How To Send A Message For Other User

Nov 18, 2011

i have a access project and many user can login,

1- how can i share access database for use users Simultaneously.
2- how can a user send a message for other user ?

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Send Another User A Message?

Apr 26, 2006

Is there a way to send another user a message within Access? (Like "Instant Messenger" or Lotus Notes "SameTime") If you have any experience or info I would appreciate some info.
Thanks in advance!

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Send Message To User When Entered Into DB

Aug 9, 2006

I have look around in the forums, but I haven't found what I was looking for. I just maybe didn't use the correct search criteria. But anyway this is what I am looking for.

When a certain user Logon into the database. I would like the have a message sent just to that one particular user. Bottom line is. When a report is due and that user is responsible for it, I would like a notification go to that user.

Can this be done and how would one go about this?

Again thanks

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Can't Send This E-mail Message Error

Oct 11, 2006

I've got one of my users which has just started getting the "Can't send this e-mail message" error. Found reference to it being trying to send an email without editing (MS article 884998. My editmessage is set to yes so I know it is not this exact problem but just wondering if anyone else had has this type of issue before and could they get around it?

I tried searching but with such common words it wouldn't return any results.

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How To Send System Message To Users

Jul 23, 2013

I'm looking for some code to be able to send a popup or system message to a user connected to an access 2007 database. I know the computer name connected, but I'm not sure who or where it is. I already have a method for kicking everyone out of the database, but I really only want to use that when necessary. I would prefer to try a more gentle message request for them to disconnect first.

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General :: Send Message Alert On Next Day If Current Day Is Vacation

Jan 21, 2015

My requirements is to send the alert messages with the approaching due date on every Monday of the week. I am able to send alert messages on Monday. My Problem is: How to send alert messages on Tuesday if Monday is Vacation. Is there a way to do it in access? I don't have much experience in access.

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VBA To Send Email From Access - Table Pasted In Message Body

Aug 11, 2011

I want to be able to send email and in the body i want the my table be pasted in email body...

Is that possible?

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Enable User To Send Email Via Access?

Aug 11, 2011

Any way to enable the user to send an email via access?

I would like to add a "Report Bug" button to my main form where the user is able to type a description of a bug that they encountered and it will be sent to my email.

I'm not sure if this is possible. If not I could always resort to storing these bugs in a table instead.

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General :: How To Send A Single Email Message To All The Email Addresses In Query

Jun 2, 2014

I have a query (Access 2007) that contains a field named "email" (which contains email addresses, of course). I want to email everyone in the query and they are all going to receive the same message. My email to them doesn't have to be personalized and I don't need to collect data from the recipients. I don't even need a reply to the email I send.

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*User Notification Message*

Aug 29, 2005

My database at the moment counts how many records of each Pupil is entered into the system. When a pupil has been entered into the system 10 times I would like a Notification Message to come up, are such messages possible?

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Another User Error Message

Jan 5, 2005

I am trying to create a realtionship between two tables so I can use both of them in a query. The problem is when I attemp to do this I get an error message that says "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time." Problem is there is not another user. Anyone has an idea what the problem is and how to fix it???

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Repost: Error Message For One Db User Only

Apr 27, 2006


This is the second time I am posting this thread as I didn't receive any replies the first time. Since then, I've realized that the problem I've described below is happening on a computer that has a full installation of Adobe Acrobat 7.0. None of the other db users have this. Maybe this will help.

I have a split Access 2000 database. 15 users are able to view and enter data with no problems. One user is continually receiving this message:

The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost.

This message is peculiar to her pc. We're running Windows XP Professional.
She has not, in fact, lost the network connection as she can still access other files located on our network. The network administrator has no clue why this is happening. If I reload the front end application on her hard drive, she's able to use the database for a couple of days, and then the message appears again. Does anyone have any ideas? I would much appreciate any input. Thanks so much.


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A Warning/confirmation Message For User Before Printing??

Mar 12, 2006

Hi all,

I am building a simple db from scratch using the limited knowledge i have, and a lot of the information gained from searching these forums as a guest. I've now reached a point where I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, so any help would be gratefully received!!

I have a single table, single form and single report (told you it was simple;)). The table has nearly 2000 records and 2000 pictures (linked). On the form I can print every record with a single click of a command button. This is great, but I would like a message box to popup and confirm the print action, as this is gonna be expensive if its clicked on every record!!

If anybody can help, I would be chuffed!! I searched the forums and can't seem to find anything on this!!


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Modules & VBA :: If User Selects Wrong Value / Display Message

Feb 23, 2015

I have a field that is pre filled in with a value. The name is "Business".Then there is a combo box with various values. If the user would select a value that does not match with values that can be selected if in "business" a value is selected, it should show a message that the selection is wrong and user needs to select the correct one.

