Hyperlinking To External Files From Access

Oct 29, 2006

hey all,
I would very much appreciate any help or ideas on how to do this as I am stumped.
I need to develop an access database to track documents but also link to them.
I’ll explain what it needs to do;

Every day there is a numbered (and titled) Word format document that is sent.
Most, but not all of the time an accompanying excel file is also sent. The excel file is used for updates to the word document of the same name.
Lets say the word document is titled DW101.1.doc and the Excel file is called DE101.1.xls
The first would signify it is a Word document by D (being short for Document) and W for Word.
The 2nd would be D for document and E for Excel, and then a number which is 101.1.

They are saved in a folder on the hard drive.
Each time these documents are recd then the Access Database is opened and info about those documents is entered. The document name, date, subject, number etc.
There will also be 3-4 fields that are also filled out with terms from the content of the document that could be searched by those 3-4 fields.
So as each document is recd, it’s opened and ‘scanned’ for relevant terms and or content.
That content is what will be filled in the search fields and then the subject will be the ‘main’ searchable item.

All this so far I can do with no problem.
It’s this part that’s making me crazy.
What I would really like to do is when the document(s) come in and are saved in the folder, from access you can open a dialog box, browse to that folder, and click in the file to associate it with the entry you are making for it in the database.
That way when a search is done with terms or words or subjects that match that document it will bring up the results of the search as a hyperlink that will open that document.

The people that will be using this are not very computer literate to say the least.
I could create a link to the document but I would have to be in design mode and it won’t show up as a record in a table.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated……………..


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Importing External Files To Access Tables

Jul 7, 2005

Can you import from a .txt file on Notepad into an Access table or will it have to go via an excel spreadsheet to begin with?

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Tables :: Access External Data Results In TMP Files

Oct 7, 2013

Running Office 365 (Access 2013). Recent problem occurrence. When I do an 'External Data' command, either from another Access database or an Excel file, the import completes, but I don't see the new table immediately in the navigator section. If I import from another Access database, the new imported tables appear as '~TMPCLP....' tables. If it's from an Excel workbook, the new table doesn't appear at all. It's only after I exit the database and reopen it do I see the new tables correctly named.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Disable Security Pop Ups When Opening External Files In Access 2010

Aug 1, 2013


I have a button on a form, when it is clicked it opens a video file located in a folder on the local computer. Each time the button is clicked a security pop up appears that says "Opening file://C:lahblahyadayadaFile.mp4 Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. It is important to be certain that this file is from a trustworthy source. Would you like to open this file?" options are open or cancel. How can these messages be turned off?

I have already played around in the trust center of Access 2010 and changed the "trusted documents", "trusted locations", and "message Bar" tabs with no results. Do I have to play with regedit in windows to get rid of these pop ups? Or can I somehow use VBA code to disable them?They are just a nescience.

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General :: Files Can't Be Uploaded To External Host Server

Apr 1, 2014

We have an Access frontend with a Sql back end on an external server in the cloud.One of the things I need to do is allow people to attach files/documents to a record. I have set this up okay with the document being copied and saved to a new location and the path string being associated with the record. This will only work for people in my office though. I need to enable people in other cities to be able to upload or view these documents. Each office has their own server.

My IT department said they had created a VPN for this. They gave me a web URL which enables me to log in to QNAP. From there I can click to open the 'file station' and use the 'folder window' that appears within the browser to click through to the relevant folder - and there are buttons for uploading and downloading documents.

I could try writing some code that will automate all these steps - maybe. I'd rather not, but I can't see any alternative. It looks like a real pain to go through the HTML elements (and I think there may be errors coming up about certificates)

The files can't be uploaded to the external host server the back-end is on incase any of the documents are confidential. They don't want it saved anywhere other than on their own servers.

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Help With Hyperlinking Please

Jun 5, 2005

First of all I would like to say a big hello to all on the forum. Great info and great reading for newbies Like myself
I am very new to access and I'm using the 2002 version.

