How To Use F Functions In POS Systems

Aug 23, 2012

how to use f functions in POS systems?

Eg F7 edits records in a form,F8 opens a customer account,...

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Differences Between UK VAT & US Tax Systems And DB Design

Dec 18, 2006

I'm building a number of systems that I'm trying to make compatible in the USA and UK I have sorted all The Date And Currency Formats so the system Can Now work Completely With Both.But At present The Systems Designed To Work With The UK VAT System Would anybody be able to give me some guidance with what I would need to make the tax system Correct for the USA As Well As The UK.Many thanks in advanceMick

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Password Across Multiple Access Systems

Aug 22, 2005

Good Afternoon,

I have been given an access database system which runs using about 7 access databases, linked tables etc, quite complex. When a new user installs the system from a DVD the user needs to provide a password. This password is filtered to all 7 access databases so they all use the same username and password.

The problem I am having is when the user runs this application again they are prompted for their password. Everytime they click on an option which is another access database they are again asked for their password. I am trying to figure out a way once the user has logged in once on start up no matter which option they select and no matter how many time they select it while the main appliction is running they are not asked for their password. Is this possible or totally outside the scope of Access databases.

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What Is A "Systems Programmer"

Nov 23, 2007

I occasionally run across this term. If the members of this group have a clear boundary between themselves and members of other groups, then please tell me the names of the other groups. If what members of those groups work on is not intuitively obvious, than will you give me a super brief description of what those group do? Thanks so much.

Regarding the term I asked about (and the others presumably), is this term relevent today? Does it have a precise meaning that a professional should clearly understand. Thanks if you can help.

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Jun 15, 2005

i have the following line:

Me.Text2 = Right(Me.Text0, InStr(1, Me.Text0, ".") - 1)

and i would like that if Text0 is "test.exe" i want to return "exe", however, with the above i am getting ".exe" ... can someone tell me what i am doing wrong please ?


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Help With Functions

Jan 4, 2005

I currently have a text box that is calculated off of 6 other text boxes. I want the one field that is calculated to update any time I change any of the other fields. I can do this by putting the same calculation in each ones afterupdate event. Below is one section of my code for the arithmetic, and I want to perform that code many times. Can I use a function to do this, and if so some help would be nice? thanks

Private Sub HEAVY_AfterUpdate()


Total_Sheets = Total_Sheets * YIELD

Total_Sheets = Total_Sheets + D_Sheets

Total_Sheets.Text = Val(Total_Sheets)

End Sub

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IF Functions?

Aug 18, 2004

In access, I'm trying to create a database to track material that has an expiration date of one year from the appointment letter date. I'm not sure what I need to do here. Here's what I have: I have a table that has fields for the individual (UNIT), the appointment letter date (Appointment Letter Date), and a True/False field (Out of Date) that I want to make True when the current date is greater than the (Appointment letter date + 365 days). Is this possible through Access tables and/or queries or will I have to incorporate VB? I am an extreme novice when it comes to expressions and query building in Access.


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Missing Functions

Aug 17, 2005


I have build a database which work perfectly on most computers. But one or two for the computer are error with the Left, Right and Date SQL function. Is it simplely miss for the install or it a problem with my code?


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Search Functions

Jan 12, 2006

Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I will firstly give you the low down on the business that I am doing the database for. It is a Car Restoration Business, where we deal with vintage/classic/muscle cars and restore them to the former glory.

I do not know Microsoft Access very well, I have attached a file with what I think is a databae :) I could be wrong. The main function of this database is to search for suppliers for a specific car part for a specific car.

So if I want to find a doorhandle for a 1970 Ford Mustang, I need the suppliers pertaining to those criterias to come up.

How do I get this to happen?

Thankyou for your help


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MS Access And Functions

Nov 3, 2006


I have developed a MS Access database which uses several functions such as DateDiff and inStr. When I use these function on my machine the database runs fines and the values are calculated.

However the database I have developed is not for my computer and when run on this one computer produce some errors (The date function is mentioned). I believe this is some sort of security issue but I cannot be sure.

