Input Table

Apr 19, 2005

Okay, here's my situation. I have one main input form that is used for entering data. All of this data goes in to a form called "main table". On this input form, one field can bring up 2 other small forms based on data in a particular field. My problem is, I'm trying to get all the data from all of the forms to go in to that main table. It goes in to the table, but not as the same record. Is there a way to connect these??? Make sense?

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Manual Input Table

Aug 2, 2006

I want ot design a monthly table which shows each day 1-31 but I want to be able to enter a data value manually for each day.
I'm looking at building a query from the table which asks me for the date ie; 2Aug06 and then asks me for a value ie; 6 so the query (from which I can build my report) shows 02Aug 06 6



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How To Input Ingredients Into A Table

Jul 12, 2014

In a table I need to store ingredients with a unit and an amount. Some recipes will have 3 ingredients, some will have 17. So it would be nice if the ingredients can go in to one column. How would I go about adding this to a table? A name is simple because it is one cell and will always be one cell. An ingredient however, is any number of different inputs. So would each ingredient add a new field or is there a way to get all that information using only 1 field?

I need all this stored.

Simple Blueberry Muffin recipe.

# | Unit | Ingredient
6 - Tbsp - Unsalted Butter
¾ - cup - Sugar
2 - count - Eggs
½ - Cup - Sour Cream
1 - tsp - Vanilla Extract
½ - tsp - Orange Zest
1¼ - cup - Self-Rising Flour
1 - cup - Fresh Blueberries

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Access Can't Find Input Table

Mar 25, 2006

I'm looking for help with this error message: "Microsoft Jet database engine can't find the input table..." And the reason it can't find it seems to be that it's looking for an DBF file (which was a format I once had the data in, a long time ago) rather than the mdb file which I have been using forever. Any ideas?

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Format For UK Postcode Input Into Table

Feb 21, 2006

I guess this is pretty fundamental but I cant get it right! I want to search for a member by post code so I need to have validation for my table field post code so that when my parameter query accepts the post code input records will be returned covering all input types e.g. Users can put in CF72 (space)9AD or CF729AD and still get the same records or alternately how do I make users enter Post Codes with the correct UK spacing i.e 4 characters a space then the remaining characters?

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User Input From Textbox To Table

Oct 9, 2006

I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a postal code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?

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User Input From Form To Table

Oct 9, 2006

I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a zip code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?

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Lookup Value From A Table To Input In A Query

Oct 11, 2006

I am building a mortgage/amortization database and I need to look up the "points paid" from another table and also the "adjustment to margin" based on the points paid and the index, "MTA" or "COFI". I have no idea how or where to write this lookup. Any suggestions?

Thank you!


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Modules & VBA :: UPDATE Table From Input Box

Jan 13, 2015

We receive hundreds of items at the time capturing the item barcode and the userID. I want to improve the process capturing the UserID once and updated the table with this entry on all empty records on the table. I have created the following script but I doesn't work.

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strUser As String

strUser = InputBox("Scan your badge")
strSQL = "UPDATE " & tblGER_ReceivingLog & " SET " & tblGER_ReceivingLog & _
"." & UserID & "='" & strUser & "' WHERE ([" & tblGER_ReceivingLog & "]. & UserID & is null);"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Deletion In Table From Input Box

Mar 1, 2015

I'm having trouble executing a SQL command in VB... I want it to find the the value of the input box in TBL-Purchases and Delete all related values. Here's my code.... I get an error on the line I've highlighted in green...

Private Sub Command31_Click()
Dim Message, Title, Default, MyValue1, MyValue2
Title = "Sell Stocks"
Default = ""
MyValue1 = InputBox("Which stock ticker name would you like to sell?")
MyValue1 = UCase(MyValue1)

[Code] .....

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How To Input Text From Textbox Onto Table

Sep 19, 2011

I have a table with a field named 'Comments'. On the form, I would like to have a text input and a command button. After the user enter the comments onto the textbox and subsequently click on the command button, the comments will be input onto the 'Comments' field of the table.

Q1. How can the text box be link to the 'Comments' field of the table?
Q2. Only after I press the command button then the input text on the text box will be transfer to the table. What is the command for that?

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Calculated String Input Field In An Input Form.

Jan 30, 2005


I need to create a field in an input form that is simply the concatenation of two other text fields. I have tried all sorts of things, but when I look at the data in the table that field.

I have a field called ID that I want to be created like this:

=Format([UniqueID],"00000") & "-" & [Mosque]

This works well in my output fields, but does not work the same way on the input form. It needs to be based on the currently input values from the current record. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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Reading Appending To A Table, From A Manipulated Input

Apr 1, 2007

I need to grab a record from an input table/record set and de-concatenate it based on the underscore and append each instance to an output table. I know this must be possilbe, we do simular things in GIS programming all the time. Below is my "logic"/psuedo code :)

'loop until end of file
strColumnA = tblNewRelationships.PLACE
strColumnBin = tblNewRelationships.NAMES
'loop until strColumnBout is ""
strColumnBout = Left(strColumnBin, Find("_", strColumnBin, 1) - 1)
strColumnBchop = Right(strColumnBin, Len(strColumnBin) - Len(strColumnBout) - 1)
strSQL = "" 'put strColumnA into tblRelationships_2.PLACE and strColumnBout into tblNewRelationships.NAME
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strColumnBin = strColumnBchop
'end field loop
'end row loop

Any help is seriously appreciated.

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How Do I Read Input Values From Fields In Another Table?

Dec 10, 2007


I have a query which uses manual input on two fields. I would like to automate this query by pulling the input values from another table.

How do I read the input values from the other table instead of having the users type them in ?


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User Input From Textbox On Form To Table

Oct 9, 2006

I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a zip code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?

