Just Dont Add Up

Mar 7, 2006

heres one that just don't add up
from the beginning,
i've got a form that puts data into a table from a text box named txtcomments, the table allows 255 chars to be stored the comments are show later using a copy of the input form, all this works great. now i'm taking this data and inserting it into another table using sql inset in the vb editor so i can play with it and leave the original in tact everything works fine on my test machine but when i transfere the database to the server i am only permitted to enter 127 chars in the text box i've narrowed it down to the sql statement and know that where the error is occuring ive tried deleting things and reinstalling im just going round in circles and when i transfere the database back to the test machine everything works fine the test machine uses access 2003 but the server uses 2000 this is the only differance

any help would be god like


ps sql statement as follows looks fine to me,

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblHistory VALUES([txtcomments]);"

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I Dont Get It....

Apr 28, 2006

Been using simple access for a while now, and this problem is new on me...

Ive got two tables. One has data listed by OLD MATERIAL number (material) and the other has the new Material Number to convert to...

I wanted to simply add a column onto the table to show the new material number (just like a vlookup in excel)...

the odd thing is, i've done this loads of times before and tis worked... Anyone able to help?? :confused: :confused: :confused:

SELECT [2005 DATA].*, MatConversion.[WDB Material], MatConversion.[wdb name], MatConversion.Category, MatConversion.Conversion
FROM [2005 DATA] LEFT JOIN MatConversion ON [2005 DATA].Mat = MatConversion.[Celtic material No];

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Dont Know How To Use Code

Nov 18, 2005

I have a problem that seems like it could be very similar to this post from a few years ago
My problem is I dont know how to use Access other then open a program. This is for a customer and they dont know how to do it either as someone else devoloped their database.
Basically it looks like the database is corrupt but I can not open it using a newer version of access because it has some permissions and I dont know how to go about making my access "look" like the other computer.
Any help is appreciated

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Dont Think Access Can Help, Well Not Sure

Dec 10, 2005

Hi all,

I created a database for my company and it works very well but, I need it or something to track the way I pay comisions. Its a type of multi-level company and pay rates vary. Also, once someone hits the top level they now join in profit sharing. The profit sharing part is the tough part becase say person A is at the top he is a team leader and he gets money not only from his sales, but also from the people in his group below him. It must also be able to pay the correct person if someone quits, say Person D, the system knows that it all off person D's people under him go up to person C now. I hope this isnt to confussing, but im starting to confuss myself as im trying to set this up.

Is access able to keep track of an organization like this or should I try to use something else?



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I Dont Know What I Want Is Called

Feb 6, 2007

What I want to do, is have an unbound form, user enters data in to it, then clicks on a 'save' button which then writes the data to a new record within a table

I have got no idea what it is called so find it hard to do the search.

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I Just Dont Have A Clue Of How To Do It

Jun 19, 2007

Im trying to make a simple database in access , so far all is going well but im stuck with the inventory.
I have "products" table with Id [autonum],name[text],price[money], provider[number], stock[number]
Providers table with Id[autonum] ,name [Text],tel[number],
Employes table with Id[autonum], name[text],tel [number]
and i have Sales table with Id[autonum],date[date],employer[number],product[number],quantity[number],total price[money]

I have relationships between table.provider and provider.name then sales.employer with employer.name and sales.product witht products.name.

Now what i want to do is that every time that i make a sale it modify my stock number on the products table. I think the proper way is just to calculate stock every time i need it but i dont know how to do that either :D
Ill upload my db but i have to tell you that is in spanish so if you haveany question im here to answer.Thanks a lot to all

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Rounding Up When I Dont Want It To!

Sep 13, 2005


I ve performed a query on a table and now have a set of results which is fine for example £1.56, £1.98, £87.90 (ive set the values in to a currency format), now i want to calculate the total so i have run another query on the last and used 'sum' in the 'total' this calculates the value but rounds it to the nearest integer for example 91!

the thing is i have done this many times before and havent had this problem! i cant understand it, its seriously doing my head in. Ive tried allsorts including the 'round' function which doesnt alter it.

any help would be appreciated



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Simple But Hard If You Dont Know

Jun 10, 2005

I have created a database in which I have three Fields.
1. Date Joined
2. Renewal Date
3. Member/Renewal

When I type in the date a person joins our club, I have made the renewal date come up displaying a year ahead, when renewal of membershiip is due.

I would like to be able to put in the date joined date and have the field 3 show Member and then when the renewal date is reached, to have in automatically change to Renewal.