I have a form with a textbox, I want to add a button on the form to open the hyperlink browser. After I select the location of the file I want that URL to be entered into the textbox as a hyperlink. This has been bugging me now for 3 days. As I say I am a real, real newbie so any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Help With Hyperlinking

Nov 3, 2005

Hi all,

Just looking for a bit of help with hyperlinking on a form. Basically, I am adding a 'read more' function to a quiz program I am writing.

I have a label simply called 'Read More' that sits on the form. I need to set a hyperlink to this label, that is looked up from the DB as the hyperlink changes each time the form reloads.

From a simplistic view - I have a table "tbllink", with two fields, 'ID' and 'hyperlink'.

I have tried using a simple DLookUP query as the hyperlink, but access does not recognise this as a piece of code and thinks it is the actual address of the link.

=DLookUp("[hyperlink]","tbllink","[ID] = " & [ID])

Just wandering if there is an easy way to work this?

Thanks in advance

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Character Recognition And Hyperlinking

Aug 7, 2007

I was wondering if its possible to.... In my business, we test electronic components. When one fails, it gets documented as a test error, and the document is named TE-XXXX YYY where XXXX is a four digit number and YYY is a code of some sort. is it possible that in a table, When TE-XXXX YYY is entered, it only recognizes "TE-XXXX" which hyperlinks to microsoft word document in a folder that gives more information about the test error. Thanks in advance!

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General :: External Access To Application

Apr 8, 2015

I found the way to make my app absolutely (???) secure. But there is one problem I can't find a solution: how to prevent anyone to sneak in my app?Of course it is possible to hide the VBA but I found nothing about the Access objects.

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Import External Table, Access Does Not Like Field Name

Sep 27, 2005


I would like to link to an external data source (table) from MS Access 2003. I attempt to use the 'Import' feature to do this, and select 'ODBC Connection'. I am trying to connect to an application called 'Action Remedy'. I make the connection fine, but when Access attempts to import the table, it does not like one of the Action Remedy field names, and the Import aborts. The name is something like "Call Status-History.Closed.Time". Obviously, Access does not like this field name. And the chances of getting it changed (on the A/R backend are slim to none). Thus, my question: Is there away around this ?

Thanks !

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Access/Excel External Data Question

Oct 30, 2006

I have a database that contains a series of tables & queries that feed a formatted Excel sheet(s). The problem is it is not very portable.

It works fine on my local computer, but if I give the database to someone else and when the open the Excel template and try to refresh the data from the database they get an error "could not find file C:documents and settingsusername...

If I make a file for them off of documents and settings with my username and put the database in it, it works fine.

So I guess the question is, how do I change the path in Excel to reference the users computer without re-doing all the external queries?

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VBA Access To Gather Info From External Site

Dec 29, 2006

Hello All

I am doing an assignment, which is fantasy football database and instead of entering the data i thought could i import the data from say another site which is updated regularly. Can it be done with VBA Access also wanted to link the database to a apache server. Any pointers on how to do this would be appreciated or if it is feasable. Have to have assignment in before Aprial.


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Difficulty Getting External Data In Access 2007

Feb 2, 2007

Hi There,

I have recently upgraded from Office XP to Office 2007. I had an Access database which worked fine in Access XP. In it I had a table linked to an Excel spreadsheet. When I entered data on an access form, it updated the Excel spreadsheet [source document] accordingly. This does not seem to work in Access 2007. The linked table option now does not permit data entry or amendement. The other "Get external data" options create a table in Access which also does not update my source Excel document. The idea is to enter data in Access using a form. This data is placed in an excel spreadsheet. Excel gets some lookup values, and then enters these in a Word mail merge. Without the functionality of a linked table and data entry, I cannot produce new reports.

Can anybody help please?


Mark M.

