Ignore Form_close Command

Aug 16, 2006

Hi guys, is there any code u can write that ignores this hidden command that closes the form when you press the X button in the top right corner of the form.

Many thanks, Ben

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Problem With Form_Close() Trigger

Feb 2, 2005

When the close button on the top right of the form is pressed I want the following code to be run:

Private Sub Form_Close()

Dim preview As Boolean
Dim checkForOldBooks
Dim count As Integer

preview = False

count = DCount("*", "tblOldItems")

If count > 0 Then
Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rOldBooks", "oldBooks", preview)
Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rBarCodeList", "BarcodesScanned", preview)
Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rBarCodeList", "BarcodesScanned", preview)
End If


End Sub

I put this code in the Form_Close trigger because I want it to execute everytime the form is closed. The problem I'm having is when I run the form and press the close button the code does not seem to execute. However if I put a breakpoint in the trigger, run the form and press the close button, the program does go into the trigger and the code executes as it should when I step through it.

To troubleshoot I also created a button and added the above code, when the form is run and the button is pressed the code executes as it should it just does'nt work in the close_form trigger.

Does anyone know why this may be happening.

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Parameter Value For Combo Box Needed During Form_close

Feb 13, 2005

Once more I'm desperate:
The most "stupid" thing happens when I close a form of mine:
A message box appears asking me to give a parameter value for a combo box that is included in my form. That combo box is used to find specific records in my form. It works perfectly, but the only problem that creates is that mentioned above. Why is a parameter value needed (only when I close the form)? The funny thing is that if I load the form and not click or update the combo-box, when I close the form everything works fine. I checked the vb-code a million times and there's nothing odd in the "after update" code. I must mention that when that msg box appears, whether i give a value to that message box or not,the form closes normally, without anything affected. But it's very annoying. If we could just by-pass that msg box, or eliminate the cause that makes it appear.......
Pls help.....
Thank you in advance

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Ignore Duplicates

Aug 15, 2006

I have 2 tbl's one is class and the other is professor... in my logic i create a new class for each student however, I am trying to make label for the professor and since a professor can teach more than one class i need only one label. How do i do this

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How To Ignore Parameter?

Oct 18, 2007

Hi there

I've been looking for this one for a while. In my query I'm using a date field to extract dates using the between And function. I'm refrencing to txt boxes within a dialog form within the query.

For example:
Between [Forms]![frmViewByCatagory]![TxtStartDate] And [Forms]![frmViewByCatagory]![txtEndDate]

The field actually only lists years rather whole dates .
I want to find a way to add an expression so that I can leave the txt boxes blank and access will ingnore the txt boxes and give me all the records.

Does anyone have an idea what I can do here. I thought the IIF function along with Null might work but I don't know the syntax.


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Ignore Blank Parametres In Query

Jan 22, 2008


I have a form where the user can choose from a drop down menu, values like Name= James.90

Then it would return the record with James.90 And That date in it

But my problem is you have to choose a value for both boxes. Is there a way to ignore it if the field is left blank.

My current code is

SELECT timesheet.WeekEnding, timesheet.FName, timesheet.Company, timesheet.Project, timesheet.CTR, timesheet.Comments, timesheet.Total, timesheet.Project_Title
FROM timesheet
WHERE (((timesheet.WeekEnding)=[Forms]![FormBeta]![Week]) AND ((timesheet.Company)=[Forms]![FormBeta]![Company]) AND ((timesheet.Project)=[Forms]![FormBeta]![Project]));

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Modules & VBA :: Ignore Certain Events In A Form?

Apr 9, 2014

In my database I have module that checks if tick box is True and then closes all the forms and kicks the user out of the database. However in most of my forms, there is a custom Save command in the On Click of cmdSave button and the Form_BeforeUpdate. The save requires certain things to be true so naturally if a user has made a change to a record, the form won't allow you to close it if you haven't saved your changes or undone them.

Is there anyway I can get my module to bypass certain events in the form?

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Ignore Blank On Query Expression

Jun 11, 2012

I have some expressions built to calculate totals in a query. Here is the first

Engineer Total: [Engineer Hrs]*[Engineer rate].

This works when a user adds hrs to a table and the rate is a default number.Then a total from 4 totals similar to the Engineer total are added together here:

Total Rate: [Designer Total]+[Quality Total]+[Coordinator Total]+[Engineer Total].

Works perfect if all 4 Hrs fields have data. The problem is not every entry will have hrs in each field..when this happens the Total rate does not calculate. So long story short, how do I make the Total rate bypass the blanks or do I need to make the Engineer total force a zero on blanks?

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Queries :: Ignore Wildcard If Criteria Is Blank

Dec 16, 2014

In a database am building, I want to run a query with the criteria dependant on which field the user populates in a form.

The form has a number of fields that the user can select from including our reference number, the client's reference number and the site address.

I would like the user to be able to select the site address using a wildcard so that they can enter a part of the address such as "This Street" instead of "45 This Street" and the user be presented with all of the records matching "This Street".

I tried using the criteria:

Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*"

Which works perfectly as long as this field is populated. If this field is not populated, entering details in any other field bring up every record in the database.

