Kindly Check What Is Wrong In Checking An Excel File Open Or Not

Sep 17, 2004

halloo everybody
Here is my code to check an excel sheet wether it is open or not.
It is working good in the following situations.

1.if the excel file is not yet opened. then it is opening and bringing a value from some cell of the sheet1.
2.If the file is already opened and not yet closed. it is not opening again it is understanding that the file is already openrd and bringing the cell value.
3.It is working when it is closed by the user and again clicked the button to open. It is opening and bringing the value.
4.NOW the problem starts.
IT IS NOT WORKING , If I click the button again to open. It is opening another copy of the same file. I did't understand why is it working perfectly? before I close the file and not working if I close the File.

please kindly check my code and respond to me .
here is my code but it is not working when the file is already opened.

Private sub Cmd_Click()

Dim XL As New Excel.Application
Dim wbk As New Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As New Excel.Worksheet

WorkBookName = "Book2.xls"
If Not WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName) Then
chk = 1
Set wbk = XL.Workbooks.Open("C:Dokumente und EinstellungenKiran KarnatiDesktopEXCELBook2.xls")
Set wbk = Workbooks(WorkBookName)
End If

Set ws = wbk.Worksheets("Sheet1")
If chk = 0 Then
With ws
Label48.Caption = .Cells(1, 2).Value
.Cells(1, 3).Select
End With
With ws
Text49.Value = .Cells(1, 2).Value
End With
End If
XL.Visible = True

Set SA = Nothing
Set XL = Nothing
Set wbk = Nothing
End Sub

Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean
'Returns TRUE if the workbook is open
WorkbookOpen = False
On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen
If Len(Excel.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then
WorkbookOpen = True
Exit Function
End If

End Function

Thank you.

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Modules & VBA :: Excel File When Formatted In Access Shows Wrong Number

Nov 7, 2013

I am opening an excel file from access and changing the formatting from "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm" to number with 15 decimal places.Then I am linking the file to the database and subsequently doing a lookup on the date time on the access form against this table.The excel file when formatted from vba in access shows the wrong number

datetime = 03/05/2013 11:26
database number = 41397.4763888889
Excel file number = 41398.4763888889 (which would equal 04/05/13 11:26)

now if I do it manually then I get 41397.4763888889 or if the macro is in excel I still get 41397.4763888889.Also I have tested the code with manually editing the excel file and this works fine.

Private Sub Command288_Click()
Dim s As String
Dim t As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
s = LaunchCD(Me)
MsgBox (s)


also this brings up a form and then I select the field required for the lookup and with the button is pressed the rest of the code runs as follows.

Private Sub LoadData_Click()
Dim w As String
w = Forms![frmList1]![Combo0]
w = "[" & w & "]"
Dim dtA As String


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Open And Excel File W/ Command Button?

Nov 3, 2006

I am trying to open a workbook with a command button on a form however the path to the file is giving me a fit. The path for the file location contains spaces and I am going blind trying to figure out how to rectify the path. Heres the line. I am sure someone here will see this problem quick! Thanks.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click

Dim stAppName As String

stAppName = "Excel.exe N:OPSCOMMONOpsResearchContact CenterDI CCL Reporting dBApps by Agent.xls"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command0_Click

End Sub

Heres the mess I made out of it:
stAppName = "Excel.exe N:OPSCOMMONOpsResearchContact" & Chr(32) & "CenterDI" & Chr(32) & "CCL" & Chr(32) & "Reporting" & Chr(32) & "dBApps" & Chr(32) & "by" & Chr(32) & "Agent.xls"""


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Command Button To Open Excel File

Nov 15, 2006

Is this possible? A command button when click will open an excel file... :rolleyes:


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Open Excel File Stored In Access Database

Feb 8, 2007

I need to open an Excel file that has been stored in the Access Database using the insert Object functionality of MS Access manually.

What i am aware of is that i cant just read the field containing the Excel File into a Byte Array and pass it to the Excel object in C#,as the file is wrapped in the OLE Wrapper used by Access while inserting the file in database.

I have tried locating the Header of Excel file from the byte array and read the file from there on but it is not working.

while (true)
if (0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 == BitConverter.ToUInt64(byStream, i))
output.Write(byStream, i, byStream.Length - i-1);

byStream is a byte array into which i have read the Excel file from Database.
I am locating the Excel file header in the byte stream and am writing the byte array to a file from that location.But on opening the written file it dosent work.
Similar approach had worked in case of Images but now in this case.