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General :: External Form That Interfaces With Access

Jan 15, 2014

I'm looking for a form system that will interface with Access.

At present, we collect information from clients and store it in an Access 2003 database. I have designed my form as an Excel spreadsheet. I use Excel as we are missing the reference files that will enable Access to work with Word and some other programs. The Excel form is emailed to the client, who fills it in & emails it back to us.

To restrict entry of certain fields to a list of values, I use lists in the Excel Workbook, which emulate the lookup tables in Access. I am expecting to add more values to the lookup tables, which would mean that I have to constantly update the lists on the Excel spreadsheet, with the lists eventually becoming quite large.

I have written an import program in Access which imports the Excel worksheet/s into the relevant Access tables. This all works, except the entire process is very manual.

What I would like is to use an external form program that would do the following:

1. Allow me to design something that looks nicer than a spreadsheet
2. Can be updated with my lookup tables so I don't have to manually edit the lists (as in Excel)
3. Can be imported into Access (export to an xls or csv file would be ok if not into Access)
4. Is portable, self-contained & can be emailed to the client so doesn't require them to log into any of our systems, including our web site. The user can fill it out with the data being validated at the same time & then return it to us.

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Exporting Data To External Access Database?

Jan 23, 2015

code that will allow me to take data [All Fields] from a Table in my Database and Insert them into another identically structured Table in another MS Access accdb Database.I would also like to filter for records older than a month [MyDateField]

I have tried the following code I found on line. It doesn't throw an error . . . but it doesn't perform the Insert either.

Dim ws As DAO.Workspace 'Current workspace (for transaction).
Dim db As DAO.Database 'Inside the transaction.
Dim bInTrans As Boolean 'Flag that transaction is active.
Dim strSql As String 'Action query statements.
Dim strMsg As String 'MsgBox message.


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How To Build Access Database From External Report

Oct 3, 2012

We have an older system that generates txt reports. I take these txt reports, then using Excel, I append the report headers to each record... creating a datatable. I then import this table to Access. I have not been able to figure out how to have Access perform this. In Excel, I use an "if" statement.

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Trouble Importing External Data - Access Limit?

Oct 23, 2006

I'm trying to import about 18 excel spreadsheets into one database in Access. I've been using "get external data" to import the spreadsheets as tables, and the first 8 of them worked fine, but now I cannot import any more excel files. The only error message I'm getting is "An error occurred trying to import file 'C:....xls' The file was not imported." And this error pops up after I have gone through all of the importing steps. Did I exhaust Access's resources? It's not a format issue, and I've restarted, etc. I'm at a loss.

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Forms :: Cannot Open External App Using Shell In Access 2013

Aug 19, 2014

In previous versions of Access (i.e 2003 and prior) I could use the following code in the On Click event of a form's command button to open an external file:

Dim stAppName As String
stAppName = "C:Program FilesCadroTransPost PlusTransPostPlus.exe"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

However, I'm now using Access 2013 and it wont allow me to use this anymore, it gives me the following error:

Runtime Error '5"'
Invalid procedure call or argument

Why this doesn't work in Access 2013?

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Modules & VBA :: Transfer Database From Oracle Into External Access Db

Oct 26, 2013

i'm running a module from an access db. how do i import a table from oracle into a closed access db, not the one where the code is running from?

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Modules & VBA :: Get Filtered / Grouped External Data Into MS Access Table

Oct 20, 2014

I have an Excel file with a name range "DBIAS" which identifies all database data.

Then I have an Access file with a form to import that database (better, that named range) into an Access table. While importing, I have to filter some records or grouping by some field.

I cannot run correctly a VBA code to get data (filtered and/or grouped) from that name range and save those records to an existing or a brand new table.

I could get those data as DAO.recordset and printed out with "Debug.print" on immediate window, but I cannot complete the final step: writing those records to a table.

