Import Data And Process In Access

May 5, 2015

I have 4 csv files, that need to be imported into Access.

1. I'm building 4 linked tables so users can update the table as needed. Then run queries based on these tables to produce report. But maybe there's a better way? the file name and location might be dymatic, so anything like 'getopenfilename' would be easier instead of linked tables?

2. These data need to be clean up first to become a 'database table'. (Delete first 2 rows, delete some columns, remove duplicates etc.) I know how to do them in VBA Excel, but never used Macro in Access before.

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Process To Pull Data From Oracle To Access

Jan 13, 2007

We have a user that wants to pull data from multiple oracle tables into one access table. She will probably want to run this process daily. The tables will join easy enough, but I wasn't sure what the best way to go about doing this was.
I haven't used access very much. Again, this is a member of the user community and she is wanting to do this thru access.
Ideally, if it could be automated some way, or set up in some way where the user would not have to do much more than start the process (and not have to redo any "select" statements each time). I would assume some kind of combination of links and import (maybe using a macro?), but again I know very little about access.

Any guidance will be appreciated!

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Queries :: Import And Process Excel File Before Writing To Table

Jul 2, 2013

I am periodically importing Excel files into access.Making the data usable requires removing spaces, parsing certain fields, adding datasource field, etc. Currently, I am importing the un-formatted data into a staging table, cleaning it up with a query and then copying the updated staging table to the final table.

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Import Data From Access To Excel

Nov 5, 2004

I want to import data from access to excel my excel file has columns say
a b c d e f g h i j k
my access table has columns
b d e f g i k

now when i run transferspreadsheet, since some columns are not there in the access table, it gives a error. how can i import this data?

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Modules & VBA :: Process Records Without Dates First And Then Run Another Process To Split Those With Dates?

Aug 18, 2014

I'm not sure if I am biting off more than I can chew. I have a text field in each record in my database (Inherited) The db has nearly 5,000 records. I would like to split the field into records in a seperate table. An Example of the table as is now;

5882Opossum(78-80) (87-89) Otter(80-84) Opportune(91-93) Turbulent(97-00).
5883Astute Auriga Aeneas Affray Amphion
2407H34 O10 Porpoise Trenchant Tapir.

I want to create a table as follows;

5882Otter 19801984

Is this possible in one hit or do I need to process the records without dates first and then run another process to split those with Dates? I say dates but the field is a text field. About 15-20% of the records contain dates which are always enclosed in parenthesis.

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I Cant Import Excel Data Into Access 2003

Jan 15, 2007

When I try to import from a spreadsheet, Access crashes. No errors, no error log entry. At first I thought it was because my file was password protected, so I tried a new file with no password, but it still crashes Access.:confused:

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Import Outlook Form Data Into Access

Aug 8, 2007

Hi all

I've searched everywhere for a solution to this problem....and every site I come to has numerous examples of how to save Outlook Contact data into a database, but nothing on how to automatically store info from forms into Access table.

So, I assume the code will be in Access. When you run the macro it will look in a certain email folder, return all of the data within the forms in that folder and store it into an Access table.

Does ANYBODY know how to do this? I thought it'd be a much more common problem than it appears to be??

Or am I just being stupid :confused:

Thanks for your help! :)

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Import Excel Data Into Access Table

Apr 27, 2008

Hello guyz,
With the help of 'Import External Data' wizard, my import did not happen. My datatypes and Col. Headers in excel are matching for what I have in access table. Alternatively, I selected to import the data into new table and all of the data got imported. My question, since I already have some data in table I want data to be imported, how can I do about bringing all the data from new table I created during import to the existing table. Please suggest. Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Automate Import Data Into MS Access?

Sep 18, 2013

I have requirement to automate the process to load .CSV files onto MS Access on daily bases. I am new to MS Access.

Note: No other technologies are used like JAva, C#, etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Get XML From A Site And Import Data To Access

Dec 4, 2014

I get XML's from a site and want to import the data to Access. If I use the native import then I get multiple tables and the data is a little jumbled. For instance: I get 1 table with track names and a different table for track numbers with no way to relate the to accurately. I would like to be able to parse out the XML and have it update my table as it goes so I have less "junk" in my DB. I just can't figure out how to call out the XML tag and tell it to copy that info to the correct field.