Can some one please tell me as to how i can open the Excel File.
Can I use Interop.Access object to achieve the goal??

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Open Dialogbox To Select Excel File To Import To Mdb

May 4, 2006

i have this small code to import excel data into mdb file:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
"datapub", "D:datapubcolumnar.xls", True, "datapubcolumnar!"

But I want to improve by call a dialog box for user to choose excel file.
Could anyone can write this code for me.
Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Closing Already Open Excel File From Access

May 25, 2015

I want to delete an excel file from within access vba. Problem is that if the file is open, it obviously cannot be deleted. so I need to check to see if that specific excel workbook is open and if it is, I want to close it before I can delete it.

All of the answers here involve creating an excel object and opening it before closing it. If I do that all that happens is a second instance of the workbook opens then closes leaving the originally open workbook still open.

Sub xx()
Dim XLapp As New Excel.Application
Dim ObjXL As Excel.Workbook
Set ObjXL = XLapp.Workbooks.Open("C:dropboxexcelimport.xlsx ")
ObjXL.Application.Visible = True

[Code] .....

The above code demonstrates my problem, if the import.xlsx file is already open then the code just opens another instance of this workbook and then closes it again leaving the original workbook open and as such cannot be deleted.

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Checking Multiple Check Boxes At Once

Mar 10, 2005

Hi there,

I have several check boxes, that are however categorised, in my form. I was now wondering, in order to save some time, how could I make a check box that marks/unmarks all the boxes under that specific category ??



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"Check If File Is Open" Quandry.

Jun 16, 2005

Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Set objExcel = New Excel.Application
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = objExcel.Application.GetOpenFileName("Select CSV file, *.csv", , "CSV file")

MsgBox "File is currently open. Please close and re-run this program.", vbInformation, "Program Error"
GoTo end_:
Set objworkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strFileName, , False)
objExcel.Columns("A:B").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
objExcel.Range("A5").FormulaR1C1 = "Account No"
objExcel.Range("B5").FormulaR1C1 = "Invoice No"
objExcel.Range("A6:A" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("D1").Value
objExcel.Range("B6:B" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("F1").Value
objExcel.Rows("1:4").Delete Shift:=xlUp

objExcel.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close True
MsgBox "CSV file formatted.", vbInformation
End If

Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objworkbook = Nothing

Hi there,

I use the above code to open any CSV file, format it as required, then close/save it.

What I need to do is to find out if the file I have selected is already open and, if so, not to proceed with the code (see If "FILE NOT OPEN" line above).

I have tried several statements but am having no luck.

Thanks in advance,

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Checking For Attached File

Jan 25, 2005

I would have thought this was easy, but I keep getting an error.
I have a form with a save button. When the save button is clicked, I want it to check if user has attached an OLE object to a bound object frame. If they have, I'd like a checkbox to be true.
Here's the code I tried:
If Attachment.LpOleObject = 0 Then
Attach.Value = False
Attach.Value = True
End If
This seems so incredibly straight forward and it does work if there is an attachment. If there isn't I get the message that my database can't retrieve the value of this property.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Anyone Can Kindly Help Me With This?

May 2, 2007

I tried this code and get an error but it can insert into database which the Subject and Problem_Type in database with data Testing, Testing.

Before this my database was empty with no records.

Sub Test_Click()

Dim ADOConn
Dim RS
Dim strSQL
Const adStateOpen = 1

Set ADOConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

ADOConn.Provider = "Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0"
ADOConn.Open = "C:UsersintermDocumentsDatabaseTask Data.mdb"

Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Data (Subject, Problem_Type) VALUES ('Testing', 'Testing')"

RS.Open strSQL, ADOConn

End Sub

After this I check the database, the database shows:

ID Subject Problem_Type
1 Testing Testing

I find it wierd how come it can insert successfully but shows a msg saying:

"Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal."

P.S. This is link to Outlook. Thanks in advance.

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General :: Checking Specific File For Documents With Same Name

Jun 4, 2014

I have a button that when pressed it checks a specific file for documents with the same name (example: Test, Test 1, Test 180, ect...)