It is probaly a simply formula but I can not get it right.

Please Help.


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Access 97 Dont Works

Aug 16, 2005

I have installed on my PC, WindowsXP sp.1, MSaccess versions 97 and XP.
After I have tested some databases, MSaccess 97 don't works successfully more, but XP version works good. I can't modify files mdb. Access works like in run-time mode: bars and commands reduced, standard icon of access absent, database window absent, ecc.
If macro autoexec or a form that play at the start of mdb are present, mdb works but it is impossibile to modify it. Otherwise mdb dont works, I can see access window with only menu files and window.

I have removed access and after yet installed it, but it don't work successfully.

maybe other application leaved files (or modification in file registry) that install procedure of access97 cant rewrite? And that dispose access 97 to work in run-time mode (or like)?

I am hopeless. Can You help me? Can you give me a list of files to remove, or list of modification to do in registry?

Danit :

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Dont Delete A Record

Aug 17, 2006

Hi guys,

Could anyone give me a solution to protect a table and all the records in there so they can never be deleted when being viewed.

Many thanks, Ben

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Forms Dont Work

Mar 9, 2006

please can some1 help??
i created a form using wizard to display the information in three tables but wen the form is in form view theres nothing displayed yet in design view all the information is present. please please some1 help:(

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Test! I Dont Have Access And Need Help Bad Plz.

Oct 30, 2004

1.) What is the File Extension associated with Microsoft Access database files?.........MAF or MAD

2.) A Field Name may contain a maximum of ________ characters.

3.) A ____________________ determines the kind of values that users can store in a field.

4.) A Field Description is required for all data fields......T/F

5.) Use of Field Descriptions dramatically increases the size of the database and, in general, should be avoided.....T/F

6.) FirstName, PhoneNumber, and ZipCode are fields which typically include an Input Mask.......T/F

7.) A Field Name is required, but a Field Caption is optional.....T/F

8.) A 5 digit Zip Code should use this Data Type......

9.) An INDEX speeds up updates, but may slow searches and sorting on a field.......T/F

10.) A Default Value is a value that is automatically entered in a field for new records......T/F

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Need To Calculate Costs Only If Not Empty,dont Know How

Aug 14, 2007

I have a variable cost that is a calculated field (as in the colum only exists in a query not as a colum in a table) that is variable hours * variable rate....the problem is ppl at my company sometimes dont know how the costs are goign to be broken down so they only put a Variable Cost....

and since they dont know the rate and hours my calculated field returns nothing...

how can i accomplish this, VBA might seem the way to go but i don't know how to use it for Access.....

so basically i need to calcualte the variable cost only if they enter something in var hours and var rate...other wise the var cost should just be what the users type ( so i i guess i have to make Var Costs a column in the table to give users the option of entering it)

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Inner Outer Right Left It Works But I Dont Know Why

Sep 16, 2005

I have a qry I need for picking the info for sending a series of letters out. I finally got it to work and now Im wondering if there is a better more efficient way. The qry I call to generate my report calls on information from 10 other queries and 7 tables. Some of the other queries are needed for other sub-forms that rely on the data. Is this something I should change? or just be happy it works???
-Dan :D

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Newbie Dont Known Where To Start My Query

May 28, 2006

Hello, Really hope someone can help me.
I have 2 lots of info in 1 table - nameley customer address & posting address

I need to print a form that always has the posting address on the same side. but in some cases if the postal address is the same as the customer address then it is not filled in. hope this makes sense:

Please Im Really stuck

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Access Dont Want To Save Query Changes

Sep 15, 2006

I'm trying to save a change made to a sql statement in an access query but everytime I save it and close the database, when i open it up back again, the query returns back to the old unchange sql statement like it never got saved. I checked the user permissions and they are all checked (no restrictions). Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

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Why Queries Dont Display Certain Records.

Dec 6, 2006

ok.. here is a pickle..my table layout is like so..http://www.londonheathrowcars.com/hoo.jpgthe job table stores the main job details.. every job will be in this tableSOME jobs will have incoming flight details... some wontSOME jobs will have outgoing flight details.. some wontSOME jobs will have incoming AND outgoing flight details.. some wont have anyalso SOME jobs (credit card jobs) will have credit card details.. some wontthis is the general problem i am facing..there are 2 records in my job table..jobref no. 020jobref no. 021jobref no. 020 has incoming flight details.. outgoing flight details.. and credit card details.. which means... the job ref no. 020 is present in all 4 tables..jobref no. 021 has incoming flight details.. it does not have outgoing flight details or credit card details.. which means the job ref no. 021 is present in the job table and the incoming flight table onlyi want to create a form that displays every field in the database..my idea is to make a query using all four tables.. and then the form will display the results..HOWEVER!!!!!!!!the form will only display the job ref no 020.. because job 021 is not present in all the tables...why.. is there a way around this.. cant it just display both records and if job 020 does not have card details.. just leave those fields blank.. then on this form.. if i happen to add card details to job 021.. it will just create the record in the card table using the same ref no..is that clear.. someone please enlighten me