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1]),Null,[Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*")

The full sql of my query is:

SELECT Jobs.JobsSalesEnquiryRecordNumber, Jobs.JobsJobStatus, Jobs.JobsEnquiryDate, Jobs.JobsTakenBy, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsURN, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsName, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine1, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine2, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine3, ClientDetails.ClientClientPostCode, Jobs.JobsClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsAlternativeClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsClientContact,

[Code] ....

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Queries :: If Check Box Is Ticked Ignore 1 Criteria

Oct 15, 2014

I have 3 queries populating 3 subreports on a report, i have a checkbox on my main form i launch the report from - i reference it in a filter on the form to ignore certain error types - id like it do to the same in the queries that populate the reports

So the reports atm give - an over all count of error types, a count per person and then a breakdown on type per person

Thats all fine but id like the option to ignore one type of error (as we sometimes look at it and sometimes dont).

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Reports :: How To Get Report To Ignore Deleted Entries

Apr 26, 2013

The problem I am having is I am using a =Sum([SumOfCountOfUseData]) statement to get a number of instances data is used from a table this works with one exception it counts deleted instances and sums those as well?

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Access Calender, Ignore Weekends And Bank Holidays

Apr 2, 2008

I'm using access 2007 and have some date fields in my forms, i'd like to be able to blank out weekends and public holidays from the calender/date selector in these fields so theres no way those dates can be selected. Is this possible? Thanks.

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Access 2K3 Append/Update Ignore Non Null Cells!

Oct 7, 2007


I have been tasked with completing an audit of approximately 10,000 items, to which I have generated a list of 40 questions (fields) for each record. I began collating the information in Excel, but found myself getting lost and even experienced major data loss on at least 2 occasions. I have now decided to ditch Excel and use Access 2003 instead.

I have imported my master spreadsheet, however as I have various contacts sending in their respective information in Excel spreadsheets with same types of fields, and also need to import data that has already been sent in. I’m thinking that it would be better for me to create update and append queries, especially as there is going to be a stage 2, where I will be requesting additional (field) information.

There is a big chance that some of the contacts will send in info for the same item (record), which means that there is a risk of duplication, which I have removed as I have a unique identifier which will be the primary key! Is that right or should it be indexed?

The main problem that I have is that I want Access to ignore the target cell if it has a value in it! Meaning that I would not like Access 2003 to overwrite the cell with valid data in it, with a blank cell! As I need the database to grow!

Can anyone suggest a way that I can do this please.



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Reports :: Delete / Ignore A Page Based On Field Value

Oct 18, 2013

So I have a report with two pages. One page is about product exchange information and the other one payment. This report can either be printed or saved as a pdf (one pdf for both pages) and e-mailed.

This works fine, however if the item is under warranty then the exchange is for free and I do not want to print/e-mail the 2nd page (payment).My trigger field for this is "Warranty" which can be "Yes" or "No".How can I prevent that 2nd page from printing/e-mailing? Can it be simply skipped when the report is being created based on my field?

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Queries :: Left Function - NOT Ignore Leading Zeros

Aug 3, 2015

In my table I have a numerical field for case numbers. Our case numbers are in the format of YYMM000000 (YY = 2 digit year, MM = 2 digit month, remaining 0's are consecutive case numbers). In order to properly list the case numbers in descending order, I have

caseyr: Left([CaseNo],2) (which pulls the first 2 digits being the year)
officeno: Right([CaseNo],3) (which pulls the last 3 for our part of the case number)

This was working fantastic until I had to enter cases from 2009, ex: 0911000587

I have set the format for the CaseNo field to 000000000 everywhere it is. It displays the 09 cases perfectly, retaining the zero, however, my left function ignores it. In the case number of 0911000587, it pulls 91 as the first 2 digits. So, in the form that I list my cases in order, the 2009 cases are showing up first (because they're pulling as 91 instead of 09).

Is there anything I can do to force it to NOT ignore the leading zero?

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Modules & VBA :: Import To Access Table From Excel - Ignore Duplicates

May 6, 2015

I have code written which imports excel data to a access table but after the first import it fails due to duplicates, how can i tell it to ignore duplicates in the table and only copy new records?

code is below.

Function SyncEmployes()
Dim lngColumn As Long
Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object


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Modules & VBA :: Ignore / Override Form Ribbon Created For Users

Jan 27, 2014

I have created a ribbon for the users on all forms, and named that ribbon on each form. While I can bypass the Main ribbon (hiding backstage and most other tabs) by holding the shift key on open, the minute I open a form I am stuck with the very limited form ribbon I've named. Is there a programmatic way I can ignore this call, either when holding the shift key or some other avenue?

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Modules & VBA :: Ignore Date Fields In Table When Counting Records?

Jun 6, 2014

Suppose I have a table with a variety of fields; one autonumber, some text fields and some date fields.

I need code to calculate the number of fields that are NOT date fields and then code to count how many of those fields (the ones that are not date fields) have data in them.

Following is the code to count how many fields in a table had data and this works well, but now I need to find a way to ignore the date fields. How can this code be modified to do the same but ignore the date fields?

