How To View 4 Tables Via 1 Form

Jan 17, 2006

Hello all,

I have an access db with 4 tables that have a common field called customer number.

I would like to do the following:

a) view some of the different fields in these 4 tables in my form,
b) update 1 of the tables via the form

Thanks for your help

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Be Able To View Multiple Tables In One Form Without Using Wizard !HELP!

Jul 14, 2005

Hello, New to the board. I need your help/advice.

I have a: Movie Form. Table Actor and Table Director in my database.

on my Movie Form I have a combo box, where users can click on any movie on the list and display both Actors and Director information according to the Movie Title they select.

To accomplish this I use Subform/Subreport Wizard to add each Table to the Movie Form. Because When I try to bound the Specific Data to a textbox I use, the Field List is EMPTY.

My question is how can I make my Movie Form have acouple TEXTBOX's that change accordingly to the Combobox without having to use the Subform Wizard to import the info from my 2 tables.

I hope this make some sense, im just learning. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank YOU

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Show Calculations In Tables That Are Entered In Form View

Jul 12, 2007

I would like my table to show the result of a calculations (or a formula). I surmise that you can not have a column cell calculate data, however if I can do this in the Form View and on a Report - can it just SHOW on the Table so I do not have to keep switching back and forth to see the information.

I am new to Access and think the forum will be a big help to me.

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Blank Form In Form View But Fields Present In Design View

Oct 19, 2005

After reading many of the posts here, I decided that one of the problems with the tables in the db I was working on was in the primary keys. I had used the same field name as the primary key in all of my tables. This was RecipID, which was a user entered textbox with an example in a label beside it showing the format to use.

After reading stuff here, I decided this wasn't a good idea. So I changed RecipId to be an autonumber in the parent table (Household_Info) and a long integer foreign key in the children. Also, I added some fields to the parent table to identify the head of household (lastname, firstname)

I already had a continuous form made with a subform and a pop-up form associated with it based on my previous tables. Reran the query underlying the form, and the new fields showed up in the field list box for the form. The fields are all still present in design view, but I get a totally blank form in form view. I checked the forms recordsource and made sure that it was set to the new query.

Can anyone give me an idea about what I'm overlooking? Do I have to recreate the form?

(Sorry if this is a repeat of a question someone has already addressed, but I couldn't turn up any relevant threads after several hours of searching.)

Thanks, Charlotte

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Forms :: Text Boxes Showing In Design View But Not Display In Form View

Apr 19, 2014

I have a Form which I have linked correctly to a subform. The Text boxes are showing in the Design view but are not when one switches to the Form View. Labels for Fields are visible in the Form View. Have even created a new subform and that will also not display the Text Boxes.

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Forms :: Unable To View Object Properties In Form Design View (Access 2010)

May 16, 2014

Why the ability to view the properties of an object within a form is not available when you double click on it in design view?

I was happily working away double clicking on a command button to edit some code when for some reason the next time I tried to edit it did not open up for me.

I was unable to access it even by right clicking on the object & selecting properties as that also appears to be disabled, not greyed out or anything but just does nothing when selected.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere that prevents the properties from being displayed?

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How Do I Show The Subform As Form View Instead Of Datasheet View :confused:

Jul 19, 2007

See title :)

I have seen that in some sample db's rightclicking the mouse showed the menu with an option to check or uncheck the dataview option, unchecked the formview was applied, but when i 'just' import the subform, i cannot find somewhere the possibility to change from dataview to formview.

Maybe someone can help me with this, probably very simple(?), question?

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!!??? All My Forms Are Blank Under Form View - But Fine Under Design View!!!

Jul 13, 2006

Anybody ever heard of this before? I open a form, and it is empty, just a blank window. I open the same form in Design View, all appears well. :mad:

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Forms :: No Filters - Cannot View All Records In Form View

Aug 27, 2013

I have 4 tables and around 440 records but can only view up to 417 in the form I have designed. I have been adding new records via form and it has been added to my main table, but when i try to view it in form view - the record is not available to view. What do I need to do to correct this problem?

I have checked that there are no filters, data entry is set to No, Auto deletions, additions and edits are set to yes.

Also to mention it seems that the problem has arisen since I set up some new queries, there is a one to one relationship between the tables!

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I Want Datasheet View... Why Does It Keep Showing Form View?

Apr 6, 2006

I have a form which is opened with a filter from another form. For some reason it views the form in form view, although it was set up as datasheet view. I even went to the form properties and the default was datasheet and i made it not to allow other views. This still didnt solve it. I want it to be in datasheet view because i want to show multiple records at the same time.

If u kno how i could resolve this please offer ur help


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Tables :: Lock View Of Tables And Queries?

Sep 24, 2013

I want to lock the view of certain tables and queries so that users could not perform any change at their own. Is there any way in VB to protect it with password....

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View Records In Form View

Apr 6, 2006

Hi, I am in the process of creating a new database - I am a bit new to this. I have a main form, which also contains two subforms. The record source of the main part of the form is 11 tables, and then each of the subforms is based on one table each (so there are 13 tables altogether).