Dim StrFile As String
StrFile = Dir("C:UsersJohnDesktopTest*test*")
Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
Debug.Print StrFile
MsgBox StrFile
StrFile = Dir

The problem with this is if there are 2 files with Test (Test, Test - Copy) It gives me 2 separate message boxes. The first with Test. Then a second message box with the second file, Test - Copy. I want to combine both of the message boxes in to one. So the message box would look like:

Test - Copy

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Modules & VBA :: Checking In Two Tables And Display Result In Excel Sheet

Sep 2, 2014

I want VBA code that will perform the following steps. The Table1 has following fields:


1. First of all look into Table1 the scandate<=29082014 and then check if there is No NewBatchNo of the corresponding record then capture its corresponding BatchNo of each record whose scandate<=29082014

2.Then check for the batchno that we have captured in another table Table2 and if its present then return corresponding PolicyNo. Now keep on searching that policy no in Table2 as it could be present 50 times in the table and then return corresponding batch numbers in excel sheet of that Policy No as below:

BatchNo - Policy No - Batch No1 - Batch No2 - Batch No3 ---------------

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Access / Excel VBA - ActiveCell Refers To Wrong Workbook

Jul 22, 2014

I have a procedure in Access that exports three reports to Excel, combines them in a single workbook, and then applies Excel formatting to some of the sheets. This procedure works the first time, but if I run it again it fails. In particular, I notice that things like "ActiveCell" and "Selection" will continue to refer to the previous workbook (dim xlWkb), even though I've activated the current worksheet/workbook.

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlBwkb As Excel.Workbook


'BillingTemp, etc. are defined earlier in the procedure. I essentially am exporting Access reports to temporary Excel files, and then opening the files and putting them in a single workbook.

Set xlBwkb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(BillingTemp)
xlBwkb.Sheets(1).Copy After:=xlWkb.Sheets(1)
xlBwkb.Close False
Set xlBwkb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(PrismTemp)
xlBwkb.Sheets(1).Copy After:=xlWkb.Sheets(2)
xlBwkb.Close False


'After combining the exported reports into one Excel workbook, I apply some formatting to some of the sheets.

Dim i As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim b As Range
Dim lastRowB As Integer
Dim Indication As String
Dim ws As Worksheet


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Wrong Record Selected From Macro Of Open Form Button

May 1, 2012

I have a parent form showing some of the contents of a single record in a parent table. This form contains a button that opens a specific subform (using an IF statement based on the contents of another field in the parent table/form. There are actually any of 8 child forms/tables that could be selected and the related record is in only one of them. The relation between the tables is based on the PK of the parent table and the related FK in the child table. and the data is correct in all tables.

My problem is that when I run this button on the parent form/table it returns the appropriate form/table, but displays the first record rather than the related record. In the past (using this same process) I have been successful in getting to the right record by fiddling with the where statement (sometimes putting in a equal sign or taking it out fixes the problem). However, no matter what I do to the Where statement nothing works. I have not yet placed the final else condition for where the form selection field (VMValIdentType] is empty yet as there is no point at this time.

Here are the button macro contents:

If [VMValIdentType] = "Software"
Form Name: tmpVMValSW
View: Form
Filter Name:


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General :: Batch File To Check (version) Of A File?

Aug 28, 2012

I use a batch file to distribute the front end of a database application. Currently, everytime the user clicks the shortcut on her desktop, the batch file executes and copies the front end from a network location to user's local machine. The FE is updated like every couple of days. The users run the database more frequently.

I would like to modify the batch file so that it checks some attribute of the FE file to decide whether it needs to be updated. I can't rely on file size, since the FE includes temporary tables. I essentially need something like the "tag" property of form controls, only for files. It would be ideal if it was me who sets this property, like "version number". Except it has read without opening the file itself.

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Push Data From Current Record In Form Into A New Excel File, Using Excel Template

Sep 10, 2007

I searched the archive and didn't find quite what I was looking for, so..

I have an Excel 2003 spreadsheet work-in-progress being used as a template (developed by others) to prepare project cost estimates in a complex regulatory environment. We are 'modelling on the fly' for a number of projects until we are comfortable with the estimate model, after which time I intend to incorporate our 'stable' estimate methodology into Access. Meanwhile, I am 'stuck' with the Excel spreadsheet.

I have a project tracking database (Access 2003), and I want to be able to track my estimates. I do NOT want to embed my spreadsheets into the db, just a filelink. There can be more than 1 estimate per project.

Ideally, the user should be able to define a project in the Access db (or select one already defined) and click a 'make estimate' button, which would generate a new Excel file in a predefined directory (based on the present version of the .xlt file), give it an appropriate filename (based on the Access ProjectID and estimate sequence number for that project if there were others already), open up that workbook in Excel, and then autopopulate some cells based on information showing on the original form in Access!