Both computers run the same version of Office. Does anyone have any ideas.

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MS Access And Functions

Nov 3, 2006


I have developed a MS Access database which uses several functions such as DateDiff and inStr. When I use these function on my machine the database runs fines and the values are calculated.

However the database I have developed is not for my computer and when run on this one computer produce some errors (The date function is mentioned). I believe this is some sort of security issue stopping her running the functions.

Both computers run the same version of Access. Does anyone have any ideas.

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Built In Functions?

Aug 8, 2007

Does anyone know of a good resource to mull through all of the built in functions and learn their syntax, uses, etc?



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Functions List

Dec 7, 2007

Is there a list anywhere that tells what all the functions do in access?
I mean functions such as:


There is a big long list, and some of them.. I have no idea what they do.

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Multiple Functions

Oct 12, 2005

I have a query that contains a field with 4 codes that I need to replace with values.

Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"0","None") Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"1","Free") Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"2","Reduced")
Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"3","State Free")
Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"4"," Paid")

I get an invalid syntax error, I know if I was to have one Replace function it will works fine, but I’ll still have 3 code to convert.

Any Ideas?


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Queries And Functions

Mar 20, 2007


I need some help with a function inserted into a query.

I created a function to convert numbers into text. I then created a query to pull some fields from a table. the last field of the query, I inserted the function using the build feature. I was able to see the function in the list of custom functions for the query.

However, when I run the query I get an error message of undefined function - name-. Can I use my function there? or is there some other way to do so.

thanks for any help received.



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Two Count Functions

Feb 6, 2008

Im trying to run two count functions on one column in sql (access 2003). I need to return two new column, pass and fail. something like this; select count(grade) as pass, where grade>=40 and select count (grade) as fail, where grade<= 39.

my table is student_ID, module and grade:

student_ID Module Grade
0012 history 59
0034 history 34
0045 maths 78
0031 maths 45
0046 spanish 66

what i need is:

Module Pass Fail
History 1 1
Maths 2 0
Spanish 1 0

I have achieved it by running two seperate querys, one for pass and one for fail and then merging them with another query but is there any other way?

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Functions Error

Mar 31, 2008

I have looked and looked at this expression line and cannot find what is wrong.

Repaired: Sum(IIf(work!status=4 And work!code=11 And work![tin date] Between DateSerial(Year(date(forms![enterprise report card].[combo31])),Month(date(forms![enterprise report card].[combo31])),1) And DateSerial(Year(date(forms![enterprise report card].[combo31])),Month(date(forms![enterprise report card].[combo31]))+1,0),1,0))

This gives me an error "Expression entered has a function containing the wrong number of arguements"

However this one:
Repaired: Sum(IIf(work!status=4 And work!code=11 And work![tin date] Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,0),1,0))
works fine... The only difference is I inserted forms![enterprise report card].[combo31] inside of the Date() function.

Can anyone see what I might be missing??

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Financial Functions

Sep 23, 2005

I am doing some work on a loan calculator which I have done successfully in Excel. I now wish to do this with an Access form (A2K). Can anyone please confirm that the Financial Functions (ie CUMPRINC etc) that are available in Excel can be used in Access. The Access help menu calls them Worksheet Functions and I can't see any reference to the above function in this forum. I have entered it in a control and get a #name? error. I dont know if I have made a syntax error or that Access doesn't recognise it.The following is the formula I have used =CUMPrinc([rate]/[freq],[nper],[amount],1,[nper],0).

I have not had the same problems with the following formula =PPmt([rate]/[freq],1,[nper],[amount],0)


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How To Use Min And Max Functions In Rows?

Sep 24, 2004

Hi there,

I`ve got a problem with access. I Have data in several columns like:

Date Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4
1-1-01 12 10 11 9
2-1.01 14 7 16 11
Now I would like to add two columns that determine the min and max value of a row. Like below:

Date Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Min_value Max_value
1-1-01 12 10 11 9 9 12
2-1.01 14 7 16 11 7 16

Is this possible with the standaard min function? or how else do i do this?