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Determining Actual Running Time Of External Application In Access

May 3, 2014

I want to run an external application (a batch file) ... and want to run it by clicking on a command button on a form. That part is all fine, using the Shell command. I can determine the start time of the application (also fine with now() function) .. but want to find out how long the external application ran and log that "run time" into my database.

The part I don't know about is the .. really the ending time. How do I determine how long the application really ran for / ended ? I imagine I can use datepart to determine the difference in the start and end times. Or would I use a timer control. (but I cannot find the timer control in Access 2010).

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Hide External Data And Database Tools Tabs From Access

Jan 17, 2015

I want to hide external data and databasetools tabs only from my access program. How i do it ?

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General :: Hide External Data And Database Tools Tabs From Access?

Jan 17, 2015

i want to hide external data and databasetools tabs from my access program.

how i do it ?

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Modules & VBA :: Send Email From Access 2013 Through External SMTP Server?

Jun 5, 2015

I have Access 2013, Win 7, Outlook 2010 (32-bit).I want to send an email from Access, but not through Outlook. Instead I want to connect to an external SMTP server. I've found a few examples that doesn't work for me. With code including for example

Set ObjMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

I get an "Error 429: Object can't be created in Active X-component" (My translation from Swedish).With code including this:

Dim oEMail As New CDONTS.EMail

I get "user defined type has not been defined" (my translation again).I have working code for sending email through Outlook, which works fine. But, Outlook adds a lot of span tags, making it impossible to read for certain screen readers used by visually impaired people, therefore I can't use Outlook.

I've tried to read up on the matter (CDO), and think that maybe the CDO library etc is not included on my computer?can I download it?

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General :: Cannot Use ODBC To Import From / Export To / Or Link To External Microsoft Access

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to create an ODBC link to a copy of the Northwind data base.I am running Win7 on a 64 bit operating system but am keeping office running as 32 bit for Access, Excel , Visio etc due to the fact that I have a lot of old apps tied to them.

When I attempted initially to create a new system DSN ODBC connection it only allowed me to use SQL drivers. (No plurry good) So after some searching I found out that I could use a file in C:WindowsSysWOW64 called "odbcad32.exe" which has allowed me to view /use the total list of drivers to import data.So I can set up a DNS ODBC named Northwind1 and I can access the database without problems using Excel.However if I try to use the same ODBC link in Access to connect to Northwind1 I get the following error message:"You cannot use ODBC to import from export to, or link an external ?Microsoft Access or ISAM database table to your database".

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Problem Entering External Data From Excel Into Access Field Using Input Mask

Mar 5, 2008


I'm new to this. I'm trying to enter data (it's actually Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates) from an existing Excel source into an Access database which has input masks of 00°00'00.00"L;0;0 (Latitude) and 000°00'00.00"L;0;0 (Longitude) in the respective fields. However I cannot get the information to import or display correctly. I did an "export data" of the respective table (hence fields) to Excel to try and get the correct entry format. An example of the Lat exported was 24°49'41.81"N and Long was 067°01'44.02"E (but with a very small ' in front but only visible in the data entry line in Excel, not in the actual spreadsheet table???)

However when I try to enter the data (even using the exact same little degree symbol, apostrophe, and quotation marks) it does not enter the access fields correctly. On closer scrutiny of the exported Excel format I note a small ' at the very beginning of the 24°49'41.81"N or 067°01'44.02"E string. But as I said previously only visible in the data entry line next to the formula button. Not on the spreadsheet cell.

However even when I "Paste Special" "values only" my new co-ordinates into the same entry location as one exported, it will still not import, or display correctly. If I go into the Access database directly there is a form where if I need to enter the new co-ordinates (using lat example above) I only have to enter 24 49 41 81 N (spaces between) and it will show correctly as 24°49'41.81"N

I'm getting desparate as I don't want to have to change all the details manually. Anyone know what my correct format from an Excel spreadsheet should be?

Apologies for lengthy story! Difficult to describe problem with degree symbols etc

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