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Dont Know Wether To Use Count Or Total

Mar 8, 2007

here is a screenshot of 2 of the tables in my database. i would like a query that would count up the amount of times the clientno appears in clientmeeting table. e.g c001 appears twice in the clientmeeting table and i would like to show this in my query. But also i need it to be general so that it will work for the amount of time c002 c003......appear. does anyone understand what i mean and know how to help?

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Dont Allow Record Edits After A Certain Date

Feb 8, 2005

Hi all,
I have a form that is used to Enter and Edit records. At the end of a record is a "shipped Date". This is blank until the item ships. I want to make the entire record editable up until a date gets placed in this field. Is this possible? and can editing of the record still be done maybe at the table level?


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I Want To Avoid Using DSUM In This Form. Dont Know How!

Aug 15, 2005

I have a form based on a lengthy SQL query.

I have several controls in this form whose control Source has the following formula:

=Nz(DSum("Capital","Capital_Act","DatePart('q', CVDate([Capital_Month] & ' 1')) = 1 And [projectid]=" & "'" & [projectid] & "'"),0)

When I navigate from one record to another record in this form, the values in the controls take a looooong time to populate (most of the time they come up as blank and when I move my mouse over that control - the value gets populated....this is slow !!!).

I believe this is happenning because I am using DSUM function all over the form.

What is the fastest way to display this control WITHOUT using DSUM?

Many thanks!

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Help-dont Understand Dlookup In This Situation

Jan 17, 2007

Hi i'm after some time saving advice

i'm writing an Access database to quote for windows & doors,
there are many variants like style, width, height, glass types, security specifications and about 4 other options.

what would be the best way of working out how to add the extras for each option,

The price would be based on the style first, then depending on width and height, then on what options were ticked . i.e securtity spec yes/no, then on what glass type, the price gfor that would be based on the entered width x height etc.

is it possible to do a look up, like you can in Excel where it looks at at grid/matrix based on style number and width x height to get the price, but then how would i get it to add the other options which will depend on size and number of openings.

any help greatfully received.....

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Division By Zero Error But It Works When I Dont Have Any Criteria

Jun 22, 2007

I have made a query with to take the percent difference of two mileages and then if they are greater than 2.5% to put a 1 or if not a 0. I try and put a 1 in criteria in order to only see the ones that are changed by greater than 2.5% and I get the divide by zero error. Any ideas how to fix this problem.

Here is my IFF statement

diff: IIf((Abs(([Mile1]-[Mile2]))/[Mile1]>=0.025),1,0)

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How To Import Txt File That Dont Have Delimiters (Seprators) In Access DB

Apr 3, 2008

How to Import Txt file that dont have delimiters (Seprators) in Access DB.:confused:
Actually iget this file from server...and every time i have to do it manaually.
I need to automate this....please help

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Show Records That Dont Equal Todays Date!

Apr 11, 2006

One the face of it it sounds quite simple - i have a table that holds various bits of info about a customer but also a field that contains a holiday period - what i want to be able to do is show all records that do not equal todays date.

So if today was 11/04/06 - and one of my customers had 11/04/06
as one of his holiday days he would not appear on the report but all the others would.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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Comparing 2 Tables And Listing Records That Dont Match

Jun 19, 2006

Very new to access, I need an easy way to compare 2 tables with a common field (the name field) and list just the records that appear in the second table but not the first (primary) table.

Please help, thanks.

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If Some Text Boxes Empty Dont Allow Other Fields Access

Jul 27, 2005

Hello Friends,

Thank you for all the help i have gotten over the past couple days, as you can tell i am new and seek somebodys experience and wisdom to solve my issue.

I have a simple Form, That allows the users to enter contact information.

At the very top I have "Name" and "Age" and below it i have other fields such as Address, city, state, etc...

How can I make it so the user does not have access to the other information until they type in BOTH fields "Name" and "age" first.

Can somebody please show me how the Code might look like.

Thank you for your time.

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