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DateAdd Functions

Mar 10, 2005

I enter this statement on my control source in a text box
of a report for a date field.


I get error when I preview the report. I trying to add 1 day
to the date.

Thanks in Advance

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Worksheet Functions

May 23, 2006

I need to find the latest of several date fields in a SINGLE record of a query. The Max function seems only to work for a single field across several records in a query. However the worksheet function Max suggests I can use it for in-record fields but it does not work in queries. It is called a Worksheet Function but what is an Access worksheet? I know what it is in Excel but not Access. Neither Help nor two thick reference books even mention worksheets.

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Queries And Functions Help

Aug 25, 2006

what im trying to do is use the code below, coupled with a append query, to
make the value of the 'lag' variable go into the feild in 'tblplayer' 'Lowes

can anyone see what im doing wrong?

any help would be much apreciated


Public Function fnlag()

Dim cutof As Date
Dim age As String
Dim Birthdate As Date
Dim age1 As String
Dim lag As String

cutof = DLookup("[cutoff]", "[tblseason]", "[tblseason].[is_current] = -1")
Birthdate = DLookup("[Birthdate]", "[tblplayer]")
lag = 1
lag = DLookup("[Lowest_age_group]", "[tblplayer]")

age = DateDiff("yyyy", Birthdate, cutof, vbMonday, vbFirstJan1)
'MsgBox (age)
lag = age + 1

End Function

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Date Functions?

Dec 5, 2007

Hi everybody,

Hope all is well! I need to create a ad-hoc report for the rental items table . For example the table has an Expired Date. What kind of Date function I can use, so everyday, I can query out and show report for those rental that have 1 week prior to expiring date? Please help. Thanks so much!

For example : The Rental table has 3 records:
Item 1, Expired Date on 12/13/07
Item 2, Expired Date on 12/22/07
Item 3, Expired Date on 12/29/07

If I run the report on 12/06/07, then the report should show Item 1 since it is expired in 1 week.

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Date Functions?

Feb 13, 2008

Hi all,

Hope all is well! I have few questions to ask:

1/ First of all, how do I view in the Forums all of my own threads that I created? (silly question! )

2/ In MS Access 2000, what Date function/calculation expression used to count number of days between 2 date EXCLUDING weekends or even EXCLUDING Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? (since the workers work from Mon-Thu weekly).
For example:

Date PO enter field: 02/01/08
Date PO sent out: 02/07/08

I would like the Number of Days will return 3 instead of 6 (since we don't count Feb 2, Feb 3, and Feb 4 since they are Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

3/ If I have a Date field called "Rental Expired Date", what is the Date function that I can use to give me the report of any given day of all the items that will be expired 2 weeks from the day I run the report? Better yet, our office use Novel Group Wise email application, is there a way to send this report directly to a particular person Inbox everyday?

Thank you for your help,

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Functions No Longer Working

Sep 29, 2005

Not exactly sure if we has anything to do with sql server so sorry if it isnt strictly relevant.
I have a database on sql server and am using an access data project as the front end. Have finsihed this and is working fine till I try and use it on another computer on the network. It still connects to the database fine (well on most machines on the network not sure why not on the others) but the problem is access functions in my reports and forms seem to have stopped working and show up as ?#name
Examples of the kind of functions I am talking about are

=Format$([DateFrom],"Long Date")

=[SumOfMinutes]60 & Format([SumOfMinutes] Mod 60,":00")

any suggestions?

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Using Switch Functions In Expressions.

Oct 10, 2005

i'm trying to use a switch function in a query but i'm unfamiliar with the format a bit. here is what i'm trying to do...

switch([Radios]![Warranty] and [Radios]![HousingWarranty]=true,[Radios]![Change front housing]*(25/60*28), [[Radios]![Warranty] And [Radios]![PortableHousingWarranty]=true], [Radios]![MaterialsUsedPrice1])

basically first statement is condition second is execution. I need to add more but i'm getting an error from this much...if I was doing this in I would just do if, ifelse, ifelse, ifelse...but...


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