A separate button for 'Open existing estimate' will eventually be required, but I think I could do that if I can get someone to walk me through the steps required above.

I am somewhat familiar with vba in Access, but am an absolute rookie when it comes to excel.

Edit: I left out that I would also add an appropriate record to a table like tblEstimate which would contain the link(s) to the estimate(s). This table will obviously contain a FK to tblProject

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Linked Excel File - Excel Date Field Translated To Text?

Mar 23, 2006

I have an excel file linked to a table in Access. Several fields are date data types in excel but are showing up as text fields in Access.

My real goal is to do a comparison between two tables, but only if the date of the one piece of data is newer than the other. I had planned on comparing the two date fields but even though I have formatted the date fields in my excel file to be "Date", when I look at the design view of my table it is showing up as "Text" and therefore I am unable to do this comparison.

I'm not sure if it's just something that I'm missing but maybe someone else knows an easy fix to this. I know this is probably a simple question, but I did search the forum and didn't find a thread that specifically dealt with this issue.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Modules & VBA :: File Open Dialog Does Not Allow Selection Of All File Types

Oct 4, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Here's my code and a screenshot is attached.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show

[Code] ....

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Text File To MS Excel Multiple File Import Application

Jul 20, 2006


I would like to automate something presently done on a one-by-one basis. Here: a number of text files(containing data) are to be exported into an MS Excel file, with each text file to occupy a different worksheet. Presently, the idea is to use the Data/import external data/import data feature of MS Excel for importing the text files one-by-one into newly created worksheets(within the same workbook).

I would appreciate some advice on how to go about creating a useful MS Access application to achieve the above. I have checked the available Macros in MS Access, but I could not find one to suit my purpose. can anyone pls assist, on how I can get started?


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Modules & VBA :: Determine Excel File Type Without Opening The File?

Aug 14, 2015

Question: Is it possible, using VBA, to determine the actual Excel file type without opening the file?

I receive data files from other departments. Seems like every time someone changes their download structure, I end up with file types that do not match the download extension (example: xlm file with a xls extension). The files can't even be opened because of this. I think I can fix it if I could figure out how to determine what the file type really is.

I'm using Office 2010.

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Backup Current Access File Using Vba While The File Is Open

Jul 11, 2007

I have a button in the form of the current access file. What I want to do is when the user click on the button,
triggered the vba to backup current access file. But since the file is currently open, is this possible? If yes, may I know how to do it with vba?

I have tried two methods but failed:
1) Use copytofile method, but I get permission denied due to file open;
2) Use dbengine.compactdatabase method, but it also has problem if the file is open.

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Open Text File Using Only First 7 Characters Of File Name

Nov 7, 2013

I need to open and process the data from a text file on the network.

The first 7 characters of the file name will be the same every day.

The rest of the file name will change from day to day.

There will only be one file in the folder that has those first 7 characters.

There are a total of about 120 text files in the folder every day - give or take - including the one I need to open and read.

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General :: Open Save File Dialog - Select File From Text Box And Save To Selected Location

Aug 8, 2013

I need code for save dialog file ,and select the file from textbox and save it to the selected location.i have only this code and i dont know what else i can do with this because it just opens the save file dialog !

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Use Check Box To Open Forms

May 25, 2006

I have a main form with 2 check boxes. The title of the first box is Manufacturing and the title of the second check box is Purchased. I have 2 different forms based on the titles of the check boxes. After the user checks one of the boxes, I want the user to click a command button which opens the correct form based on the box checked.

Using the On Click for the command button, I created this code, with no success:

Dim stDocName As String

If Me.Check14 = 1 Then
stDocName = "frmManufacture"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
If Me.Check16 = 2 Then
stDocName = "frmPurchase"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
stDocName = "frmError"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
End If

End Sub

Thanks for helping with this problem.


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Check If A Form Is Open.

Sep 7, 2006

Hello everyone,

I have a question:

I have a form in wich I can add and edit employees.
I can open this "employee" form in 2 ways:
1. From another form
2. From the mainmenu

When I close the "employee" form I want to check if the otherform (1.) is open. If it is open I want to requery the other form. If it is closed I don't want to requery the other form.
How can I check if the other form is open?

I hope that you guys can help me and thanks in advance,

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