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Import Part Of Data From Excel To Access Use VBA

Apr 23, 2013

Recently I am using this code to import the data in a excel sheet into Access table:

DoCmd.TransferText acImport, , strcTableName, strFullPath, True

But this will import all the data in that worksheet into the Access table.What I want to implement is to import part of the data. For example, the data I need is start from Row30 till the end, thus I don't need the data from Row1 to Row29.

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Batch Process To Open Password Protected Access Db

Jan 30, 2008

Hi All

I need to schedule the opening of a MS Access database which is password protected.

I think the best way to do this would be to use schedule a batch process to run, can anyone help with the script to create a batch proccess to only OPEN and CLOSE an MS Access database?


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Forms :: How To Set Up Approval Process With ACCESS Form Features

Jun 10, 2015

I am considering the possibility of revamping the employee onboarding & off-boarding process for our organisation to make it more efficient.

Current State: We use InfoPath forms in SharePoint Servers 2010 to handle onboarding/employee change/off-boarding requests submitted by the related department. With the Workflow process, the respective manager will receive email to approve the requested intake form and once it is done, the form will be assigned to someone in the business support team for processing. Once all the required logistics are completed, we shall enter the new hire's profiles into our MS Access employee database through an employee input form.

It works well although it seems like a duplication of work since the support team has to manually input the employee information, which is already captured on the InfoPath form, into the Access database. We also need to align the field options (such as data on drop down lists) in the InfoPath form with similar field on the input form in the database whenever there are new field added or changes made on existing fields.

Future State: I wonder if there is a way in Access to set up a similar request/approval process so that we can get rid of the InfoPath form when the requester can input the employee information on a onboarding intake form in Access with data stored in a temporary table. After the request is approved and subsequently completed by the business support team, we can say, click a button and transfer the employee data from the temporary table to the employee table. Of course, some sort of validation rules should apply before the transfer takes place to ensure data integrity.

I think the major challenges would be to build an approval process within Access to provide similar notification features as from InfoPath.

I know this might be a wild thinking but just want to look for possible options to save manual work and improve the efficiency of our process.

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Tables :: Cannot Import Data From Excel Into Access 2003

Feb 5, 2014

when i import data from excel into access 2003.i give nothing means not import data and no error seen like process finished but nothing happend.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Import Data From Text Files Into Access

Nov 6, 2014

I have a text file that details every single incident that happened in the system. This means that it is extremely messy and non-comprehensible to a normal person due to the use of codewords and all.

Is it possible to scan through the document and insert the data into access, such that the different keywords are put as seperate events?

Ps, the number of characters between each event and data may not always be the same, so seperating them by that is not the way to do it. However, when I open the file in notepad++, I can confirm that each event is 6 lines.

E.g. Line 1 = Event timestamp, Line 2 = Event Name, Line 3 = Acknowledged or not, Line 4 = Acknowledged by who, Line 5 = Event Details, Line 6 = Application Owner.

Basically, the 6 lines are the 6 columns that I would need in my table. So, is it possible to separate out and read every 6 lines of data in the text file?

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Import Excel Data To A Table In Access Through Form

Sep 25, 2014

I wanted to import data in a access table using a form in access. The form should contain a browse button to browse the file and then a command button to start importing.

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General :: Import Data To Excel From Access Without Retaining Link

May 11, 2015

Is there a way to import data to Excel from Access without retaining the link ?

I have a table and two queries (from that table) that I wish to export to a specific (Templated) Excel file.

I want to send the data to the Excel file then be able to subsequently copy and paste and email the file without any data connections etc.

Alternatively : to export from Access to the templated excel file.

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Excel Import Link To Access Is Broken - Data Won't Update

Apr 12, 2014

I have a workbook which has links to access to import data. I have to have the information in Excel for a couple reasons:

1.) Many of our customers don't have Access.
2.) The customers use a "discount calculator" to apply their own discounts.

They also use it to then apply their own margin mark ups to be able to then use to quote to their customers. So a static report/pdf for them to look at doesn't work.

I've begun to create links from a number of queries in Access, which work fine. My problem is when I go to update the data. I'm not getting the following error coming up:

The database definitely hasn't moved. And I've run the queries in q, and there aren't any problems there. I've looked this error up and I'm seeing that it could mean that I've got some corruption going on.

Before I hit my main q, I should also note: I'm running all of this on a Citrix network. I should also note that it's a consulting gig. Once I'm done, I won't be available to fix major issues like this.