Public Function PercentCompleted(Table As String, IDProject As Long, TotalFields As Single) As Double

Dim sampO As DAO.Recordset, iCtr As Long, strSQL As String, Percent As Double
'Takes the fields based on the projectID
strSQL = "SELECT *" & _
"FROM " & Table & " WHERE IDProject = " & IDProject
Set sampO = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)


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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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Ignore Time In Date And Time Field

Mar 6, 2007


Wonder if someone can help please. I'm quite new to Access so please bear with me.

I have a data field in my database consisting of both a date and time.

I then have a form containing two fields where the user can type a 'To' and 'From' date to extract the records that they are interested in. The query behind this uses the 'Between[Enter The Date] And [Enter The Date]' coding.

The problem is that because the field contains a time it doesn't return any records when I run the query.

Can anyone offer a bit of guidance on how I could ignore the time part of the field perhaps by adapting the above.

Many thanks


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Sep 18, 2006


I have a question,

I made a Macros called AutoExec to run "beginning" Function

Function beginning()
If len(Command)>0 then
End if
End Function

But, it has "compile error: Can't find project or library"

What's wrong with it?

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Need Help!! With Command..

Feb 28, 2006


i need serious help with my access project...

im designing a database for videoshop for loans in access. i have got my movies and loans tables (along with others) and have got them as a one to many (loans to movies) and have got Rental ID as Primary key in Loans table and got that linked to Rental ID# in movies table.

i want some sort of command in the loans form so that when a customer loans out a movie it will update the movies table (rented out field).

the fields that i have got in the loans table are:

Rental ID
Customer ID#
Movie Rented Out
Date Rented Out
Other Rental Details
Rental Duration
Daily Fine Rate

the fields in the movies table are:

Movie Title
Movie Quantity
Movie Description
Rented Out
In Stock
Supplier ID#
Rental ID#
Stores ID#

if anyone whos reading this knows how i can do this then it will be highly appreciated if u replied to this thread.



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Command Button To Set Value

Apr 20, 2006

I have been working on this for awhile, and can't figure it out for the life of me!

I have a form set up with a drop down box that lets me pick from values from a table based off of the Primary Key of that table (Row Source = SELECT Order.OrderID, Order.OrderName from Order). I have a button on the form that I want to set a value (Closed) from the table entry based off of the order selected.

Pseudo code would go something like this.

Closed.Value = True Where Table.Order.OrderID = SelectedOrderID

Table.Order is a Table Named Order (obviously)
Closed is a yes/no field in my Order table
OrderID is the primarykey of the table Order
SelectedOrderID is the drop down box.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Command Button?

Apr 26, 2005

I, unfortunately, have been singled out as the Access guru in my work area. We have 223 people and the Information Manager has tasked me to modify a database he "found" to be able to track a number of things, but most important to him: performance reports.

I have posted the sample of what I currently have. What is being asked of me is a way in which to have a button or by double-clicking a block where a date would go for all other dates on the form to become non-visible while the current date stored in the computer the database is being worked from be entered in the block where the button or double-click happened. All this links to a report for the IM to be able to track what performace reports are out, and when they are due back to his section. He also wants me to be able to show which are overdue and where they are at. I am not sure if it is at all possible, but with me having spend most of last week purusing the articles on Access here, I know now that nothing is implausible if you happen to go about it the right way.

Since I have read the rules on posting, here is what I have done. I searched the forum for command button and got a lot of really cool ideas to use elsewhere in the database. I looked up the help in the program itself for command button, and got some good information on how a command button works, but I cannot make it put a date into a block. I can enter the date in any block that is a date format, but then I have dates in every block. He only wants to see the most current date in any of the blocks.

Any assistance at this point would be appreciated. If I have missed something in another thread, I apologise in advance.

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Command Button %

Apr 28, 2005

how can i assign a formula to a command button?

also can anyone give me specific advice about calucalating the % of check boxes ticked across multiple records.

thanks in advance

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Command Button

May 25, 2005

A couple of weeks ago I asked the question of how to send a single record from one table to another (Archive table) using a command button. I got a response. I have had time to work with this a little. My problem is I keep getting a error message "Run-time error '3075'; Syntax error (missing operator) in Query expression "[New ID]='. I wanted to mention that the archive table has an "archive ID" field as well as "New ID" that links the tables. I have the following code. Please help with this if possible.

" Private Sub Command667_Click()
' Save the main record if it has not been saved.
If Me.Dirty Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSave
End If

If MsgBox("Do you want to archive this record?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Dim SQL As String

' Move main record to Grants Activity Archive.
SQL = "Insert into [Grants Activity Archive]" & _
" select * from [Grants] where [New ID]=" '" & Me.ID & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute SQL
End If

End Sub "

The error seems to refer to the & Me.ID section. I have tried putting Me.New ID and also Me.Archive ID. The Grants Activity Archives is the subform where I want the record to go. This subform is set up like a form with many fields so it is a lot of work to type the main record from the Grants table to the Grants Activity Archive table every time you want to archive a record. I hope that makes sense.

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