Everything seems to be linked up ok, and when I add new information to the form (and the subforms), the information gets saved to the tables as it should be. However, I want to be able to view past records in the form view, so that users can regularly update past records using form view. I can't do this. Each time I open the form view, the thing at the botton left says 'record one of one.' THen if I put the curser in (for eg) the box called 'client name' and click on the search button, I get a message saying:

"you can't find or replace now, the fields are not searchable due to:
- the fields are controls;
- the fields have no data;
- there are no fields to search."

well I don't really know what that means. There is definately data in there somewhere, because I can view it in the table view, but I'd like to be able to view and update old records, and search, in the form view.

any tips?

thanks for helping

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Tables :: How To View Linked Tables

Oct 29, 2013

I am taking over a database someone else created but is no longer here. The tables are linked to an external oracle database. I know the links exist because when I run a query it prompts me for my user name and password. However, the tables look like regular tables. There is no icon showing it's a linked table so I don't know which tables are actually linked and pulling from the Oracle database.

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2 Tables - VIEW Duplicate Records

Feb 3, 2005

I have 2 tables that have the same structure and same column names - Table A and TAble B. If field1, field2, field3, field4, and field5 match - I want to see that duplicates exist.

How do I do it with 2 tables? I know the query wizard check for duplicates can do it in one table - but I need to compare the two.


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General :: How To View System Tables

Jan 31, 2013

Access 2010 Where exactly do I find Import Specifications that I have created? How do you View System tables?

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Tables :: View Most Frequently Used Data In A Field

Jun 29, 2014

How can i see the most frequently used data in a field?

For example if i have years put in a field, how can i see what is the most frequently used year and also how many times it's used? It will be a plus if i can see all the years in order.

Also if i have one field and in that field i have more than one name, can i find again which is the most frequently used name?

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Tables :: Updating A Table In Design View?

Jun 5, 2013

I have created a database table with 100+ fields with data. I now need to insert an additional 33 fields that will have a static default value between 1 and 33. I have already inserted the Line # field in the table between every 6 fields and gave it a default value. I now would like the existing database to update and reflect the new changes that were made for the new inserted fields.

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Tables :: SQL Table View Auto-number

Apr 7, 2014

i have created a Union sql Table View, that i have connected to in access. Its a list from 5 different companines of Supplier accounts. I need to create an autonumber for this table? Not sure if this may be more SQL based than access

SELECT PLSupplierAccountID AS AccountID, SupplierAccountNumber AS AccountNumber, SupplierAccountName AS AccountName, 'RWL' AS Company
FROM Roth.dbo.PLSupplierAccount
SELECT PLSupplierAccountID AS AccountID, SupplierAccountNumber AS AccountNumber, SupplierAccountName AS AccountName, 'FAH' AS Company
FROM FAH.dbo.PLSupplierAccount


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Tables :: View Table Data On Subform?

Jan 1, 2013

i have a table that holds "course codes" with the corresponding Module title and module codes, and assessment titles and codes that are used in each of the courses, so I have a few records that will go against one course code. I have forms set up with subforms, with the same general details on the top of each as the main details, and each of the subforms giving different information. But, for four of my subforms, I need to pull information from this table with the module title, module codes, assessment title and codes. possible to have these certain columns appear across four subforms, and what is the best way to go about it, I was thinking of using lookups?

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Tables :: Copying Data From Union SQL View

May 1, 2014

I'm trying to create an access table (with a Primary key) that loads in the data from a Union SQL view.

Im hoping there is a way of achieving this? Ive tried an append and create table queries which copies the data but still no primary key.

I've created a blank table with the fields i want but cant think how to import the fields from the view into it?

Am i better off loading the view into excel?

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General :: Set Password For Tables And Forms - Allow Admin View Only

Apr 21, 2013

I have a receptionist which uses a database that contains everything in the company ..there is an employee table that contains their salaries and I want to set password for this table so that the admin is the only person who can view this table .......... is that possible?? And the same thing for a form that controls this table!

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Tables :: Date Display Change In Table View?

Mar 10, 2014

I have a table that contains many column but one of the columns is the "Collected Date". the dates entered in this column in in this format: 2013.10.28 however I to upload this table in another software to analyse, I need the date to be in this format: 10/28/2013 I already tried changing the format in the design view but since the format is currently in text it does not allow me to change the format into date!

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Queries :: Design View - Unable To See Relationship Tables At The Top

Sep 10, 2014

While viewing the query in design view, I am unable to see the relationship tables at the top.

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Tables :: Smooth Horizontal Scroll In Table View

Oct 19, 2012

Is it possible to change the scroll type to a "smooth" scoll when I'm in table view of a table?

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Extracting Common Data From Tables To View In A Report

Nov 12, 2012

I have a feedback database with 3 tables, one for complaints, compliments and other. They have the standard common fields such as name, address, date received, nature of enquiry, investigating officer etc etc.A person can have more than one record in the complaints table and that same person could also have 1 one more records in the compliments and others table. What I would like to do is to be able to display the data for that same person that appears in the complaints, compliments and others table in a report using a search facility by either name or address. This will therefore display the number of times that this person has made contact together with dates and the reasons.

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Tables :: Set Validation Rule For Unit Field In Design View

May 1, 2013

I have two tables in Access 2010:

Tbl1 - Abbreviations: with fields (1) "Abbreviation" and (2) "Definition"
Tbl2 - Piping: with multiple fields one of which is "Unit"

In Design View of Tbl2, I'd like to set the "Validation Rule" for the "Unit" field so that it is restricted to values in field 1 of the Abbreviations Table (i.e. one of the listed abbreviations").

I tried variations of "[Tables]![Abbreviations]![Abbreviation]" in the "Validation Rule" portion of the Design View for Tbl2 (Piping) but, couldn't get this to work.

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