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Forms :: Save User Input Value Into A Table

Mar 2, 2014

I need saving 2 input fields into a table. Here is the situation



I have a form with a drop down list, to select studentID from tableA. I selected a dropdown from studentID to display Name, and that I tied to txtName

I then type in txtCourse and txtFee whatever value I want, example:

txtCourse = English
txtFee = 50.00

Now, I'm able to transfer studentID and Name from tableA and save to tableB, and delete the record I just selected in tableA.

The issue is, I can't save the txtCourse, txtFee as I don't know how.

Here is what I have

Private Sub Insert_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tableB SELECT studentID, Name FROM tableA WHERE studentID = '" & txtstudentID & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

strSQL = "DELETE FROM tableA WHERE studentID = '" & txtstudentID & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
End Sub

I'm stuck on how to save txtCourse and txtFee into tableB where I have Course and Fee fields.

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Forms :: Sum On A Tab From A Table (Fields With Number Input)

Feb 28, 2014

I have a table that has fields for number input

On my form I have in a TAB form 3 fields to input a figure, in the table these are set up as a Text NOT a Number. If i set it as a Number it keeps rounding up? even after i enforce 2 decimal places it still keeps rounding up.

Field 1 - 42988.62
Field 2 - 0.00
Field 3 - -14330.84

I then created a unbound txtbox so I can add these up


what i get in return is this :- 42988.620.00-14330.84

I also tried =Sum([ResBF]+[ResRefReC]+[ResSurDef])

and that just comes up with #Error

I even tried in the table directly to have a calculated field and still having the same problems.

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Table Column Format / Input Mask?

Nov 21, 2012

I have problem loading data from an excel file in to a table. I usually import the excel file in to a table via VBA script (because there are some changes I need to do before importing).It was working fine until this week when the data in a cell for a particular column in the excel file changed from being 3 letters to 4 letters. The column in the table is defined as text.

The data in this column usually looks like 001, 002, 003 etc but one of the cells in the excel file has data as P001.So now I get an error Runtime Error 3349 even though I have defined the column as text. When I change the data P001 to 004 similar to the other data, it works just fine. Is there a format or Input Mask I can set so that the data are correctly loaded in to the table?Or am I missing something?

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Getting User Input For Field And Table On Update Query

Jun 5, 2006

Is there an easy way to get user input like the parameter value box in an update query, where you want the user to specify the table name and field name to run the query on?

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Setting Text Box Input To Variable Before Writing To Table

Jan 5, 2005

This is the first time that I have done any major work with forms. After I thought I had finished a problem came up. There are several forms that are use to input information into a table. When the form is opened it grabs an automated number for tracking. The problem is, that if the form is opened and then closed it creates a line of data with all null values.

What I would like to do is have the form open, the user fills out the information, and upon pressing the "save" button, the data will save to the table. I think I need to have each text box write to a variable and then save on the click event. Or I could be completely wrong and need to do something else.

i'm guessing this is something I would learn in Forms 101 if i had ever taken that type of course


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General :: Combo Box To Show Name For User But Input ID To Tag Table

Jul 14, 2013

I have a AUCTION form, it has a combo box and the label for this combo box is called seller. This combo box is a look up to the USER table which has the following fields:

uid, uname, city, state

The combo box is pulling and displaying a drop down list of uname from the USER table, with this SQL state in the "row source".

SELECT user.uname FROM [user] ORDER BY user.uname;

In the control source of this combo box I have seller, and the form's record source is AUCTION, tagging on the AUCTION table.

The problem is the form is putting the uname into the AUCTION table's seller field, but I want it to input the uid field, however that it should still show the uname list when the user click on the combo box to make a selection.

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Forms :: Adding A Record To Table From Input Form

May 29, 2014

I have a table with 2 fields in it - Type and Pallet_Case - using a form the user enters the name of the Type and then from a combo box selects either Pallet or Case. There is a button on the form that is to save the new record to the table. (code below) The strangeness that is happening is that when the new record is added to the table, whatever is the first existing record alphabetically in the table is changed to the same Pallet_Case selection that was made for the new record.

I have a list box that displays on the form that is updated after a new record is added to show what records exist in the table (this is done by a query of the table and sorts on the type), so I can see this happening without having to open the table. It doesn't matter what sort order I put the list box in nor the table it still changes the first record alphabetically. And it is only change the Pallet-Case field. I even changed the first record to something else and it still did this.

Dim dbs As DAO.Database, strSql As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSql = "Insert into [PP Type TBL] ([Prepack Type],[Pallet Case]) Values ('" & Me.Type & "','" & Me.Pallet_Case & "' )"
dbs.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError

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Tables :: Field Size Set To Double - 0.5 Is Input But Table Says 2

Dec 20, 2013

I have a form that utilizes a combo box with 2 options: 0 & 0.5. If I select 0.5 on the combo box the field in the table records it as 2. Why doesn't it reflect as 0.5? And how do I fix it?

This is the general info that I have for the field properties:

Field Size - Double
Decimal Places - 1
Default Value - 0

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Modules & VBA :: How To Compare Values Between Input Form And Table

Nov 12, 2013

I am making a dp for end of day sales, and i want to compare data in a table to the numbers inputted in a form and see whether this value is higher or lower. the table displays the target sales figures for each day, and the form allows the area mangers to enter in the current day figures.

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Forms :: Input Record To Relevant Table Given One Combo Box?

Sep 1, 2014

I'm creating a new database that will require a form to fill in creating new records in different tables.

Am I able to have one form that will input the record to the relevant table, given one combo box?

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Input Form For Excel Linked Access Table?

Feb 28, 2014

One of the tables in my access file is a linked excel file. I however now want to create a form with which I want people can enter information in the table. However when I try to do this, it doesn't work. Whether it's possible to create an input form for an excel linked access table?

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