake, I know!

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Startup Issues! Need Help!

May 25, 2006

I created a database and put some time into it at work here. I am sure this is a simple fix but I need to know how to get my tools back at the top of access. :(

What I did was open startup, unselected all the features that locks the database user out from changing settings and just using the switchboard and forms. Well, I cant figure out how to get into the file and change it all around now. :eek:

I am using access 97 at work now so please respond asap with an answer about how to get to change my tables, forms, and use tools again...:confused:

Thanks. :)

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What Is The Startup Modules?

Aug 7, 2006

Sorry I have to ask such a simple question. I haven't worked on Access for over 10 years.

How do I find out which modules is the startup? Thanks.


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Startup Menu

May 21, 2007

I craeted a startup menu and unchecked all the backend functions - now I cant getinto design view - what should I do?

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Startup Issue

May 28, 2007

Here is something I hope someone can help with. I have mostly completed my Access program. I was toying around with the startup options and I selected not to have my toolbars in the startup in fear that other employees at work could mess up the program. Now I would like to tweet my database and add to it but have no toolbars to make any changes or add new form or anything. Is there a way to now change my startup options back to normal and get back my toolbars or do I have to re-create the complete database? Help please!!!!

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Get Rid Of Startup Dialog?

Aug 10, 2007

How do I get rid of the start up dialog? The boxes which pop up and say "Security warning, Unsafe expressions not blocked" and the other that says "warning this document may not be safe blah blah blah".

Thank you for the help :)

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Tools - Startup

Mar 22, 2008

Hello All,

I have made a critical error with my system, in tools on startup i unticked all the boxes, and now when it loads it brings up the system only and not the design view tables etc,

Is there anyway that this can be undone??????

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Startup Controls

Sep 2, 2005

Hey, I was messing about with tools>startup because I wanted a form to appear whent he database was opened.... I unchecked far too many options in there, and now I cannot design and modify my database anymore... it just goes straight to the form, but i cannot get anything back in design view.. is there a way to fix this??

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Startup Form

May 7, 2006

I setup a splashScreen in startup, and I uncheked all check boxes.
Now, as soon as I load database starup form shows, and does
not allow to do any modifications.

Is there any way i can "Undo" or drop splashScreen, and get back
to normal loading of database.
Thank you.

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Message Box At Startup Help

Nov 14, 2006

Have a database that when opened, has a message box that appears and when this box is closed via a Close button that I have named "OK", the main form opens. I have a Tip table that I type in the message which then appears in the messaage box form. It works perfectly providing I use a Next Message/Previous Message Button to control which of the many numbered messages on my table I wish to use.

What I want is to make sure my users have no control over what message is shown. I would still like to maintain all messages on the table by number and only have the Close (OK) button on the form. While trying to do this with the present code and if I only have 1 message on the table (#1) it will show that message. If I add a 2nd message to the table (#2) without erasing the 1st, it still only shows the first. This way I have a record of everything I have sent messages on. Below is the exisiting code used for my message box with hopes you can tell me what I need to change to make this happen:

Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Load

Dim intTip As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer

intCount = DCount("*", "tblTip")
intTip = Int(intCount * Rnd)
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , A_GOTO, intTip

Exit Sub

Resume Exit_Form_Load

End Sub

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Relinking Tables On Startup

Mar 24, 2006

Does anyone have any db's that show how to relink tables automatically on start up and also remove the links on shutdown, i've been searching everywhere on the net and can't seem to find anything decent, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Turn Of Warnings On DB Startup - Is This Possible?

Jun 27, 2006

Hi Guys,

I'm not sure this would be allowed as it could be maliciously abused, but what I want to do is turn of warnings when a user fires up my DB.

What currently happens is a user gets 3 pop up warnings in a row the first time they use the DB with essentially the same warnings and "do you want to run this" questions.

The next time the user runs the DB they only get one warning.

On another thread I was told how to turn warnings on and off within the database:

'Turn warnings on & Hourglass on
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Hourglass True

Code in routine that would generate warnings goes here.

'Turn warnings on & Hourglass off
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.Hourglass False

What I would like is some way to replicate the functionality for the DB. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,


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Open A Form On Startup

Aug 18, 2006

I've never actually had to do this before so i dont know how! Im sure its really simple.

How would i set the database to automatically open a form when the database loads up?

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