Example:If in the field "Business" the value "Food" is selected, then the possible values to be selected in the combobox would be: Fruit or Meet or Fast Food. If the value in "Business" would be "Wood" only selections could be made: Talble or Chair or Cabinet.So, if a user select "Food' in "Business" and in the combo box "Chair", it should show a message that the wrong selection was made and don't let them use the wrong one.

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How To Create My Own Message If A User Enter A Value Not Match With The Data Type?

Jul 26, 2006

In MS Access form, how can I create my own message if the user enter a value that not match with the data type of a field in underlying table? Thanks a lot!

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Forms :: Password Validation - Message Pop Up With Specific Error User Has Made On Entry

Jan 6, 2014

I am looking at the public function routine, that validates the password entry. I want to know how i can make a message pop up with the specific error the user has made on entry.

Public Function ValidatePwd(varPassword As Variant) As Boolean
Dim blnValid As Boolean
Dim blnValidCriteria As Boolean
Dim intChar As Integer

blnValid = Len("" & varPassword) >= 4 And Len("" & varPassword) <= 12

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Create A Message Box To Flash On Screen To Tell User That Update Code Is Running

Mar 6, 2014

I need to create a message box or a form or something to flash on the screen to tell the user that a piece of "Update" code is running. the update code will be updated reports from marketing returns, but the 3 branches who use the information are separate so I am creating an update form to download and update the table.

The code for the update is already working, but can take a while, so I thought a message or splash screen would be useful as the update runs on start up.

It would have another use, I have a report which is made mainly of calculated fields on an onPrint event and also takes a while to work it out, so a similar screen would be more useful than my current spinning circle and blank screen.

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Forms :: Restrict User Input In Textbox Depending On What Option User Has Selected

May 22, 2013

I am building a form in access and I am trying to find a way where user input isn't possible in the associated textbox when "No" from on option box is selected.

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Multi-User - Can You Assign Which User Created/amended A Record?

Aug 4, 2007

Hi guys,

I've seen different log in forms and tips on multi-user use but can't seem to find info on the following...

We have 6 people at work and I'd like to assign which user updated a form or created a new record...this would be particularly useful on the sales part of the database to track who made a call to a particular customer...

Best ideas anyone?


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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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Send Object

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way to tie a send object to a combo box on a form? I know I can write a query to pull information from a selection in a combo box using the [form][formname]thing. What I'm trying to do is I've created a database that allows many users to enter a request in a form. then when the form is complete they need to E-mail the form to their respective manager. I want them to choose from a combo box, then click on a button and the form is e-mailed to their manager for approval. I've gotten everything else to work accept for being able to choose the manager. I know I could also leave that blank and it will ask for them to enter the recipients name. If that's my only option I'm ok with that.


PS If this issue has already been addressed I couldn't find it.

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Send Email

Jul 16, 2006

I have a field containing a email address, I would like on double clicking on it to open OUTLOOK for sending a email



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How Send The Letter

Dec 31, 2004

Hello all:

In order to set up an multi-receiver email program with ASP/AccessDB,

I downloaded “Beginners ASP mailing list program” “”

After unzipped it, it contains 11 files. I put them all in the wwwroot of IIS.

I have made the address database “newsletter.mdb” successfully. The next

step is to send letter.

First using “newslettercreat.htm” to write a letter and then press “submit”.

After submitting, it prompt a IE page with address “newlettercreat.asp”, but

says: “The page cannot be displayed” and with following



Technical Information (for support personnel)
Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/newslettercreate.asp, line 22So, the letter can not be sent.

What is the ERROR of “Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid class string” ?

My OS is winXP pro, email program is Outlook Express. Who could help l me solve
this problem? Thanks!

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Net Send Via Access/VB?

Feb 16, 2005

I am currently trying to devellop a DB for stock management. I would like to allow the DB to send me a message (like a 'net send') to warn me if an item of stock is runing low i.e. if part n. 123 is less than 10 in stock the DB sends the message. For this to work I must also have the users decrease the stock items as they take them out.
Would any of have any suggestions?

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Calc User Totals Table 1 And Enter In User Records In Table 2

Oct 28, 2004

I have two tables. The first contains details of a budget holders money allocation for a given period, and the other tracks their spend on products over that period. How can I generate a query to calculate the total running spend for each user from the "budget spend table" that will be written into the users record in the "budget allocation table".

My aim is to show details of budget allocation, total spend to date and remaining budget for each user in an Order form / report.

Can anyone please advise me on how to do this or suggest another way of doing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Regards Peter

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Send Email Via Contact DB

Sep 25, 2005

I have a contact database which store email address and other info for customers. I have searched and searched. How can I use these email links to open and email to the contact? Such as how to email from DAP or Form? So the user can click on the email address and auto open Outlook to send that contact an email? This is so much easier in webpage building :o Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys :)

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