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General :: Connecting Access Database To Website To Import Data Automatically

Jun 30, 2015

I just created a database and need to connect it to the data source. The data comes from a http website (intranet from work). When I open the link using firefox, I can view the website with the data in it, but when I open it from Internet Explorer, I get a save as pop-up message to save a csv file which contains all the data. The extension of the http website ends with csv. So it is something like http (slash slash...) Intranetname/referral_dbase.csv

Currently, I am opening the file using firefox, copying all the data manually, and pasting it in a text file using notepad. After that, I import the file into access. The delimiter of the data is this symbol: |

I am trying to find a way to link my database to the website where the data is located so that I can skip the manual process of opening the website and copying the data and saving it into a text file and then importing that file into access. I was thinking to have like a form in access with a bottom that will automatically import that data from this link and paste it into a table in access using the delimiter symbol mentioned above.

Is this too complicated? Is it even possible in access 2010?

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Import Excel Data Into Existing Access Table With Foreign Key Fields

Apr 25, 2015

I used to import excel data into access successfully, many times but now I have to import excel data into an existing Access table with foreign key fields, which makes me problems.

Its just doesn't work...and Im sure the forien key fields are the prob cause, the other fields are going well ...

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Tables :: Access 2003 Table Data Import Into Access 2007 Table

Apr 26, 2015

i have a database in access 2003 when i open it with access 2003 it shows data in table but when i open same table in access 2007 it shows only header rows , no data

how can i see this data into access 2007 or excel 2007.i want to link these table data with excel 2007 or access 2007 but with above problem i can't do it

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General :: Large Table Import / Way To Import Tables To Access

Sep 17, 2013

I want to make a database of diseases (need to learn them for school and would like a serchable database on my smart phone for future reference).
Unfortunately spent a lot of time making hundreds of pages of word tables before i realized a database would be better. See attached image or pdf. Is there a way to import the tables to Access?

I need to preserve the hierarchic info in the nested bullet point lists. E.g. under treatment i might have a point called Acute treatment, with sub-levels, Step 1, Step 2, etc. with their own sub-levels. I need to maintain this relational hierarchic info.

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Import Excel Data From Multiple Sheets Into Multiple Tables In Access

Aug 25, 2012

I would like to know which way is the best way to import excel data from multiple sheets in to multiple tables in access.

For example data from Sheet1 -> Table1, Sheet2->Table2, Sheet3->Table3 etc...

I have tried using this:
Cmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel5, "Table1", "C:Importedfile.xlsx", True, "Sheet1!"

Ironically, data from Sheet2 and Sheet3 seem to be properly imported in to table2 and table3, but some of the data from Sheet1 seems to be missing in Table1 after import.

Any other ways to import the data?

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Setting Data Import To Overwrite Data On An Existing Table

Aug 1, 2007

I have a database that I import data from an excel spreadsheet into multiple times daily. The table that this data is imported into has several key fields that if the data already exisits in the table, and I attempt to import data that is the same except for one or more of the key fields is different. At this time the database it creates a different record. I am trying to get the database to overwrite the data in the database.

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Import Data From Excel Monthly - Not Manual Input All Data?

Jan 5, 2015

I was assigned by my manager to design an Access database system that is able to import all data from excel file monthly and creating charts & tables to analysis how each sales people and industry perform.

We originally have a big excel master sheet that has more than 10 sheets. I tried to import the current excel into access, but then i realized that this is not gonna work. because for next month, there will be new data and I can't do the whole import process over and over. Plus, after this system is designed, the users will be someone who has no knowledge in access, so i need to create a user-friendly system for them to use.

My questions is:since the data is always cumulative number, if I imported current excel file into access, when the next month comes, how to update the new data into excel. p.s. EXP. Mike's sale volume is different each month, and with the access system, for that column, it will be a cumulative number, like the total from the month of November to this month. how do i achieve this kind of update/import goal?I tried to link the excel to access, but by doing that, I will not be able to set relationship or change the attributes of any data type in access.

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How To Replace Old Data With Import Excel Data?

Apr 15, 2007

Hi, i am a new comer. i have a table for students' comment for the first semester. however, in the 2nd semester i want to replace them with import data from excel to this table, but on the same student there are 2 rows of records (1 is 1st semester and 1 is 2nd semester).

how can i replace the new data to the old data? or how can i delete all the old data in the exsiting table so that i can import a new excel file?


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